The Outlandish Oddone's journal

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Wednesday, March 27th, 2002
2:54 am - Tuedays now officially ROCK!!
Okay, get this outta the way up front.

Thank you, Joe.

What you ended your comments with, that little bit about me being a good human being. That was great, and that really touched me. And hey, if you're cool with being alone, then I'm cool with you being alone. You should check the comments in the last post. My LJ friend Sommer(aka prncessothedawn) left something you may want to ponder.

And also(I think this is VERY important, so read carefully) I can be a bit of a Bastard, but I NEVER MEAN IT!!! Never. I'm just a very flippant guy, and I just call people mean things as jokes. I apologize if I've ever offended you.

Also, yeah, Danny and Jess have a negative thing going on. But I love both of 'em, and will do what I can to help them out when they need it.

And finally: you, sir are the absolute epitome of what an Aardvark should be.

Okay, mega recap:

I didn't do jack shit.

I mean, work, come home, go to work the next day: such is my lot in life. The reason I wanted to move in with others is because I felt it couldn't do anything but improve my social standing.

Which brings us to....Today!!

Got up at 1:30 p.m. or so. Wasted a *hell* of a lot of time.

Got around to doing my laundry at 3:30....only to find that some bastard had left his stuff in all three of the washing machines!!

This person didn't take them out for an HOUR!!

It just pisses me off so damned bad. I mean, when I do laundry, I check every half hour. I also make sure I leave at LEAST one machine free if someone else in the building needs to wash!!

I'm just pissed because I missed the first hour and a half of Sommer's show.

But I got there, and on the second computer I tried, was able to chat with Sommer and the ever effervescent lizzieb. Good music, fun DJ Banter, and the conversation I had with Lizzie was a hell of a lot of fun.

I even got to see pictures of Lizzie and sommer....


In a completely platonic, friendly way, of course!:^)

Amazing, Sommer, Lizzie, Xenia....I'm surrounded by beautiful

It's enough to make a grown man want to cry.

At any rate, I once again walked home from the University(Except this time it was ALL my fault. I just dilly-dallied online for too damned long after I stopped chatting with Lizzie...)

But I tell ya what, I can't complain. It was just about PERFECT out tonight. Utterly lovely, and the thirteen blocks was great exercise.

I may just walk home every tuesday night.

Tomorrow may well be a double reckoning, thought:

1. CPU. Maybe.

2. Jess. Definitely, if she shows up....

What, me worry? Yes. But I can't see any other options, this is just too important a decision to make any other way.

I pray I still have a friend after all's said and done.

Off to bed.

Oh, before I forget: Check out to find out about Sommer's cool show!! She's listed as Princess of the Dawn or Sommer or something...I'm too damned tired to look it up, plus I'd lose all the text I just spent so much time entering....

current mood: blank
current music: Sting: That song about that river that flows...

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Friday, March 22nd, 2002
2:35 am - Been a few days, hasn't it?
Okay, stuff's happened since saturday. I've just been too busy *doing* it to update the journal.

But I'm free now, you lucky people!!

THRILL as I visit the home I'm going to try and talk myself out of in the next week!

REVEL in the coolness that is prncessothedawn(aka Sommer)'s Radio show!

MARVEL as, after two years, my PC finally nears completion!

CLICK on the stupid LJ cut tag already!!

Come on, you know you want to... )

current mood: tired
current music: Metallica: Nothing else matters.

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Tuesday, March 19th, 2002
2:18 am - I'm pretty okay.
I've been good lately.

Got paid. Spent another $40 on a Bus Pass. Lost said Bus Pass within half an hour.

It's okay.

I've got money to last me until next month. I'm *pretty* sure. You know what? I should get one of those *things*....what do you call them...oh yeah A WALLET. Might be fun, who knows?

Bought food. I've got plenty, so I'm happy on that front.

Haven't been getting a lot of hours at work, but I think I'll be okay.

The concept of this Wednesday scares me. But I have to do it. I'm as close to resolute on this as I'll probably ever get.

I have enough money for the CPU. The Computer will not be denied!

The University Library has returned to regular hours. I get to hear Sommer's radio show!

There's more...but it's really unimportant.

I'm good.

current mood: good
current music: Industrial music on the Local Community Radio Station

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Sunday, March 17th, 2002
12:20 am - WOWOWOWOWOW!!!!



Ladies and Gentlemen, I may have seen one of the absolute greatest comedy sketches of all time.

It was beautiful.

It was enrapturing.


If Saturday Night Live is any kind of barometer of what's in the public consciousness, Doctor Who is STILL COOL!!

....or at least still worthy of being mocked...

Anyway, here's the skinny:

They had this little skit, and it was two guys talking about comics. Then they talk about what movies should win the oscars. That bit was introduced with the classic TARDIS moaning wheezing sound, which I just loved.

Anyway, they just said "Lord of the Rings! COOL!" So, I thought "Okay, this skit is just going nowhere."

A few seconds later, Ian Mackellen's character is walking full early Tom costume!

They introduce him as a guy who does impressions of Doctor Who(I hate it hen people do that. The *show's* name is Doctor Who, the *character* is "The DOCTOR!").

I was at this point just in fucking awe. I mean, really, Doctor Who, even with the successful novel line and the Audio Adventures breathing all sorts of new life into fandom, has always been an absolute CULT in America.

And here was one of the biggest shows in the world, making fun of it.


It's just cool that people can remember, and in some cases, try to apply it to today's culture, even if it is in parody.

Ian as Doctor? I don't know....but he looked great in a reasonable facsimile of Tom's duds.:^)

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Saturday, March 16th, 2002
12:21 am - Plans within plans....
Okay, recap for today, and then on to the meat of it:

1. Got paid. I deposited my check. The teller was kind enough to tell me I've been overdrafted *eleven* times with this account, and if I just got a credit card through the bank, it'd improve my finances. Thanks. I already tried that not too long ago and was rejected.

2. Ate food. Bought a couple magazines. Took the BUS to work and dear God have I missed you, my lovely, smoke belching, mechanical beast.

3. 6.5 hours. They are *really* cutting down time at work. People were being let go after less than two hours of work....however, I'm not too worried because:

4. I had a supervisor sit me down and talk with me today. Apparently I've been late more than twice in three months. Two reasons I'm not worried are (a)I have about 7 more warnings to go before I'd be even *considered* for termination. and (b) She said I was a really good employee and meant it.

5. My schedule has reverted to its pre-christmas state. SLEEP GOOD.

6. Got off work, bought myself dinner, and came home.

7. Oops, before I forget. I finally have enough money to get a CPU. My computer should be up and running by the end of the month if everything else falls into place.

Warning: deep thoughts inside )

current mood: thoughtful
current music: Noel Gallagher: Teotihuacan

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Saturday, March 9th, 2002
11:52 pm - My stupidity knows no bounds.
I just get so tired of it. Things go wrong, and it's never pointed back to anyone but me.

It would be *nice* to have someone else to blame. Just once, to point the proverbial finger and shout "YOU! You did this to me!".

Instead, all I can point to is my own constant ineptitude, my incredible ability to sabotage myself at any point I can. All the negative energy is just reflected inward, and sometimes I can just feel the pain.

So, today, at work, I look through my bag for something to red.

I find my old Walkman.

YES, the one I thought I'd left in Jim's car. And yes, the one I paid $50 to buy a replacement for.

It was just deep in my bag all along.

And that $50? Wasted. Granted the old Walkman was broken sixteen different ways, but the radio still worked, and that was all I needed.

And that $50? That probably would have kept me out of my current money crisis.

NO. I can't return the other walkman. I don't have the receipt. I threw it away because I thought the old one was lost for good.

So I just threw the old one away. It was partly broken anyway.

If I had just searched for FIVE GODDAMNED MINUTES. That's all it would have taken to find it.

I'd have some money now. Enough to buy bus fare until my next check came.

As it stands, I don't even know how bad off my account is because when I went to check the account, the ATM said it couldn't process my request.


No-one but me. My stupidity. My inability to think my way out of a fucking paper bag.

It's the *consistency* that gets me. That's what makes me feel useless. It's not like this is some terrible, isolated incident. I'm always losing or overspending or doing God knows what to fuck up my life.

I'm starting to really hate myself. It's getting to the point where I just don't think I'll win. Ever. I'm in the same hole I've been stuck in my entire life, and all I seem to be able to do is dig deeper with every common, stupid act.

I'm tired. Walking to work took a lot out of me. Especially the areas that were inclined and covered with ice. I had to hold onto something and take slow, deliberate steps to make sure I didn't hurt myself.

They kicked me out just before I finished my seventh of eight possible work hours.

The walk home was better; the early spring sun had melted most of the ice.

I tried to comment on other people's journals. I realized a lot of the anger I felt toward myself today was showing up in those replies, and I wasn't going to ruin their day just because I had a bad one.

I try not to just hate myself, but it's so hard.

I mean, it's such a stupid, infantile mistake! Every time I even start to think about it I just can't help but mentally beat myself up a little.

So incredibly stupid, and it's cost me so much.

And, like always, no one to blame but me.

current mood: enraged

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Friday, March 8th, 2002
11:29 pm - Nothing.
I took Xenia's gift of a free day off from work today.

Okay, explanation:

Last night it snowed. Probably the last great hurrah of winter. There was over half a foot of the stuff outside, and it was coming down nice and thick.

No way in hell was I going to walk to work as far as I do in *that*.

So, I called in, used up some of my annual leave, and stayed home.

Defrosted my freezer, only because the ice had grown so thick the door wouldn't close.

Found out the Cookie sheet I bought the last time I went grocery shopping is almost too big to be useful.

Went to the library. Printed up about 70 pages on the writing and production of Radio Plays. It's something I've wanted to do for years now.

Other than that, not a damned thing. Where could I go?

Anyway, it's not really a bad thing: Because I used some of my annual leave, I was paid for all eight hours today. Considering i probably would have only worked *half* that in order to get home at a reasonable hour, I just consider today a mini vacation day.

I needed it.

Still, work tomorrow, and everyday after. That means I'm off to bed.

Also, two things:

1. I should have lj cut the last entry, I've just noticed it's far too large. Still, it's too late for anyone to care.

2. I may well change the theme of my journal to "Refried Paper". It's brand new, and is more readable on my TV screen than my current theme.

current mood: contemplative

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Thursday, March 7th, 2002
11:16 pm - It's all about perspective.
I feel that, in this life, when you're given a challenge(Or as the case may be, a group of challenges more hideous and trying than all the "Police Academy" movies combined.), you can have one of two reactions. Either you:

1. Cry(And randomly kill people)


2. Laugh.


"Yes, folks, it's wacky madcap fuckwit hilarity at it's best on the 'Oddone can't help but fuck up!' show!"

Well, every day you learn. Today I learned:

1. I got Overdrafted! AGAIN! Granted it was kind of stupid to believe that I could keep less than a dollar in change in there and *not* enter the glorious world of bankruptcy, but hey, I also believe I'm going to lose my virginity before I die...

2. I realized I *can't* make money, even by selling my blood! remember: I didn't just lose my Bus Pass, I also lost my State I.D. and I bet the people at the Plasma Center would like to have some form of identification before I start pumping out the Plasma...

(Well, I still have a Government Issued Identification card in the form of my Postal Worker ID...I do wonder if they'd take that.)

Okay, I'm reallyreallyREALLY trying to be positive about this. So, in the interest of not becoming Homicidal(Because let's face it, if I go out I'm taking every one of you fuckers with me; it's the Postal Worker Way.)

1. All my bills are paid. All of 'em, including rent.

2. I have food. Enough to last me some time.

3. I am not(Nor have I ever been, even under the influence of hallucinogens and/or psychotropics) William Shatner.

4. I have good friends. They bought me dinner Wednesday night(All you can eat Mongolian Barbecue! Tasty....), and genuinely enjoyed my company.

Four to two. I guess this means I'm happy.

Anyway some other Wednesday stuff:

I went over to Jim and Bently's place. It's REAL nice. And Bently owns like twenty computers. Granted most of them are ten year old mac clones, but *still*! They even have a computer hooked up to their TV! We watched some fucked up videos...I honestly think that's a prerequisite to "Hangin' with the guys": You have to watch videos with stuff like Whales being blown up and Cats running into walls at mach 17.

Anyway, this place is Manvana. They've got comics and RPG supplements and computers(Even an Amiga!) and Videogames and anime and all SORTS of cool shit, just sitting around!!

And there's about to be a vacancy!

Although no, I'm not in, not yet....

First off, their other roommate doesn't leave until one of those damned "j" summer months: July or June, can't remember. Also, they offered the room first to Aaron.

And remember I said I'd try to move in with Jessica and Patrick?

Still, it *might* happen:

1. Aaron's got this privacy thing going on. Whoever moves in has to sleep next to Jim. Cool by me, I slept with a brother up until I moved into this apartment. He might be willing to give up if I can finesse this right...

2. Jess and Pat will hopefully understand if I'm HONEST. Although one "But we really need you to make this work!" and I'm in with them.

Nothing wrong with that, of course! It's just....

I've seen the hills of Male Heaven. It's filled with fun movies and games and comics....and I'd only have to cough up $300 a month for EVERYTHING!!

Oh, the mind boggles child, it surely do....

Today? Meh. Worked. Went home after four hours. Didn't start hailing until I was almost indoors anyway.

One scary thing hough: I find I can't really listen to NPR anymore. It's starting to put me to sleep. This is no doubt an effect of having to get up extra early for the couple hours walk to work, but still...

I'm going to be okay. I know it.

Off to bed.

current mood: mellow
current music: Jewel: Standing Still

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Wednesday, March 6th, 2002
8:29 pm - I'm not as angry as I *was*, thank God...
Jessie is the Red Headed Goddess. She told me to type that. I do agree with her, though....

I'm at club. It's been...nice.

But something happened today that'll effect me for a while.

I'll be kind, and LJ-cut all the bitching, for once.

Let the bitchfest begin! )

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12:30 am - God bless electronic music.
Well, I'm listening to one of the albums the guy at Uprok told me to buy when I visited their shop during the Olympics...not the best thing ever, (Which is basically what the guy claimed) but a barrel of fun none the less.

Got up *late* today. Didn't even get out the door until 6 p.m. Paid rent(Was *almost* late) and went to the library.

Next paycheck finishes my computer. Either that or...

Call me sick, but I want an imac.


The last computer I had daily access to was an imac. it did what I wanted it to do and did it well. The ability to burn DVDs would be cool also.

They're damned spendy, though. Even with Apple's financing, I'd have to pay $40 a month for five years...I wonder if I can upgrade in that time?

There's no way I can come up with $1800 to just go out and buy one though. Still, it's what I'd like: Minimal fuss, and the ability to do what I'd like to.

It'd be a web box, really. I'd still buy PCs for Video Editing, the Radio Plays I still want to make with friends, and 3D.

It all seems so out of reach. Like I'd need a few other jobs to do what I want.

At this point, I just tell my self "Have faith(In what? Well, me. I haven't believed in God for over a decade now.), and persevere."

I'm okay.

Anyway, I'm going to bed NOW, dammit. Tomorrow's Wednesday, and I want to show up to club early for once. 'Night.

current mood: contemplative
current music: Trance CD I bought at Uprok

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Tuesday, March 5th, 2002
2:15 am - Sing it with me now!: "Takin' care of business..."
Again, I was able to work without giving in to early outs and whatnot.

They threw me out after seven hours(As opposed to the scheduled eight) but hey, can't stop them from just kicking me out.

Work was work. I was *tired*...couldn't concentrate enough to listen to NPR...scary....still, one fact that bugs me:

ABC is thinking of getting rid of Nightline!!

I don't care *what* they're replacing it with, Nightline is one of the last bits of respectable news programming available on commercial lose it...

David Letterman is FLUFF. He doesn't inform, doesn't enlighten, and is generally only good for the occasional laugh.

What does it say about our society when we'd rather have fluff than be challenged?

Anyway, went grocery shopping. I know have less than a dollar in my checking account, but I've got *everything* I need...


Shampoo, and *conditioner*!! Haven't had the later for some hair is getting long though, and I can't manage this huge mop with shampoo alone...

I've got $40, but that's for the electric bill(Which I lost the last two months in a row before I could pay it. Needless to say *this* one's in a safe place, and will be payed promptly tomorrow.).

After that, I'll just have a few bills 'round for laundry.

I'm actually quite happy. I can't think of anything to buy that i truly need. Also, I'm not overdrafted, but at the same time it's just impossible for me to impulse buy. How rare. How wonderful!

Tomorrow is Tuesday, a.k.a. Slack-off-like-the-sad-little-bitch-I-am day...I'll be heading up to the University Library to use their Supercomputers an see just what the hell their post Olympic hours are.

Off to bed!

current mood: happy
current music: Prodigy: Firestarter

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Monday, March 4th, 2002
12:23 am - Meh.
Got to work fine/listened to NPR/was able to get bus/got home fine/went on mini food binge at 7-11/had testicles stolen by Hamsters etc.

Right. Well. Stuff.

I get to pay rent tomorrow.

I am *insanely* tired.

Off to bed.

*GROAN*. No. I'm not going out like that.

I'm starting to realize I have this incredible urge to communicate, but I don't actually have anything to say.

It doesn't even annoy me so much as I find it pitiful.

Show on NPR yesterday: They were talking to people on board an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf. Most of the people there were a couple years younger than me.

I was shocked, then saddened.

I do think it may be time for a change. Something earth shattering, something that takes me out of my Comfort Zone and right into the middle of stark, real life.

It's a nice, idealistic dream.

The problem(And I think this is a problem with life in general) is that Semantics Make the World Go 'Round.

You have to eat. Have shelter. Clothes. It's usually healthy to have a well adjusted psyche, so you can add friends, family, loves, and all the peripherals it takes to maintain those(Money, commitment, etc.).

I'm temped to...

And that's usually as far as it goes. I honestly haven't the foggiest idea what I *could* do at this point that wouldn't jeopordize my precarious financial position, and the fact that with my work schedule I'm not around when most things *happen*.

It's restlessness. A nervous energy that flows through me in fits and starts, pushing me to...well, dance. And sing. And walk around my apartment very fast, talking to myself.

Just as quickly it's gone. And I'm the drained me again.

I've no idea what it all means.

Am I on the cusp of greatness or simply exploring the realms of my mediocrity? Don't know.

Part of me(The insane, compulsive, unthinking, change needing part) wants to go and join the Peace Corps.

I don't even know *how*, but from what little I've heard, that's getting whacked upside the head with a sledgehammer. Like completely unlike anything.

And part of me wonders if that part of me doesn't just always over inflate all my wants and needs.

I'm in this *haze*. I know I'm different because I don't see it in most of the other people I know. I'm slower, sadder, more tired more often.

And I have this dream. That one day, I'll wake up, and whatever it is these other people have that make them go out into the light and smile, I'll have figured that out. That it'll all be clear and wonderful and I won't have to be sad over nothing anymore.

I hate being sad over nothing.

Okay, it's getting late, I've work in the morning. Somehow i doubt they'd accept "Late night Woolgathering" as a reasonable excuse for not showing up.


current mood: drained

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Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
10:30 pm - *SHEESH*.....
Y'know, it figures: The day I decide "That's it, I'm going to get as many hours under my belt as possible!"

That's the day I'm late.

Okay, I got up early today. Had to, if I wanted to buy a new Walkman.

It's not easy, working without a walkman. The sound of 500 people typing, devoid of almost any other noise...well, it puts you to sleep, really. For the past few days there have been a few times where I had to will myself to type until my next scheduled break.

So, like I said, I got up early to fix that little problem. Went out, and bought a new walkman.

Ye Gods, the selection was horrid. It's sad really, I live next to three malls(Two of which I have to walk through to get to work) and I can't get a decent selection of Walkmen to save my soul.

The choice: Either one like my previous one($20) that literally fell apart on me a few days after I bought it. Or a new one($40) that I didn't know anything about.

$50 later(Had to buy batteries.) I've got a new Walkman.

Now, Sony *invented* these Goddamned things, you'd think they'd know how to make them right.


This little monstrosity has to be one of the most ergonomically flawed, user unfriendly devices ever inflicted on an unsuspecting Human populace.

I had to read the instruction book to know where to put the batteries....

But, after that, I rather liked it. I have station presets, which are nice(NPR to Heavy Metal in 0.3 seconds!), and it fits nicely in my hand.

It's a keeper, because I'm not choosy.

So I run out to catch my bus, yeah? No bus. I figure "Hey, I'd better call and say I'm going to be late!" I call. I call so long that I almost miss the next bus... picks up. EEEEP! So, I just get on the bus rather dejectedly, and fear what might happen.

See, I've had another problem with being late less than ninety days ago, and that means a possible suspension. Just when I had resolved to work every hour I could. Perfect. I don't like to believe in any kind of "Fate", but I couldn't help but look up and see whether or not God was laughing.

Got into work. The Manager said "Oh, yeah, the phones haven't been working all day. You're fine."


After that work...was work. They said everyone could go home if the *wanted* to...I didn't which I think is great. Great stuff on NPR. I was forced out, but I had only been scheduled for fifteen more minutes more of work anyway....

I can do this. Except tomorrow, because I refuse to walk home for two hours in freezing temperatures...but hey, other than that...

I'm feeling good. I've got money, I've covered my responsibilities, and my work ethic seems to be returning.

Now if only I could get a life so I wouldn't have to spend half my entries talking about a new Walkman....

current mood: okay

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12:16 am - My hours are back...kinda....

So it goes like this:

There is a list at my job. It's called the "early out" list.

It's both a blessing, and the ever present bane of my working existence.

You sign it, your name, your pay location, your time of begin and end tour. They call your end tour, you can go home.

The call it most nights. It's hard for me to not sign the damned thing. I'm weak. Fine, not something we don't all know from looking at my life.

But do they have to make giving in so easy?

Today, they said anyone, *any* end tour, could leave at about 2:35 or so. You had people who worked until 11 p.m. hauling ass out of there.

I hadn't signed, of course. If I do sign(Which is more often then I'd like to admit) it's after lunch, which is four. But I thought "Hell, they're letting people out, maybe if I just *ask*?"

Thank God I couldn't.

It was so stupid of me. I just wanted out, not thinking about the monetary consequences.


Work, to me, is about suffering. About going in, doing what you need to do regardless of the circumstances or inconvenience, and just DOING it.

I haven't been living up to my own standards.

I keep saying it: The change starts with me. I have to just *DO* my job for the foreseeable future, because it's what I have, and I doubt I could do better in my current state.

Funny thing today. I was talking to one of our Managers(Ryan) and he said that people come to work from 45+ miles away.

That thought struck me as either being supremely masochistic or fucking bonkers....

"Well," He said "You guys get paid a lot to just sit on your butts and key mail."

He's right, damn his eyes. We get payed well. I've only been able to be self sufficient since I got this job. It's not strenuous in the least...

And that's my problem: I need interaction with people. I like variety in te work. So far it's been three years of the *same*...

But it's what I have. I've been such a pathetic wimp. I whine about what I have. What I have is great.

Nothing spectacular, and occasionally I'll hit some very dire straits, but it's what I have.

I'll never learn to love the job, BUT:

-I will no longer sign the early out list except for Sundays, because I get too drained from the walk home.

-I will try not to complain.

Living where I do, in the way I do...I'm part of the top 10% in the world. There are billions who would think nothing of killing me for my "meager" existence.

I have been pretty damned ungrateful for my life.

No more.

current mood: determined

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Friday, March 1st, 2002
12:01 am - They're taking away my hours, the BITCHMONKEYS!!

So, got up a little late. Went to work.

They sent me home after only four hours.

Feck. Feck! FEEEEECK!

And of course I didn't even get to do anything other than eat because by the time I got home, it was time to go back and get my paycheck...

Much larger than I expected by the way. There may be some books in my future...

*Sigh*. Well, if it happens tomorrow, I'll have nothing to I might be off to the University, where they have nice computers. They even have all them IM thingies I heard so much 'bout....I just may try to look some folks up. But then, the Uni's web site hasn't updated what their non Olympic hours are, so I may be screwed on that front.

Meh. It's like a twelve minute Light Rail ride either big loss.

But I'm worried. I do hope my hours increase soon.

Tomorrow, I must awaken early, in order to deposit my check and get my Bus Pass and Rent payed.

Off to bed early tonight.

current mood: distressed
current music: Some funny song....

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Thursday, February 28th, 2002
1:05 am - I love Wednesdays
Got up late. Got laundry done.

Got out the door at 6 pm, just when club starts....


No, that doesn't make me mad. What i did later makes me mad....

I ran into the room we were in and got everyone to cheer my entry. That brought my spirits a hell of a lot.

Talked to some people.

Jess and Pat are still looking for a place suitable for the three of us. They've found a couple. One would cost me $300 a month, which I'm quite alright with. The other I didn't find out much about.

Good to see things moving forward on that front. As I've said before, I think it'll do *WONDERS* for my little social life. Or make me insane. Well, considering I'm still "With it" mentally(At least by any legal "This is how fucked in the head you've gotta be to be psychotic" scale I know of...) after three years in the Postal Service, well...I hope I can take it.

They invited me to eat with them. I declined thinking another group would go out to the Chinese Place again.

In hindsight, I should have left with Pat and Jess...

P-chan was there. Dunno why people call him that...actually I think it has to do something with someone calling him "Pig Boy" at some point...

Never quite sure what to make of the guy. Then again I never really see him, so...

Danny and Holly seem insanely happy. Perhaps even more so now than since the last time I saw them. I have the best of hopes that they'll be great together for some time to come...

Jim has a plan. He wants to open a Game Shop in Seattle. He's written a *very* good little plan down: What products and services will be available, what the place will be like to it's customers, etc. He still needs to figure out the business side of things, but that'll come in due time.

It may be somewhat evil, but I do hope this plan doesn't come to fruition for a few years yet. i'd like the guy to stay for a while, he's just the best...still, if anyone can pull this off, it's Jim!

He also gave me a book: "What color is your Parachute". Very good self-help he said, which is what I could use now more than ever, probably.

I intend to read it every free minute I've got.

Want to know something funny?

It's an Anime Viewing Club, but I never actually watch the stuff.

Oh, I love it, love it to death. But Wednesdays are days I go and see people. Sad thing is once I see those damned computers...well, that's it. I'm off on the web, abusing their fast lines. Looking up sites that I can't even see on my Shitcast.

Still, I got to catch up with most people.

Kim seems drained. I do hope she's okay.

Anyway, club ended, and I thought a *bunch* of us were going to The Chinese Place.

Just me, Jim, and Bently.


I mean, I had a *hell* of a good time, and the food was spec-fucking-tacular. But I think I missed out by not going to Jess's place with the small entourage she managed to wrangle up.

I'll have to think more carefully next week.

Anyway, the Chinese place was delicious. I ordered two entrees. Now, by entrees, I mean that these are supposed to feed a a few people.

I was hungry. Bite me.

I had the Pork Spareribs and a whole fried chicken(Or maybe it was a half...I'm not sure from the presentation). Wow, I am full. Bently had the Duck(after they ran out of whatever he wanted originally). He shared...and I've never had Duck before.

Odd. Different, yet familiar. It's something I'd have again, but not alone.

Jim had a bunch of oysters. Not certain I liked that.

So we ate. Talked. I was too loud, but I'm always too loud.

Bently is having someone make a Tom Baker Doctor Who scarf!! granted it's only ten feet long, but hey, you gotta start somewhere...

Jim took me home. And here's the stupid part....

I left my Walkman and Headphones in his car!! I work tomorrow, and frankly, having to do a 8.5 hour shift at the Postal Service without something to distract is not a fate I'd wish on William Shatner....

Still, the Walkman *was* falling apart in a bad way. I should have replaced it months ago. So I'll probably buy another tomorrow.

I get paid tomorrow too. Only the Rent/Bus Pass check though. I'll have *some* money leftover, but not much. I'll be fine.

Off to bed.

current mood: satisfied
current music: Incubus: Drive

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Wednesday, February 27th, 2002
2:00 am - Oops...
I posted that last one a little early. I wanted to see if I'd gotten the LJ-cut tag right...I didn't.

But some folks might've read a *very* incomplete post. Just a heads up.

current mood: embarrassed

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1:40 am - And on some days...some days it's enough fo me to just get out of bed.
The problem is that the ergonomics are all wrong.

In my Apartment. I don't have furniture, save a barstool, and inflatable matress and a green upholstered chair.

In order to type for long periods(i.e. a large recap journal entry), one should be able to sit in such a position that they can type comfortably, accurately, and quickly. I don't own anything in my home that allows me such a position.

That, and, even though the dreamcast browser *works*, it doesn't format all the text in this entry box correctly, so I'll be editing just as long as I type.

So, yeah, that's why you're not getting an Olympic Review, for yet another day.

The University won't be going back to a regular lab schedule until tomorrow...pity I wanted to abuse their computer labs today.

Dear God, I need a desk.

I'm laying in bed as I type this.

Although I'll move to the chair in a second, becase typing in bed like this isn't *nearly* as comfortable as I thought it'd be.


A little about the Olympics, maybe... )

current mood: tired

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Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
9:04 pm - I'll update, I swear...
This week has been....tiring. Draining. i'm not really sure how I feel right now.

All I know is that I'm not in the right frame of mind to write. I just can't clear my thoughts enough. I need more sleep. And I finally bought some(Two sixty capsule bottles) of Saint John's Wort. I'm hopeful that it'll improve my mood in general.

Tuesday. Tuesday I'll go to the University, use their *computers* and write up a recap post so huge it'll make your head explode.

Right now I've got to try to get some sleep. Tomorrow is the last day of the Olympics, and I plan to party as hard as possible.

I'll need sleep for that.

Oh, and before I forget: Hey JOE! Club is definitely on for this Wednesday, I expect to see you there!

Off to bed.

current mood: drained
current music: Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody

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Thursday, February 21st, 2002
1:46 am - Le*SIGH*....
So, I thought I was going to do one of those super giant "What I've been doing these last few days" posts...

But then I realize it's a quarter to two and I wanted to be in bed nearly two hours ago...

Tomorrow, promise.

This is just to let the world know I'm still alive...

Oh, and Joe: Next Wednesday? We on or what?

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