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Scott Freeman

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Plans [25 Jan 2002|09:57am]
[ mood | bored ]

So, what shall I do today then? I think I might get a hair cut - they're always fun.

And that's it.

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You're right [25 Jan 2002|01:14am]
I shouldn't beg, really. :)
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[24 Jan 2002|02:04pm]
[ mood | rejuvenated ]
[ music | Blink 182 - Everytime I Look For You ]

I'm making a new tape for the car - this one is mostly punk music and stuff, so that's cool. The next one I'm doing will be chillout and ambient. And then maybe an alternative one with things like Beta Band on it. And maybe a dance one. Who knows. It's all good fun.

So, as soon as this tape stops, I'm going to Tesco to get some more food. So I'm sipping some tea and waiting for time to pass. I'm kind of hungry, but there's nothing in to eat. I might go next door to the post office and get some crisps or something like that.

It's all good fun. Isn't it?

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It's Thursday already?! [24 Jan 2002|11:02am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | db Boulevard - Point of View ]

Had the best dream ever. I was in some kind of University, and I had to carry this huge back pack around, crammed with stuff. And I parked my car in parking block QYZ but I couldn't get to it, because of the tide. So I just jumped over the barrier and got my feet wet. And the professor was so tired he fell asleep at his desk. And other stuff, but I forget now. All I really remember was the totally cool vibe I got from it.

Plans for today, then? Well, I really do need to get some groceries in. Even if I can't do it, my grandparents have said they'll help me out. I think this is the plan...

> Shower
> Dress
> Eat
> Wash dishes
> Grocery shop

Makes sense to me, anyway. But I only just woke up, so give me a moment to compose myself.

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My Future Ass [23 Jan 2002|11:54pm]
[ mood | amused ]

I'm going to get a tattoo on my ass. It's going to read "Your Name". Then I can say "I have your name tattooed on my ass" to various people.

Thank you, MTV Jackass, for the idea.

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[23 Jan 2002|10:24pm]
[ mood | nerdy ]
[ music | Radio 1 ]

People of the Internet! I want a decent webcam for my birthday present. You have until the 22nd of February to satisfy this desire deep within my soul.

That is all.

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db Boulevard - Point Of View [23 Jan 2002|08:28pm]
[ mood | chilled ]
[ music | db Boulevard - Point of View ]

This song is really cool. Download it, it rocks. Cool lyrics, too. You should live your life through them when you're upset or depressed. Just look at things in another way, from another point of view.

I don't have a cent. Will I pay my rent?
And even my car doesn't work.
Me and my man - he's the one to die for - we have split up.

Can't you see? Life's easy.
If you consider things from another point of view.
In another way. From another point of view.
In another way. From another point of view.

I see life in light, all the colours of the world.
So beautiful. Won't you come with me?
I see birds in trees, all the flowers of the world.
So beautiful. Won't you come with me?

In another way. From another point of view.
In another way. From another point of view.

Can't you see? Life's easy.
If you consider things from another point of view.
In another way. From another point of view.
In another way. From another point of view.
In another way. From another point of view.
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EVERYONE! [23 Jan 2002|07:35pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Taken right from doctorbob

Attention all! Practial Joke on Radio 1 alert

Can everyone do the following? DAMN IT, I'M TV's NOEL EDMONDS, I DEMAND YOU DO THE FOLLOWING! (preferably asap, certainly before 10pm tonight)

e-mail with the words:

"I know Doctor Bob. He's a pretty cool guy, but sometimes he goes into shops and takes stuff without paying. There was this one time he burned a shopkeeper who tried to stop him. But other than that, he's cool."

My logic: If enough people do this, it will annoy and confuse Radio 1 legend John Peel. And he may read it out on air, which will outdo the Janice Long stunt by miles.

Cheers! I love you all :-)

Save some time ... this might not work on all E-mail clients ... Click here to do it automatically!

Spread the word -- tell your friends. Then listen to Radio 1 (listen online if you don't live in England) after 10pm GMT. See if we get Doctor Bob mentioned on-air.
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It's A Skull [23 Jan 2002|05:17pm]
[ mood | predatory ]
[ music | House of Pain - Jump Around ]

Amiga Power fans will roll around with nostalgic laughter at the subject of this post. Everyone else will be confused or not care or decide to wage war on me or prepare their dinner.

I posted the doctors note to Derek, so they could pay me for not going to work. Hurrah! But seriously, I am quite ill, as I was horribly reminded of. Ghastly.

I went to the post office (about 10 doors down) to get stamps and envelopes. And there was a gang of people there - about three lads and a girl. And this girl seriously eyed me up. Twice. Going to and coming from the post office. But, alas, I had to walk past her a further two times to actually post the letter. I'm sure it's not my imagination, but she really checked me out.

I must be hot. Damn. When did that happen? Actually, I feel loads more self-confident. Watch out, soon I'll be going to pubs and stuff and chatting to ladies! That still scares me.

I was going to go to Tesco today, but I decided against it, because of the reminder of being unwell. Tomorrow, then. I do need to wash the dishes though. Gross. I hate doing that. I like it when it's done, because it's all clean and tidy and finished. I just hate the floaty food bits. I'm going to invent something - like the thing in those coffee pots, that squash all the coffee grains to the bottom so they don't get in your drink. Or whatever it is.

I played C&C;:TS online today. It's good fun, but RA2 is simply a better game. I want the proper version of RA2 so I can play it online.

It's my birthday in less then a month. Buy me things, and I'll spare your life.

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Why oh why? [22 Jan 2002|09:05pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Why do men wear stupid toupees? They're so obviously fake. It makes me want to rip it off their head, and stamp on it, and pretend it's a rat.

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Haha! [22 Jan 2002|11:28am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Stereophonics - Too Many Sandwiches ]

The AA came and went. I was right - the hand brake things can stick to the wheel hubs over time, and he suggested that if it was being left undriven for more then a few days to leave the handbrake off and put it in gear. How odd. I think if I leave the car, then I'll have the hand brake on half and have it in gear. Just to make it feel like I'm doing it normally.

Drove it around the block with the hand brake half on, as instructed, and all is well.

Gave the lady next door her delivery of wine she missed when she was out. Chatted quickly about the flu thing and that they had it too, but they had a bad cough. She said a spoonful of pickled red cabbage really calms it. Interesting.

Going to potter about until after lunch, then I might go to Tesco to do some shopping. We'll see. I feel so much better for going outside.

I fancy a bit of C&C;:RA2.

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One of the best scenes ever [22 Jan 2002|10:51am]
[ mood | amused ]

Bender: Wait! So people will pay good money for romance? I think I have a scheme of deviously clever that I --
Judge: $500 and time served.
Bender: Stupid anti-pimping laws.
Bender (to Leela): Well, pay the man!
Robot Hookers: Bender honey, we love you.
Bender: Shut up baby, I know it.

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Damn car [22 Jan 2002|10:36am]
[ mood | sadistically amused ]

Okay, so I went to get in the car. I've not driven it for about 9 days or so now, so I'm worried it might not start. I was proven wrong, since the car purred to life first go.

I select reverse gear, lower the hand brake, and move away.

But the car doesn't move away. It's stuck. Odd, I thought to myself, as the car rocked on the spot - unable or unwilling to budge.

Moving the car in first or reverse yielded the same results - the car dipped, not moved. Just as if the hand brake was on. For those of you with cars, try moving off with the hand brake fully engaged. You'll notice the back of the car dips down. The same happened to me - but my hand brake was off.

I phoned mum, and she took me to the doctors. I got the note I need for work (covers me off work until Monday 28th!!), and a "it will be gone soon enough" monotone words of encouragement from the stoned-looking doctor.

Came back home, and phoned the AA. I don't have home start on my membership, so I enable it at the cost of £30 or so. The AA man will be here in about 30 minutes to go "oooh, your hand brake looks like it's stuck on, let me bash it with the handle of this really big screw driver until it's loose".

Today is just great.

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Doctors Today [22 Jan 2002|07:52am]
[ mood | irate ]

Going to phone the doctors at 8am to make an appointment to see him today. Still have the same problems, and it's annoying now.


That's all.

Update: The doctors office opens at 8:30, not 8am. Stupid person who told me 8am.

Update: Appointment at 9:50am.

Update: All ready to go, and it's 9:12am.

Update: Favourite Futurama episode is now "The Deep South", series 2 episode 16. It's too damn funny, especially the opening bit where they're all fishing. Funniest single bit might have to be where Bender writes "honk if you think Bender is cool" on Amy's back in sun block.

Update: Going to the doctors now.

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Wahoo [21 Jan 2002|04:26pm]
[ mood | full ]

I have 43 Futurama videos now. Forty three. That's 2.9Gb of Futurama. Wow.

I'm going out for a quick walk, I think. At least to the shop on the corner for some bread and stuff. I am worried about tonight.

Update: Got bread and milk. Don't know why I got milk, I'm not going to drink it while I'm unwell. I'm supprised I didn't get lost, what with not being outside in ages.

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Doctors [21 Jan 2002|11:16am]
[ mood | thirsty ]

Phoned the doctors up. Apparently, I have to phone between 8am and 10am to get an appointment - all the other spaces are emergency and I can't get seen today. Damn it - what a load of crap. But, what can you do?

So, up early again tomorrow to get a doctors appointment. It's all the fun of the fair.

It feels like I have gastroenteritis, and I've had it for 10 days. I was off work on a week last Friday with it, remember? Nasty.

Going to shower and shave in a bit, but first I'm going to get another drink of herbal tea and watch a Futurama video. I've almost downloaded every single episode now. Great.

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Today [21 Jan 2002|09:06am]
[ mood | thirsty ]

Woke up at 6:30am as the alarm rang out. Instantly, I needed to rush to the bathroom. I decided there and then that it's a good idea not to go to work today. Instead, a trip to the doctors was mandatory, since I will be off work for a full week.

Then I noticed I had a pair of very sore shoulders. Sleeping in weird positions again, obviously.

SMS'd Derek with the bad news at 9am then come downstairs to get a drink. Later, getting a shower and a shave, followed by phoning the docs and getting an appointment.

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Stop Freaking Out [20 Jan 2002|08:51pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | The Hives - Hate To Say I Told You So ]

Ninjas will save you. Keep seeing this around random places, so I am sure you have too. But if not, take a look. Especially the scripts - it's too cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet.

That's enough linking. It makes me dizzy and light headed.

Nothing on TV tonight, and I don't feel like working on any projects or housework stuff now. Not sure what to do, really. Might have an early night - first day back to work from a week off - but it's not even 9pm yet. What am I, some kind of wuss?

Maybe I should snack.

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Boredom [20 Jan 2002|03:46pm]
[ mood | okay ]

New user pics. Getting bored of the Moby ones.

I'll see how it goes.

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Bah [20 Jan 2002|03:01pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

Past, present, future. Was, is, could be. It's really simple.

Watched a bunch of Futurama videos I downloaded. I want to be more like Bender.

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