dOK KroN's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
dOK KroN

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[03 Aug 2001|05:37pm]
[ mood | sober ]
[ music | Kurupt, Nate Dogg - Behind The Walls ]

Leaving in a little bit .. get money for my birthday, acid is about to be rollin in... yay.

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[02 Aug 2001|03:52am]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | absolute silence ]

Blowed out .. just got in .. been high all day .. woo buddy, lotsta hemp today.. friiieed.

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[01 Aug 2001|04:56pm]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | D12 / DaRuckus / Paradime - High ]

If you're on my friends list, and are getting scared questioning as to why you are there.. its cause you have common interests.. it'll be okay, just ... im blowd out.

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[01 Aug 2001|04:35pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Juvenile - Flossing Season (Feat. Big Tym ]

Blah, I'm low on money, and my girlfriend's birthday is tomorrow.. guess I'm gonna have to see what I have in "not-so-cashed funds" (aka: check bongs for unsmoked weed so I dont have to spend the last of my money on weeeeed)

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