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to add to my show goingness desires... [26 Mar 2002|03:11pm]
[ mood | cough ]

@ Slims
*April 28 8:00 PM
NOFX / Rancid
US Bombs • The Real McKenzies [well I already have tickets for this one]

*May 6-7
8:00 PM
The Promise Ring
The Weakerthans

*May 21 8:00 PM
Pedro the Lion
Damien Jurado & Gathered in Song • TW Walsh ($10)

@ Great American Music Hall [it's funny how I question my desire to go to shows here just because of how much trouble I've had finding it in the past]

April 8
*....And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
Bobby Conn

*May 24
Crooked Fingers, Maquiladora
[ooh, they're playing at bottom of the hill too, which cuts out the getting lost factor.]

People should like these bands and come with me.

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AZ breakdown [26 Mar 2002|12:38am]
[ mood | Zzzzz ]
[ music | silence shhh ]

Thursday: Errands to run before leaving. Got my hair cut...the guy was really cool and we chatted about psychology and various odd things....he straightened my hair and cut it dry...interesting...and then when he was done, he told me how much it cost and it was $10 more than I thought and $10 more than I had on me. Doh. I ran to the bank and got money and paid him back. Not going to him again, though. Too pricey.
-Colleen and her friend, Laurel, and I drove up to the Oakland airport. Said goodbye to them and my car.
-Got to Arizona and found Chris at the airport.
-Went to the Lucky Dragon and saw a drunk white guy rapping about peanut butter.
-Met Andy and Tess.
-Stayed up til 5am chatting and listening to Chris play geeetar and stuff.

Friday: Slept in late [or attempted to kind of unsuccessfully].
-Chris went to a meeting and I poked around his computer some and read some of my book.
-Talked to Andy for awhile before Chris got back.
-Dinner with Andy, Tess, and Chris @ the Plaid Eatery.
-Pinback show!! Rueben's Accomplice opened and impressed me quite a lot. They looked more like what I thought Pinback would look like than Pinback did, heh. That other "ensemble" band played next and sucked hard. They had two guitars, a keyboard, a cello, a xylophone, and a bass clarinet. Coulda been cool. They played four "songs" and were up there for much closer to an hour than I would have liked. Pinback kicked ass though! Really good. I need more stuff by them.
-Left there with eyes burning from people smoking inside and went to the party Kristen was having at her house. It seemed to clear out just as we got there.
-Met some friends-de-Chris and watched them be drunk for awhile. All his friends are really nice. So tired.
-Went back to the dorms and started watching The Red Violin, but turned it off when we all started falling asleep.

Saturday: Woke up to Tristan calling to say the radio station he works for had a booth or something set up down on Mill Ave and that we should come get free cds and stuff.
-Walked down there but couldn't find it and so just wandered around looking in bookstores and stuff instead.
-Saw various parts of ASU. Exact opposite of UCSC. Flat, little vegetation, urban, etc.
-Food at Pita Jungle.
-CDs at Stinkweeds [Braid The Age of Octeen mmmm].
-Finished The Red Violin.
-Went over to Matt's place to watch Akira. Drunk people are funny. I still have no idea what was reeeally going on in that movie.

Sunday: Woke up and showered and left for Byline band practice.
-Met Tristan, Jared, and Myc, but not Kellen.
-Watched them "practice" hehe. I was amused anyway. Cool guys.
-Hung around there watching Iron Chef and the beginning of the Academy Awards and were fed by Tristan's mom. Yay!
-Went back to the dorms.
-Watched ,d the short film [correct title?]. Funny, ha.
-Stayed up til around 4am....I suck at cameras are fun...being tickled sucks...I'm all bruised,'re right, I know and I agree but just wish I didn't have to...I should have brought my own sandals...gar...froofy fro hair is a go.

Monday: 6:15am alarm goes off.
-Airport bound by 7am.
-Waited in the long long security check line.
-Goodbye Chris. :(
-Uneventful plane ride home. So tired. So hungry.
-Waited for luggage and for Erin....picked up one and was picked up by the home around...12:30pm [?] "Cali" time.
-Trip complete.

Picture mania time. Huzzah!
those people I just talked about )

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Home. Bleh. [25 Mar 2002|05:26pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | tv in the other room ]

I have returned from Arizona [keep the celebrating to a minimum, please]. Bleh. Would rather be there still, I think. I'll write a slightly more detailed rundown later, but I had a good time. Got to meet many new people and see some good bands [and a shitty one whose name I keep forgetting....Jkskadgjf Ensemble]. Fun. I also got my hair cut on Thursday before I left and have a picture of my hair being the straightest its ever been that I will put up for all you people who care.

I got home and ate food and slept for a few hours [since not much sleep was had last night due to staying up too late and getting up early to get to the airport] and when I woke up my throat was hurting [Noooooooooooo! I was supposed to be all lucky and completely get passed over by the whole thing!]. I'm supposed to be meeting my dad in San Jose in 45 minutes to go have dinner, but I want to take a shower, so he can just explore the intricacies of his hotel room for a little bit longer I think. *nods*
Times driven on the 17 in the last two weeks: 10 [getting/dropping Chris @ airport, dropping June @ airport, dropping Erin @ airport, being dropped @ airport, being driven home from airport] be 12 after tonight [meeting dad @ hotel in SJ] be 14 after tomorrrow [seeing The Faint in SF]. Ahh! NO MORE!
I just want to sleep forever right now.

Ooh ooh! But I was also going to mention that Erin got me a kick ass new belt from Amsterdam...just like the kind I've been looking for around here but couldn't find. Woo! It's great....even if it does fit around my waist one and a half times! *happy happy happy* *hearts* to Erin. :)

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Colleen rocks this much [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [20 Mar 2002|09:06am]
[ mood | thankful ]

[that would have been longer, but it didn't give me any more space to show your rockingness]


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Big sigh of relief [17 Mar 2002|06:30pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | soon to be something good. ]

Essays all turned in and two more written in class for our final. My hand hurts. 13 or something pages in that stupid little blue book. Bleh. But woohoo! I'm done!

Now I take a much needed break wherein I eat foodlike things and listen to music that I downloaded while I slept last night. That's the way to go, I've figured out. And since Erin is not here right now, I can just leave the ol' internet/computer running all night without fear of annoying anyone but out nicely. If you have musical suggestions for's a good time to suggest away. Okay, food, music, and then fun with linguistics begins.

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rainy rain rain [17 Mar 2002|10:25am]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | Cave In - Liiiiiift Offfff ]

It's raining out right now. Perfect day to sit inside and take finals. Awyes.

Last night I dreamt that I was with my family, and my dad and I were sitting outside when suddenly I noticed that this plane flying by overhead had dropped something and it was heading towards our roof. It landed and exploded and we realized that they were bombing us! [They being I don't know who] Another bomb landed close to us, in front of our house, and blew up this little patch of ground there. We all ran to warn our neighbors to grab what they could and get out of there, as we did the same. I remember stuffing things into my backpack. Pictures, journals, my old stuffed penguin, various little things. And I remember looking around my room trying to see if there was anything I would be devasted to lose, but there really wasn't very much. I grabbed my computer [minus moniter] and left. There was more....something about horseback riding lessons and still trying to escape, but it's not too clear. Odd feeling when I woke up.

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*Yawn* [16 Mar 2002|07:52am]
[ mood | chilly ]
[ music | Engine Down - Demure ]

Actually, no, scratch that yawn....I'm surprisingly awake for getting 4 hours of sleep.

I just got back from taking Erin to SFO. On the road by 5:20....back by 7:20. Oh yes. There's always this air of excitement going to the airport early early in the morning for me...even if I'm not the one going anywhere. It brings back memories of living in New Hampshire and being woken up by my mom's whisper while it was still dark outside, saying how it was time to get up now so we could get on our way to Arizona for the holidays. The air is extra chilled and everything feels just a bit off because you are not supposed to be awake to see any of it. Everybody has a hushed tone to their voices...perhaps afraid of waking the world that is still down with the sun. You can feel it inside you, though...that promise of something/someplace new. Exciting. *shivers*

Okay, add that yawn back in there....tiredness just hit me.

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[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Depeche Mode - Blasphemous Rumours ]

Since the Thursday/Open Hand show decided to be sold out [*cries cries*], I'm going to The Faint show @ Bimbos instead!!! Woo! All you people living in decently close proximity to me should go buy tickets and come with me so we can dance and rock and have lots of happy good fun times! And make your friends go too. Yes.

Tuesday, March 26
The Faint
Doors at 7 p.m. Show at 8 p.m.
Tickets are $14.
18 & over are welcome

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There is dog all over the highway [13 Mar 2002|09:25pm]
[ mood | impressed ]
[ music | Bloody Alley Accident - ??? ]

I have grease all over my hand from June's bike and it won't come off.

Today was the last day of all my classes. Woo! Although, I was actually kind of sad that there won't be Linguistics to go to anymore. I liked that prof a lot. I went to Human Sexuality with June and I am so glad I did. One of the options for sections was to perform parts of The Vagina Monologues and The Penis Pronouncements [as written by the guys in that section]. They were so good! Surprisingly so, actually. I want to see the full production of the Vagina Monologues at some point in the future. Haha, some of the guys in the Penis Pronouncements were so the first guy who was a penis at "penises anonymous" whose problem was premature ejaculation. Har...lots of witty plays on words and a rather dramatic ending of him collapsing to the ground and getting up with some sort of goop smeared all over his head. Or the last guy who jumped up on a table and attempted [and half succeeded] in getting the whole lecture hall to chant "I love blow jobs! I love blow jobs!" Hah.

I went and ate at the dining hall [or attempted to] with June, and we were joined by a random kid named Eric [?] and then Abe and this guy from his hall, Forest. I hadn't seen Abe for awhile, so that was nice.

And now I am home and have to motivate myself to really get to work tomorrow on essay writing. Mmmtwo essays due on Sunday and a Linguistics final at 8am on Monday....but then I will be done with this quarter! Sigh.

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Well hey! [08 Mar 2002|06:45pm]
[ mood | surprised ]
[ music | Radiohead - Morning Bell ]

The Faint

03.25 Mon.
San Jose, CA
Event Center - San Jose State Univ. w/No Doubt

03.26 Tue.
San Francisco, CA
Bimbo's 365 Club

Bah! But the one in SF w/out No Doubt is on the same night as the Thursday show! Why do all the concerts all come at once? Weh.

For example:
@ The Great American Music Hall

March 31st
On Sale Now
Giant Sand
**Carissa's Weird**

April 26th
On Sale Now
**The Shins**
Busy Signals

@ Bottom of the Hill

That Thursday/Open Hand show on the 26th

Thu, Apr 11 8 : 30 pm (doors at 8:00)
$8 All Ages
Sunday's Best
Minus The Bear

@ The Catalyst [omg, an actual show in SC?!]
Ages 16+
$14 in advance,
$15 at the door
Doors open 8:30PM
Show starts 9:30PM
Audio Learning Center

But that show is pretty much for sure 'cause it's for Erin's b-day, yay! And they're headlining, yay!

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mek di piknidem plie ina di yaad [08 Mar 2002|03:05pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Au Pairs - You ]

Yay! Happy Weekend Stuff
-"Due to illness, Jerome's 9:30 and 12:30 sections will be cancelled for today. Seminar meets here on Monday." Score! Friday starts early.

-It is a perfect 55 degrees, sunny, cool breeze, clear over to Monterey bay day today. [ay?]

-I will be holding Chris hostage here in Santa Cruz for the weekend. [his shirt, however, will finally be freed from my steely grasp. Grrarrg. *pirate-like sneer*]

-I got Girl Scout cookies in the mail from my mom along with my tax forms [this is good because I get money back this year].

-Some thing in the tank of our toilet broke last night, but now it is all fixed and they also replaced our fan in there and it is SO quiet. Neat! [now if only they could replace our upstairs neighbors]

Boo! That's lame stuff
-Why couldn't Jerome have chosen a day when I wasn't actually fairly rested to cancel class?? I mean, c'mon, he should be making every effort to get sick when it's most convenient for me!

-This is the second time in a week where I've run to catch the Laurel-East bus at the Cowell stop [from the West Cowell stop] only to have them pull away right when I got to the door. Whatthefuck? I know you saw me, Mr. Driverman!!

-I had to wait another 30 minutes for another bus to come that I could take. At least it was nice out.

-Only a little over a week until finals! Ahh!

I hope everyone has a great weekend. :)

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... [07 Mar 2002|11:58am]
Did I mention that I will pay you MONEY?
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Oh yeah... [06 Mar 2002|08:43pm]
[ music | Burning Airlines - Carnival ]

...Anybody want to take me to the airport on Thursday [the 21st] evening? :D


...anybody know somebody who wants to take me to the airport on Thursday [the 21st] evening?? :D


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*shaves head* [06 Mar 2002|08:36pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Tattle Tale - Glass Vase Cello Case ]

Was I not just talking about how I was sad because we got practically no winter here this year? Saying how this warm warm weather is just ridiculous in Feb/March?

Of course I had to say that and then go and straighten my hair [since it's been so warm and dry here lately and all], and so of course, right on cue, it has to go and rain and be all foggy and windy and cold here today.

I love this kind of weather. Just [...and allow me to be girly here] not when my hair is straight! Rar. Why did nature taunt me with straight hair when I was a child only to take it from me after twelve long years?? *hates curls*

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[03 Mar 2002|03:34am]
[ mood | half asleep ]

I believe Amelie is perfect.

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I've lost more than just my ID card [01 Mar 2002|02:07pm]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | printers printing ]

So. I had a dream last night that Chris and Erin decided to get married. And it was weird [because that's not weird anyway] because they had never even met before [in my dream]. And they talked about how even though it wouldn't happen until far into the future, they were still planning it. But then Chris was still coming out to visit me so I had to go pick him up at the airport but it was really complicated getting there. I had to take all these shuttles and walk all over the place, and right before I woke up I was walking along the side of this curvey road in these waist-deep weeds [or maybe they were leaves...yeah, they were leaves] and there were all these cars driving by and it was all freaky and stuff.

Um. I don't know. Erin? Chris? Something you'd like to tell me?

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But I swear it was there last night! [01 Mar 2002|09:49am]
[ mood | ditzy ]
[ music | Moss Icon - Locket ]

I can't find my ID card. Rarg! Don't want to pay for the bus! [or a new ID card....that would be my 3rd]
ug547wsaoiu*&%&^$ycjhv <---[many many frustrated sounds]

And eating an apple right after brushing my teeth was probably not the best choice on my part either. Hmm.

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Odd email of the day: [26 Feb 2002|12:51pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Billy Joel - Rosalinda's Eyes ]

You have a Declaration of Major form to be picked up at the Stevenson
Advising Office.

Please come in to see me during drop-in hours (M-F: 10:30-11:30 and
1:30-2:30) or call to schedule an appointment with me.

When you come in, please indicate that you would are picking up a
completed Declaration of Major.



Uh. Completed?? I haven't declared anything yet. I wonder what major this will be for. Hopefully something good. :)

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Show I am going to [26 Feb 2002|03:09am]
[ mood | asleep ]
[ music | Ignite - Burned Up ]

At Bottom of the Hill:
Tue, Mar 26 8 : 00 pm (doors at 7:30)
$7 All Ages
The Movie Life
Open Hand [yay!]

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now that's the sort of smack that leaves a bruise [23 Feb 2002|01:05pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Pedro the Lion - A Mind of Her Own ]

Okay, so I was just thinking about something which is probably one of my biggest pet peeves ever...and this doesn't have anything to do with anything that is happening right now in my life or anything, but yeah.
People who make me promises of doing something and then don't follow through with it....just don't do that to me. Seriously, don't promise me anything if you don't plan on actually doing it because I take promises very seriously and would rather you said no at the beginning rather than "I will," if you don't intend to in the end. It's a good way to hurt/piss me off. Yes, that is all.

*steps away from mic*

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