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Wednesday, March 27th, 2002
9:24 pm - Random Goodnightness.
I've got to go back to jury duty tomorrow and I'm filled to the brim with dread. Someone save me. Please?

Anyway, this is my friend Johnny.

He's beautiful and talented, and he lives too far away. If you're so inclined and in the mood for something totally different, you are welcome to give his band a listen here. They have a brand new record in the stores now, and it's amazing.

So yeah. Rock and stuff.


current mood: tired

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My little baby niece was put to the torture test by having to get her picture taken with a giant, menacing, 7-foot tall Easter Bunny, and now some well-meaning dimwit at my office decides to mysteriously leave me a package of pink and yellow marshmallow peeps on my desk!?


Who was the FREAKSHOW who thought of candy shaped like baby chicks anyway!? These guys are all fucking sick bastards! ACK! ACK! AAAAAAAACK!

Seriously, is this not frightening to you!?

current mood: nauseated

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2:23 pm - Sugar On The Asphalt
I miss you.

current mood: blah
current music: Jimmy Eat World - Get It Faster
11:06 am - From missxannxthrope
[name 4 bad habits you have:]

-i spend money without thinking
-i leave drawers and cabinet doors open
-i drink everything in a bottle except for the last inch of whatever it is i'm drinking
-i trust people too easily

[name 4 people currently on your bad side:]

-fred durst
-whoever created the 5-day work week

[name 4 scents you love:]

-chimney smoke
-Rapture perfume
-Nag Champa
-candle stores

[name 4 things you'd never wear:]

-ill-fitting clothes
-white shoes
-a thong bikini in public
-perfume that gives me a headache

[name 4 animals you like:]

-my cats
-BIG cats
-sea otters
-pretty much ALL baby animals

[name 4 tv shows you love:]

-The Osbournes
-Temptation Island (laugh if you want to, I love anything scandalous)
-Gotham Girls

[name 4 celebrities you don't like:]

-Fred Durst
-Fred Durst
-Fred Durst
-Fred Durst

[name 4 drinks you regularly drink:]

-Raspberry Iced Tea
-Odwalla Orange Juice
-Pinot Grigio
-Fruit Punch

[name 4 ice cream flavors you love:]

-Baseball Nut from Baskin Robbins
-Carrot Cake Haagen Dazs (which they don't make anymore)
-Coffee Haagen Dazs
-Breyer's Vanilla Bean

[name 4 random facts about yourself:]

-I'm 6 feet tall
-I'm getting married next year! (yay!)
-I am afraid of getting old, but I'm not afraid of dying
-I think Marilyn Manson is a fucking genius

[name 4 random facts about your family:]

-My extended family are basically hicks.
-I no longer have grandparents. :(
-I adore my fiance's family
-My Mom genetically blessed me with great tits.

Thank you. Drive through.

current mood: busy

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Tuesday, March 26th, 2002
9:02 pm - Wanna watch with me?
The Osbournes are on in an hour and a half. I'm leaving my cam on while I watch.


Wanna see?

current mood: anxious
current music: The Real World - Chicago in the background

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8:13 pm - *sinister grin*
To Hell With The Devil.

Which Oyster Boy Character Are You?

current mood: devious
current music: Five to One - Marilyn Manson Doors cover

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6:32 pm - Oh. My... GOD!
Does anyone else know the absolute HELL that is Downtown Los Angeles? Well, I do. In fact, I'm all too familiar with it. And I hoped to never have to experience that maze of traffic and terror again, except that I was summoned to do my "civil duty" by wasting away for the past two days inside of a cheaply furnished, nightmare of a sky rise with little more to stimulate my mind but the book I brought along with me. But wait! There's more! I get the joy of going BACK down there on Thursday.

Anyone else ever done jury duty?

At least today the book I chose was a second read of The Long Hard Road Out of Hell by Marilyn Manson. I enjoyed the sideways looks and the double-takes I was getting when people noticed the ominous looking cover while standing in claustrophobic proximity while in the elevator to the 11th floor. Standing there holding this book while wearing a professional black skirt and jacket felt pretty wicked.

It feels much better though, to finally be home, and sitting here in my pajama pants and camisole in front of an open window listening to "Stay" by Shakespeare's Sister.

More details on my site journal after dinner. I'm making spaghetti and garlic bread for my future husband. YuM.


current mood: tired
current music: mentioned above

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Monday, March 25th, 2002
5:27 pm - New stuff rules.
Oh. My day didn't completely suck, because when I got home, absolutely the sweetest, SWEETEST satchel ever had arrived, along with the coolest pair of sunglasses (in black, of course).


I know. You're jealous. :) But you can get these, too, if you want! They're at Delia's. The remainder of my wish list is here. Just for drool-worthiness. Just enter -- -- to view it. Delia's is a cool, kitschy little place. It makes me feel like I'm 17 again looking through the catalogs. Okay. Not really. But they've still got some neat things that pretty much any girly girl would love.

Spring has obviously sprung. I've got to get my bad habits for buying "stuff" under control before the MAN comes looking for me! EEP!

Damn you digitaldoll2002 !!! This is all her fault.

Trust no one, especially those who have been missing for more than 5 minutes in a horror movie.

Find out How would you die in a horror movie?

current mood: Feminine

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4:42 pm
FINALLY! I just got home (I had JURY DUTY today - ugh!) and I see that someone finally commented about my POST from yesterday instead of just on the photos! Heh Heh Heh. You bunch of voyeuristic bastards. ;)

I have to deal with going downtown AGAIN to be interviewed for the jury tomorrow. Hopefully it will be an open and shut case, but I am SO not looking forwsrd to this.


current mood: drained
current music: peace and quiet - JURY DUTY AGAIN TOMORROW!

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Sunday, March 24th, 2002
8:59 pm
FEAR is a great Sunday night show. Especially now that they've gone International. YES!

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1:49 pm - Oh HELL yes!

from 3.23.02
Whisky A Go-Go
Hollywood, CA
copyright (fuckers!)


current mood: devious

(6 comments |comment on this)

As promised, an *UPDATE* to the Plastic Dolls journal, with wedding info. including LINKS to PHOTOS of the place we are getting married, and, of course, there are these...

More here...


current mood: excited
current music: Full Devil Jacket

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Saturday, March 23rd, 2002
6:00 pm - TOMORROW
Tomorrow I promise the following:

A mega-gigantuan update to my website journal, lots of juicy details, all kinds of smooshy wedding info., pictures, and MUCH MORE. MUCH more.

For now, I've got to bounce my ass into the shower because I've got a date with Tairrie B. and about 250 of my "closest friends" to see My Ruin tear the shit out of the Whisky on Sunset. Not going? Hmph. SUCKS TO BE YOU!

- lp

P.S. Good luck tonight, Dani. Although I know you probably won't see this. I'll be thinking of you.


P.P.S Ass.

current mood: devious
current music: Elseworth Dragon - Save Me Fast

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7:37 am - I've only done this because I love her.

my blackdaisies character

You are Violencia. You are a strong person, both in personality and physicality, who isn't afraid to let your friends and partners know exactly what you wants, and that you'll probably have your way. There is no bullshitting about you, you go right for the prize whatever the prize might be. You're dominating in relationships, you probably initiate wanton acts of sexual carnage and you're open about it all. "On your knees, bitch" is probably a phrase you use regularly.

Take the Which Black Daisies Character Are you Quiz?

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Thursday, March 21st, 2002
2:22 pm - One last thing before I go...
This one is for the ladies...

These are my choices in bridesmaid's gowns, and they are all gorgeous. (Picture them in either burgundy or steel grey, with the exception of the first one on the list, which would be "as is"):

Input is welcome, but I've got my eye on one in particular.





5 (comes with tulle wrap)


Okay. Off I go. Back to say 'hi' at some point during the weekend.

Miss me! :)

current mood: overwhelmed
current music: Orgy - Dramatica

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10:36 am - Another break in the action.
I feel buried again.

Time to take a breather and buckle down and get some of this stuff off of my desk and out of my sight.

I mean it.

Back in a couple of days.

current mood: busy
Wednesday, March 20th, 2002
9:33 pm - *a soft, dreamy sigh*
My bed looks lonely. I think I need to be in it.

Brian is out at a show and I decided to skip it. I think I'm about to crawl up onto my big, tall bed. I'm going to get comfortable beneath that pair of luscious sheets and snuggle down under that soft, grey chenille duvet cover that houses our down comforter. I'll lie down and my face will sink deep into my down-filled pillows and I'll curl an arm around my little, fluffy cat and drift off into peaceful, bed-hogging sleep until about 1:00. That will be when Brian comes home and stirs me from my blissful slumber to tell me that he loves me, and put his cold, smooth feet on my warm ones, and I'll turn over, and wrap myself around him like a pretzel and we will dream together.

*blows candles out*

Night all.

current mood: sleepy
current music: Cocteau Twins - Blue Bell Knoll

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5:13 pm - This is for rainstories

What kind of drunk are you?

Bow down, mofo. That ASS is MINE!
2:21 pm
Updated. Boring, pointless, wandering entry. You've been warned.

current mood: energetic

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1:53 pm - Yep. A "quiz". I made this one myself. Steal it, please.
What are you afraid of?

Car crashes
Old age
Gene Simmons

What makes you sad?

Seeing old people all alone
When animals are hurting
Thinking about the past
Being misunderstood
The thought of losing someone I love

What makes you feel alive?

A gorgeous sunset
Being in love
Laughing until I can't breathe

When was the last time you:

Fell down: About 3 years ago.
Flirted: Yesterday.
Went barefooted in the grass: I'm usually barefooted.
Ate cotton candy: Can't remember.
Cried: Last week.
Chewed bubble gum: Last week.
Couldn't sleep: Last night.
Rode a horse: Two Christmases ago.
Picked flowers: Can't remember.
Played in the sprinklers: Last Summer with Brian. Except it was the hose.
Walked in the rain: Last year.
Had a popsicle or an ice cream cone: This month, I think.
Touched a dolphin: Never have. I've touched a lot of Bat Rays though!
Rollerskated: About 6 years ago, when I lived in Belmont Shore.
Swam in the ocean: Can't remember.
Drank Kool-Aid: Within the past 6 months.
Drank too much: Last year, with Jay.
Blew soap bubbles: Within the past 6 months.
Watched the stars: On Brian's birthday, from the hot tub.
Skipped: Last Friday night.
Said "I Love You" to your Mom: Today.
Had a lollipop: Last week.


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