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Sunday, March 3rd, 2002
3:10 am - what

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Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
2:04 am - Everyone of you guys are special too me
To everyone who stands by my side, you don't know how great that makes me feel. I don't have any family at all really (well my mom and sister). My father will not ever talk to me again (that goes for his whole side as well) I am also banned to talk to my brothers. My mom's side I really don't talk to that much at all.

To me you guys are my family and always will be. It's great. You have Ethan the relative that you rarely ever see anymore (or just on holidays). There is Eddie Cook the one who just drops by at any moment (never planned occasions cause if you plan them he may not show). The twins who will always make you laugh at the dinner table (or they would be the ones to kick you under the table). Of course there is the Backseat Barby Dollz, they are the ones who are cool as hell to hang out with but you don't know them very well. You enjoy when they come to the family events but you never really get to know them because you are hanging with your goofy cousins (like Joe) or because you are too occupied playing video games.

I know this sounds silly, but it sure as hell made me feel good. I really don't have much of a family anymore. Guess it is because my family life was torn through abuse. Yet it's ok because you guys are the family i have always wanted and the family who I can always count on.

Sorry if you think it's stupid as hell. Yet don't mess it up for me and for others who believe it's a wonderful thing.

current mood: loved

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Monday, February 18th, 2002
4:40 am - If you consider yourself my friend I NEED YOU TO READ
This is a semi-cry for help! Well Mardi Gras went great but I found out something that will forever change my life the day after I got home (the day after Valentine's Day, February 15, etc...) We got paid from work on that Friday and I am 3 and a half weeks late on having my period. So we bought two pregnancy test. Both came up positive. I am PREGNANT!!!!!!!! I am happy, scared, confused. Ever emotion is running rapidly through my body right now. I need my friends comfort and their hugs and I need everyone to help me. I don't know what it is like. I know you guys don't either but maybe you can help me through with your comfort. I know I am too young but this it what i have done it is not something terrible (I don't believe it is at least) I also do not believe in abortion so I need to pull all my love and all my feelings and all my life together now. I need all my friends. I know I have never cried for any of you guys but I am now. I want all you guys to be here by my side. I don't want to be another pregnant girl who everyone forgets about or is just pushed off to the side. I am growing up (I didn't think so fast).

So far I have got a lot of moral help from my mother and some friends. Yet their are few of them (not to mention any names DUCK AND LINDSEY) who think I should kill the baby and live my life or I should just fucking give it up for adoption. I am sorry to hurt your feelings you guys but I WILL NOT DO THAT. IF anything (if there is as fault at all) it is my fault not the baby's I will not fuck up a baby's life because of my own.

But I do need the ones I do care about (and who care about me) to help me and stand by my side. Please understand. I am now coming public to my friends about this and if you believe in me killing it or giving it up please don't talk to me and nag me too. It just makes me feel less about you. I hope someone reads this entry.

current mood: scared

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4:29 am - coolest test ever

Tie Dye

I'm the tie dye Doc Marten...
play me some Grateful Dead,
alter my consciousness a little
and I'm a happy camper!

Which Doc Marten are you?
(by *coffeebean*)

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Thursday, February 14th, 2002
2:53 am - I am back
I had a blast for Mardi Gras. It was awesome the parades were forever long and all they did was throw out beads. The streets were packed. Everyone was having a great time. The locals there were really nice. I really want to go back next year. On Bourbon Street (Were all the tits are) people were trashed.

The only part that sucked was the long as drive down there (12 Hours). It also sucked that we had to work today.

Happy Valentine's day Ya guys

current mood: loved

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Monday, February 11th, 2002
6:45 am - this is so true

Take the "Which
Nationality Are You?" test
at OuchCryManson

Made by: gothichic666 and ecology

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6:30 am - Great news
Well kids I am off tomorrow to go to New Orleans. Yup that's right I am going to go to Mardi Gras this year. I am going to have a blast and right now I am too excited to sleep.

current mood: excited

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Wednesday, February 6th, 2002
11:48 pm - This sucks ass
I sat at home today (on my day off) nothing happened and I slept most of the day away. I have no life. I work all the time at Wendy's. It sucks ass. I always have some wierd schedule. I need the money though.

current mood: cold

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5:10 am

MM-Egg Adoption Certificate

Name: Jack

Age: 1 days

Height: 7 cm

Weight: .001 lbs

Adopted On: 02/07/02

Adopted By: chelsea

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5:06 am

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Monday, February 4th, 2002
8:00 am - Hell Yeah
Well today I have off fuck yeah. Finally I know I needed it. Someday in the next two weeks (maybe even sooner) my sister is going to have a baby. That's so kick ass because of the fact that my family is so fucking small. At least now we have it extending.

current mood: excited

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Saturday, February 2nd, 2002
2:30 am - This is some cool shit

Take the How Old Are You? Quiz.

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2:23 am
i'm Jack!

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2:18 am - Well the day is finally over
Wendy's got slammed today and it really sucked ass. We got paid yesterday and they fucked up my check. Now I barely covered rent and have three hole fucking dollars to last me until the 15th of February. I can't wait till then because I will get a decent amount on that check. At least I will have money to get bills paid and to pay some on my debts.

Being broke sucks ass. I hate it. I wish I could go back sometimes when I was 12years old. This way I don't have any bills.

current mood: crappy

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Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
12:40 am - haha

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

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12:20 am - Last cry for a friend
Well today I started to think back on the days when everything and everybody were great. The days when Eddie, Chip, Ethan and I all hung out. It didn't matter our destination our what problems we had it all seemed to not matter at all.
Chip left and went to California. Although he is well missed. That is ok because we know he is better off far away from this state.
That is not what I miss the most though. Where did Ethan go. One of my best friends and the one I could always cry to has dissapeared. I moved out and into a new apartment about 5 months ago (Maybe six), but did he ever stop by? No!
I know we all change, sometimes for the better and sometimes the changes aren't so good. Ethan on the other hand has dissapeared from my life. I don't think I ever asked for that though.
I miss hanging out. Granted their are new friends that come and go in our lives. Like all of the Backseat Barbie Dollz (sorry if I spelled that wrong) who are indeed great people and I do wish I knew them better. Yet I don't want to be that girl who he used to be friends with or used to hang out with.
So what I am saying is if anyone reads this chances are you probably talk to him. Tell him I miss him. That I miss his friendship, that is all I want back from him. I know it doesn't sound hard but it seems right now that I am forgotten in his eyes.

current mood: lonely

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12:08 am
click to take it!

You're loyal to your friends and family. You try not to let people know when you don't like them, because you try you best to treat everyone equally. You're not a leader, you tend to follow orders and respect those who tell you what to do. You're smart and a quick thinker. You take life as its handed to you, and try to make the best of it. You're constantly surrounded by friends and family, and you're a respectable person.

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Monday, January 28th, 2002
11:53 pm - day off from wendy's
Well, today I was off from Wendy's thank god. Nothing really happened today though, I shampooed the carpet and Eddie, Seth and Logan came over and hung out for awhile. We watched Gummo. I am tired as fuck and I really don't know why.

current mood: dirty

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Saturday, January 26th, 2002
1:19 am - Well well well
Yesterday at work sucked. It killed me. My legs were so sore and my feet hurt. Yet today it was the same shit. I am so glad I have off tomorrow from work it gives Aaron and I a day to spend together.
I got paid from Pizza Hut today yet didn't pick up the paycheck. I woke up too late (go figure). I need to pick it up because my cell phone bill is overdue. Damn that sucks.

current mood: relieved

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Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002
11:08 pm - damn it
Today I have off from work. I stayed up last night late as shit and woke up at 8 p.m. Damn I will never be able to wake up early. Oh well I guess I should not stress over it too much.

current mood: groggy

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