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blinded me with lies 2002.02.24.2219
mood : omni kismet

somehow the idea of a medical doctor that drinks, smokes, and eats pork is really disconcerting to me.

that's one of my bother's sayings, "blinded me with lies." i also find its accuracy quite disconcerting.

it is not that i am without scruples, quite the contrary. i can't even honestly say that i am an opportunist. what was it she said? yeah that i was so realistic that it was sickening. especially since i am capable of being idealistic in turn. what a fiasco i am.

watched a bunch pbs shows today. one of which was "rebel music." i have seen it before, and it uses clips that have been used and reused in all of the other specials. there is one aspect to rebel music that i have yet seen in the other specials. it was open and even dealt with his constant whoring. cindy brickspeare (damian's mom (?)) was interviewed pretty extensively and rita was directly asked about the subject. considering that he is now a bona fide prophet i wonder how this aspect of his life will be treated over the next ten years. i mean i call it whoring kind of tongue in cheek, he made no secret of it. he didn't feel like it was wrong, from what i know of it. is it a euro-centric spin or even just a cultural bias at work in these types of things. i don't know, how do the women of these "cultures" really feel about it. i read once that in certain parts of china where there were more men than women that the women there had more than one husband. necessity? maybe. i am pretty sure there are parts of india where matriarchs are running things, but overall i get the impression that india is really chauvinistic, but i could be wrong. i don't know issues like these are always confusing to me because hardly anyone tells the truth. blinded by lies.

watched old settler as well. i had never seen that before. i enjoyed it. the ending was a bit of a downer, but i appreciate the integrity, happy endings are for hollywood. in real life, life goes on. i don't know if intended to but it raised a lot of issues about the plight of african-americans post slavery for me. it really got my mind churnin' on the "mass migration" north and all that came with it.

then there was the special on american slavery abolitionists. there was this black scholar that raised a point that i think is not raised enough. cotton, made this country what it is. african slaves picked cotton. reparations is not all about being tortured, maimed, and killed, no. there is a serious financial debt that _is_ due. i realize that the financial aspects of slavery are downplayed greatly as it would bring reparations to the forefront of the issue. pay me.

that is what i enjoy about the gender and race issues, from an intellectual approach, peeling the onion. the information is there. it is not that information _wants_ to be free. information _is_ free. you just have to be on the right channel to recieve it.

1 collaborator::improvise

do you remember the time? 2002.02.22.0022
mood : omni kismet
music : de la soul - potholes in my lawn

take breath. take a moment. drink some green tea and appreciate some art

or just click here )


the world explodes into palindromage! 2002.02.20.2002
mood : omni kismet
music : notorious b.i.g - niggas bleed

in a an alternate universe somewhere today is P2K2 day and all their universal turing machines started spontaneously thinking for themselves or just crashed or _just_ both.

if there ever is true ai i wonder will there ever be an ai suicide. as you can see i try and tackle the truly _hard_ problems. *wry grin*

and since i used to be a d&d; addict(blame melopene):
Chaotic Good Elf Mage Ranger
Read more... )

3 collaborators::improvise

double coded interface sandwich 2002.02.20.1840
mood : omni kismet
music : notorious b.i.g - hypnotize

i hope the compiler likes spaghetti.

*shakes head*

it does! it does like spaghetti!

i bet that thing is leaking like a rusted pipe.

yeah memory wants to be free.

well i freed all mine.

4 collaborators::improvise

too bad google doesn't archive real life 2002.02.18.2355
mood : dr...x
music : nas - destroy & rebuild

quite some time ago, i learned this really neat trick. never judge people, based on how you think you live your life, will live your life, how your life will be. actually there a quite a few tricks in there.

first of all judging people is just wack. i'll leave it at that.

next, there's that "never me!" thing that just makes me go weak in the knees with laughter when i _know_, oh yes them. "porno is disgusting!" only to later on become a complete and utter addict. "marijuana is a drug and drugs are terrible!" a few years later this person can be counted on to get any party they attend nicely baked. time and again i've seen it play out. i _know_ other people have to see this too, but they just turn right around and do it themselves, time and again. personal will power good, oppression bad.

stop fucking judging people it is a waste of everyone's time!! jeezy peezy. it is one of those things that is not often thought of, but is majorly degrading our quality of life as a whole. okay, okay one more thing, i can't resist.

to all of those people that think they are "good" and that other people are "evil" heh. well, well. what a knot you have tied yourself in. if you are truly good and they are truly evil, waging war and treating them like shit unequivocally makes you not "good." by any stretch of the imagination. "good" _embraces_ evil, definitively, no two ways about it.

i know this guy that swears that i swear that i don't have issues. never said any such thing (and of course my lj friends know him to be oh so wrong). he asks me how things are hoping that my life sucks. the thing this guy doesn't realize is that if he were to consider the fact that if i ever did admit to him that i had an "issue," or even a personal problem he would mock and ridicule me becuase he is the worst kind of hater that exists, then he would real eyes peace, and that i don't need enemies with friends like him.

i miss obi-1, booda, and l0k1.

here's to motherfuckers truly being there for one another.

can you actually believe that i am not in a bad mood? whoops, i bet _he_ didn't want to hear that. *snickers*

2 collaborators::improvise

pbs is tha shiznit 2002.02.17.1044
mood : omni kismet
music : ellington & coltrnae - in a sentimental mood

so henry heimlich of the heimlich maneuver, is still alive. sweet. not only that but he has been solving problems in medicine for years.

i love pbs. how about you?

oh yeah and apparently some John Hopkins electrical engineer "created" CPR by accident, while saving a two year olds life. i forget his name.

damn charles drew.


what a mess we are in 2002.02.16.1728
mood : omni kismet

so i found myself out in annapolis. i suddenly had a taste for some pretzel pieces, honey mustard. as i am parking i notice a sign in someone's car window, it is a wanted dead or alive poster with bin laden's face. i look up and someone is gawking at me and contorting their face. shit, i forgot where i was. that area is almost completely caucasiain.

i get out and go into the store. i am apprehensive. i just know someone is going to say something or do something totally uncalled for. then it hits me. i have a major problem trusting caucasians. it hit me like a ton of bricks. the thing that really drove it home is that i realized that brown people can be just as cruel, callous and rude, but i always feel like i can actually communicate with them. chineses, korean, african-american, african, mexican, central-american, the list goes on. i wouldn't even say that i feel a bond with "people of color," no, no i am just too much of a loner for that. i just genuinely don't trsut caucasians.

i have come to trust quite a few in these recent years. in small numbers and doses it doesn't really rise to the forefront of my conciousness. put me in a situation were there are lots of caucasians, or they are the _only_ figures of authority and my guard goes up. the reasoning is quite interesting.

i may not get mad everytime i am or brown people as a whole are disregarded or dehumanized. i may not even bristle, but i _do_ know that when people think of you as less than them it is very easy for them to commit atrocious acts against you that they wouldn't if they at least repsected you as another human being. i realize that there are just some fucked up people, skin color, race not being a factor and that is the point. i have seen and been on the recieving end of complete and utter bullshit from people that are suppose to be "good" people. the shit is so pervasive that a caucasian has to go out of their way to not be racist in this country. in a way i applaud those that do, but wtf. that shit ain't right anyway.

now that i am _really_ aware of this i don't really know how i feel about it. well i was always aware of it but i just took it to be reality as opposed to my perception. i mean i am not going to drop my guard, who wants to be caught slippin'(?), but i will be analyzing it more.

having grown up in america but having very little interpersonal contact with caucasian american culture, it was a shock to my system once i did come in contact with it. @first i was _way_ apprehensive then i realized that as long as i didn't let my mind go to sleep and start generalizing and kept it in perspective that we are all human i was where i needed to be mentally. it did make me sad however @how bad caucasians treat each other. of course i am sure the view point they have differs.

culture is a very powerful thing. not to be taken lightly. it is as evan said about language, we take it for granted how powerful and complicated it is. as far as culture i would also add how much it says about who we _really_ are and where we have been.

as our cultures merge i can't help but feel like we are getting the shaft. well it won't be the first time that this sort of thing has happened on this planet and i doubt it will be the last.

i need a helicopter.

10 collaborators::improvise

a couple of random(?) thoughts 2002.02.15.0015
mood : john p. hackworth
music : monq & coltrane - ruby my dear

what is a wisdom without wisdom?

is this all just the manifestation of information?

2 collaborators::improvise

digital beauty 2002.02.14.1427
mood : omni kismet

this guy blows my fucking mind. he makes the stuff that i would if i had the talent.

3 collaborators::improvise

happy venereal day! 2002.02.14.1327
mood : dr...x
music : rellik - family life

you silly pagans you!

all i have ever wanted was to make and appreciate beautiful things. please think about that.

damn didn't even notice yesterday was a year. bah! especially considering what day it was. hmm. i'll resist on commenting, wishing, and blessing.

now as for today(?), yeah whatever man.

the things we do in life. i am sure that most people would not recognize an inflection point if it bit them on the arse. melodrama is not the same as having real obstacles that you overcome. that shit is self-inflicted, i should know. sorry. well at least shit like this doesn't surprise me, no? lip service is so unbecoming in a friend. one day when we are all old and being biogenetically, chemically, and cybenetically enhanced and extended some of you may get it. it's not that i am not a jerk sometimes, shit if i was perfect you would hate me even more than you do now, it is just that you gave me the friggin' blues about absolutely nothng. nothing! what's life mean to you when you behave like that?

fuck it. i am done anyway. ahead of fucking schedule homes.

i know there are going to be at least five or six people that are totally confused after reading this. yes i _am_ talking to each and everyone of you.

*nods* and *smirks*

*sits back and strokes beard looking @_you_*


who are these people? 2002.02.13.1836
mood : dr...x

from here:

What are your thoughts about Bush's new directive to have military trials for suspected terrorists therefore bypassing the American criminal justice system?

I am horrified that Bush has so quickly done away with the constitutional guarantees of these suspects.
(165) 31.5%

I think it is necessary so that these terrorists can be more swiftly brought to justice.
(173) 33%

It's not a big deal as President Roosevelt also used this power in WWII
(65) 12.4%

None of the above; see my answer in the discussion thread.
(9) 1.7%

Total Votes: 523

5 collaborators::improvise

mood : dr...x
music : monk & coltrane - ruby my dear

i finally saw a caucasian male try and hail a cab but not get picked up.

never mind he was insane and frothing at the mouth. equal opportunity discriminators? kind of like how they didn't use "real" short people as the hobbits. it was their time to shine and it was stolen from them. fuckers. i would have liked the movie a whole lot better if the hobbits were _truly_ the heights they were suppose to be. oscar!

damn. i feel like i ran a marathon. once i hit the year marker who knows what i'll do. at least i won't feel obligated anymore. one year is what i promised myself. we shall see.

black history month sucks. i appreciate its purpose in a big way, and i _do_ support it. it is just like how M$ tried to webify all of its developement tools and they weren't built from the ground up w/the web in mind. it's a fucking kluge! literally. think about it. i am feeling derrick bell, symbols, yeah, but you gotta start somewhere. to think otherwise is to only want to replace the bullshit w/your own bullshit. need to think long range to get around that trap.

7 collaborators::improvise

for the record or why i never bathe but act l33t and other meta-plots 2002.02.08.1442
mood : master dante (virtual adept)
music : Thelonious Monk - Introspection (Take 4)

since i was like 13 or so i have been interested in musashi. it wasn't unitl years later that i read eiji yoshikawa's novel musahsi. it was good, although, being over 1000 pages, i learned way more about yoshikawa's view of japanese society of old than i bargained for. if you have the patience and time i really recommend the book.

there is an underlining theme to the whole musashi "myth" and that is of choosing a path and sticking it out to the end. there is also an implied and sometimes stated idea that all paths are the same and yet personal. so just pick one and stay the course. well sort of, anyway that's not the point.

there is this one scene in the book where musashi wants to learn from this _master_ swordsman, but the master refuses to even see him. so musashi prepares a letter and encloses flowers in the letter. but before he sends the package off he cuts the flower stems with his sword. (*note here i may have who cut the flowers backwards it has been a while, but it doesn't hurt the point or anything ;)) once the master got the package he took a look at the flowers and immediately knew that the person that sent him the letter was a _serious_ student of the way of the sword. he just got it.

eventhough i am doing it in this entry, as bram says, assuming a lot of context, (see the title for an example. get it? oh well) i am trying to explain what it is and why it is. i am on a path. in choosing the path that i have chosen and in traveling this path i have transformed in a number of ways. needless to say there are other people that can relate in a bunch of ways. whether it is because they too are on _a_ path or whether their path is similiar to the one i travel.

so the path i travel is not a destructive one. this being the case you pick up all kinds of neat tricks along the way. people on wavelengths other than myself may or may not get what i am sayingand /or doing. since i communicate a lot in double and triple+ meanings you may get it, but you may not get _it_. don't get me wrong, there are lots of things i don't get myself, and a lot of times i am aware of it, at least it appears that way. ;) either i acquire the knowledge, experience, wisdom, or know how to get it or i just leave it be.

so most of my entries are like the flowers musashi cut. shit most of what i say and do as far as interaction w/other people can fall under this category unless we have already connected and then the interaction itself takes on a life of its own (what beautiful children that are created!). it's jazz, calligraphy, kung fu, shit it is even sports. not everyone is just going to "grok" it. different people have different talents. some things some people can master just by being exposed to them, that same person may have to study, work real hard, or just keep at it for years to master something. so much in between the lines with me, and i just pack more and more there. makes it hard to communicate and i was already a poor commnicator. i try, and thus this entry. anyway everyone is _actually_ on a path regardless. you either choose one yourself or one chooses you. remember the float or manuver entry?

even in these various overlapping psychic zones there are even more and more zones. some you may acquaint yourself with and some you may not. i tend to _really_ gravitate towards people that i relate to a lot but differ from in ways that give me the impression that i can learn from them and/or them from me. every now and again i try someone so far afield just to keep myself honest, but that is another entry. now i have run into the problem that i am rambling on about in this entry, i am tired of trying (or actually) to explain things. like anyone cares anyway. 8) in life as in coding, specific questions work best. and usually recieve the better repsonses. i better hit that post button before i change my mind.

if i sent you flowers would you get it?

5 collaborators::improvise

it was a sunny day 2002.02.08.1354
mood : omni kismet
music : thelonious monk (alone) - body and sould [take3]

i saw a guy reading louis l'armour this morning. louis fucking l'armour! that was just amazing to me. i read a bunch of his books when i was going through my louis l'armour phase and i knew they were pretty darn popular, but i never knew let alone saw anyone reaing his stuff. i especially enjoy the books where the main character spends lots of time alone in the wilderness. i think most of his books may be that way, but i haven't read most of them, so i am just guessing.

got on the train at an end of the line station (long story) anyway there are signs that let you know which side the train is coming on. i usually stand on the other side, because i like to. well i do it if the sun is is shining on the other side too. so this morning a train approaches from the side that i am standing at and everyone else is on the side the sign tells them to be on. well i knew this train coming must have been a "no passengers" deal. it was. but what did _everyone_ do? yep you guessed it they all came over to my side. me, i walked to the othr side chuckling. i mean almost, maybe even every single person other than me tried to board that train that was clearly marked no passengers. like the force of their will would change the drivers mind or something. he waited until they started boarding to state the obvious. it was surreal.

3 collaborators::improvise

keeping it real 2002.02.08.1317
mood : omni kismet
music : Thelonious Monk - Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea (T

zu warrirors has been remade, look here too. i have the old one. i _needed_ this to be remade because when i watch the old one i have to supress the constant thought that it would rock w/current special effects tech. well it does. i saw the preview when i went to see metropolis (maybe more on this later). zu is what fantasy should be like, lotr be damned. *winks @chr0me_kitten*

miramax is bringing it over.

4 collaborators::improvise

uhm, wow or let's talk tech 2002.02.06.1443
mood : omni kismet
music : Cannibal Ox - Battle for Asgard (with L.I.F.E. Long & C-Rayz Walz of Stronghold)


i cursed /. in an entry yesterday. the story that sent me to my journal was the miguel, .net, mono, gnome, stallman one. well it wasn't the story itself it was the comments. well miguel repsonded, and i must say that first of all i completely agreed already with what he was doing, but i didn't _know_ if he was doing it for the same reasons i thought it was a good thing. well this email lets me know that he is not only growing (that's not the miguel i met!) and that he is very thoughtful and intelligent. okay okay, that's not why i am making this entry.

the reason is very few people i have spoken to really understand what .net is. as soon as i got wind of it i did stupid amounts of digging and research (at the time there wasn't a lot of docs) and realized that it was actually technology that made sense and ms was just co-opting it. then i heard about the whole mono thing. yes! that's what i am talking about. one main point miguel made in the email was that unix and c/c++ both were "created" @att (aka the deathstar).

so what do you all think about these techs? what are the possibilities and pitfalls. what are the dangers? lets get down and dirty here.

i am counting especially on the geeks on my friends list but everyone is welcome to get in on this.

28 collaborators::improvise

duece - duece - seven and the feeva 2002.02.05.1942
mood : dr...x
music : Cannibal Ox - Vein

i had a sudden memory today of the, thankfully, now defunct show "227" (two two seven). i remembered an episode where a friend of the kids on the show starting selling crack and was killed. two things. he bought a fiero with his money. eewwww. the other thing was this type of message was lost on us. instead of being afraid to sell drugs these lame attempts to "reach the youth" made lots of kids (i knew) come to the conclusion that it was better to be _the_ "born killer".

my brother and i once talked about how crack fucked a whole generation up simply because no one saw that shit coming. that shit touched everyone, i mean everyone at one point. it was insane. kids from the suburbs were hanging out w/their cousins that lived in areas where they could act a fool. then the weed and boat strips of the burbs became crack spots too. adults, especially parents were clueless. well they found out fast, the hard way, but by then their kids _were_ criminals. a tough situation.

there are lots of would be mcs, athletes, and professionals behind bars or trying to put their time spent behind bars behind them. hip hop definitely suffered. well at least wesley snipes and the govt. made out. *smirk*

we always joke about how when we were growing up a kid we would know would be on the news for a triple murder or something and his ma dukes would be on camera like,"not my _baby!" not your baby huh? kid would be straight notorious.

eris says the truth campaign will have the same effect as the anti-drug selling campaign did. what the fuck is that all about? it makes me think of a comic i saw where a guy was getting tats, and the caption read, "i gotta keep my kids from doing it somehow." is it really that simple? i doubt it.

3 collaborators::improvise

2nf windage 2002.02.05.1849
mood : omni kismet
music : Cannibal Ox - Iron Galaxy

i (need || want (?)) to hike, knee broke. *frowns* maybe i'll go to where there is lots o' flat hiking in VA, great falls, this weekend.

where the hell is urbangypsy? i _know_ she is not in VA and not trying to hook up. *raises eyebrow*

the signal/noise ratio on /. actually makes my stomach hurt, and i am on 4+! *shakes head* it is _so_ bad, just thinking about it now gives me the shivers. how can you confidently spew utter nonsense? i dunno, i mean i usually have an idea when i am clueless but apprently the arrogance on /. knows no bounds.

new friends some no brainers some experiments.

9 collaborators::improvise

more of the same 2002.02.05.1538
mood : hagbard celine
music : Labor Days - Daylight

now, what exactly is the difference between arrogance and confidence?

19 collaborators::improvise

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