samson j photon's LiveJournal
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in samson j photon's LiveJournal:

    Monday, August 27th, 2001
    11:31 am
    sit down, remind me how this is the same old story of growing up and getting lost.
    it makes my stomach turn to see you were feeling "guilty" on july 8th.

    7/7 was probably a bad day for me.

    Current Mood: disappointed
    Current Music: ltj - help save the youth of america from EXPLODING.
    Sunday, July 15th, 2001
    11:46 pm
    there are two clocks in my bedroom, and two clocks in my kitchen. the one on the computer, my alarm clock, the one on the oven, and the one on the microwave. at any given minute all four read the same.

    finally, some comfort.

    Current Mood: okay
    Current Music: breeze's bark-o-rama dog.
    Saturday, July 14th, 2001
    2:08 pm
    and now for something completely similar...
    i guess this is where i wear my soul on my sleeve. well, i don't really want to. so at least for now, this is going to be superficial. documenting pointless events. denoting superfluous moments. yeah, get ready for some wonderous shit.

    upside down.
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