*and I won't waste my time fitting in*'s LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in *and I won't waste my time fitting in*'s LiveJournal:

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    Monday, February 25th, 2002
    9:28 pm
    Juliet is my angel...
    * say it ain't so, your drug is a heartbreaker * says:
    Emma, you're beautiful on the inside and on the outside. whatever you say makes me smile or cry and i worry about you so much. i feel like an old mother sometimes because i fret so... lol. but the point is if you ever need to bitch or whine at me you're welcome to because i love you so. and i don't ever want to lose you.

    Current Mood: loved
    Current Music: Foo Fighters - Everlong

    (1 cut | Grab a knife)

    Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
    6:00 pm
    It took hours, but I completely tidied my room. It looks most prettyful.

    Note to self: Order Jack Daniels stuff.

    I want to go out tonight. I hate being ill.

    Current Mood: blank
    Current Music: Deftones - Change

    (Grab a knife)

    12:57 pm
    I love this song lots.

    I'm annoyed as me, Amy and James were having an MSN conversation, and I wanna meet them both so so much, but really can't. Today shall suck.

    Last night (at 12:30) James was dared to skate in nothing but his boxers in Asda carpark.. and he did. That's my boy! Bwahahah =]

    My ribs hurt ='[ ouchie!

    I'm going to put on Outkast again.. I love that song! Haha..

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: The Get Up Kids - Holiday

    (3 cuts | Grab a knife)

    11:25 am
    .. I hate being ill so much. Before yesterday, I hadn't left the house since Saturday.. Got a little better, but then with help of a combination of stupid British weather, and crappy bus services yesterday, i'm even more unwell.

    I did plan on going to town today, down the park and the ramps (avec ma skater boi, James-ho) but even if I was well I don't know if I would as it's raining. Juliet's gone to London, and I haven't heard from Amy yet (she's sensible, and is probably still in bed) so I don't know if that would of happened anyway. Grrar, I want to go to A & N tonight.. please get better emma, please get better!

    Hahaha, i'm listening to Outkast.. . hmm... but this song rawks!! =]

    Current Mood: sick
    Current Music: Outkast - The Whole World

    (1 cut | Grab a knife)

    Friday, February 22nd, 2002
    6:02 pm
    Hmm, James put this song on earlier and played along to it on his guitar.. It's such a pretty song. So I downloaded it when I got in.. I'm listening to it now and it made me cry.. Hmmm... Too emotional, am I.

    Current Mood: sad
    Current Music: Dave Matthews Band - Christmas Song

    (1 cut | Grab a knife)

    3:03 pm
    I just spent the morning and part afternoon round James'.. I thought it'd give some idea on what's going on.. but it didn't. Nevermind... I had such a good time. It really was amazing. I went round stupidly early, but it was nice 'cause we just layed.. (and that's not all!! haha :-p) ..in bed for hours.

    I love this song.


    y'know.. I was actually pretty sure that I wouldn't get Nirvana.. I really didn't answer in a Nirvana way.. Weirdness...

    Which Grunge Band Are You?

    which nirvana song are you?

    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: Bif Naked - Lucky

    (Grab a knife)

    Thursday, February 21st, 2002
    7:20 pm
    I should really reply to some comments..

    I went for so long without getting a new CD.. and then in less than a week I have obtained 7. Oops! =]

    Current Mood: blah
    Current Music: Bif Naked - Tango Shoes

    (Grab a knife)

    Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
    10:48 am
    "Lately, I can't even look at my mother without wanting to stab her repeatedly...."

    Take the Which My So-Called Life Character are you most like? Quiz

    Ooh, Juliet posted about MSCL the other day too!

    Was the coolest program.. I can't believe there wasn't many episodes made.. Why on earth didn't everyone watch it!? People suck! But this Ataris song doesn't. Heh =)

    "It just seems like, you agree to have a certain personality or something. For no reason. Just to make things easier for everyone. But when you think about it, I mean, how do you know it's even you?"

    Yayness, am going to order the books of Amazon!! Oh wait, do I have money?!


    http://emmasucks.friendtest.com ...These friend test things are rather fun! Hehe, I'm pissed off at how awful I did on Amy's, and Juliet's.. Although I wasn't the worst! And on Alex's, I kicked a$$ despite having spoken to him a minimal amount!

    Heh, so far Amy's ruler of my quiz..Juliet's second.. with James in third.. Bwahhaha, he was all "I thought i'd get 100!" He got the year wrong for my birthday.. Haha, at least he got the date right, and I don't have a clue what day of May his birthday is! =D And he was kinda tricked 'cause I call him 'dork boy' a lot... but I don't add 'dork' to anyone's actual name! Silly ho-boy! Hehe.


    You are restricted. Well done, you're now
    practically adult in nature, and plus, you
    get to see nudity - have fun.

    "Which Movie Classification Are You?"
    Test created by Jamie - take it here.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: The Ataris - My So-Called Life

    (1 cut | Grab a knife)

    Monday, February 18th, 2002
    6:56 pm

    "Wowie! You are Redensek! You are techy yet cute, and pretty much all around cool. Everyone loves you! You're fun, popular, and can mold yourself to fit right in to any situation."

    (Grab a knife)

    4:52 pm
    grrr, i hate being ill during school holidays. i've been stuck inside all day. heh, i made myself chip butty's for lunch... we don't have any ketchup left so i've used seafood sauce instead. yum! the sauce of gods =]

    fuuuuuuck.. some greebo type girls in the year below at school (haha, they think i'm amazing!) invited me to Camden with them today but i had to say no from feeling like shit.. well i'm kicking myself now, as i just got a text message from one of them saying they met... A!!!
    ARGH! I'm so jealous! *pouts*

    (2 cuts | Grab a knife)

    Friday, February 1st, 2002
    11:24 am
    yesyes, i'm back. my little break from LJ has done me a lot of good.

    sorry for taking off un-announced guys. but lack of internet access and lack of emotions stopped me from posting. it never meant to be for that long, i just didn't have any want to post at first... but i still checked friends entries.. and then i just started forgetting to, out of routine i guess? but each day i said, "i'll go on LJ tomorrow".. and sadly never did! dunno if i'm ready to post to the amount i used to.. but y'know i will! can't keep away usually, can i?!

    ooh, before i forget, vickyisemo.. sorry i never got back to you! i kept thinking i'd be posting on here soon enough. love you! we're going to have to go shopping sooooon! hehe =)

    anyhow, i just caught up on all my friends entries i had missed.. am a little disturbed by some entries. but won't go into that at the moment.

    anyhoo, me... what have i been up to? wow, i dunno if i even want to explain anymore... hmm, fuck.. let me think. a lot of things have gone on, but at the same time, nothing has..

    nothing's changed

    blah blah blah...

    i do more harm than good.

    i'll post again later. need to get my head straight, plus i'm not supposed to be online. i'm ill anyway, that's why i'm home at this time, not in hell (school).

    (i actually wrote this entry yesterday but couldn't stay online long enough to post it... i was the happiest i'd been in a while, dispite some shit... since then things fucked up some more... so don't be surprised if i don't post again for a while.)

    Current Mood: drained
    Current Music: Princess Superstar - Bad Babysitter

    (Grab a knife)

    Monday, January 14th, 2002
    5:21 pm
    YAY!!! Fries are the best! -
    I took the McDonalds test, and guess what I got?

    You can take the
    McDonalds Product Test
    by Matio64

    Go Faeries!!

    Take the What Faery Are You? Quiz!

    This quiz was made by lia

    and the Chuck test...  )

    (1 cut | Grab a knife)

    Sunday, January 13th, 2002
    2:54 pm
    What went on last night?/Was it just another stupid fight?/Will we be again/Or will we both regret this in the end?/Why can't I forget you/And everything you do?/It's so hard to do.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: Mest - Forget you

    (Grab a knife)

    2:49 pm
    Tomorrow is going to SUCK

    (Grab a knife)

    Saturday, January 12th, 2002
    8:29 pm

    What Psych-Ward do you belong to?

    Okay, I don't think I've heard of this! But *I* don't think I'm anything like that! (maybe because i'm not 2 or 3 years old!) hahaha, online quizzes, pfft! What do they know?! =)

    (My excuse for using the LJ cut tag for the first time!!...)

    What is Autism? )

    (1 cut | Grab a knife)

    8:17 pm
    Who wants to have pex with me and Juliet?!

    Yes, I meant to write pex

    Current Mood: amused

    (1 cut | Grab a knife)

    Thursday, January 10th, 2002
    5:20 pm
    ho hum...

    Which WWF diva are you?



    *Bounces* amorcrudelis is baaaaaaack!!!!!!! I've missed yooooooou!

    (Grab a knife)

    Wednesday, January 9th, 2002
    9:10 pm
    I haven't the energy to write. I want to, but i'm drained.

    Aidan rang tonight and we chatted for a long time. It was good, as we have such an awesome friendship now. I still have a little bit of an attraction to him, but it's healthy, and only there because of our past. He pays a nice attention to me, which I need, and I feel very comfortable with him.

    Today I had many talking sessions with Dan. He's very odd. But so nice. I also found out that he's apparently bisexual. I went mad when I found out and ran about the corridor. I swear, I went so mad... how much do I love bi punky guys?! But I was saddened as I had no one to celebrate with as no one at school shares my likage of this! Okay, it's a weird fetish of mine (that I know is shared with some people on here!) hehe =)

    I swear, James is amazing. I couldn't live without him. Am glad he's appreciating me more now... But he gets too horny. bwahahahaha =)

    (1 cut | Grab a knife)

    Tuesday, January 8th, 2002
    5:05 pm
    Right now, ma boi is giving blood. Aw bless him! Sorry, i'm all proud! =)

    Need to write... Will do soon...

    (Grab a knife)

    Monday, January 7th, 2002
    10:15 pm
    Today, I had a very good day. I haven't any time to explain, but I had a hell of a lot of fun. Providing I survive school,I will write about it tomorrow!

    (Grab a knife)

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