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Sunday, March 24th, 2002
1:10 pm - Overheard last night...
"You can scream all you want to, but the 'Mexican Hat Dance' has to go." --Dances

current mood: awake

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Friday, February 22nd, 2002
11:36 pm - My name is Randy, and I'm a Nintendo-holic...
I made quite the haul from my friendly neighborhood game shop today: a spiffy black Nintendo GameCube and two games, plus a couple of new additions to my Game Boy Advance library. I think these are the first games I've purchased in about a year. That frightens me because a) according to friends and family I "play games for a living" and b) I work for a PlayStation 2 magazine...

current mood: accomplished
current music: Super Mario Bros. (in my head)

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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
9:39 pm - Holiday in Dirt
New Stan Ridgway album purchased. Ears are happy. Life is good.

current mood: giddy
current music: Bing Can't Walk - Stan Ridgway

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Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
6:32 pm - Let's hear it for the girl...
Dances and I just returned from her cystoscopy appointment (which went okay, until it turned into a hyperdistension, causing her current inability to sit down without extreme discomfort). The diagnosis: she doesn't have interstitial cystitis (or any other nasty conditions). Yay!

Instead, the doctor believes she has an overactive bladder and has prescribed Detrol for the symptoms and some steps she can take to "re-train" her bladder to have more capacity and generally behave.

Right now, the anesthetic they used is starting to wear off (ick) so it'll probably be a few hours before she's up to posting for herself.

current mood: happy
current music: State of the Union - GWB

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Saturday, January 12th, 2002
11:35 pm - Transform and roll out
If I were an Autobot, I'd be:

Click to see what Autobot you could be!

Compliments of the Transformers personality test.

current mood: amused

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Thursday, January 10th, 2002
11:06 pm
Thanks to elusis for the link to the Red Meat Construction Set...


current mood: giggly

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Tuesday, December 4th, 2001
7:53 am - I am... my favorite painting!

If I were a work of art, I would be Vincent Van Gogh's The Starry Night.

I am a tiny village at peace while overhead rages the tumult of the heavens. Objects whirl and flash around me in a fevered haze only partially reflected in reality while I remain grounded and secure in my isolation.

Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

current mood: rejuvenated

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Tuesday, November 27th, 2001
11:01 pm - I go great on crackers!
Cheese results
Your name is: Randy Nelson
Your cheese rating is: Limburger

A traditional soft cheese, originating in Belgium. Limburger has a red/brown rind with corrugated edges, and a creamy yellowish body. It tastes almost meaty, and has a legendary aroma due to enzymes breaking down proteins on the surface of the cheese.

Hmm... let's see...

Soft? Check. Creamy yellowish body? Check. Tastes almost meaty? Check. Legendary Aroma? Check.


current mood: silly
current music: Suitably cheesy Art Bell bumper music

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Friday, November 9th, 2001
8:55 pm - Do not click below
You've been warned

current mood: mischievous

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Tuesday, October 30th, 2001
11:20 pm

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Friday, August 17th, 2001
12:53 pm - Memo To Myself
1. Do the dumb things I gotta do
2. Touch the puppet head

current mood: crazy
current music: Crappy carnival tunes - are there any other kind?

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Sunday, August 5th, 2001
1:22 am - The ballots are in...
...and the best use of the sound "squick" goes to Peter Jackson for his film Bad Taste.

Seriously, though, I love his films to death (yes, even the decidedly un-squicky Frighteners) but how exactly did he come to be given hundreds of millions of dollars to adapt The Lord of the Rings as a feature film? This will definitely be interesting...

current mood: weird
current music: The "score" to Bad Taste

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Wednesday, August 1st, 2001
1:46 pm - Spoilers Ahoy!
If you don't want to know anything about the "plot" to Planet of the Apes, read no further! If you don't care, and want to read my combination review / therapeutic writing transcript, however, please continue.

10 Things I Learned From Planet of the Apes
By Randy Nelson

10. Your average chimp can evolve into an English speaking, war-waging ape in only 3,000 years, but after seven seasons, David Duchovny still can?t find success outside of The X-Files.

9. If you throw a bunch of chimps onto a deserted planet, you?ll eventually end up with several species of apes... and a few humans, too.

8. Monkeys like to throw feces at people, but Fox executives like to throw it at movie screens.

7. The planet Saturn is closer to Earth than your nearest Saturn dealer.

6. 10,000 monkeys couldn?t defeat the humans, but, given typewriters, could probably write a better script.

5. Instead of monkeys in suits, Washington D.C. will one day be run by men in monkey suits.

4. You don?t need Dr. Zaius to make a good movie. You need an interesting story, competent acting, and some continuity to make a good movie.

3. The next time I burn dinner, I haven?t ?fucked it up,? I?ve simply ?re-imagined it.?

2. George W. Bush wasn?t the first simian president.

1. Despite my long-held belief, not everything is better with monkeys.

current mood: disappointed
current music: Planet of the Apes - The Musical

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Friday, July 6th, 2001
10:29 pm - Blah
Y'know, it's always kind of nice to actually deliver on one of your predictions. Mine was that I'd set up this LiveJournal thingy, post a couple of random updates on -- and observations of -- my daily life, and then (for one reason or another) manage to destroy any consistency of its maintenance. Job well done, Randy.

But! I have surprised myself yet again by making this very update. So, things are definitely (not) back on (off) track. Yippie!

I freaked myself out the other night, but not in one of those bad knocking-your-radio-into-the bathtub-with-you kind of ways. I was in the Hollywood Video that my best pal Paul used to work at, walking the isles while he pointed out tape boxes that'd been Photoshopped to feature store employees rather than the movie's stars (I kid you not! Even worse, no one has ever caught on). After chuckling at one of the more clever ones, I heard a four or five note bit of the score from whatever movie they had playing at the time, and instantly recognized it as Tim Burton's flick Beetlejuice. Maybe that's no big deal to anyone but me, but it freaked me out to think that I'd heard that particular score (and seen the movie) so many times that I could identify it after hearing a couple of random notes. Now, with Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, I could probably hear one word from the film and recognize it immediately. Well, almost.

I'd planned to round out this entry with a recounting of my Fourth of July adventures, but I'm afraid that at my current level of alertness it'd just degenerate into a rambling, incoherent mess. Wait -- have I done that already? Anyhoo, I'll be sure and do that later. I'll be back to kick it... later. Zzzz...

current mood: tired
current music: The most annoying (and lengthy) radio jingle I've ever heard

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Sunday, July 1st, 2001
1:36 am - Knowledge is power.
For real.

current mood: silly
current music: Situation -- Tom Jones

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Thursday, June 28th, 2001
12:28 pm - Where's my meowmy?
Lister, the youngest of our two cats, is evidently suffering just a wee bit more from Dances' absence than I am. The little guy has taken to performing hourly patrols of the apartment, searching every conceivable "hiding place" she could be, emitting the saddest little meows you've ever heard.

In addition, he's taken to biting his front right paw rather nervously, and has even managed to gnaw a good bit of fur off it. Thinking this might be a genuinely Bad Thing, I checked out every animal health reference I could, but found no mention of any disease or disorder that was in line with his behavior. He must just take after me, the little neurotic. He seems to have stopped now, but I'm keeping my eye on him nonetheless. There's no bleeding, bumps, etc. so I'm not terribly concerned. If he gets any worse with it, though, I will head down to the vet's office with him.

So, Dances, if you're reading this, please send the little guy some comforting vibes. He misses ya (and so does his adoptive daddy). Sparky does too, but he mainly just seems happy that his "little brother" is doing something other than picking on him for once. :)

current mood: tired
current music: The hum of my work computer's fan and hard disk

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12:03 am - B)ig A)ss R)ailway T)hieves
Well, it's just about 72 hours now before BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) workers -- train operators, mechanics, station agents, and the like -- are set to go on strike, effectively crippling the entire San Francisco bay area. As the banners at the stations have it, BART carries more passengers per week than Delta Airlines. If it shuts down (and all indications are it will) those daily commute riders that have cars will be hitting the freeways.

The last time this happened, just after we moved here, BART was shut down for six days, and the area was in turmoil -- I remember quite well trying to drive into work those days. Since then, BART ridership and the amount of freeway commuters have gone up more than 50%, so one can imagine the implications this strike will have.

If you hadn't already guessed, I ride BART to work every day (so as to avoid spending two hours on the road each way). So, come next week, I could be quite screwed, to put it lightly.

But, it's okay, as long as the BART operators get what they want, right? Hey, if I made in the neighborhood of $80,000 a year for driving a train that is almost entirely computer piloted anyways, I'd want more money too. I only hope that I can help in some way -- perhaps by paying $10 a day instead of $7? Then again, there may be no amount large enough to compensate for severe work-related ass calluses. Oh dear! ;)

current mood: annoyed
current music: Attention passeners @#! BR!@! BLLA -- BART P.A. System

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Wednesday, June 27th, 2001
7:06 pm - Is that what I stink it is?
On my regular Wednesday lunchtime trip to the comic shop semi-near my work, I was astonished to see (what I thought was) the impossible happening -- those big metal grates/plates you always see on the sidewalk were actually open! Many a time, I have wondered exactly what was under (or went on under) these unassuming coverings, and I was about to find out!

Trust me, if the same opportunity ever presents itself to you, don't take it.

For you see, where I had expected to see bundles of high-tech fiber-optic data cables, or even little elfin men in funny hats mining rare gems, I instead saw the most ungodly liquid ever. I mean, it was comically green, foamy, and had what I can only describe as "bits" floating in it.

Then the stink hit me.

Oh boy! Having just finished a book in which much detail was given to the description of London's "Great Stink", I felt prepared should I ever encounter what I now determined to be an open sewer. Trust me, if you've never been in proximity of one before, nothing can prepare you for this ultimate vileness.

Needless to say, eyes were quickly averted and breath was held until a safe distance from the scene. But the mental (and olfactory) scars, I'm afraid, had already been made.

In closing, I have a newfound respect for those that spend their workdays working on, in, or around such odoriferous orifices of the modern sidewalk. To them, I give a hearty huzzah -- for they are those who have smelt it, and been honor-bound to have dealt with it!

current mood: sick
current music: Sounds of a cat caught in mini-blinds -- Lister Nelson

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Tuesday, June 26th, 2001
11:11 pm - Cold War Lullaby
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are

The other day, I got a memo from my company?s president that went something like this: "In a couple of weeks, we?re going to have a company meeting, and it will be catered by? THE IN-N-OUT BURGER BUS!" I?d better start getting prepared!

(goes out to buy himself an In-N-Out Double Double and fries)

In reality, I just went out to the supermarket to pick up a lint roller re-fill (Dances seemingly absconded with our existing back-up) and a few other sundry items. On the way, I heard several fire truck and police cruiser sirens that sounded VERY NEARBY. Well, wouldn?t you know ? an SUV, determined without too much gawking to be either a Ford Explorer or Jeep Cherokee, flipped right over on the freeway on-ramp adjacent to our apartment complex. I?ve just GOT to get me one of those things!

Ah well, back to "A Fish Called Selma". Dr. Zaius? big number is coming up!

current mood: giddy
current music: Random beeping and gronking sounds -- My brain

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Monday, June 25th, 2001
3:40 pm - This is just wrong...
So, I'm sitting here at my desk at work, looking out the window (I'm taking a break, so sue me) and it's freakin' raining. Not only that, but it's freakin' freezing outside too. I might be mistaken, but just the other day, it was absolutely sweltering here. Maybe someone can make sense of the bay area weather (perhaps that guy in the wheelchair with the voxsynth?) but I sure as heck can't.

current mood: annoyed
current music: Whatever my co-worker is playing

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