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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
9:57 am

Which action filmstar are you?

Which action filmstar are you?

(rock my world)

9:54 am - funny

Who's your Fellowship fella?

I roll in the hay with Hobbits

(rock my world)

Monday, February 11th, 2002
9:30 pm - true dat..

Love Me Not
created by callmemaeve.

(rock my world)

2:37 pm

You Dream guy Is Steven aka thetinman ;p

Hehe ;p Aint I Funny?! *Mwah*

Who Is your Dream Guy? ;p? by mrjacob

(1 thought | rock my world)

Sunday, February 10th, 2002
5:59 pm - Peace man...

What is YOUR High school label?

current mood: amused
current music: laughing

(rock my world)

1:13 pm

(rock my world)

11:02 am - Ok.......

I am George Christ, brother of Jesus. Although a little on the bitter side, I still love my mom and take care of my environment. I am also notorious for running around wearing only socks on the weekends.

Take the What Jesus Would You Be? Quiz

(rock my world)

10:53 am

I am 99.9% Sheeple; how about ewe?

Take the Sheeple test!
By mannequin.

current mood: amused

(rock my world)

1:42 am - hearta-stroke
Tonight was so fun. As much as I didn't want to go out cuz I was bein a lazy bum all day. Anywho I called Andrea and she wanted to know if I wanted to do anything tonight and I really didn't want to cuz I looked like hell and was kinda tired, but I went anyway. We went to her house to watch a few movies. We watched Hannibal I had not seen it before let me say it was really good a lil strange, but good. All I could remember was that sumone told me that he eats brains in the movie. And that's all I kept thinking when it would get really eerie I was like he's gonna eat brains. But it didn't happen till the end of the movie. Then Andrea had her bro do this face thing that makes her laugh and I thought she was A) gonna have a hearta-stroke, B) pee herself, or C) do both!! Then she called Jenny's cell and she was with Kim at her uncle's house. There was another hearta-stroke. Oh man that girl loves to laugh. Its funny cuz watever she laughs at can be totally dumb to u, but to see her laugh it makes u laugh. Its classic. Well I'm tired so I'm gonna go for now.

Later dayz

current mood: sleepy

(rock my world)

Saturday, February 9th, 2002
6:41 pm

I am The Siren

It is easy to fall under your spell. You have a quiet, but powerful beauty. You tend to spend your time alone. This solitude is mostly self-imposed, as you prefer to keep an air of mystery about you.

It is possible that you use this air of mystery to mask the fact that you don't feel adequate enough to be interesting. You should know better than that.

What kind of beauty are you? find out at Swimmingly!

current mood: amused

(rock my world)

10:54 am

Which Trainspotting Character Are You?

(rock my world)

10:50 am

What Pattern Are You?

(rock my world)

10:41 am

Which Sex and the City Player Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

current mood: amused

(rock my world)

10:36 am - really??

What's Your Style? Find out @ She's Crafty

(rock my world)

10:29 am

Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty

current mood: amused
current music: "never gonna stop"-rob zombie

(rock my world)

Friday, February 8th, 2002
8:30 pm
Today was nuttin special. Thank God it's Friday!! No School Tuesday thanks to good ol' Abe!! He he he ha ha ha ho ho ho...ok I'm ok! Really!! I need sleep. I was talkin to Mrs. Hernandez today she thinks that I'm goin through depression yet again. Wat else is new? I don't know wat my problem is. I just want to feel "normal" or "happy." Valentines day is next Thursday...ughhhhhhh wat a bad holiday. Its not even a real holiday. Love bites. Ugghh I think I'm just bitter that I won't have anyone to share it with. But a plus is that I won't have to shell out any cash on sum stupid ass. But that's all over now I'm all good. Ummm i dunno wat else to say I'm tired so maybe I'll go to sleep, but it's too early.....wat ever shall I do??

Later dayz

current mood: indifferent
current music: "where the streets have no name"-u2

(rock my world)

7:35 pm

Take the What Color Dragon Should You Ride? Quiz

Made By: myway and teza

(rock my world)

Thursday, February 7th, 2002
7:36 pm
Why does it always rain on me?

current mood: curious

(rock my world)

4:46 pm

Standing Still
Which Jewel song are you most like? Find out!

current mood: amused
current music: "burning for you"-blue oyster cult

(rock my world)

Wednesday, February 6th, 2002
3:06 pm - really?? I never knew!

Take the "Which
Nationality Are You?" test
at OuchCryManson

Made by: gothichic666 and ecology

(rock my world)

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