D's LiveJournal Bitching [words|people|places]

[ bitch... ]
[ bitch... ]
[ bitch... ]

things i need ... but have no money ... [Thu 21 Feb 02|08:00p]
an apartment
new thongs
bathing suits (victoria's secret and guess)
shoes- comfy black heels and sandals
beach clothes for bahamas
digital camera
fix subs
oil change
serious sunblock
1 monkey| monkey

[Thu 21 Feb 02|05:38p]
[ mood | excited ]

i got the promotion.
i'm now assistant manager and i get full time hours at $10 per hour plus benefits and commission.

2 monkeys| monkey

[Tue 19 Feb 02|02:31a]
fyi. all the managers at guess have gone off the deep end.
i'll know by wed if i got the promotion for sure, but i basically am assistant manager now.
... *sigh*

[Tue 19 Feb 02|02:27a]
[ mood | loved ]

god you make it so hard to leave...


[Sun 17 Feb 02|10:36p]
[ mood | busy ]

I am away from my computer right now.


[Sun 17 Feb 02|08:37p]
[ mood | too much ]

after awhile the days just start to flow together.
monday is wednesday is thursday is saturday is monday again.
weekends no longer exist. it's just work.
day after day.

3 monkeys| monkey

[Sat 16 Feb 02|11:28p]
i bought carmina burana for josh the other day and the lady at best buy said, "are you really gonna listen to this?" i was like "yeah... actually i already own it and it's one of my favorite cds so i'm buying it for my boyfriend." she acted really surprised.
what a bitch.
i hate it when people assume that i just listen to rap or pop crap. heh. i bet you didnt know that steely dan and charlie parker and stan getz and frank sinatra and gershwin and tito puente are my favorite artists along with 2pac and r.kelly and aaliyah and jayz and silk and ginuwine.

fuck you all.

workaholic [Sat 16 Feb 02|10:53p]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | blue sub #6 ]

i found out today that nicole, my assistant manager at Guess, is moving monday. it's really sudden but it makes sense. she recently got pregnant by her abusive boyfriend and her parents are coming and taking her back to montana. he has completely manipulated her and the only way she can escape is if someone forces her to cut it off completely. but what's big about this is that there is gonna be a position open for assistant manager and i'm next in line. caroline was going for it when matt left but nicole got it so caroline was given the full time position. now the position is open again and marissa wants me to have it. my chances are pretty good. see kim, the district manager, will ask beth (head manager) and marissa (co-manager) who they think should be the new assistant manager and i know they will say me (marissa already told me this). kim then will weigh her options and look around. she could tranfer someone in or hire someone new or look at my numbers and promote me. i dont really care either way. unlike caroline, i bust my ass all the time, not just to get a promotion, and if i dont get it i still will bust my ass. i'm not gonna get my hopes up but this is a really big deal and responsibility.
nicole leaves monday and kim comes wed. i'm nervous...


[Sat 16 Feb 02|03:05p]
oh btw, i have a boyfriend now <3
3 monkeys| monkey

[Sat 16 Feb 02|02:49p]
[ mood | aggravated ]

i just love coming home from work to find the kitchen trashed, milk sitting on the counter with the top off, the dogs freezing outside, and everyone upstairs playing video games. ARGH!!!

i have a tooth apt on monday thankgod. my jaw is killing me!! my wisdom teeth are pushing against my molars and it feels like i'm clenching my teeth 24 hours a day. i've been drinking water, brushing, and chewing gum like a fiend to alleviate the pain. hopefully the operation will be soon...mmmmm vicodin...


[Thu 14 Feb 02|05:02p]
guess what i bought today??

old school baby!!!
i remember when that shit came out in 4th grade...
3 monkeys| monkey

getting ready for tonite... [Thu 14 Feb 02|05:00p]
[ mood | excited ]

bailey's in fridge
2 dunhills
refill zippo
cigar cutter
overnite pack
lube :P
bathing suit
sexy undies ;)

5 monkeys| monkey

[Thu 14 Feb 02|03:11p]
[ mood | loved ]

Greetings Diane --

Here is your horoscope for Thursday, February 14:

Simplify your life by doing only that which pleases you. Treat yourself
to the presence of exquisite companionship, and let the other party
know how you feel. You're still within the realm of happy endings.

1 monkey| monkey

why i love vday. and xmas sucks ASS. [Thu 14 Feb 02|03:08p]
xmas is supposed to be about jesus's birth, but it actually is a replacement for saturnalia, the roman celebration of life, and the celtic celebration of trees. these took place in the winter when life was dark to give hope for life and give way for spring. today it is pure hype. it's all capitalism. i hate the stupid buildup for xmas only to be let down. why? cuz it's based on $$$$$$$. valentine's day is about love and friendship. you dont have to buy presents or have a friggin bf/gf. i love dressing all up and hugging and kissing all my friends, family, and everyone i love and rejoicing in their companionship. it's a day to celebrate loved ones, not your partner. and that is why i love vday the most. and no, it is not a hallmark holiday, xmas is. now go out and spend time with your friends, your self, and eat some chocolate and candy hearts. yum!
2 monkeys| monkey

fuck smarterchild [Wed 13 Feb 02|08:18p]
[ mood | sad ]

GooglyMinotaur: GOOGLYMINOTAUR: 2001-2002

Since his catapult into buddy-hood, GooglyMinotaur has sent about 60 million IM messages to nearly one million different people. Always dependable and infinitely wise, Googly seemed fitter and happier up until his very last days. At this time, reports state the cause of death is undetermined. Those wishing to pay their respects to the bereaved may send condolences to freegoogly@hollywoodandvine.com.

If you haven't yet, please say hello to SmarterChild by clicking here. SmarterChild can tell you the news, give you movie times, play games and lots more!


[Wed 13 Feb 02|08:15p]
why does everyone hate vday yet love xmas?
it doesnt make sense to me.
i fucking hate xmas. but vday... now that's an awesome holiday.
5 monkeys| monkey

~~POST IN PROGRESS~~ [Wed 13 Feb 02|08:05p]
[ mood | tired ]

gas price: $1.18

for a wed from 1-6pm. i am god:
transactions= 21
total sales= $850
ADS= $75
UPT= 1.7

thank you number12 for the valentine!! *beams and feels special*

missed you all!! been so fucking busy you wont believe it. busy and in love <3 yes me, the man hater is in love...or getting there and fast.
i love vday. so fucking much.
mad plans. tuscan express and courtyard marriott.
circuit city.
head of accessories.
nicole pregnant.
next in line for assistant manager.
new nextel voicemail lady. weeeeiiiird
josh josh josh josh *siiiiiiigh*

everyone please welcome my friend tatoiu. she a good friend of mine from high school, goes to IU, and is an incredible actress. check it outtttttt

2 monkeys| monkey

[Wed 13 Feb 02|06:51p]
[ mood | fried ]

i never believed in love at first sight until i met you


[Mon 11 Feb 02|09:49a]
[ mood | loved ]

i told him i was falling for him.
and i'm not afraid.

2 monkeys| monkey

almost forgot [Fri 08 Feb 02|08:53p]
2 days ago was exactly

and happy belated bday gmalivuk
only 19. what a youngin. :P

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