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exhausted |
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blue sub #6 |
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i found out today that nicole, my assistant manager at Guess, is moving monday. it's really sudden but it makes sense. she recently got pregnant by her abusive boyfriend and her parents are coming and taking her back to montana. he has completely manipulated her and the only way she can escape is if someone forces her to cut it off completely. but what's big about this is that there is gonna be a position open for assistant manager and i'm next in line. caroline was going for it when matt left but nicole got it so caroline was given the full time position. now the position is open again and marissa wants me to have it. my chances are pretty good. see kim, the district manager, will ask beth (head manager) and marissa (co-manager) who they think should be the new assistant manager and i know they will say me (marissa already told me this). kim then will weigh her options and look around. she could tranfer someone in or hire someone new or look at my numbers and promote me. i dont really care either way. unlike caroline, i bust my ass all the time, not just to get a promotion, and if i dont get it i still will bust my ass. i'm not gonna get my hopes up but this is a really big deal and responsibility. nicole leaves monday and kim comes wed. i'm nervous...