Satalien's LiveJournal
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Below are the 11 most recent journal entries recorded in Satalien's LiveJournal:

    Thursday, August 29th, 2002
    3:30 am
    Is it just me or do you think Gandalf hangs around with hobbits because of their very very convenient size?
    Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
    6:30 am
    fuckin shit
    It's been so long since I wrote, I don't know what to say... anymore.

    Here's something I wrote the other day in spaghetti cooking class (TOUGH!)

    Little bitty french maids like to clean my room
    Sometimes they use the mop and they use a broom
    But when home from class I come that day, they always scream and shout
    They're so small my footsteps often toss them all about.


    I would like to invite you all to a reading of my will in two weeks time. It may come sooner than that depending on whether or not I get my viagra shipment in the mail.

    Also, Lois Lane is sucking you right now and if you look around quickly you may see a hand on your shoulder belonging to Danny Elfman. He's trying to comfort you. DON'T TURN HIM INTO SALT!


    I am a ninja!!!!!!
    Thursday, July 11th, 2002
    4:32 am
    What I know about women can fill a vagina and then some. that's about all I know, though. sometimes it will fill their mouth or their rectum too. It happens once in a while. At least on TV.

    There's nothing left to say on that subject.

    Current Mood: impressed
    Current Music: WATER
    Wednesday, July 10th, 2002
    1:09 am
    yig! yig! yig shulatha tsay!
    the stuff bleow here is some questions I asked of this guy I know named Carl who reallly likes H.P. love craft. Also his answers. Q means my question and A means answer. That should make it easy for you and I think it holds true most of the time.. Also, if you need help I'll put it here again.

    Q=question (from me)
    A=answer (from my friend)

    Q: what is this thing called a shoggoth?

    A: It's like a cat but it's different.

    Q: how is it diffeernt?

    A: Like if there were ghost cats.

    Q: It's a ghost cat?

    A: no, it's different than a cat in, like, the way cats and ghost cats are different.

    Q: so shoggoth is like a cat but dead?

    Q: What? (I couldn't put A here because he had asked me a question. I didn't know what to do with the next line because I was both asking and answering so I just put a Q.)

    Q: So a dead shoggoth is alive?

    A: No no no. LIke if there WERE cats. Then a Shoggoth is like a cat but more like a ghost cat in the way a cat and a ghost cat differ.

    Q: Oh. So, like, what's up man?

    A: I'm not doing so well.

    Q: Oh yeah?

    A: Yeah. I have pancreatic cancer.

    Q: Shit!


    Q: (I am still catching my breath) That was awesome?

    A: It was.

    Q: Cool! So like when did Lovecraft write?

    A: He wrote before you were born, cock-face.

    Q: Huh?


    Q: Shutup!

    A: You're such a young kid. (My friend pinched my cheek which he knows makes me mad)

    Q: Really when did he write?

    A: I'll tell you when he wrote... when he was done humpin' your mother!

    Q: WHAT???!!!

    A: That's right. Lovecraft fucked yo mama!

    Q: Shit fuck you!

    A: Fuck you asshole!

    (at this point I grew green skin and taller and pounded my friend's shit apart. though he tried to fight me he couldn't match my wizard skill. I am a wizard. Shit fuck you! I am so. You know how wizards are. Always misunderstood in their own times. Man.)

    Q: (this Q is from my friend) why'd you do that?

    A: (this is from me) you're a big smelly face fuck head is why.

    Q: (also from my friend) you wanna try that when I'm ready?

    A: (also from me) no way, surprise is my greatest ally.

    Q: (my friend) Then it's a turncoat!

    (My friend tried to fuck me up but he had so soon forgot that I was a wizard. I messed him up more)
    Friday, July 5th, 2002
    7:20 am
    A walrus once saw a fish it wanted to eat and it tried to eat the fish, but the fish ate the walrus instead. And thus, my feet are achy.

    It's hard to get anything done when there's so much eating.

    I tried to vacuum the carpet last night, but the damn carpet was eating itself. Despite teh obvious lesiban implications of that sentence, it was the most unerotic and disturbing thing I've ever seen. And frankly, I don't like the idea of my carpet having life in it because that means I have to call it a name of some sor tand I keep thinking of Donald, but that's just because of a scene in PRoblem Child starring John Ritter and TV's Michael Richards in his pre-kramer days as the bow-tie killer. I know this because I have a degree in film history.


    All you English people can rot in hell. I spent the day celebrating independence from britain by standing on Indians or Native Americans if you prefer while beating hte shit out of every limey bastard I lied eyes on. They're tricky to catch b/c they look just like us (unlike Inidans for instance) but when you hear them talk, you know what do I think the best advice would be to hang around college campuses or npr affiliates. They seem to congregate there.

    Wednesday, July 3rd, 2002
    6:38 am
    The bastards have made me sleepy
    I haven't slept in a couple of days. The bastards have made me sleepy. By bastards I think I mean electrolytes. You know what electrolytes are? They are grocery boys here to collect on a bill. Martin Sheens.

    I have a disabilitating fear that I may be watched everywher I turn. You know what's cool? HOward Shore. If you don't know, you need to find out. GOOGLE HIM. HOWARD SHORE.

    When I woke up this evening (I work nights) I noticed a strange plant growing out of my ceiling, I thought perhpas it was a plant, I mean, but it seemed to be menacing me and mine boys. I'm gonna do anything to protect my boys, but you know, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and I'm sick of not doing things in a man-like fashion. A manta-like fashion. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    Also something fun that sum liiek to try is to eet a banananaanana with its peel OFF. I did nut know how this waz dun, but I liked it okay.

    Have you ever seen a grown man cry? I wish I had but I have still not growed up yet, I'm a boy, because I still cry. So maybe it is impossible to see a grown man cry because once they cry they are babies.

    Did you know that scientists did an experiment with babie swhere they put one baby in a room with a monkey maybe it was stuffed like a toy bu thtey put the other baby in a room by itself. The baby with thte monkey was allowed to live due to the love he felt ofr the monkey anmd the caring he felt from the monkey. The other baby did not die as you are probably suspecting but he became soulless.

    Maybe in the future more babies will have monkeys. And less will grow up soulless like that osama bin laden?

    Current Mood: exanimate
    Current Music: MEN IN Black 2 score Danny Elfman Worm Lounge #1
    Sunday, April 15th, 2001
    7:52 pm
    I haven't heard from La in a while. I guess she read my journal. Maybe she was offended. I don't know. Maybe not. I don't think she'd be offended. But it was pretty brutal, the stuff I was doing. I think I have a problem. I have spent the past week or so online, never logging off in hopes of seeing her. Is it possible to cyber-avoid someone? Maybe.

    So I wish more poeple read my journals. I'm so lonely. If you're reading this, comment on it dammit. Why else would you be reading it if not to comment?
    Monday, April 9th, 2001
    10:44 pm
    Had cybersex with La a few moments ago. Though it was more like cyber-rape. She just wasn't into it. I kept typing stuff like, I am kissing you and she typed back "stop it, man, just cut it out." I don't know, things got heated (for me) and she logged off. That didn't stop me though. I kept going. Even though on Messenger it said "[la] is not responding b/c she appears to be offline" I just pretended like she was still here. 'Cause let's face it, she wasn't here to begin with and it's all imagination anyway, so what do I need her for, right? I mean really. It's all bullshit. I think I may enjoy it more when she's playing "hard to get" and by "hard to get" I mean, "offended and disgusted". I don't know, I have been thinking that all parents should teach their kids about sex around the same time they teach them potty training. It's a simple biological process much like going to the bathroom and with more awareness of our natural processes people would not be so scared of my raw sexual powers. I actually have none of those, but that's okay. I can still pretend. I mean really, it's all in the brain this stuff. But I think that the idea of getting kids comfortable with the idea that they will at some point have sex is better than trying to ignore it until they hit puberty and then teach them what sex is all about. And they should teach them about the ugliness of it too, not that it's beautiful, b/c sex is pretty nasty. But that's all right, so is blowing your nose, but you still do it, and let's face it, you don't feel so good when you blow your nose. At least I don't. Maybe I have a medical condition. But it's just a natural process. Who gives a fuck? And it's odd to me when I talk to people who are more uptight about sex matters than I am b/c I'm pretty god damned up tight. What I hate is when I meet someone who's less uptight though, and they play it off like they're so much better than me. Fuck them. I'd sure like to. Oh well. Maybe I will get a prostitute. Legal or no. Maybe I'll spend the $50 on an exercise bike instead though, I need more exercise. And I mean, one workout for $50 vrs. unlimited exercises for $50... you do the math. Hell yeah. Exercise bikes here I come. BUt the stores are closed, so maybe tomorrow.
    Wednesday, March 28th, 2001
    12:18 am
    Apparently La stopped by to read my journal. I should just start using this as a means to talk to La. My Li2 called me today. we are meeting tomorrow. So that's good. We start shooting on Sat. morning and I"m a bit stressed out. I went to a comedy club tonight for open mic night. It was amazing. I think I'm going to try this. I think I could do a pretty damn good job as a stand-up. Some of them were patently unfunny. Some of them were okay, but only one of them seemed like he had put a bit of thought into his performance too. I think I may do a lot of jokes about abortion. No abortion jokes in this country. Dammit. Got to take chances. I'm sick of hearing jokes like "men are like this, women are like this." That's so dumb. I want to tell terrible attention-getting abusive jokes. Yes sir. That's my style. This movie is going to be good, I have a good feeling about it. It's everything I want to do. I have to be less concerned about people liking me and more concerned about doing my job well.


    Current Mood: rejuvenated
    Current Music: Basil Poledouris - The Leaving - The Search
    Tuesday, March 27th, 2001
    10:02 am
    Talked to J last night. J has many concerns about shooting this movie and that is good. He is doing a lot and that's awesome since he is so integral to the final look of the film. May be relying a little too much on him. I also spend too much time online. J is a nice partner, though, very good at keeping me focused. I have tended a lot toward the sloppy on this film so far. I don't know why. I'm usually very much the opposite with everything worked out. I suppose it's the lack of concrete locations. I need to have concrete locations.

    Getting frustrated with Li2 (who is doing my production design). Days go by and I do not hear from her. I need stuff this weekend, I asked her if it was all right since I hadn't told her and admittedly, that's MY fault for not telling her. She said she could do it. But I'm thinking she can't. And she won't admit it and that's so like her. Sets herself up and then fails and thinks "oh why am I doing this" and then avoids people like she will start avoiding me I think. No, that's not entirely true. She wont' avoid me, she'll just apologize so much that it will embarass both of us. Just do it, Li2.

    Anyways, she's really busy. I don't mind, I'm just a bit concerned and it's not like this is the end of the stupid world here if I don't shoot this weekend. I honestly do not care. I just want to have it shot by the end of the semester for J. It's his final project and he needs to have evidence of that. I have to talk to R about getting an extension on it. I should do that today. what else today, oh stupid acting class homework and I need to figure out the locations as they relate to the opening of the film and such. I have it in my brain pretty well, just need to concrete it down by writing.
    Monday, March 26th, 2001
    11:32 pm
    so this is my first journal. L told me about it. I should distinguish as I have many many L's in my life. La. That'll do. She'll be La for now. There's an Li too. She's in Africa. So many L's. I love L's. In this case L stands for Ladies. I like these inital jokes.

    I think I should mention I am making a movie right now. It's hard work. I spend lots of time on the phone. It's cool. It's all good. Oh yeah, what else. I'm watching seinfeld right now. But that's not exactly groundbreaking, is it? I just can't get into this really. I'll try to do stuff later. Oh well.

    Current Mood: calm