Monday, February 25th, 2002
10:15 pm - Yep..I've conformed..
5:27 pm - For all you luvas out there...
"Iiiiiii...I'm so in love with you....let's stay together...lovin' you whether times are good or bad, happy or sad..."
current mood: giddy current music: Let's Stay Together - Al Green
(1 fondle | touch me right there baby)
5:17 pm - The ghettoness in full effect...
I'm really a big black man trapped in a little white woman's body.
Dana even made me an honorary member of "You Beautiful Black Woman".
"You can do me in the morning, you can do me in the can do me when ya wanna do me..."
(touch me right there baby)
2:57 pm - Wow...most of the day without an entry...
First of all, I just have to say that I think khalil_islam is one fantastic guy. I'm damn glad he hunted me down online, 'cause it's a great thing to find someone with a brain and some spectacular inner strength. Makes me proud, damn it. :)
So..just chugging along at work. This whole "Create our corporate web site" thing has me completely stressed out. Every time I ask the boss for his ideas of great websites, I get sites with huge multimedia presentations (which I'm completely against, both for the download time and the bandwidth - you have to take into consideration the demographics of your visitors!). And I'm scared, because I've never done something like this from the ground up. I usually draw the pretty pictures and hand them to the webmaster. It's all about learning, I guess. Gotta love a challenge. pages by next Tuesday...hrm...maybe.
Dinner with my friend Katie tonight, which will be lovely (other than the fact it'll be all wedding talk, as Kate and her man of six years will be getting married in October).
Jeffffrey called to say hi and to tell me to bring down some dressy clothes for the weekend 'cause he wants to take me to Salty's. *gigglesnort* Love the man. Simply love the man. My family is doing Christmas this year in Tortola, British Virgin Islands, and I'm thinking I'll have a friend to bring. w00t! :)
current mood: bouncy current music: Train
(1 fondle | touch me right there baby)
12:01 am
Sunday, February 24th, 2002
8:27 pm
Well..this was an entirely *too useful* day.
Things I did today:
- Finally fell asleep at 5 a.m., because I was freezing my ass off for some reason.
- Managed to make it to an amazingly moving church service by 10:45 a.m.
- Did some grocery shopping.
- Performed a *massive* spring cleaning of all my random boxes left over from my last move. I threw out a whole bunch of shit, I gave away a whole bunch of shit, and I reorganized a whole bunch of shit.
- Did two loads of dark laundry (I'll do the lights in Portland next weekend for FREE!)
- Vacuumed the room and decorated it by adding my old Michigan license plate and a few extra photos on the wall.
- Made dinner, Mom-style. (Turkey meatloaf, green beans, garlic mashed potatoes)
- Flipped through the first six chapters of my Dreamweaver book and made a list of questions re: the design of our company website, in order to wow the boss tomorrow.
- Returned the man's call and was greeted with "I miss you a lot. It sucks being so far away."
What can I say...I'm just a sucka for love... ;)
current mood: exhausted
(touch me right there baby)
3:22 am - the Merc..
Yes..I went Merc-ing this evening. Went out dancing with Nicole and she complained *after an hour* that the bar was too crowded. Uh. It's a bar. That's what happens.
So I got home at 1, but was still pretty wired, and headed to the Merc. Called you and you to no avail, and just hoped that maybe I'd recognize you (I kept your pole by the bar warm) or run into you or you. Looking for a short guy with glasses or a somewhat tallish guy with shoulder-length hair (am I close?) and glasses.
Alas, nada. (Hell, I've even got a past slave who's usually there) And the funny part is that I didn't realize until I got there that I wouldn't recognize some people even if I saw you on the street (as compared to the darkness of a basement, with everyone in black.) I did, however, meet a lovely man in a great skirt carrying a buddha lunchbox.
Anyway...thought of you...someday I'll meet you. :)
(touch me right there baby)
Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
10:11 pm - "This is going to be a fun ride.."
Oh yeah. He's the one.
He calls me tonight..and we chit-chat a bit about our days..and suddenly he's like "So..I've been thinking..."
I'm not gonna detail the whole conversation. I'm just going to remember that he is the most amazing creature I've ever met. He talks about how he admires me, how good I make him feel, how he wants to take this slow because he wants everything to be "just right"...."Instead of having the instant flame and the chance of it burning out quickly, I want to take it slow and build a good fire that will last a long time."
The funniest thing is that he's sincere. These aren't lines. This is his heart. This is how his heart works. And funny enough, this is how my heart works as well.
***** I'm going out dancing with a friend tonight. I've been told that I'm welcome to go out and have a good time, "let the boys buy you drinks..", because the man is secure. He knows that he's the only one for me. He knows where my heart is. That rules. Even if this all ended tomorrow, this has been the best ride I've ever been on.
current mood: bouncy
(5 fondles | touch me right there baby)
10:09 am - muhahahaha...surprising, no?
9:50 am
Friday, February 22nd, 2002
4:27 pm - "You'll never see the courage I know..."
This song...sung by Fiona Apple...played on a CD player in my suite on the high floor of the double-towered hotel where I was staying in Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia. I stood there on my balcony, staring out at the ocean, thousands of miles away from anyone I knew, on my first solo vacation ever.
I stood there, beaming, proud of all that I had accomplished in my 20 years, proud of my ability to choose my dream over my love, proud of who I had become.
A good moment indeed.
"You'll never live this life that I live..."
current mood: proud current music: Never Is A Promise - Fiona Apple
1:01 pm - could someone jab a pen in my eye? thanks.
here I am, bored out of my mind for the last few weeks (except the occasional design), and suddenly, today, I am in charge of everything that needs to be done. hrmph. busily trying to compile a PR contact list for the press release, figuring out how to create an email alias and get it pointed to the right person, playing with MS Outlook and deciding how to send out a mass email without showing all the email addresses, understanding AutoCAD to get floor plans for the software display, deciding on a look for the cascading style sheets (what the hell are those?). Oh..yeah...and he wants me to create the website and have it up by March 5th. *sigh*
well..i guess it's all about job security. at least I can't say they're not paying me enough. :) maybe I will be heading to New Orleans for the Jazzfest in May with my honey. :)
current mood: crazy
(3 fondles | touch me right there baby)
11:15 am - hey falconred!
10:25 am - I'll start my LJ rants with the Friday Five, thanks to butterbee
1. Hey, baby, what's your sign? Do you think it fits you pretty well? Aries (hence the LJ name). The Ram. Bold, independent, stubborn, impatient. Nah..that doesn't sound like me at all. ;)
2. What's the worst birthday gift you've ever received? My ex-ex-ex-boyfriend showing up on my doorstep with his buddies and his hair shaved into a mohawk and dyed green. Followed shortly with the phrase, "I couldn't buy you a birthday present, 'cause there was this really cool bong that I wanted." Oh, the winners I've dated.
3. What's the best birthday gift you've ever received? JohnJohn made 50 copies of a Jen photo collage that he had made, as well as having it read "You're 21, baby!" in big block letters, and proceeded to put them all over my dorm, my friend's rooms, my dining hall, and every hall I had class in, for my 21st birthday. That was the best gift ever.
4. What's the best way you've celebrated your birthday thus far? Yeah...the 21st is still the best. Drinking, puking, and lots of love. :)
5. What are your plans for this weekend? The gym and maybe the Merc tonight? Tomorrow I have an appt. at the spa, and dancing with a friend around 10. Church on Sunday. There will also be much reading of the new book I bought last week. Yay!
(2 fondles | touch me right there baby)
Thursday, February 21st, 2002
5:00 pm - *smile*
Look at him...he screams 'love me, love me!' (well..not literally..but I'm sure he would if I asked nicely) *evil grin*
current mood: in goofy loveness current music: Mmmm...R&B; music...
(7 fondles | touch me right there baby)
4:22 pm - yeah yeah...i'll cut it...
4:13 pm - omg...
3:22 pm - i'm having a deity moment..
Being a UI designer is really kinda strange for me. I'm not a programmer, and to be honest, I don't have a whole lot to do, but I feel all big and important when the developers come to me to ask my opinion on a window layout or a CSS or a font size, etc. It's like "Yeah..people will see my decisions on this software." That rules. Some might even call it an accomplishment. :)
Maybe I should milk this UI design thing.
I miss the man. :(
current mood: happy current music: My Old Friend - John Hiatt
(touch me right there baby)
12:31 pm - muuuuhahahahahaha!
Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
4:30 pm - Yeah..there's a surprise...