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blissfulness [14 Nov 2001|02:58pm]
[ mood | wonderful ]
[ music | kiss offs ]



Comments: 2 dry history - dry lines on me.

the collective insomniac [14 Nov 2001|02:21am]
four dad
bunk beds
when youre
(dad always did)
dad loved you
& you

hes all 'fagged' out
shes all 'fagged' up
they dont know
and they are the same

clouds falling
from underneath
and virgins
fucking softly
pale voices
scream in/out
agony & help
young boys
standing on feet
freezing starving
for life
too much
too little
& the clouds keep rolling

fall fall fall
fallen down
words (awful)
tones of illness
faint spats
through of yester (day)
own all
or fall
Comments: dry lines on me.

yours [14 Nov 2001|02:11am]
glossy eye
warm finger
feel mine
palms cradling
necks thumbed
(never souring.)
____into mine.
Comments: dry lines on me.

i love to day dream away all day [14 Nov 2001|12:56am]
[ mood | blissful ]
[ music | the shells ]

im wanting to run away
to portland
to colorado
or denton/dallas/fort worth
there are too many snobs here
too many memories
too many
too much
of everything
sometimes i just day dream for hours
(thinking about everything, living somewhere nice, riding my bike around places, walking, meeting new interesting people, not having all the awful people who i am surrounded with now breathing down my spine and consuming my mind with bitterness. loving you and just living. and that being enough.)
and i could live dreaming forever
and sometimes
it seems that when . . . . .
my day dream could come true
its suddenly not as appealing anymore.
strange, i know.

Comments: dry lines on me.

you talk so softly [13 Nov 2001|11:24pm]
[ music | plea (cease the expansion) ]

pushing needles
in wasted bodies
& cracks on corners
of streets
from somewhere
that doesnt exsist anymore
erased by the cold
a man
on a bench
trying to sleep
exactly like me but four
nights ago
trying to sleep
in your bed
your educated mind should know
benches and beds
cold in my head
youre no better then that boy
laying on the street

Comments: dry lines on me.

dreams arent real sometimes [13 Nov 2001|02:00pm]
[ mood | im about to go shopping, yeah! ]
[ music | billie holiday ]

last night i had a dream
and my brother and my dad were
questioning me
about my arms
they were all scarred
and they said anne
why are there marks on your arms like knives
and i said they werent knives it was just scratches and cuts from kitty cats.
but it was so obviously from knives

ive never cut myself

and on a completely irrelevant note.. im really sick of people being labelled or people labeling themselves. like emo, that's so god fucking damn stupid. wake up. take off your generic emo glasses so you can actually fucking see. why would anyone feel the need to label themselves like that? i mean, dont you think people should take the time to get to know you and not what youre supposed to be according to what category you fit into. i mean fuck, we are people not god damned meat. get a grip stop this emo shit.
QUIT CRYING OVER IT YOU BABY. BE YOUR OWN PERSON. ok and its not just emo people, all the labels, punk, mod, blah blah make your own label called you.

Comments: 2 dry history - dry lines on me.

[12 Nov 2001|11:14pm]
[ mood | pretty decent ]
[ music | the minders ]

big noses
and the way
my tv
just sits there.

(this is what i live for)

Comments: 2 dry history - dry lines on me.

phone calls [12 Nov 2001|11:12pm]
clay on walls
fingers lingering
hums of a fan
incessant noise
can ease ones depression
or evoke moods
and warm arms
erase certain bindings
stars are trash
voices speak of clay
in such
of her/him
Comments: dry lines on me.

[12 Nov 2001|02:39pm]
[ mood | la la la ]
[ music | built to spill ]


i could fall in love with my own words

Comments: 4 dry history - dry lines on me.

happiness is all the rage [12 Nov 2001|02:08pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | pixies ]

went up to school today
to see my principal
with my dad
so the deal was worked out like so:
i will graduate
no ged for me; no siree
program six
graduate early
at a different school
no less
my diploma will still say
'Plano Senior High School.'
im happy
and so
is my dad
i go up there on wedensday
to meet with my new principal
and my old principal
will be there
and we will talk friendly
and eat coffee cakes
and no not really.
and off to the doctor after
meeting my new school
i love my dad sometimes.
and my life.
and you

and coffee cakes.

Comments: dry lines on me.

i just woke up [12 Nov 2001|12:34pm]
[ mood | scared ]
[ music | mogwai ]

last night i had a dream that involved screaming. i woke up teary eyed. the yelling was at my father. i kept saying how i cant live here anymore. i meant i cant live here. as in be alive here any longer. and i said to him YOU ARE A FUCKING OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE CONTROL EVERYTHING FREAK. which he is completely the opposite. though christine my step mother is completely that.
and the weird part was when i was yelling at him i called him john, and i caught myself and said "wait is that your name? what do i call you ? i have never adressed you before"
(i honestly didnt know what to call him nor what his name was)
in my dream he wasnt exactly a father

and maybe it wasnt such a dream

Comments: dry lines on me.

& this is all my life is. [10 Nov 2001|07:10pm]
[ mood | sure ]
[ music | none ]

stomach hurts.
ninety bucks in tips at work today.
need to get in the shower
get ready.
want to go to rubber gloves tonight.
talking to ganderson now, seeing if he wants to go but i know he wont.
he never wants to go anywhere

la la

Comments: 4 dry history - dry lines on me.

just iniquity [08 Nov 2001|01:14am]
how deliciously anorexic
how impudently cordial

the music
my sweet.
my (lacking in) love.

how distantly close. (like an apogee)

turn down
cold and the heat

turn down
the mediocrity

erase its existence
from minds, of the you
& me;
quite possibly

and lack

turn down
the echo:
lasting for only
one breath away
on this and all
day of days

my one.

my mine
my only be
my saucy & newly broken
virgin lusting
to be bought
on well-lit corners;
infinitely abysmal

ironic?: may
true ?:
value. defined (in minds of mine, not mines of you)

turn down the tones &
rain of blood
pouring the hearts of
babies and mothers
bones & flesh


not you, oh no, how i love you,

my (lacking in irony) sweet
my darling
my lovely: my you:
among the prostitutes

(why must
the you and you subsist so violently & so seemingly deliberate?)
Comments: 15 dry history - dry lines on me.

a play called sister [07 Nov 2001|03:34pm]
things tumbled down
and crumbled
like play dough
only it wasn't droll
i wasn't three

no grounds
to crumble

sister made it wry
"check into a psychiatric ward,
you can get away from dad;
all the great writers have (lived in one) at some point"

tears roll back up
and corners of mouths
can not deny
the faint smile
any longer

& that moment, i was living in the
and the scene was in comic relief.
Comments: 2 dry history - dry lines on me.

[06 Nov 2001|02:02am]
[ mood | keeps changing ]
[ music | beatles-hey jude ]

this morning. you wrapped your arms around me at seven twenty nine.
because you knew id wake at seven thirty. and you wanted me to think theyd been there the whole time.

i just wanted to talk to you. and i didnt answer the phone
and i dont know why.

and i didnt want to hear those things you told me last night.
i should have turned around, and walked out at 2 30 am.
somethings wrong with me or something wrong with the world cause im not fitting into it right.
i never have. probably never will.


i just want to feel loved
i just want to feel like im wanted
i just want to feel like im someone
i just want to feel like im worth it
i just want to feel like im worth anything
i just want to feel
but this way
and i probably never will

Comments: 9 dry history - dry lines on me.

[06 Nov 2001|12:42am]
[ mood | ive fucked everything up ]
[ music | its almost like i like it that way ]

im stopping


it never got me anywhere, anyway.

Comments: 2 dry history - dry lines on me.

so far gone [06 Nov 2001|12:11am]
[ music | linkin park incubus staind you underground fucks ]

im giving up
im driving my car into the wall
im not looking when i change lanes
not because im lazy
not because i hurt
but because
i just dont fucking care

became suddenly more

than dealing with the life ive become.

Comments: dry lines on me.

maybe, probably not [05 Nov 2001|11:35pm]
[ mood | sore stomach ]
[ music | (empty set) ]

maybe im bipolar
maybe im bi
maybe i like polar bears
who the fuck cares?
no one.

and that's just the point.

Comments: dry lines on me.

un wound [05 Nov 2001|04:43pm]
[ mood | missing ]
[ music | does it matter, really ]

take a shirt
and turn it inside out

take that voice
and fold it over
and over again

take those words
and rearrange
the syllables
and the tones please
oh fuck.

take the steps
and turn them around

erase those words
spill the dreams
in constant tones
of nothing
like that

add it up
everything is
the same
negative number
somehow, everytime
equalling zero,
take away me.

Comments: dry lines on me.

happy birthday love. [04 Nov 2001|11:04pm]
get out
no one
(not even one)
Comments: dry lines on me.

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