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Intersection of Death [Thu Mar 21 2002|05:55pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]

That's what my friend's father, who is a UPS driver, calls the corner on which we live... [insert booming voice] The Intersection of Death.

Since P and I have lived here, about 2 and a half years now - there has been easily over 20 accidents. They all sound the same: honk, screeeech, and that sickening thud of cars colliding, I run to the window, the cat runs under the bed. The worse one involved a car, landscaping truck and a U-Haul. There were ambulances from 4 different towns, the whole block was shut down and they had to use the jaws of life to get the people out of the car. NUTS! I purposely avoid that intersection and go around the block, just so I don't have to go through there. There's a house across the corner that has huge boulders on their front lawn. Always thought they were quite unsightly until one afternoon a woman went flying up onto them during an accident. Not one of her wheels was touching the ground. Now it all makes sense. Boulders on lawn = Cars not slamming into house.

Because P was nice enough to get me a phat digital camera for Christmas, I decided to snap a few shots out the window... let this be a lesson, pay attention to stop lights and quit being an asshole driver. :)

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[Thu Mar 21 2002|05:27pm]
shit, another huge accident at our corner... asshole drivers.
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Okay, who's the drunk? [Thu Mar 21 2002|04:30pm]
[ mood | crazy ]

I went outside to recycle my soda can and there are six, 30 packs of empty Budshitzer cans. I think it's the rock lab guys. They don't give a crap! At any given time you can walk down there and you're guaranteed to see someone smoking a butt and drinking a beer. I don't know how they don't get in trouble, I get yelled at by the safety nazi all the time about my co2 canisters not being chained. No fair, I guess I'll start drinking and smoking too, just to be cool. Look at me I make rocks and break them, real science, I'm so cool *belch*.
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Being selfish [Thu Mar 21 2002|11:01am]
[ mood | loved ]

I was just bitching to my friend about how I haven't received any birthday cards yet, [me b-day's on Sunday] and now she's sending me silly e-cards with hysterical messages on them, here are some excerpts: [PS.: she's denying that shes's ending them, but I can recognize her crazy talk from miles away]

1) ARDIS , you are wonderful and I love you! You are the bilge chicken of my life. Your April showers bring a lush of fluff to my graham cracker dreams. you are a tiny little pocket of desktop heaven!

2) your presence is like the sweet nectar of dew drops covered in lemon merengue sunshine on pink chiffon kissed moon pies with beveled lumps of sugar and equal sitting on my left wing

3) The job of being god is not easy. That is why you are chosen as the only GOD for me. I will worship you forever until you die.

4) Oh Ardis, when I get out of prison I will be knockin on your door first thing! Even after all the murders I have committed and the grand larceny charges combined with petty theft and tax fraud, I'm still thinking of you as my sweet love of paradise and flowers upon angels of heaven. You are my one true love.

5) My flower has been crossed with a gingerbread terryplump snap eater. Which basically means that our love is now unbreakable and undying and we will live on forever until the motherload comes to earth and destroys all man kind. Until then though, we will be totally in love and we can even get our lobotomies together when the aliens do come. But love love and more love to you.
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Just an early morning vent... [Wed Mar 20 2002|10:30am]
[ mood | amused ]

There is a guy here, who we shall call, Annoying Small Man or Asm, for short. He is belligerent, rude, nasty, loud and probably smelly.

Asm comes in here almost every day looking for my boss, who, as you all know is an angel. I so want to protect him from Asm's crazed speeches about absolutely nothing. However his rude powers are too strong for me. He struts into the lab - beady eyes scanning the room, and screams, "Kevin here?". And upon subsequent visits, if Kevin does not appear he gets pissed... at me. There's no - Hey, Ardis. No - How are you is Kevin here? No politeness at all, just a shrill scream demanding Kevin's whereabouts. Like what the hell am I, a piece of smelly shit? No, Asm, you are the piece of smelly doo-doo, not me!

I've been subjected to this daily ritual of Asm for way too long and have, over the past few months, tried the age old tactic of ignoration. That's right I said ignoration.... His fanfare filled entrance gets no recognition from me, I just sit here pretending he doesn't exist. He can scream and pout all he wants, I refuse to answer him - he can walk the 10 feet to Kevin's office and see if he's there himself. I am not a lojack system.

Well this morning, our smelly little Asm walked in the lab and didn't say a word, just peeked in Kevin's office and walked out. I feel VICTORIOUS!!!! Ignoration has worked.... I suggest you try it with the Asm in your life.
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[insert subject here] [Tue Mar 19 2002|12:37pm]
[ mood | blank ]

Tommy's memorial service was so, how shall I describe it? So, Final. It was very, very sad. When we got to the church they had bagpipes outside, started to tear up. Walked inside, grabbed a program with a wonderful picture of Tommy on it, started to cry. Walked past numerous collages with pictures of Tommy, continued crying. Saw a picture of Tommy throwing one of his sons up in the air, a huge smile on both their faces, a sunset in the background. A perfect moment caught forever, one that will never happen again, started to bawl.

My Uncle Billy's fiancé Mabel had broken out in hives from all of the emotion. Everyone hugged, long sniffling hugs. Forced smiles, forced "How are you?"'s. So real, so final, we are admitting he's gone. Yet, we don't even have a finger to bury.

Sit down on the cold hard seats, holding hands, speaking quietly... In the front row is Dee and the wives of Tommy's colleagues who were also lost that day. A day where the sky was bluer than blue, sunny and warm. One row, a sampling of thousands lost, thousands in grief, thousands with a bond they never could have imagined. Linda, Dee's brother's wife, was passing around her new son Patrick, born after September 11th. Will never know his father, has no idea of all the hatred in the world.

The service was basically a catholic mass. The priest had been a mentor and great friend of Tommy's since he was in high school, it was difficult for him to speak at times. Norene said some nice things. Dermott, Tommy's son, along with his cousin [also missing a dad] presented the wine and wafers for communion. Dee, wife and best friend of Tommy for 23 years walked up to the podium, unbelievably calm, spoke of their love and her loss... Bagpipes played Amazing Grace, everyone crying...sobbing, me, my husband, my dad, my mom, my brother, my sister, cousins, friends, family. All weeping for a life cut cruelly short, for a family turned upside down and inside out, for the thousands that are in the same position as us.

I came home that afternoon and laid on the couch, completely drained. Opened up a Harry Potter book and lost myself in it's magic. I needed an escape, I didn't want to be in a place with such hatred and violence. I cried myself to sleep that night. The children's faces haunting my mind, faces so precious and innocent. Will Connor, two years old, remember what it's like to feel his father's embraces? Thousands of families. Thousands of children, it is uncomprehendable. I wept for them all, I weep for them still.

Will I stop crying anytime soon? Maybe.
Will I ever forget? Never.
Will I love my friends and family fiercely? Absolutely.
Will I be kind to people? Yes.
Will I live each day giving thanks for the gifts I've been given? Definitely.
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Yukkie Doctor [Tue Mar 19 2002|10:52am]
[ mood | nervous ]

I love my gynecologist, she is amazing. This petite, cute Asian women who wears the funkiest clothes and jewelry. Every time I see her I want her clothes, although I could only fit my leg in a pair of her pants. Biotch!!! Anyway, I always get sooooooooo nervous when I go there. I don't know what it is. She is very gentle and nice, so it's not her I'm scared of. Dunno, tres weird. Even today when I was calling for an appointment, just calling I was all shaky and nervous. What's up with that shit?
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Damn [Tue Mar 19 2002|10:31am]
[ mood | anxious ]

This shit is scarier than terrorism

Whew! Stealth asteroid nearly blindsides Earth )
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W:A:R:N:I:N:G:!:!:!:!:!:! [Mon Mar 18 2002|02:53pm]
[ mood | grumpy ]

DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT install Internet Explorer 6.0 on your machine. It is the DEVIL, pure evil from the spawn of Satan. It will fuck up your entire LIFE!!!! Bill gates you are an asshole. Thanks for being such a prick whore. If I ever see you, you will get more than a pie in your face, how about a foot up your ASS? I will get shoes with spikes all over them just for the occasion.... holy, I am steaming! I begged Dell support to pleeeaaasssee tell me we could fix the problem without doing a clean restore. Seems that once 6.0 is on your machine it forms some sort of parasitic symbiotic relationship with the OS and if you try to uninstall you will loose your first child, your virginity, you favorite pet and your eyesight. GATES BE DAMNED!

Let the back up begin. Drinking some Kaluha while I do it, Gates has driven me to alcoholism you rat bastard....

[insert streams of expletives and swears your mom would faint if she heard you utter them]!!!!!!
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Pissed Off [Mon Mar 18 2002|12:07am]
[ mood | pissed off ]


I am up waaay past my bedtime... my computer is fucked! I tried downloading IE6.0 and everything is now shot to shit! Talked to tech support in India and after 30 minutes he tells me I need to do reinstall my OS???????????


I'm going to ask our computer guy at work about it tomorrow, I want a second opinion!!!!
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[Sat Mar 16 2002|03:51pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]

9/11 loss of husband sinking in

By Jennifer Morrill Journal staff writer

KEARNY - Theirs was a love at first sight. She was a freshman at St. Dominic Academy in Jersey City, he was a sophomore at St. Peter's Preparatory School, and a Valentine's Day dance at St. John's Church brought them together. Every day after that, Thomas Sullivan would meet her at school and walk her home, Deirdre Sullivan said recently of her husband. "It was starry-eyed," she said of the romance. "He was handsome, he went to St. Peter's Prep. . . . I was just happy to have him by my side."

But on Sept. 11, the 23-year-long relationship was abruptly cut short.

Thomas, 38, as well as Deirdre's younger brother, L. Patrick Dickinson, 36, who both worked as brokers at Harvey, Young and Yurman Inc., were at a breakfast meeting at Windows on the World atop the World Trade Center's North Tower when a hijacked plane slammed into the building.

Deirdre said she knew the company had weekly meetings there, but did not realize her brother and husband, who was raised in Jersey City, were at the restaurant when the plane struck.

She said she turned on the television and saw the buildings ablaze, but it took a phone call from a clerk at the New York Stock Exchange, where her husband worked, to tell her he was there with six other men. She kept telling herself that these were all strong and athletic men, and that they would somehow get out.

"I said, 'They had to get out'," Deirdre said, while her 21/2-year-old son, Conor, played on her lap. "They were the strongest, the toughest guys, so we definitely thought they got out, that they were at a hospital somewhere."

In the days immediately following the attacks, Sullivan said she waited at her Kearny home with Conor and her other son, Dermot, 7, while other family members searched for the men.

But neither of them was found, and now, just more than six months later, Deirdre Sullivan said she is beginning to face the loss.

"It took a long time," she said. "I always thought there would be some excuse, that they would come home. We thought maybe some miracle happened."

But mostly, she said, it is about living day to day and making sure her sons continue with their routines.

Dermot, a second-grader at St. Stephen's School in Kearny, plays golf and bowls, and is on the baseball team. He will be making his first communion this spring, she said.

She says the boys miss their father and their uncle, and every night they kiss their photos before going to bed.

"Conor's always on my hip, and he will say things like, 'I miss Daddy,' or 'Where's Daddy? When's Daddy coming home?' " she said.

And if he sees a silver Ford Expedition, like the one his father drove, Conor will say, "Is that Daddy?" she said.

Noreen Sullivan, Thomas's younger sister, said the consolation for the loss of her brother is the two boys, who just lit up Thomas's face every second he was with them

"Those children mesmerized him," she said. "His eyes would sparkle when they were around him. . . . He was so proud of them."

His mother, Arlene, who lost her husband about a year before her son, said Thomas was always the "protector" of the family. When his father fell ill, he took off four months from work to take care of him, she said.

"He was always the protector of the family - ours and his," his mother said. "Even the older members of the family turned to him for advice."

His sister said Thomas, who played drums in a jazz band, had instilled a love of music in his sons, and last summer took Dermot to see U2 at the Meadowlands.

Every time they rode in the car together, the three of them - Thomas, Drmot and Conor - would listen to U2 and sing aloud, she said.

"One of the best things is when they are in the car, the three of them singing 'It's a Beautiful Day'," she said. "If the smile on his (Thomas') face could've reached the sky, it would have."

In addition to being a devoted family man, Thomas was also civic-minded, each year volunteering at a number of charities, as well as at the Physically Challenged Irish American Youth Team in New York and at events at St. Peter's Prep, his family said.

And he would also make his boys take at least five of their unopened Christmas gifts and give them to less-fortunate children.

"He just felt God was very good to him, and he wanted to help, to give back," said Noreen, Thomas' sister.
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I have no words [Wed Mar 13 2002|01:52pm]
[ mood | scared ]

This is just insane... I mean really, what the hell is going on with the INS?

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[Tue Mar 12 2002|09:43pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]

Just finished watching the movie :: Greenfingers ::. It was cute, I liked it. P, the infamous critic, actually liked it as well - I was amazed, this is nothing short of a miracle.

We went to the Rockefeller lookout on the Palisades last night to check out the tribute lights near the WTC. I brought my cam and took some pictures, although they came out really blurry b/c I don't have a tripod - and the exposure only goes so long so I couldn't actually get the beams - but I got some funky shots of the George Washington Bridge. The skyline looked fantastic, especially through our binoculars, no cheesy '25 cents for 30 seconds' big metal magnifier things for US! It looked peaceful... and empty. *sigh*

My aunt and cousin were on the news that night, I didn't get to see them but apparently they were on a Circle Line Cruise boat for family members. I can't wait to see them on Saturday so I can hug them tightly and tell them how much I love them and I will never forget Tommy and his smiling face and big cheery laugh. Let the healing begin!!!!

Here's a blurry shot...

blurry, i know.
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[Tue Mar 12 2002|09:25pm]
Rosie is gay. yeeeaaay, I'm glad she's finally out!
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Werk Schmerk [Mon Mar 11 2002|01:24pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]

< bitching and moaning >

I just spend the last hour and a half looking through all the employment sites and not one, ONE thing appealed to me! It's not as if I'm looking for some extraordinary dream job. I'll take anything - what about phone sex? haha, does that pay well? This is really bringing me down. Not to mention that Tommy's memorial service is this weekend. I'm taking Friday off to mentally prepare for the day.

I am generally feeling like a complete failure.

< /bitching and moaning >
1 bean|post comment

VvvvrrrOOOooommm [Sat Mar 09 2002|03:23pm]
[ mood | content ]

I spotted this hotrod outside my window, so I rushed to take a picture of it. By the time I got to the window he had moved up a bit in traffic and I wasn't going to go running outside with the camera like some crazed tourist - so this is all i got. Pretty neat.

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[Fri Mar 08 2002|06:46pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | India Arie - Part Of My Life ]

Yesterday at work I was thinking about winning the thousand dollars a week for life lottery. That would be so sa-weeet! When P came home from work he said he had a surprise for me. From behind his back he pulled out a thousand dollar a week for life lottery ticket!!! My man - he's the greatest *gush*. Talk about reading my mind. I only won three bucks though... *shrug*
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Files can be confusing [Fri Mar 08 2002|03:19pm]
[ mood | dorky ]

I am still giggling about this...

One of P's friends from work calls me and asks how to save a file from a floppy onto the hard drive. I guess it isn't *that* bad considering P's father had no clue how to use folders at all. He saves every god forsaken thing onto floppies... and to make matters worse he worked for IBM his whole life!!!!! I bet he has a 40GB hard drive with like 35GB free. Okay, that sounded really dorky of me. I will stop now.
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Mommy and GW sitting in a tree... [Fri Mar 08 2002|10:52am]
[ mood | amused ]


I will not bore you with the entire e-mail that my mother sent me about meeting the president yesterday. She did get to shake his hand though and had this to say about the encounter:

Well he was shaking the hands of the people farther back, I guess he felt sorry for us b/c we couldn't get up to the front. I looked him right in the eyes and said, "God bless you Mr. President." And he said, "Bless you." He is really handsome and very fit. I snapped a blinding picture of him as he passed me.

Ummm, what does she mean by very fit? I have a strange feeling she was checking out his ass! *shiver* And nice going with the God Bless You I shall now blind you deal. Mommies are funny.
1 bean|post comment

India.Arie [Thu Mar 07 2002|07:34pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | India Arie - Always In My Head ]

I just downloaded a bunch of India.Arie songs, they're good. I really want to get into jazz, blues and bluegrass more. But I have no idea where to start as far as which artists are good and such. Eeep.

Dork alert:
Survivor's on in less than a half hour.
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