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Kat's LiveJournal

Below are the 25 most recent journal entries.

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  2002.02.22  12.11

Mood: amused

  2002.02.21  19.01

so. here is how i feel...

Charlie was really cool. He was loved by everyone. When I found out he was diagnosed with leukemia, I cried, because I knew he was in pain. My mom told me the survival statistics, but i didn't really think about it, because i knew,'s charlie. Charlie overcomes everything!

He was a really great leader. He actively protested things he didn't believe in. He was your typical art film lover. He was the one who introduced me to Gummo...SMELLS LIKE A PILE OF BULLSHIT.

I just thought he was way cool. In the short time he was allowed to be here, not one single person could come up with one negative thing to say about charlie. People could say all kinds of negative things about me. But not charlie. He was happy. I never saw him frowning. I always saw charlie as a giant smile. You know how you see people as an object sometimes? I see cathy as a paintbrush. I see miah as a computer. I see mike as a clown. I see jenny as a pair of scissors. I see myself as a vagina. I see jason as a tattoo. I just saw charlie as a smile :)

He could burp the word vagina like a pro. He said the worst thing about slutz is that there aren't enough of em. It's not that he was a slut or anything, it's just, he always had something funny or good to say about stuff.

I kinda feel like, he's lucky to get off this planet, instead of growing old and growing jaded. I'm glad he doesn't have to see the state of the world deteriorate as it will over the next fifty years. I'm glad that he was put out of pain quickly, rather than suffer the rest of his life. I'm glad for these things, but what I am sad about is that Charlie could have made a difference. Whether it be in his art, or his love of filmmaking, or whatever...he was involved in so many things and I saw him as an intelligent, compassionate human being and I will always remember him as that.

The funeral was sad, the wake was sad, because charlie looked plastic, and fake, and so different from the giant smile i saw him as. He wouldn't have wanted a wake, he would not have wanted the funeral. He would have wanted us to have a beer for him, which we did--and many many many more than just one.

Jason cried, I cried, everyone cried. It was just depressing. I let one of our friends cry on my shoulder for a while...i mean, it was just sad. This guy is lucky to get out, but we still want him here because we want to see him, we love him. We love his smile, and his burps, and his hilarity. We know he made a positive impact on everyone he knew. I miss him very much but i'll see him one day, hangin out with the angel sluts in heaven.

I had a great time otherwise, spending time with jason and all his friends that i was lucky enough to get to know during our relationship. They are all great people and I feel like that whole crowd has something positive to offer the world, whether it be through their intelligence, or whatever.

I have some funny pictures, too hehehe.

this week at work has been a challenge. The projects I am doing require brainpower which i honestly haven't been able to expend on these projects, but i am learning more and more every day. And i'm not doing boring tasks anymore, which is great.

My friends that I am staying with temporarily have been wonderful. They are moving at the end of the month, then i will be house sitting for a week, and then i will stay with my old roomate's mom. I'm homeless, and that bothers the shit out of me. Id like to be in my bed every night, not someone else's. I feel like I haven't had a weekend to myself where I sit in front of my computer and ponder stuff. I've lost contact with some people that I needed to talk to, but it will come back in due time. I haven't been updating as much here, because I'm stressed. I want to be able to do something nice for these friends that are letting me stay here but i don't know what to do. I can finally give them money for rent tonight which i know they need, so that is sort of something that gives me relief. I worry about them.

I mean, it was seriously house caught fire, i didn't have a phone anymore, i didn't have a place to go, and i called them from work i think, and they totally offered their spare room. I never like to ask people for stuff but they are the kind of people who just offer what they can. Good karma points on their end hehehe. That day was so crazy, and the first thing you are thinking is...oh god my house. Not "who can i live with now" just holy shit. And i think we thought we could just go back in and live there, and then we were shot down.

I don't really want to stay at my old roomate's moms house because it's too crazy there, and I like quiet, and having sort of a space to my own. I'm sure my friends that i am staying with think im nutzors because I don't really make much noise, or do anything really. I sort of sit on their couch and watch tv and keep to myself. It's not because i hate them or anything, i just feel kinda shitty these days. I feel like really lost without a home base. So it's hard for me to have a conversation about anything. But that's really what i did at my house anyways. if you wondered where i was, it was usually in front of my computer.
Maybe i just feel shitty not having my computer anymore. and my websites. ohhhhhh i miss them.

damnit, why'd i have to go and think about stuff again...


the boy asked if i want to go out to a beach party with him tomorrow, so that's cool with me. He's pretty nice. I might get some happy things for my friends...maybe i can swing that. That would be very cool.

Anyways, back to the zone, lalalla.

Mood: anxious

  2002.02.21  17.58
see how fucking s-mart i am?

Mary Ann,

I determined the cause for my email newsletter problem and reported a bug to bcentral shortly after our conversation. The problem was that your server was parsing our HTML and having problems understanding the tab indentations that Macromedia Dreamweaver formats into the HTML. Once I took the tab indentations out, everything worked fine. This problem has never happened before, if you recall.

This problem took us approximately 3-4 hours to resolve, delaying a revenue producing email campaign. I would like to discuss with you the possibility of compensation due to our time involved in resolving a problem on your side.


Kathleen Alderman Web Master
(800)xxx-xxxx xXXX

Mood: drained

  2002.02.20  12.36

i am here.

here i am.

i don't want to be here.

Mood: aggravated

  2002.02.16  18.08

SMITHFIELD -- Charles Michael ``Charlie'' Brooks, 21, of the 200 block of Moonefield Drive, died Thursday, Feb. 14, 2002, as a result of bone marrow transplant complications at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond.

Born in Newport News, Charlie was the son of Charles DeLaney and Linda Pierce Brooks of Smithfield. He was the grandson of paternal grandparents, Mable Johnson Brooks of Chesapeake and the late James Rufus Brooks Sr. and maternal grandparents, Roy N. and Jeanne T. Pierce of Virginia Beach.

Charlie was a 1998 graduate of Smithfield High School and was in his third year as an art student with focus in photography and film at Virginia Commonwealth University. He was also a member of the Virginia Rangers, a Colonial reenactment group.

Other survivors include his fiancee', Amy Lowe of Richmond; two sisters, Kristen Brooks Wallis and Laura Evan Brooks, both of Smithfield; a brother, Joshua Lane Brooks, also of Smithfield; three nieces, Hannah Grace Owney, Sydney Susan Wallis and Breanna Lynne Wallis; as well as a host of other loving family members and friends.

A funeral service will be conducted at 2 p.m. Monday at Oak Grove United Methodist Church, Chesapeake, by the Rev. Ken Faulkner. Interment will follow in Chesapeake Memorial Gardens.

The family will receive friends at Oman Funeral Home, Great Bridge, Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.

Mood: crushed

  2002.02.14  17.52

They are turning off Life Support on a very good friend of mine Charlie. He is in virginia right now. Jason has said goodbye at the hospital, and I'm saying my goodbye right now :(

I'm flying to virginia tomorrow morning and then monday evening I am going to fly back to fort lauderdale.

The good part is that this is bringing a lot of old friends together. The bad part is that it happened, and that's the reason we are all coming together.

So I will get to see Jason again...and I care for him very much and I am happy about that part of the whole thing...

So....later for now.

Mood: depressed

  2002.02.05  09.29
pot truffle conversations

my friends gave me a pot truffle last night and holy shit, i was stoned. here is an example of a conversation with me when I am realllllly fucked up...

( Talking about Pot Truffles and Goats )

Mood: amused

  2002.02.02  20.21
holky shiznit

I went to bed at 11pm. I woke up at 5:07 am to "FIRE FIRE OH MY GOD FIRE FIRE EVERYONE GET OUT OF THE HOUSE GET OUT NOW!!!!!"

I fell out of bed and threw some clothes on, ran out, not even thinking. Smoke everywhere. I could see the house glowing. Got outside, the garage door is open with flames engulfing the ceiling and spilling out into the night. I was scared. I had to walk past the flames to get to the yard. It was when I got to the yard that I saw grep on his leash and remembered that shredder was still sleeping on my bed. I wanted to die at that moment. I rushed back into the house with gene and we went in my room and shredder was laying on his favorite blanket. Gene tried to get him but he ran under the bed. Gene got under the bed and scared shredder towards me, and I picked him up and covered my mouth to breathe through my sleeve and shredder stayed extremely still in my arms. Rushed out into the could NOT see anything through the smoke in the house. The smell....the sounds...the intensity of the fire. It was flaming up the sides of the garage into the ceiling and out. You will never know a fire until you have smelled the plastic burning, heard the fire crackling as it tears through your possessions.

I will never comprehend what happened to us. It was the scariest experience of my life. Knowing that I could have died, because there was no smoke ventilating into my room. If no one had been home, I would have died. Our ADT fire alarm didn't go off, but we aren't sure if they wired the house for fire detection. We have no fire alarms anywhere. It was only by pure chance that gene woke up and got everyone out. We owe our lives to him.

Police came, then fire. The firemen were HOT. FUCKING HOT. oooooo. One massively cute guy came up to me and asked if the turntables were mine. Yes, they were. He said they were fine, thank god. We started talking about music (by this time the fire was controlled).

Mike and a guy bryan who was over were actually using the water hoses to put the fire out before the firemen came, so that I am sure was a major reason why the damage was contained in the garage. The rest of the house has massive smoke damage, but we have cleaning people coming, and it should be ok.

I went to work at 9:30 because our house was taped up as a crime scene. Everyone else got interrogated in an arsen investigation. As of yet there's no determined cause. Not electrical, not chemical as of yet. Scary.

We don't know what happened, only that we woke up and it was burning, no one had been in there all night since the day before...

There are some really old people in our neighborhood that were talking shit to the cops, but the cops know they are old fuckers who don't know dick from asshole. I believe that if there isn't a cause, there is possibility that one of the old fuckers lit our house up. We're not sure if the side garage door was unlocked :(

Firemen are hot. omg...

My "Date" emailed me today and said some really nice things and I'll be going to lunch with him on monday :):):) God damn hes cute...

I also took structural pictures of the house when I came home from work. Everything in the garage is ash, except everything of mine that was stored in rubbermade containers. The containers are melted, but everything inside is in top shape. Ironically, my roman candles and sparklers are completely fine, since they were in rubbermade. Let this be a lesson to you. Rubbermade is the way to go.

I think our group name is now "Section 9 underground. We burn it up."

I am thankful that I had shredder out of that house. When I pulled up at the house we were going to store the cats at, and I was sitting in my car contemplating how awful an event I had been through, shredder came, sat on my lap, and placed his paws and head on my shoulder. He licked my cheek, and fell asleep with his head on my shoulder, as if to say "I trust you and thank you for saving my life."

If my cat had died, there would have been a shotgun in my mouth and this journal entry would never have been written. I saved his life, and I am so very thankful that he is the most wonderful cat in the world.

So everyone including the animals is safe, most of my stuff is in perfect condition. I may have lost a lot of my cassette tapes and video tapes, but it is ok.

Everything in the garage was sort of stuff I didn't really need or want anyways. If it had burned, it would have been sad, but I would have very quickly gotten over it.

No DSL or phone at the house, and they are getting the power up, but we will be staying elsewhere for a bit. The house smells burned and the inhalation is not good.

I had a couple valium and I'm drinking and my nerves are ok. I tried to call my "Date" but he wasn't there and I didn't want to leave a message, but I emailed him and told him what happened.

I like him, i really do...maybe this will get me some sympathy flowers. yeaaaaah...

now everyone go out and get renter's insurance and smoke detectors, because we didn't have either. Property insurance is covered, but contents are kaput. I cannot tell you the amount of work we are going to have to do to claim our house back... :(

Mood: thankful

  2002.02.01  20.35


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah.

I've got my sexuality back, I have the knowledge like in that Janet Jackson song, I gots an opportunity to learn about some really important things I've been wanting to know, I have the opportunity to learn other things from other people at work, and sheeeeeiiiittt...i got FUCKED UP last night.

Life can be pretty good, even when you feel like it's not going exactly how you planned it, but butterflies in the tummy and dewdrops in the garden help a whole hell of a lot. w3rd :)

Mood: excited

  2002.02.01  12.41

All I can say is, last night was incredible. i had so much fun i can't even explain it :) We went to Boston's in Del Ray on A1A (Beachfront Avenue for all you Vanilla Ice Fans)...the beach was right there, beautiful :) We almost got swept away in the wind, but whatever. Sat down at the table with some of his other friends who happened to be really really cool. They run a site that has a great catalog put together so I ordered a catalog online today. They have clientelle like julia roberts and jimmy buffet and stuff like that...anyways, that's beside the point. I sat down and instantly connected with this chick who was just like me, only blond with big boobies hehehe. But she has traveled around just like I have, and we both are really smart women who know a lot about computers. It was my "date's" barfday so he's 24 which is cool. he and the girl were talking real quiet and pointing to me and smiling, saying stuff like "shed be perfect for you" "yeah, i know that--she likes the same music as me" you know, generally talking me up. The chick was trying to do a hookup service or something hehehe.

We drank a lot, and then my "date" went off somewhere for a while and came back with a bag of coke, so i went in the bathroom and did some, and then the chick did, and then things started getting crazy, she was dancing with the oldest men in the bar (something I would do without question) and bootie grinding with them and laughing and having a good time. I was happy to see it :) It means his friends are crazy so therefore me being crazy is not a bad thing.

When I was pretty drunk and fucked up, I decided to settle down and get ready for the long drive home :( He walked me out to my car, we stood talking and looking at the ocean for a bit, it was a nice, calm evening, a little damp and rainy. I made it home safe and found an instant message from him :)

All in all, he's really cool, he's cute, and he didn't try to kiss me good night which is a good thing. I don't like to make out on the first date because that's like, weird and stuff. I wouldn't even consider it a date except that we connected in a lot of cool ways. So yeah, I like him, I found him humorous, and he's smart and programs too :)

*sigh* Going to pete rose's for lunch :) Anyone want anything?

Mood: giddy

  2002.01.31  17.19

oh holy god, im nervous. going on a "date" sort of kind of...being that i was the only girl at work invited and um...yeah. so im like nervous, nervous nervous. dinner and a movie and....???

cobal programmers are k-rad...

my tummy is in butterflies right now. i took many many p00s...i'll be drinking. not feeling so asexual anymore but definately haven't shaved. hehhee.

Mood: nervous

  2002.01.29  23.09
work work work...

I swear, everyone at work must like I am a total crackhead. But that's ok, because I am sort of a crackhead, minus the crack and minus the head.

They moved me into an office with other people in it, instead of cramped up in this little cubicle thing. Thank god. The kicker is though, that my back is now the official greeting mascot of the Graphic Design™ Room. That's right, your trusty webmaster's back is facing the door, which means anyone walking down the hall can see my computer screen, which means no more pRon at work.

I didn't really fuck around at work, unless it was doing my own graphics because seriously, I finished my job a loooooong time ago and I'm not about to be up anyone's butt trying to get them to give me work. I ask several times a day and that's enough...but I digress.

I met with my marketing director and he joked about my back facing the door, and I joked that according to the principles of feng shui his bamboo was on the career trouble wall, and this made him shut up rather fast. Needless to say, everyone has decided to come in and sneak up behind me while I am working, while the other designers are watching, and scare the living piss out of me.

I figure, if it happens often enough, WORKMAN'S COMP©.

There are several people at work who i wouldn't say "flirt with me" but I can sort of tell that they get silly around me. I am completely asexual these days, and tend to think of myself as a gorilla, so even if one of them backed me into a corner and made out with me and touched my boobies I think I'd probably puke.

Anyways the whole point of this entry was that my director and I came to an understanding that I need more work, and I blatantly said that I finish my work usually well within an hour of coming in, and I need to be able to say "hey i need more work" and *boom* there is more work. I told him that I was sick of being up his ass about having more work and could he just understand that I need more work and I was sick of getting up and having to wait outside his office til he got off the phone only to pop my head in and say "hi can i have more work, shanks."

People find me to be a bit standoffish, but shit, if it gets the point across, so be it.

Everyone really likes me at work and I really like them. To the point where it's like, I'm sort of happy that I get to go there tomorrow. The atmosphere in my office is 100 percent better than the atmosphere in the crampy cube and I swear, I am happy in there, and haven't really been bothered by the whole back to the door thing.

I don't however like my director, not one bit. Since we came to our understanding I've not gotten a damn thing from him. They're not going to fire me (im too good) but seriously. I need more work. I even ask the customer service reps if I can make them little business cards or do a desktop pattern for them. ahhahaha.

Mood: annoyed

  2002.01.29  01.52

you know, i should probably sleep or something, but whatever....

my friend nick made this, in fact it was so damn good i gave him an account in my box (well not IN my box but you know...whatever, anyways)

I just thought it was so good that i wanted to put it in my journal to remember it *sniff*
hope you don't mind that i posted this, but if you do, then just come over and kick my ass. Shredder wouldn't care much. :)

Mood: impressed

  2002.01.27  21.57
reasons why my friend cathy rocks

I've been wanting to do a painting based off of this image:

That's me, at my turntables. I think i was rolling that night, so of course my lips are plump and amphetamined up. hahahhaa.

Cathy, who is by far such a cool painter/artist, knew I was thinking about it, and decided to do her interpretation of it for me. I'd taken care of her apartment and kitties while she was away and she wanted to do something nice in return, and this was the coolest thing I've ever seen.

She was even worried that I would be upset she did it!!!!! Hell motherfucking no!!!! I love it. The idea I was going to do was something like this, except i was gonna do just the lips but I think now I like the whole schema too, so it's a hard choice, but basically i have a huge all black canvas and I need to paint it sometime...and this would be completely egotistical by the way:

So yeah...I love cathy a lot and she is awesome and the painting is so pretty :) She did it with teeny dots on a circle canvas, and there are even white dots where the empty areas are!

This girl is so good, there should be a friggin art gallery with her name all over it :)

btw cathy, go ahead and take this pic for your journal. i ♥ you!

Mood: artistic

  2002.01.27  20.56

qmail suXors. so sendmail works now :)

You can email anyone you want at You can email and i'll get it. Email and I'll get that too. Or or and I'll get those too. Because damnit, I like email, and it likes me too.

and i redesigned and and too :)

some of the links don't work, but i think it looks so cute i might shit my pants.

also, remember never to eat organic "healthy" food, because a) it makes you shit and b) it makes you fart, and they are fuckin stinky farts.

i went through a bottle of grey goose vodka this weekend...i need to cut down/stop pretending I have a urinary tract infection, cause the cranberry vodkas are just baaaaaaaaaad news. Or I need to think of a less expensive habit...

in fact, this morning i filled my cup halfway with vodka and then found that i had less than half a cup of cranberry juice. boy was i sprung...

Mood: accomplished

  2002.01.27  02.15
let's laugh at kat the d0rk :)

I installed qmail today and configured it and stuff, it's running as a process when i do ps ax...i sent a message to that didn't bounce (good sign)

I can't figure out where to get my email at!!! hahhahahhahahhaha.


Mood: drunk

  2002.01.26  16.37
"hello electrician??? AOL broke :( I put the CD in the hole and now the internet is gone!"

Another idiot on the internet. Oh, someone PLEASE call the AOL police and have this girl's computer given to someone S-M-R-T enough to use it.

Obviously she lacks the intelligence to shop at S-mart, like Bruce Campbell keeps telling me :)

Mood: bitchy

  2002.01.26  14.46

y0. I'm working on this website design again today...

the marketing vice president that i hate hired a marketing director, because of course you can never have too many chiefs when there aren't many indians. Personally I think he just doesn't want to talk to anyone who is in the design area of my company.

They finally built my desk, so I get to be in the office area instead of cramped where I am (out in the parking lot).

And...later today I'll be working on getting qmail working. I've got qpopper on my server, I stopped sendmail today and yesterday I bought a book that is all about the great wonders of qmail. So let's hope I can get that working because it'd be great to get shanksalot and petkat mail working :)

Mood: artistic

  2002.01.24  23.48
well holy batshit!

OJ posted this in my comments below, and I looked a little further into it and WOOOOOO. It's only 500 bucks!!! Which is cheaper than a 303!!!!

I've got the turntables, I've got the mixer, hell....I've even got the coffin :)

When this is officially released, it is mine. I swear to fucking gawd.

Plus, I can make my own damn music!!!!! AND MIX IT IN!!!! :) I just love moosic a lot. Of course, this is a project that I just don't have time for now...but maybe one day. And I want a titanium G4 laptop and stuff.


Mood: artistic

  2002.01.23  17.38

My mom wants to go to london sometime this summer. Expedia isn't really giving the best deal for the trip---like $1000 and up for a round trip flight. I thought tickets were 500 or something like that? Has anyone had any experience in buying cheap out-of-the-country tickets? Post some ideas here. :)

This is a typical trillian conversation with me:
atarikat: (bum)
atarikat: (bum)
atarikat: (bum)
atarikat: (bum)
atarikat: (bum)
atarikat: (bum)
atarikat: hehehhee
atarikat: (bum)
atarikat: (bum)
atarikat: (bum)
atarikat: (bum)
atarikat: (bum)
atarikat: HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW!!!!!!!!!1
atarikat: (bum)
atarikat: (bum)
atarikat: (bum)
atarikat: (bum)
atarikat: (bum)

Mood: accomplished

  2002.01.23  10.26
valentine's day

im really glad that my mom wants to know what i want for valentine's day since there's like no chance that jason would even write me an email saying happy valentines day hahhahahha. I don't even think he knows what day it is. So I can sort of forget about him giving me godiva. Time to call on the reserves!

but check this out. how spoiled am i????

hi mom, sorry been busy a lot this week (which is good)
I use for airline tickets. Usually round trip tickets that are 3 or 4 days are around 200 total, although with the new airline taxes, who knows. But it is much better than the 1000 tickets you would pay for if you went with the airlines. They don't send you a paper ticket, you just have to show your ID at the counter so it is much easier and you don't have to worry about forgetting your tickets.

Valentine's day package---I dunno. I got your earlier message. I wear large size for my enormous ass from victoria's secret and 34B for the tops. From sephora I've been wanting to get Kitten Powder (it's made by benefit). There are two, one is pink and the other one is "kitten shops new york city." I don't care which one, so you'll have to smell them and find out which one doesn't smell stinky. If you can't find that then Caroline Herrera has a perfume called 212 that I like a lot and have never bought. Or you could just go in there and get whatever you think is neat!

At Godiva I don't like chocolates with any kind of fruit in them or jelly. No pineapple and coconut, either. I do like hazlenut stuff, macadamia nut stuff, pecans, etc. My favorite is the marbleized scallop shell, which is a white closed shell with drizzled milk chocolate on it. And I like caramel, so just stay away from the fruit and you should be fine.

And get something for yourself, damnit. That kitten powder is really neat and smells pretty good so get yourself one too. It has glitter in it so you could wear it to work and any guy would hit on you!


Mood: amused

  2002.01.22  23.26

ive been using trillian at work sometimes so i downloaded it for home too, but i didn't know about (bum)!!!!!!!!!



oh fuck, my cat just took a fresh dump. thanks shredder. grrrrreat.

only think i don't like (yet) about trillian is im using a skin with like 400 different sounds. So sometimes it says "Incoming message" and sometimes it's a doorbell and sometimes it's a spaceship. damn! how can i remember what is what?

Mood: amused

  2002.01.22  09.11

AHHH FUCK. DSL is down at my house. It's been down since like the early AM as far as I can tell. None of my roomates are online at least, so I know it's not just my comp00ter (which it normally is).

But this is perfect timing, because i sent a website over for approval and of course now is down. Hahhaha, isn't that how it always works. I couldn't even email it to him because I can't email (of course).

Maybe someone at home will know how to fix it? hmmm.

All my roomates went out without me last night *cries* hahaha. I actually needed to stay in, I was tired and feeling crappy, and I needed to do some work. So I stayed in, and this morning when i was walking out the door, gene's stuff was lined up by the door--computer, clothes, bath stuff. In fact now that I think of it his bath stuff was out of the bathroom. just like to know why? :( I hope he's not moving out...I like him. He humped me when i was trying to do my work last night, hehhee.

oh yeah and im trying to leash train master shredder because he really likes the fresh air. He's done ok so far, he's just a little freaked out when he is in the yard, doesn't really know what to do exactly. I'll let him get used to it and then I'll try to get him to go for walks with me. He needs the exercise badly.

Mood: worried

  2002.01.21  19.12

going to work out, going to work out, going to work out. *sigh*.

The VP put on my loan application (i'm doing real estate deals) that I am a Webmaster.

He fucking rocks. It's true, I'm a webmaster at my company, but I've just never had someone put it down on paper before. My job title...webmaster. Master of the Web. Master of all things inclusive of the web. Internet SuperStar. Webmaster in a nutshell. Webmaster of the UNIVERSE.

I went in and told my marketing director that he cursed me because now all I think about is boxes and he laughed hysterically. Can't anyone ever take me seriously??? Damn.

Remember how a year ago I was depressed because my job sucked and I had no skillz and I sucked hardcore at everything?

I'm happy now. People may not see me smiling on the outside but i sure as fuck am rolling on the inside. *crouches down on the floor and takes a big ecstasy shit*

Mood: bouncy

  2002.01.21  16.44

"Think outside the box,"
Marketing guy orders me.
I say "Kiss my ass."

Mood: numb

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