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Below are the 12 most recent journal entries recorded in ImKindaSleepee's LiveJournal:

    Tuesday, March 19th, 2002
    11:47 pm
    My computer finally works now, since it hasnt been working properly since novemeber, now i can finally play games again and be able to do things that make me happy.

    Band practice was quite fun today, i like the way we're going with the music. Its fun, and i get to make a metal face when i play.

    Girls.....i like girls. alot.

    Whats that about eh?
    Weird stuff it is..

    I just watched Donnie Darko which is a fantastic movie. It stars the kid from Bubble Boy whom i love,and i concerns things i thing about alot lately. Fate. I spend entirely too much time try to see what would have happened had i done something different, or had someone else done something different, the different branches of timeline that stem from each decision, each action splitting off into a new reality, did a alternate me get to lead an entire different life because i decided to talk to a particular person at a particular time? or parking my car in a certain spot? could my life be inexplicable changed by the shirt i decide to wear? it hurts my head my god, i mean if were really on a predestined path....i mean thats hard to imagine, hard to fathom. If the choices we have are not actually choices but in fact part of a linear line that is our existance, then whats the point. maybe there is a point, i dont know. Im still looking.
    I wonder if people actually read this, frankly whats the point of me writing in this thing? Is someones life going to branch off in a new direction after reading my ramblings?
    Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
    4:56 pm
    My head hurts, i dont know why, maybe its the damn bright sun out today, i mean i enjoy pretty days, but not when theyre hot.
    I finished reading My Antonia for american lit. I thought it was fantastic, and some parts of it really spoke to me.
    Im still frightened that my american lit teacher is going to call on me. He doesnt seem to care for me, or my friend much.
    I mean he yelled at me the first day for glancing at the clock that bastard.then some other things. Which is too bad, because other than that i like him and the class. but now im in there in constant fear. If i want to say something godamnit i will say something during hte dicussion. If a teacher calls on me, i get flustered and dont know what to say, even if i know what the answer is.
    Cute smart girl had braids in class today, im so very intrigued by her and i would love to talk to her. but that wont happen.sigh.Josh and i established that she reminds us of a europian socialite. The cute goth girl dyed her hair red and changed her eye color, we think.
    heheh i cant wait till i goto java on friday again, its always fun sitting with josh and bullshitting while staring at cute girls. Maybe i'll talk to the coffee girl, probably not. Maybe i'll talk to the terriyaki girl.probably not.
    do both have boyfriends?probably
    i wonder if theyre online, then theyd be easy to talk to hahahah...
    i bought three more classical cds yesterday, and Ravenous on dvd, i love that movie. and i finshed getting the soundtrack which is equally fantastic.
    my good online buddy keren is probably gonn come down and see me on saturday, that should be fun, shes a neat gal

    P.s. screw everything
    3:04 pm
    long boring survey
    [01] what's your first name?Ross
    [02] middle name? Louis
    [03] last name? Mikesell
    [04] nicknames? Hey you, no...not you, that guy over there
    [05] age? old
    [06] gender? male
    [07] birthday? 11.04.81
    08] your sign? scorpio
    [09] where do you live? Yuba city, California
    [10] do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
    [11] if so what's his/her name? see above cynical laugh
    [12] have you ever been in love? nope
    [14] do you have any piercings, or want any piercings? nope, and nope
    [15] if so what do you have/want pierced?
    [16] do you have a tattoo or want one? no, i dont think so
    [17] if so what kind and where? either the last supper on my back, or a massive yakuza tatto
    [18] where do you shop at the most?
    [19] what color is your hair? brown
    [20] what color are your eyes? blue
    [21] how tall are you? 6 ft
    [23] do you smoke? only when im on fire
    [24] do your friends smoke? some do
    [25] who are your closest friends? -----
    [26] who are your friends? ----------------
    [27] who are your best friends online? ---------
    [29] kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? Bedhead
    [30] is your hair short or long? shaggy
    [31] do you like to shop? yep, especially for antiques
    [32] what sports do you play? pool, bowling,
    [35] what place do you go for fun? shop?
    [36] what do you do for fun? read, write,watch movies,make music
    [37] how many phones do you have in your house? um..8, i think
    [38] how many tv's do you have in your house? 4
    [39] what's your favorite food(s)? anything asian, or italian, and alot of other things
    [40] do you look like anyone famous? um, ive gotten, topher grace a few times, um.
    [41] do you think ricky martin is muy guapo (very handsome)? no, brad pitt is though
    [42] who are the most attractive people you know? theyre all girls i admire from afar
    [43] are you a virgin? heheh...i suppose not
    [44] do you wish to be like your parents? to a point yes, they are good people
    [45] what cologne should a girl wear? i dont know, girls smell nice normally
    [46] what are you listening to right now? Dean Martin
    [47] what time is it? 3:34 pm
    [48] how many hours per day do you spend talking on the phone? none
    [49] do you have your own phone line? well its for the internet
    [50] have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? well...yes
    [51] what are your favorite shoes? cons, and pumas, jogging shoes
    [52] what kind of clothes do you sleep in, if any? sleep pants, or boxers
    [53] what's your favorite soda? mountain dew, sierra mist, ginger ale
    [54] what things do you say a lot? neat, fuck(ing),
    [56] who is the coolest person in the world? sean connery
    [57] do you think you're weird or funny? both? well people laugh when i say things sometimes
    [58] what would you prefer thong or bikini?on a girl, i like bikinis
    [59] who was the last person you called? um...a tech support line
    [60] where do you wanna get married? sure
    [62] what are your favorite girl name? Caire, molly, emma
    [63] what are your favorite guy name?
    [64] what's your worst memory in the past 5 years?
    [65] what's your favorite childhood memory? snow, playing with reckless abandon
    [66] what is your favorite fast food restaurant? subway!!
    [67] who do you really hate?
    [68] do you have any brothers and sisters? half brother
    [69] if so, names? scott
    [70] do you have a pool? yes
    [71] do you have a spa? no
    [72] are you stupid? i try not to be
    [73] what are you addicted to? the computer
    [74] do you like jewelry? no, except for my rings that spell ROSS
    [75] who do you wish you were? sean connery
    [76] who has it easier, boys or girls? well, um, probably guys, except for dating
    [77] would you rather be short or tall? tall
    [78] do you like to dance? no
    [79] do you like playing pranks on people? sure
    [80] what's your least favorite subject in school? i liked them all, just not the teachers
    [81] what's your favorite subject in school? english
    [82] what time is it? 3:43pm
    [83] what college do you wanna go to? PARTY U!!
    [84] what school do you go to now? yuba city community college
    [85] do you have a playstation or nintendo 64? playstation, nes, snes,n64
    [85] if so, what are your favorite playstation or nintendo 64 games? bushido balde, puzzle fighter, goldeneye,skull monkeys
    [87] do you sleep a lot? not if i can help it
    [88] what are your favorite radio stations? i dont listen to radio
    [89] are you a night person? yeah
    [90] are you a morning person? i try
    [91] what's your favorite tv station? food tv, history channel
    [92] do you shave? once every few years
    [93] how often do you shower? daily, sometimes twice
    [94] do you get along with your parents? swimingly
    [95] what room do you spend the most time in? hahahah, my room
    [96] how many rooms does your house have? 9 i think
    [97] what do you wanna be when you're out of school? a computer tech/novelist ha!
    [98] do you curse a lot? fuck yes...
    [99] are you ticklish? yes
    [101] what are you wearing right now? a t-shirt and jeans
    [102] do you go to church? nope
    [103] do you like the person who sent you this? ---
    [104] do you believe in god? i dunno, im waiting for him to return my email
    [105] do you like to watch pda? hahah no
    [106] do you show pda? yeah well, let me find some one to a and i'll do it in p
    [107] do you believe in love at first sight? like to think so
    [108] what color tooth brush do you use? white, sonicare, fancy
    [109] how many times a day do you brush your teeth? twice
    [110] who is your favorite cartoon character? turbo teen, danger mouse, count duckula
    [111] do you have a job? of sorts yes
    [113] what's your favorite fruit? pears
    [114] what's your favorite veggies? zuccini
    [115] what's your favorite candy? skittles,payday, just about anything
    [116] what was the best day of your life so far? i dont know, first trip to hawaii maybe
    [117] what are you gonna do today? write, goto school, read
    [118] are you momma's little angel? ...yes?
    [119] do you wear body spray? no
    [120] who is the sweetest girl? natalie portman
    [121] who is the sweetest guy? sean connery
    [122] are you wearing nail polish now? heh, no
    [123] if so, what color? --
    [124] how many rings or necklaces do you own? ---
    [125] do you wear a watch? not anymore
    [126] did/do you have braces? hell no
    [127] are you tired? im always a bit sleepy
    [129] do you have freckles? not anywhere visible
    [130] what are you thinking right now? dirty dirty sex
    [131] are you having fun? this is as good as it gets, it seems
    [132] what time is it? for gods sake stop asking me that
    [133] who makes you laugh? my friends, corey feldman
    [134] who's your favorite teacher? at the moment my english lit teacher
    [136] what is the best concert you have ever been to? weezer, and the INC hives shows, oh and flogging molly
    [137] what is your favorite dream? the ones where i get a girl
    [138] what is your worst dream? i dont have bad dreams
    [139] are you tired of filling this out yet? not so much
    [140] who of your friends do you think will get bored with this? they wont fill one out
    [141] who sent this lovely survey to you? i stole it
    [142] what's your worst memory as a little kid? ---
    [143] have you ever cheated on anyone? heh, no...
    [144] do you believe in santa claus? i believe in fat men
    [145] do you believe in ghosts? yeah
    [146] rap or r&b;? rap
    [147] pop or rock? both
    [148] rock or metal? both
    [149] classical or jazz? both
    [150] hanson or manson? both.
    [151] koRn or 311? 311
    [152] no doubt or garbage? both
    [153] jewel or fiona apple? Fiona
    [154] offspring or nine inch nails? nin.
    [155] sugar ray or tool? Tool
    [156] backstreet boys or *nsync? n sync is far superior, but not to New kids on the block
    [157] joey mcintyre or jordan knight? Call me joey

    your opinions

    [158] what do you think about boy bands? i think theyre silly, but whatever, they make $$
    [159] what do you think about country? not the new stuff
    [160] what do you think about heavy metal? if its good metal
    [161] what do you think about rap? if its good rap
    [162] what do you think about r&b;? dont care for it all that much
    [163] do you think nkotb are coming back? god i hope so....

    yes or no or eh

    [164] like hanson? no, but the middle girl is cute
    [165] like *nsync? theyre catchy
    [166] like backstreet boys? only that one song, where theyre monsters
    [167] like koRn? used to
    [168] like orgy? theyre okay
    [169] like sugar ray? not really
    [170] like metallica? sure
    [171] like no doubt? yes
    [172] like britney spears? she doesnt bother me, its catchy
    [173] like aaron carter? hahah man this guy gets so much more tail than me, bastard
    [174] like b*witched? theyre cute
    [175] like joey mcintrye? not since he left new kids
    [176] like jordan knight? see above
    [177] like busta rymes? hell yes
    [178] like offspring? sure, mostly the old stuff
    [179] like ricky martin? not really
    [180] like coolio? word
    [181] like janet jackson? not so much
    [182] like spice girls? all of them are cute....yes
    [183] like all saints? naw
    [184] like c-note? dont know
    [185] like 98º? jackass's
    [186] like 5ive? eh?
    [187] like tlc? i like left eye, although she could kick my ass
    [188] like take 5? dont know
    [189] like moffats? dorks
    [190] like jennifer love hewit? im fascinated by her variable breast size
    [191] like dixie chicks? yeah
    [192] like mariah carey?god no...although as an actress,god yes
    [193] like eyc? dont know
    [194] like brandy? not so much
    [195] like eminem? music is okay sometimes, i think he's a wanker though
    [196] like shania twain? shes okay
    [197] like monica? not so much
    [198] like mya? a bit, shes cute
    [200] like blessed unions of soul?dont know
    [201] like bare naked ladies? not really
    [202] like robbie williams?yeah, hes a good man
    [203] like sixpence none the richer? that girl, and that song are cute
    [203 MORE] like limp bizkit? if fred durst wasnt an ass
    [203a] do you like the beach boys? YES
    [203b] do you like def leppard? yeah
    [203c] do you like whitesnake? yes
    [203d] do you like queen? who doesnt
    [203e] do you like elton john? sure
    [203f] do you like RöKETMAN? dont know
    [203g] do you like depeche mode? heh
    [204] how many cd's do you have? um over 400
    [205] what cd's are in your cd player? the who, weezer,zombies, beethoven,wu-tang
    [206] how many tapes do you have? um...none anymore, except for NKOTB
    [207] do you own videos of your favorite group? radiohead, live concerts
    [208] do you record your favorite group when they're on tv? ....well...yeah, radiohead
    [209] are you obbsessed with your favorite group/singer/band? thom york *giggle*
    [210] what's the oldest group/singer you are still listening to? does classical count?
    [211] are most of your friends music freaks? um, yeah pretty much
    [212] what do you think of the girls and the whole teeny bopper thing? heheh silly girls
    [213] have you ever paid for a pay-per-view? nope
    [215] do you ever buy merchandise of your favorite group? yep
    [216] what tv station is better...mtv or vh1? um vh1 really
    [217] what is the worst show on mtv? dismissed
    [218] what is the best show on mtv? Jackass
    [219] if you could marry any music person who would it be? thom yorke?
    [220] what is the worst cd you own? i dont own any bad ones
    [221] what's your favorite movie soundtrack? gladiator, lord of the rings, last of the mohicans
    [222] friend(s) that looks most like you? --
    [223] friend(s) you go to for advice? --
    [224] friend(s) you have the most fun with? ---
    [225] friend(s) you can do nothing with and still have fun with? ---
    [226] friend(s) you've dreamt about? ---
    [228] friend(s) you tell your secrets to? --

    do you like ...

    [229] boxers or briefs? boxers
    [230] long or short hair? short
    [231] dark or blonde? dark
    [232] tall or short? err, either, but i guess taller
    [234] mr. sensitive or mr. funny? miss both
    [235] good boy or bad boy? good girl!
    [236] dark or light eyes? dark
    [237] hat or no hat? um...sombrero?
    [238] ears pierced or not? yes
    [239] tan or fair? pale like a golfball
    [240] freckles or none? freckles are cute
    [241] stubble or neatly shaved? good god, what kind of woman is that
    [242] rugged outdoorsy type or sportsy type? lumberjack type
    [243] all american, homey g, or grunge? none
    [245] accent or american? accent, if at all possible

    on preferences

    [246] mt. dew or surge? the dew
    [247] mcdonalds or burger king? burger King
    [248] coke or pepsi? pepsi
    [249] rather marry the perfect lover or perfect friend? friend, what are whores for?
    [250] sweet or sour? sweet
    [251] chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
    [252] tea or coffee? tea and coffee
    [253] sappy/action/comedy/horror?all
    [254] cats or dogs? cats, i do want an irish wolfhound though hahah
    [256] cool ranch or nacho cheese? cool ranch
    [257] mud or jello wrestling? girls
    [258] with or without ice-cubes? without
    [260] milk/dark/white chocolate? dark
    [261] shine or rain? rain
    [263] favorite season? the seasons dont change here
    [264] strawberry or cherry? either
    [265] skiing or boarding? boarding
    [267] cake or cookies? cookies
    [268] cereal or toast? cereal
    [269] car or truck? car...damn trucks
    [270] night or day? night.
    [271] gloves or mittens? gloves
    [272] pager or cell phone? cell phone
    [273] bunk bed or waterbed? waterbed maybe
    [274] chewing gum or hard candy? candy
    [275] motor boat or canoe? motor, the hell with paddling
    [276] lights on or off? off

    what's your favorite..

    [277] what's your favorite color? green.
    [278] what's your favorite number? 14
    [279] what's your favorite drink? chai tea
    [280] what's your favorite animal? penguin
    [281] what's your favorite holiday? christmas
    [282] what's your favorite quote? "You're not dying, you just can't think of anything good to do."-Ferris
    [283] what's your favorite sound? rain
    [284] what's your favorite ice cream flavor?peanut butter chocolate
    [285] what's your favorite song ever? how the hell can i pick?
    [286] what's your favorite book? anything by tolkein,palanuik,gaiman,aylett,hemingway, lots of classics,lots more
    [287] what's your favorite movie? far too many, rushmore, evil deads,any beat takeshi, LEON,kevin smith and so on
    [288] what's your favorite tv show? iron chef, fraiser, simpsons, family guy, friends, naked chef
    [289] what's your favorite radio station? dont listen to radio
    [290] what's your favorite place? not here
    [291] what's your favorite game? chess, mahjong, pool, monopoly, life, canasta, gin, go
    [292] what's your favorite scent? fresh rain
    [293] what's your favorite food? anything asian, or italian
    [294] what's your favorite shape? girls
    [295] what's your favorite texture? um...soft?
    [296] what's your house gonna look like? victorian
    [297] where are you gonna live? england or japan, haha
    [298] how many kids do you want? one

    on relationships

    [299] what does your ideal boy/girlfriend look like? dark hair, glasses, a sexy librarian if you will
    [300] how do they act? intelligently, not annoyingly, but with a sense of humor
    [301] where is your dream date? one with a girl
    [302] do you like to call or be called? be called...i mean, im sure thats nice
    [304] move anywhere, where would it be? england or japan
    [305] what kinda soup do you like? Miso, leek and patato, egg drop
    [306] do you have any pets?a cat named Cat
    [307] what time is it now? 4:27 pm you nosey bastard
    Monday, February 4th, 2002
    1:35 pm
    i dont post enough
    i dont really post much in this thing. Im not sure why, i guess i dont think anything interesting happens to me.
    i chipped wood this morning in a wood chipper. Whenever i use it i keep thinking of Fargo.
    Im listening to swingin music and im feeling pretty swingin right now.
    Im trying to start writing again but im having problems doing so, as per usual.
    Im looking forward to editing my "finished" "book", because im letting it alone for awhile when i read it and edit it, its like reading something someone else wrote.
    school is going well so far i suppose. i enjoy it.
    i bought a new copy of the divine comedy and a book of william butler yeats poetry yesterday, and i got a new pair or converse for, wooo.
    hopefully im going to have a band practice today. I really enjoy the hell out of that, and finally we're starting to get our own sound, which is getting very Refused style, which makes me happy cause thats what ive always wanted.
    oh and there is this girl at the coffee shop who is so darn cute, with dark hair in a pony tail and little emo glasses and she so cute ohmygoshiloveheriloveheriloveher, sigh, i blantantly stared at her the whole time i was there. Maybe she noticed, maybe she loves me too. Although i doubt it. I think i will go back again and again. Of course im never going to talk to her, i never know what to say. Christ im awkward. Im no sean connery....unfortuanately. Then i would be able to say in a sexy voice, something like, id like a hot coffee and you too go. and then she would run off with me for a passionate episode somewhere like in a pile of hey or Venice. Im sure shes got a boyfriend though. Shes too cute not to. Not that it would matter if i was sean connery. seriously, she like the cutest thing ever. Oh nevermind.

    Current Mood: listless
    Current Music: dean martin-aint it a kick in the head
    Monday, December 10th, 2001
    5:45 pm
    Right then,
    Last friday evening, i saw oceans eleven, which is a brilliant fucking movie. Steven Soderbergh just cant make a bad film. Its an old style caper movie and it works wonderfully, there isnt a down time, the romance isnt overplayed and there isnt any dumbing down or hyping up which is so godamned frequent in this day and age.
    GOOD CHRIST i cant wait till lord of the rings, im going to fucking pop. POP I SAY!!!
    It will be the best film of the year im certain. Ive been waiting since i was 8 to see a live action version of one of my most beloved books and here it finally comes. Josh and i have decided to buy two back to back tickets so we can watch 6 straight hours of greatness. A damn HTML final is on that day though, i hope it doesnt interfer with our plans.
    So friday im trying to find something to do so i see if andy is going to starkbucks like he usually is, i call his cell phone twice no answer so im dead in the water. Jessica calls and apparently all her friends are busy so she wants to see if i wanna do something. So we decide on stopping at starbucks, because i didnt feel like going to sacramento like she suggested. We meet up with people she knows and i know as a aquaintences from hanging around coffee places. So we sit and we all talk and bullshit for a while. Its cold as hell outside but i love it. I got some Chai tea from a cute waitress type girl there. I got to know these people more than i had and know we are friends and such i suppose. At least they probably wont run me down in the parking lot. I went and got some tea from the same girl, who recommended herbal infusion . I dont know if it was a come on or not. i wouldnt have minded. So i awkwardly talk to her a bit about her friend who i know, and was just talking to. I sit down again and jessica decides to leave cause shes too cold. So i say im gonna hang around for awhile, and proceed to do so. then everybody leaves except we talk about chicks and cars for awhile. no really, we did. Then i get up for more tea from the same girl. As im reciveing it brian says hes taking off. So i spend the next half hour sitting outside alone drinking tea and watching the crew lock and clean up the starbucks. i then leave after and employee comes to take my chair. If you were wondering the girl never came out and said hi. heheh
    yep that was my night.
    Sunday, November 25th, 2001
    4:18 pm
    Okay so i hardly post, maybe that'll change and i will do so with some regularity, but who knows. Anyhow, nothing much has changed. I bought about 7 books yesterday on a trip to Barnes and Noble. And a kickass Nightmare Before Christmas wall clock, and evil dead shot glasses(woohoo)
    Novel Status- about 115 pages done, will it be done by the end of the year? i hope was my new years resolution after all
    nothing partulary interesting has happend lately, as if thats a surprise, although the wheather has gotten colder which is great

    Current Mood: listless/ contented..go figure
    Current Music: A Silver Mt Zion - stumble then rise on some awkward morning
    Tuesday, July 24th, 2001
    7:56 pm
    Sweet fucking christ would you knock it off?
    Im such a fuck up i cant even update this sad imprint of my life with any regularity. As always im restless. I dont sense any impending doom nor any impending happiness. I dont sense anything at all. Life's a sleek black train speeding into grey. I think a problem i have is that i dont have a sense of acomplishment, because i dont accomplish anything. Im baffled by the fact that i cant continue trying to write a novel at the moment even though its something i desperatly want to do. I think it has something to do with my not looking at it in small pieces instead of a massive daunting man killing accent of a cold heartless bitch of a mountain. Okay so im going to start writing tomorrow. You hear that muse? ive got an appointment with you, you lazy bastard.

    So today i drank two cups of coffee and 3 cups of tea, all prepared with the same automatic coffee maker.I noticed there was a slight oddness to my beverages but i just kept drinking. by my last cup of tea i could definately taste soap. I foudn out this evening that my mother had wash my coffee pot unbeknownst to me and i had brewed up a few good cups of cleansing goodness. So ive been feeling a little off today, due to my extra soapy insides. Ive decided to work my way through the modern librarys hundred best novels of the century.Those that i havent already read.
    I got an Ol Dirty Bastard cd in the mail. Ive got 11 more from columbiahouse on the way. I think i just burped a soap bubble.
    Monday, July 16th, 2001
    6:18 pm
    "insert witty title here"
    so i went camping with the folks for 3 days,it was a scuba dicing trip at a lake, my mom dives, it wasnt particularly exciting for me. There wasnt anywhere to wander and nobody there my age. Contrary to what ive seen in films there were no attractive young women or anyhting of the sort. and surprisingly, only little to no hijinks. I want a higher level of hijinks in my camping trips. On the trip i finished american gods by neil gaiman, which was of course, outstanding, and i read The pledge in one day, which was also quite good, im curious to see the movie now. I started reading Nausea by jean-paul sarte. I listened to mostly godspeed you black emperor.

    i feel like dustin hoffman in the graduate, minus the sex with beautiful married women.

    yehaw, i bought me a cowboy hat today, for working in the yard, and for all the hard drinkin and shootin i plan to do.

    "i mimed shooting a man in reno to watch him look confused"

    i bought a Hank williams 3 cd, which is damn good and a robbie williams cd(sue me, its catchy stuff)

    i want to try some huevos rancheros, i think i'll make some...yeah

    Current Mood: restless
    Current Music: watching frasier
    Saturday, July 7th, 2001
    10:15 pm
    traffic,drums and hot girls
    i woke up, i read, i got up and found some good computer tutorials online,Steve came over and we went to the mall, ate pizza, saw a few people i havent seen forever, one of them was a girl who i really like and used to talk to in class, then we went to my friend joshs house, did a little rampoline jumping(non-homoerotic) then watched some taiko drummers, taiko drumming is really great, i fucking love it, it makes me think of waves of armored samurai sweeping down hills and crashing together like waves,as we were leaving i saw one of the most beautiful girls ive ever seen in our town, and she is now gone forever, she was probably waiting for her boyfriend anyhow...
    i bought the Traffic dvd for ten dollars, thanks to my friend Steve telling me about that deal

    Current Mood: restless
    Friday, July 6th, 2001
    11:38 pm
    Why do guys hit on me? no....really?
    this was a totally random email sent to me...
    heck he seems nice enough, i didnt relize god was doing so mighty in my life, i'll be damned...

    Hey babe,
    Complements of the day. How are you doing
    over there?. I believe the good Lord is doing mighty
    in your life, thanks be to God.
    Well, knowing you may likely make a great
    change in the nearest I am a guy of 29yrs a Nigerian a
    reggae artist, right now I am on tour in Tripoli city
    Libya North Africa.
    I will be happy to hear from and know your way of
    life and interests. I came across your fascinating
    picture with artistic appearance the I fell in love
    and decided to email you.
    If this email is not to your satisfaction please
    forgive me, but if it pleases you just kindly write
    and tell me more about yourself, also I play
    Drums,Bass guilter, Lead vocal and keyboard.
    May the good Lord bless and guide you in all your
    10:07 pm
    Pizza, whores and snatch
    well today i got at 7:30, which ive been trying to do everyday lately, i read American Gods for about an hour, made some coffee played alone in the dark 4, for a few hours, ran some errands, played some Smash Brothers with a friend, bought the Snatch Dvd, saw kiss of the dragon, then went to get free pizza from my friends mom.
    At the pizza place i played a few dollars in this really neat zombie game.Damn the japanese make cool games, so quirky, hell they make good everything. Fuji owns you!!

    Kiss of the Dragon, was much better than Romeo must die, in fact is was quite good, a bit more cutting in the fight scenes than i like, but hey what can i expect from a non Hong Kong made movie,Bridget Fonda played a lovely whore by the way. If only pretty woman had had more kung-fu, and less julia roberts and richard gere.
    Im listening to the commentary on Snatch as we speak,great fucking flick yeah? i love Pitt in this(in everything really), and i have the same hat he does, if only i had his abs though...oh well.

    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: commentary (Danger, by mystikal is stuck in my head)
    Thursday, July 5th, 2001
    2:04 pm
    I Wish i was Spike Jonze
    Yeah, hes a hero of mine,hes worked on such amzing stuff, videos, commercials, movies,
    hes directed the best videos, like daft punk(da Funk), the breeders(cannonball), beastie boys(sabatoge), among many other good ones, and he directed the amazing being john malkovich, co-founded a skateboard company, married the beautiful Sophia Coppela(shes a director ta boot)and hes doing the whole jackass thing
    yeah so hes very succesful very funny and modest...wouldnt that be a neat life to have eh??

    Oh yeah, and today i woke up, read for an hour, ate nachos, and have been siting on my computer ever since, i should be writing, but im kinda blocked and i need to get back in the swing and write me a fucking book,its hard to write consistantly even though i love to do it it, im a lazy ass..i hate that..

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: New Kids on the Block --hangin tough ( heard me)