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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in koan's scrapbook:

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    Wednesday, February 27th, 2002
    9:34 pm
    full moon and a warm breeze
    Maybe I'll go down to the bars and pitch around the most pathetic pickup lines I can think of.

    "My condoms are about to expire, can you help me?"
    Current Mood: jack's smirking apathy
    Current Music: GTA3
    9:34 pm
    full moon and a warm breeze
    Maybe I'll go down to the bars and pitch around the most pathetic pickup lines I can think of.

    "My condoms are about to expire, can you help me?"
    Current Mood: jack'
    11:26 am
    Michael Moore rocks the casbah.
    Current Mood: amused
    10:19 am
    I won't ask why there was a fake mustache on our bathroom counter.
    Current Mood: allergy hell
    9:16 am

    and sleep, sleep would be OK too.
    Current Mood: horny
    Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
    11:35 pm
    "Christ is like cheese, a whole mountain range of cheese!"
    -Salvador Dali
    10:33 pm
    Beautiful night tonight.
    Walked to the store to gets my Odwalla. If I could just go a week without Odwalla I'd be able to afford a bag of crack. Damn.
    The coffee shop I went to in Minnesota had Odwalla. I found that fundamentally screwy.

    The same two miles were easier this time. Will hopefully be easier tomorrow.

    Acquired an advance of the new Herbaliser album. Werd.
    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: The Herbaliser - Something Wicked
    10:51 am
    When girls hoot at me from cars I always wonder if they're being sarcastic.
    This happens to me a lot more than one would expect.
    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Dub Pistols - Point Blank
    Monday, February 25th, 2002
    8:20 pm
    Jeesh. Running two miles wonks me all out. I don't remember ever being this out of shape. I wish I could keep at it... it might counter my IT body rot (TM). I need a more interesting way to get exercise than running or lifting. My attention span is too short.

    I'm glad it's sunny. It seems like Spring. I love the feel of the Sun ... worship the yellow face. I am tan. I have to go in for my yearly skin cancer followup soon and my dermatologist is going to kick my ass. Ouchevilsun Ouchevilsun.

    This room needs cleaning.

    Well you're sittin in your little room
    and you're working on something good
    but if it's really good
    you're gonna need a bigger room
    and when you're in the bigger room
    you might not know what to do
    you might have to think of
    how you got started
    sittin in your little room
    5:17 pm
    I'm having far too much fun dropping this skijumper on his head.
    Current Mood: agony of defeat
    4:46 pm
    Oh god! I'm having a synergism!!

    Two and a half hour meeting with the new management. Corporate catchphrase city.
    Current Mood: sleepy
    Sunday, February 24th, 2002
    1:24 am
    I'm about to start a fire in here it's so cold.
    Fuck the woodstove that takes too long
    but a bonfire of all the shit i don't really need would burn for days.
    Current Mood: wired
    Current Music: some crazy opera in the other room
    Friday, February 22nd, 2002
    11:12 am
    work = ditched


    Current Mood: cheerful
    Thursday, February 21st, 2002
    2:21 pm
    I just went from Minnesota winter to California summer in the space of three hours.

    From sleet to beach. I love CA more than I ever have.
    Current Mood: jubilant
    Sunday, February 17th, 2002
    3:08 pm
    hmmm, I wondered what time it was. I hadn't really checked in a few days.
    pretty hungover. when I tilt my head I get a whirly headrush and almost lose my balance. I think I'm storing Jack Daniels in my inner ear.
    beautiful weather for the drive home from SF. spaced out and drove fast.

    stopped off and bought 2 used DVDs (akira & replacement killers) and a little box that puts effects on your voice. someone had one at thinboy's and i thought it cool enough to acquire. They were tapping the mic on the speaker and making feedback beats.

    everywhere i've been in today has had atrocious customer service. perhaps nursing a whiskey hangover has made me a bit edgy... but no. just crossed paths with a lot of idiots.

    thinking about napping. trying to install Civilization 3 on a crappy work laptop so I'll have something to do while I'm stuck in Minnesota this week. Fwee.
    Saturday, February 16th, 2002
    12:01 pm
    Turtlehead scares me in a good way, like a mime with no pants on.
    11:20 am
    The party at thinboy's was much better than the party last weekend. Similar in that I knew a lot of people there from a lot of different places, main difference being I actually like these people. Sorry to hear you're sick, lay off the 'Peeps and Champagne(TM)' next time.

    Contemplating coffee. Since it's not sunny out, it may be a necessity.

    I just set up AIM: my login is "iamnotkoan" ... pretty TRICKY, eH?
    Friday, February 15th, 2002
    8:23 pm
    shaven skaven
    Oh my goodness! I am suddenly naked and lightly lathered!!

    Oh, now I remember. I was a scruffy mofo.

    Aw yeah... that's the stuff.

    special bonus gratuitous boob shot )
    Current Mood: shorn
    Current Music: Kruder and Dorfmeister - Deep Shit Pt1
    11:13 am
    packets, got them packets
    Successfully stopped caring about V-day.
    Skipped the liquor, stuck with the kung-fu.
    I also crammed a burrito the size of a regulation NFL football down my gullet.
    Because certain stalkers won't let it go I took a couple pictures of my pasty-white, unshaven ass.* They're not up yet though, they need to be resized and I'm not touching tem at work. Work is bizarrely slow, despite the fact we're half-staffed.

    *ass is a figure of speech. My ass, although pasty-white, does not need shaving. No photographs of affore-mentioned ass were taken, as this is a premium service of KoanCo Limited, and can only be obtained by buying me gifts off my wishlist.*

    *I do not have a goddamn wishlist. What do you think I am, a pathetic camgirl?Professional whores like myself only work for cold hard cash and the occasional brick of Burmese opium.
    Current Mood: Nun, or other.
    Thursday, February 14th, 2002
    5:19 pm
    I suppose it's probably a good thing that I don't have a date since every time I HAVE had one on V-day it has prefaced the almost immediate demise of the relationship. Sometimes a complete collapse within a day or two, sometimes the beginning of a downhill slide. I also once turned down a threesome with two cute (and rather drunk) girls because I was waiting for another girl to come by ... and she promptly dissed me. If life had do-overs that one'd be on my list. My obscenely huge list.
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