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Wednesday, November 14th, 2001

Subject:more rantings over school... :P~
Time:4:03 pm.
Mood: hungry.
i never work a day in my life...
i just lay back and let the big beat lead me

happy "winds"day, as piglet would say ;) ... it hasnt been to horribly happy for me yet. i got a 61 on my govt exam ((lovely, an F...shame on me))sooo the next test im gonna study uber hard for and pray that i make an A... that would bring me out of the semester with a C+ or B- ... which i would be grateful for... even though its still gonna fawk up my GPA..
what happened? i made straight A's my first year.. then i got all confident.. slacked off, made a few bad grades.. and just couldnt get shit back into gear again... not quite the same at least.. but i study allllllll the time... this journal is a witness to that... so i dont see what the problem is *shrugz*
oh well, no worries... next semester im gonna take a bunch of easy classes and pump my avg back up *im ready to pump you up!!* ((sorry hehe reminded me of that old snl skit))
anywayyyy my dads home and im supposed to go shopping for my mom with him... so im out
Comments: what the fawk do u think?.

Subject:allow me to amuse you...
Time:12:21 am.
Mood: amused.
Music:make this incessant IM ringing stopppp!!! *pulls hair out*.
wooooOooooooOooooo... hehe mandy bought me this scary hair extension pony tail thing

and she really thinks i ought to wear it in public lol
definitely scary *dont be skerd*
i look fifty million times better in short hair


hehe soo uhmm yah... i went a little camera crazy tonight... i was bored
lennon: sorry i didnt send u any pics... hope this dorkiness will suffice ;)
anywayyyyyyy todayyy was a normal tuesday... yadda yadda yadda... anddd tomorrow i will be purchasing a birthday gift for my mom ((and i still have no fawkin clue what to get her)):P im horrible at buying gifts... i always get paranoid that the person wont like it.. *shrugz*
on a much sadder note
sucks.. kesey rawked... hopefully he's on that big day-glo bus in the sky though ;)
welp i must stop writing... now is the timeeeee
i liked this quote:
“When you don’t know where you’re going, you have to stick together just in case someone gets there”
Ken Kesey
Comments: 2 thoughts - what the fawk do u think?.

Tuesday, November 13th, 2001

Subject:random silliness and events
Time:2:12 am.
Mood: silly.
Music:the theme song to banana's in pajamas is stuck in my head :P.
philosophy paper: conquered!!!
thats one major grade down... 5 to go *whew*
manggg im in a post overstudying haze right now.. having weird conversations:
vansnmyhed: wut do u cook?
M0rGaSMiC: things with directions lol
vansnmyhed: ummmm
vansnmyhed: wuts ur special dish
vansnmyhed: ?
M0rGaSMiC: haha larry... i dont cook
M0rGaSMiC: unless im starving or something
vansnmyhed: haha morgan..i know
M0rGaSMiC: im sure i could if i had a recipe
M0rGaSMiC: i can read :P
M0rGaSMiC: but i dont cook per se
vansnmyhed: u could teach a monkey to cook if u really wanted to
M0rGaSMiC: welp then i suppose i ought to buy a monkey
vansnmyhed: a helper monkey>?
M0rGaSMiC: a monkey chef
M0rGaSMiC: itd have to be a girl monkey though... i dont want it humping my turkeys or nothing
vansnmyhed: haha..u dont have any turkeys
M0rGaSMiC: i mean like at thanksgiving or something
M0rGaSMiC: i wouldnt want to invite all of my family over for dinner only to find that it had humped the turkey
M0rGaSMiC: male animals hump anything
M0rGaSMiC: males in general hump anything
vansnmyhed: um...maybe if they were drunk
vansnmyhed: but if u get a monkey drunk, then u gotta deal wit it
M0rGaSMiC: yah i suppose
M0rGaSMiC: i dont know what a drunk monkey is like
vansnmyhed: drunk monkeys r awesome
M0rGaSMiC: haha youve seen a drunk a monkey?
vansnmyhed: ive gotten them drunk b4
vansnmyhed: and high
vansnmyhed: they r funny
M0rGaSMiC: haha oh yah? where did you do this?
M0rGaSMiC: the zoo?
vansnmyhed: nah
vansnmyhed: theyre friends of mine
vansnmyhed: they drink off the keggerator

nothing like a little twisted late night chat.... i need something a little less serious right now though... im always too caught up in memorizing facts and concepts. my imagintation seems relatively non-existent... its sad... something i need to work on i suppose.
today was a regular monday... took my govt exam... smoked some... wrote a paper... then plopped my happy ass *like its large or something :P* right in front of this damn computer.. and here i sit.. twiddlingggggggggg
i think its finally time for bed
time to relaXxx ;)
Comments: what the fawk do u think?.

Monday, November 12th, 2001

Subject:stuck in comfortable funk
Time:12:33 am.
Mood: weird.
Music:soundgarden- down on the upside*chris cornell is fawkin hot*.
i have been so chill lately... i havent gotten out and rowdy much... which im beginning to think is much needed... dont get me wrong, this mellow funk is kind of nice, buttt... i need some damn chaos in my life... something uncertain.. something corruptive!! unF!
today i slept until 4 in the afternoon...lawd, i must have needed it though... ive been such an insomniac lately. anyway... i managed to procrastinate studying for govt all the way up until tonight, then crammed... i feel sorry for larry, he just found out about 15 mins ago that we have an exam tomorrow :( ... so i guess things could be worse.....
eric called me last night from his mom's house too :) he was out all day with her looking for a new car *one that will be able to make it to houston hopefully :P* yah yah yah.. we all know i miss him TONS... im thinking ill go up there thanksgiving night and stay until that sunday morning or so... ive got a lot of exams and papers coming up though *end of the semester and all* so we'll see how it goes... he's been uber busy with his own problems and things of the sort too... *sighs* no worries though.. whatever will be will be
hrmmmmmm sooo yah... nothing drastic has changed in my life within the past month or so... everything has been pretty constant and predictable.. like i said... kind of lame :P
humm dee hummm
im not complaining, im just a little bored with things
and i know i know its within me to change these things :PP
anywayyyyyyyy today i didnt do much but study... watched the simpsons, malcolm in the middle and southpark... took a longgggg bath *which was really nice*..... and studied some more.
sundays are meant for laziness... i was semi-productive at least ;)
yah, well i hope i didnt bore people to sleep with this hehe
"nothing seems to break me
no matter how hard i fall
nothing to break me at all
no one for giving up, though not invicible
i know"
Comments: 6 thoughts - what the fawk do u think?.

Sunday, November 11th, 2001

Subject:stupid plain things suffice anymore
Time:3:09 am.
Mood: giggly.
Music:3D- Millenium Dawn *nice and easy, listennn... yayyy mang!*.
mang... i never go to the movies, and ive been twice this weekend already... i had a couple of free passes, so mandy and i went and saw riding in cars with boys ((hehe yesh, it was a girly night))it was really cute though :) we fawkin stuffed our faces in tha theatre too *holds stomach* hah
sooo yah we've had a lot of girly, sit around on your ass sort of nights lately... we went back to her place afterwards and smoked some and reminisced... manggg we've known eachother forever... and its funny the sorts of things that we remember
hehe we got quite high and got the "gigglies".... we saw the strangesttt show in the whole wide world tonight... it was called tribu or something like that, and it had these metal robot/ant looking things walking around in this primitive tribe setting... and this big rhinocerous ran through the place and killed this one robot dude... and the next thing you know, theyre entire little village was destroyed... and they were all throwing rocks at each others heads.... i didnt understand it...*shrugz* maybe it was metaphorical and it just went over my head... it was on PBS though, weird
omg... hehe when mandy and i got back from the movie theatre, we found these fliers all over her neighborhood that read "LOST: Hunchback.. answers to "hunchie" and "shaniqua", reward $5, approach with caution.. yadda yadda" w/ this horrible picture of this poor chick with rollers in her hair (and some fake hunchback) dancing around like a dork... and a phone number to call.. sooooo mandy called the number of course and talked to one of the chicks who did it... anywayyyyyyy i thought it was funny (in a highschool prank sort of way)... hah i just wish i had thought of it ;)
so yah im lame haha... i get a kick out of the simplest things anymore
either that or im just too jaded to have a good time anywhere else
either way *shrugz*
i mustttttt go to bed i havent even started studying govt yet *sighs* ... im fawkin sick of exams :/
Comments: what the fawk do u think?.

Saturday, November 10th, 2001

Subject:fridays events
Time:1:07 am.
Mood: mellow.
what a lonnngggggg day...woke up, went to school, didnt have class, turned in my paper and headed back out to katy... i washed the *m0* mobile today :) washed her and waxed her... cleaned her from inside out.... lawd... did that car need it too..
after all that i was in cleaning mode and ended up cleaning just about everything i own... it feels good to have things clean though... :)
anywayy mandy came over after work and we ended up going to a movie with her little brother... we saw "from hell"... which was alright.. it dragged on a little and the ending was lame... but it wasnt a waste of money or anything *shrugz*
sooooo uhmmm yah... im sitting at mandys now taking a few bong hits and thinking about a xanbar and bed
she got a sugar glider today :) theyre marsupials *heh i like that word* soooo she decided it would be fun to let it out of the cage.... those damn things can put up quite a chase... they can climb just about everything... i swear this house is a zoo.... theres animals all over the place... hah like im any better with 5 cats >^..^< damn animal lovin people
hrmmmmmmm welp im gonna go occupy mandy
Comments: what the fawk do u think?.

Thursday, November 8th, 2001

Time:10:38 pm.
Mood: drained.
Music:i wonder :P.
lawd, i feel like im becoming antisocial again or something... not by choice though... id like to go out, ive just been soo fawkin busy with school lately... its a persistent cycle of exams and papers and studying.. everytime someone calls me and asks me to go out with them and do something, i have to tell em im busy... ick it sucks..
all work and no play makes *m0* a dull girl
im counting down the weeks until the end of this semester though, theres not that much left to go... i can make it ;) i just hope i dont go nuts in the meanwhile
i miss my friends :(
i miss eric too damnit... this really sucks not being able to talk to him.
hehe i act like i have it soo horrible... its not that bad though overall... im quite content with where i am right now :) sooo no worries
anyway... i should hit tha books again *sigh*
this song has been stuck in my head alllllll day:
"The evening breeze caressed the trees, tenderly
The trembling trees embraced the breeze tenderly
Then you and I came wandering by
and lost in a sigh were we
The shore was kissed by sea and mist tenderly
I can't forget how two hearts met breathlessly
Your arms opened wide
And closed me inside
You took my lips you took my love so tenderly"
the soulstice version of it rawks my fawkin socks :) its really pretty
Comments: 2 thoughts - what the fawk do u think?.

Wednesday, November 7th, 2001

Time:11:22 pm.
Mood: accomplished.
Music:the cure-out of this world (paul oakenfold remix).
well, basically done, give or take a few alterations in the editing process... but from here on out, its all gravy.. *grins*
it only took about 6 hours to write.. heh, but the sense of accomplishment was well worth it *rolls eyes*
M0rGaSMiC: hows the paper coming along?
dr gabbo: fuck...
dr gabbo: not so good.
heh... sucks... and this, my friends, is why procrastination is no good :PPPPP *drools*

ok im stealing this from chris (it looked like fun to fill out):
a word that has hurt you: ordinary
a word that makes you giggle: gobbledygook
a word you would like to have whispered to you: i cant pick a single word.. i have a couple of phrases in mind though ;)
a word you enjoy shouting: unF!
a word that you still don't know the meaning of: Mafic/Felsic... *ive been in geol this long and i still havent bothered to learn these damn words*
a word you use far too much: fawker
a word you don't allow yourself to say: niggah in its full context =X
a word that describes your first kiss, or what you would like your first kiss to be like: sloppy
a word from a high school vocabulary lesson you still use frequently: defenestrate
a word you have made fun of someone for saying:none really.. i do make fun of mandy for saying fustrated rather than frustrated though :PP
a word that has intimidated you intellectually: im not intimidated by words necessarily... if i dont know what one means, then i look it up... deRr
a word you take as a sign of ignorance when used: plur *heh*
a word that describes you: busy
a word that you're in love with: pilo-erection

heh ok that wasnt much fun to fill out... i lied
anywayy.... my eyes hurt from sitting in front of this computer all day... imma find something else to do :P
Comments: what the fawk do u think?.

Time:3:14 pm.
Mood: disappointed.
Music:the sound of my uncontrollable tears... hehe jk :PP.
im sad =( *cries* mandy wanted me to go to austin with her for the night and i cant bc i have to write this damn paper *gRaRRRRRR* sucks for me... i miss eric A LOT!! i dont ever get to talk to him anymore... our schedules are busy as fawk and completely conflict .... he has practically no way online... and long distance charges are ridiculous.... sooo here i am ... ericless and pouty... ickkkkkkkk this sucks this sucks this sucks *throws a tantrum*
hrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so yah... im bummed =/
today wasnt so great...larry didnt come to my govt class yet again, but he paged me.. which makes me think he just wants my notes.... i feel used :PPP mehh
anyway im gonna go write my paper... try and get my mind off of disappointing things... get some things out of the way so that maybe soon i will be able to bring my happy ass back up to austin...
VIVA AUSTIN for it is tha shit and houston sucks my left tit
Comments: what the fawk do u think?.

Time:12:58 am.
Mood: geeky.
I AM 18% GEEK.

I wanna be a geek. But I'm not. Why would
I even want to be one. Do I think it's fun?
I should try writting an online test application at 1
am in my underwear.

Take the GEEK Test at!

ok... i know for a fact that im a bigger geek than that... come on!! *crosses eyes*

I AM 41% GOTH.

Oh My Goth! You Goth, Girl. There is a
good chance I am bi. Freakiness pumps
through my viens, but I can still laugh
at myself.

Take the GOTH Test at!

ok there is definitely something wrong here =X
Comments: what the fawk do u think?.

Subject:i bitch too much :P
Time:12:21 am.
Mood: listless.

gotta <3love<3 bad hair days hehe
sooo i survived sitting up at school forever... went to class, the usual... came home and did some studying but once again never got around to writing my paper *shame on me*... i guess thats what tomorrow is for though
i just hope i can get to sleep at a decent time tonight... my circadian rhythms have been all out of wack lately... i must stop this insomnia crap!!!!!! maybe im just a night person
mang... all my life consists of is school anymore... it sucks... i need some action or drama..hah, well maybe not drama... but something .. *looks around for some entertainment* hrmmm
anywayyyy im out... i dont feel like writing in this damn thing anymore
Comments: 2 thoughts - what the fawk do u think?.

Tuesday, November 6th, 2001

Time:4:20 pm.
Mood: blah.
Music:no music here..... im in a library... DUH!.
sitting at school again with nothing to do... damn me for forgetting my books... sooooooo now i must sit here and figure out something to do with myself... ick ... i should have just stayed home today *yah right, ive missed too many classes as it is*... so i got my geol exam back, i got a 70... which is better than the majority of the class... so im not too worried
doobie doobie doo ... soo uhm yah.... this is lame. tonight im gonna be uber busy though, which sucks.. i need to start writing my paper still *eek*, and study some for geol as well :PPP ... much fun
hrmmm larry wants me to come to his "hot tub" party tonight, but i dont think i will.... u know its just gonna be a bunch of h00kers over there anyway... and ive got too much shit too do... although sitting in a hot tub does sound tempting... i just wish i had my own
smells like hot glue in this library *holds nose* i think its the printers though :PPPP
meh anyway... im done
I MISS ERIC *cries*
Comments: 1 thought - what the fawk do u think?.

Subject:subject goes here.
Time:3:09 am.
Mood: high.
Music:julius papp- esho funi1.
what a nice looongg nap *stretches* ick... but now im gonna be up half of the night, i should have probably started writing my paper... i just didnt feel up to it though... its been a lazy monday... and ive been lazy a lot lately it seems ... hmmm
sooo uhmmm yah... i didnt do much today but bum around the house ... it was much needed though...
gettin high & listenin to good music is always much needed ;)
la la la la la la
i talked to eric sunday night *cheesy grin* ... i fawkin miss talking to that boy... manggg we didnt even recognize each other's voice though, how crappy is that? long distance sucks gRaR! *flexes* but.. he's having hard times right now.. im kind of worried about him ((i know everything will be ok, i just dont like seeing him stress)) so he shouldnt be in houston any time soon... whichhh means i must get my ass back up to austin this month... but i dont know if i can with all these damn exams and papers goen on.... only 5 more weeks... thank gawd
oh yah... check out the pimp new icon dylan made me :D way to go dyldo and tha GIMP *hah, thats what the programs called, right?* ... so yah, he's tha shit as always ;) *mwa*
anywayyyyyyy k bye
YIP YIP YAY YAY ((hehe thats for lennon ;))
Comments: what the fawk do u think?.

Sunday, November 4th, 2001

Time:4:16 pm.
Mood: energetic.
Music:the queers- dont back down.
*stretches* sundays were made for doing absolutely nothing
i slept until 3 this afternoon... got up... and i havent done a damn thing since then
i should probably start writing my paper... i went to the MFAH yesterday... it was actually a lot of fun.. the tunnel between audrey beck and weiss had one of those light exhibits by james turrell.... he arranges light sources so that they form these huge cubes made of light..

you had to walk between two of them to get through the tunnel yesterday.... it was really kind of disorienting... how cool would that be to see on acid? hah
anywayyyyyyyyyy i should go do something with myself *bah*
oh yah lol.. check out this evil kitty >^..^<
Comments: what the fawk do u think?.

Saturday, November 3rd, 2001

Subject:*m0*s inner child :P
Time:2:02 am.
Mood: silly.
hi :D *waves* ... tonight was rather pleasant
mandy came over and we drove out to katy mills to look for some cds... but ended up getting sidetracked at a carnival in the parking had a gravitron!!!#@ i couldnt resist ;)
anywayy so we rode a few rides there... ((damn place cost 3 bux per ride))... oh yah... and they had this little doofy coaster called the himalaya there... which i had seen on tv before bc i guess they are prone to fall off their tracks and kill people or something *shrugz*... i rode it anyway... to scare myself some i suppose... thinking back, that was really kind of stupid of me :/
yah... so we had fun at the carnival.. and mandy won me a generic hello kitty doll :D haha whoop
after that we hit the mall... bought a couple of small things... i bought a new key chain bc i lost my chococat somewhere in foleys :( ..s'ok though.. i discovered Nemukko Nyago >^..^<.

how cute is he?? hehe
anywayyyy soo then we rolled by dairy queen *i have a new passion for yukon crunch blizzards* and came home and sat around...gee, ice cream, a carnival and a new stuffed animal... i feel like a kid again hah
yah welp im sleepy now... soo g'night
Comments: what the fawk do u think?.

Friday, November 2nd, 2001

Time:2:47 pm.
did you know...
that the world's nothernmost capital city is Reykjavik iceland??
heh... you learn something new everyday ;)
Comments: what the fawk do u think?.

Subject:lazy friday
Time:2:08 pm.
Mood: exhausted.
ick.... im fawking exhausted!! wake up *m0*!! *smack smack*... i think im gonna skip goen to the art museum today and just do it tomorrow... i need a nap instead :P
sooo uhmmm yahh today is blahhhhh its all grey and gloomy outside... dead silent in my house.. and im running on like 4 hours of sleep...
mang... you know what i dont understand? paintings with a couple of rectangles and lines on them that are considered great pieces of art... what the hell is so special about them? i could paint a couple of circles and squiggles in primary colors and call it art, but you dont see any of my shit hanging up in art galleries... for example: today in my class we looked at a painting by Malevich entitled "aeroplane flying"... check this out and tell me if you see this fawking aeroplane... its there zig zagging around, i see it... but how crappy is that?

i dont know... just my opinion i suppose *shrugz*
sooooo yah im sleepy... and my brains slightly mushy and out of it.....

imma go eat some lunch and take a nap i think
Comments: 2 thoughts - what the fawk do u think?.

Subject:"shit can happen"
Time:2:37 am.
Mood: predatory.
wheewwwww! what a night =) and no, eminem was not there *cries* it was still a lot of fun though
so i got off school around 7.. rolled by the house and smoked some, then went up to #'s with mandy... we stood around the damn place for like 3 hours until D12 came on... they had some crappy limp biscuit wanna be band with jock straps on there heads open for them... eh, at least i thought they sucked *shrugz*
anyway... so D12 finally comes on... and im all pitter-pattering waiting for eminem to get his white ass on stage... and the motha fawker never comes out =( it was still a bad ass show ... i amost got in a fight with this d00d though... he was pushing me off of this step i was standing on so that he could get an autograph... but none of the d00ds from D12 would give him one... and he kept pushing on me and shit... so me and mandy knocked his ass off... and he starts pointing his pen at me.... i dared him to do it.. and he did... motha fawker wrote on my neck when i was turned around.... so i turned around and got in his face and told him i was gonna beat his ass... some d00d broke us up though... i was ready to wail into him gRaRRrr *huffs and puffs*
anywayy so the show fawking rawked... such happy times hehe... except they inevitably cut out eminems lines in each song... or just stood there like morons when it was playing... other than that it was cool though... i was right up front the entire show =D
when we were leaving the venue mandy almost got in a fight with this bitch though... some d00d in front of me rear ended this other d00d... and then panicked and backed up and ran into me... mandy stepped out of my car and yelled "wtf!?" and this ghettolicious bitch jumps out of the car and starts getting in mandys face... didnt last long... but it was still funny ... i should have jumped in... we both could have taken her *flexes* ((mang im all sorts of pumping with adrenaline tonight, i really felt like kicking someones ass))but yah... nothings wrong with the *m0* mobile... my big hunk of metal was made to get banged up some
oh yah... and mosh pits are a fawking mean way to dance.... i dont get em... and i dont like em... :P
soo uhmm yah... that was my night... it was fun though =) im glad i went... no major complaints here....

someday i will see eminem, oh yes.. someday
Comments: what the fawk do u think?.

Thursday, November 1st, 2001

Subject:sitting at school twiddling with my thumb up my arse
Time:4:38 pm.
Mood: bouncy.
Music:id have to go sit in my car for that :P.
hrmmm im sitting at school right now... wishing time would hurry up and pass so that i could go to my last class and get out of this damn place..... D12 is tonight *whoop whoop whoop* i took my Geol exam... it seemed kind of easier than the past couple of exams... but lawd knows if i actually made a decent grade this time *shrugz* i sat around and caught up some in govt before this... ick... i hate sitting around campus with nothing to do... it wouldnt be so bad if it werent towards the evening already and people were still on campus... around this time its a bunch of overworkers and old fogies though... mehhh makes me really wish i were high right now to keep myself occupied in some sort of manner...
anywayyyyyyyyyy i dont really have much to say... just passing the time and stuff... i think im gonna go hit up the UC and get a smoothie *mmmmmm* =) smoothies always make everything better
Comments: what the fawk do u think?.

Subject:Keirsey Temperament Sorter
Time:1:13 am.
Mood: amused.
just got done taking this test...
i am an idealist =D
The Idealist Portrait
All Idealists (NFs) share the following core characteristics:

-Idealists are enthusiastic, they trust their intuition, yearn for romance, seek their true self, prize meaningful relationships, and dream of attaining wisdom.
-Idealists pride themselves on being loving, kindhearted, and authentic.
-Idealists tend to be giving, trusting, spiritual, and they are focused on personal journeys and human potentials.
-Idealists make intense mates, nurturing parents, and inspirational leaders.

Idealists, as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self--always this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists are naturally drawn to working with people, and whether in education or counseling, in social services or personnel work, in journalism or the ministry, they are gifted at helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potentials.

Idealists are rare, making up no more than 8 to 10 percent of the population. But their ability to inspire people with their enthusiasm and their idealism has given them influence far beyond their numbers.
Comments: what the fawk do u think?.

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