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[12 Mar 2002|01:27pm]
[ mood | relieved ]
[ music | Weezer - The Prettiest Girl in the Whole Wide World ]

Have you ever been up so long that you start to hallucenate? I'm beginning to have serious doubts about the quality of the two papers I just wrote. Oh well. THREE DAYS UNTIL ARUBAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

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[10 Mar 2002|11:28am]
[ mood | rejected ]
[ music | Smashing Pumpkins - Mayonnaise ]

Why will no one let me download Apocalypse Now off them?!?!? :*O

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[09 Mar 2002|02:07pm]
[ mood | cranky ]

Apparantly "medium with milk and sugar" is stupid foreigner for "dunkaccino, please"
I don't like where this day is going...

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for those of you wondering why i DESPISE windows XP [09 Mar 2002|01:28pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]

Sometime during the night my homepage went back to the default, all my passwords and preferences were erased, my entire history and favorites were erased too. For NO FUCKING REASON, WITH NO ONE USING THE FUCKING COMPUTER.

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[09 Mar 2002|12:58am]
[ mood | pleased ]

Sometimes, when you're feelin down, and things arent going your way, there come's along that perfect game of spider solitare, and it just makes you think hey, things are gonna be alright.

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[08 Mar 2002|02:24pm]
[ mood | curious ]

I have the trots.

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[08 Mar 2002|02:42am]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | Starsailor - Good Souls ]

I know I like to bitch, and I know things arent easy right now... But there's certain things in life that make me realize just how lucky I am. I have so many great people at my fingertips, and I have so many things going my way. In fact, barring any major disaster, by June my life will be exactly where I want it to be. Just think about that, I'm three months away from having everything in the world I want. That's not bad...

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[07 Mar 2002|10:23pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | The Strokes - Hard to Explain ]

I just woke up from a sound sleep because it's time to go drinkin. I would make the BEST unemployed alcoholic ever. Does going out in the clothes you slept in make you a slob? What if you slept fully clothed? Will it help if i brush my teeth? Oh fuck you.

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the thing that does stuff [06 Mar 2002|02:18pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Bouncing Souls - Say Anything ]

I have gone completely insane. I think its stress related. I have a week left of school amd a ton of shit to do, partly because I screwed myself over by being sick for two weeks. In case you were wondering, hiding under your bed and pretending school doesnt exist will NOT make it go away. It actually just makes things a little worse.
Yesterday was the weirdest day ever. I saw two different Erica Blisses, and Im still not sure which one was the real one. Maybe neither! Shit, Ericabots are taking over the Back Bay. Then, I got into a fight with a urinal at school. They installed those sensors that automatically flush when you leave, but this one decided to flush when I was in the middle of peeing, and shot water and my own urine all over my leg. So, I did the only thing a rational person in that situation would do: I kicked it until it broke. I never knew I could kick that high, I think I may have sprained a nut. Then when I was going to Wendy's, I passed a car just laying on its side, all crumpled up. There were no cops or paramedics or anything there, just a car, chillin on it's side. When I drove by again 20 minutes later, it was gone. Because of this, I have decided to buy a digital camera and carry it with me at all times. You just never know when you're gonna see a car lying on it's side, or some boobs or something.
In other news, 9 more days til Aruba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm such a broad [01 Mar 2002|01:36pm]
[ mood | <33333333 ]
[ music | Weezer - Only in Dreams ]

I have a crush on a girl at school. At first I just thought she was cute, but i keep bumping into her everywhere on campus, and now I'm *this* close to doodling hearts on my notebook. I am SUCH A broad.

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[25 Feb 2002|10:18pm]
[ mood | sick ]

I keep pooping water. How long can one person be sick?

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[22 Feb 2002|04:44pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | O&A; ]

Exactly three weeks from right now, I will be lying on a beach in Aruba, drunk off my ass. What will YOU be doing?

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You are all a bunch of kiss asses. [21 Feb 2002|12:36pm]
[ mood | dorky ]

I refuse to wish Erica a happy birthday. What are you gonna do about it? :oP

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[19 Feb 2002|07:26pm]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | The little man in my brain playing a steel drum ]

Tonight I am going to wash down three excedrin pm's with a double shot of nyquil. INSOMNIA BE DAMNED!

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I'm never going to sleep again [16 Feb 2002|02:46am]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | Will watching ice dancing help me sleep? ]

I just had a dream involving every woman who's ever hurt, rejected, or made me miserable. There was only one woman, but as we were walking she would morph into a different girl, without missing a beat in the argument/bitching/emasculation. It was one long, terror filled humiliation. I woke up screaming. Oh, and at the end of it someone gave me pizza and crack.

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[15 Feb 2002|04:55pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | bangbangbangbangbang! ]

We are now entering hour 24 on no sleep. Fuck it, I'm going for the record. Things are starting to look funny... Who said that?!? Oh fuck...

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[15 Feb 2002|01:10pm]
[ mood | fuck ]
[ music | Social D, Story of my Life ]


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[10 Feb 2002|04:51pm]
[ mood | bored ]

I wonder how little you have to expect to not be disappointed. Apparantly nothing is still too much.

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[08 Feb 2002|01:52am]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | IM CHIPPER!!!!!!!!! ]

Did I mention that I'm going to Aruba? In 35 days, 3 hours, and 47 minutes? Life rules.

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[06 Feb 2002|07:31pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

blah blah blah
sarcastic remark, passive agressive anger
blah blah blah, fight fight fight
grumble grumble, sit in front of the tv and be pissed off
shut up and get over it or get a goddamn divorce already.

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