BetsyB's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in BetsyB's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, February 22nd, 2001
    2:31 pm
    Will this day never end?
    Only 2:30??? I am sleepy and really tired of work. I want to go home. Why can't I not work? Why can I not be independantly wealthy?

    We ordered our new satelite dishes last night. Whoo-hoo. I hate cable. Cable sucks. Down with Charter! And stupid, unfair, idiotic Charter cable turned off our cable last night--sort of. They have not sent us a bill in two months, which I did not know because I don't take care of the bills, thus they have not been paid. So last night, we turn on the TV in the bedroom and it says that the cable has been disconnected and to call if you would like to have it turned back on, or something to that effect. But the cable in the other room still works! It's as if they wanted to punish us for not paying our bill but decided to do it gradually? Whatever. We are getting satelite now.

    I went to Emily's house with her for lunch. She drives like a maniac. I have whiplash now. But damn, she has a nice car. We may go out to dinner tomorrow night with Emily and her fiance. I don't know. Everytime we talk about doing something together, she flakes out. Which doesn't necessarily turn out to badly for me, I'm usually pretty busy on the weekends.

    Back to the grind pebble.

    Current Mood: lethargic
    Wednesday, February 21st, 2001
    5:38 pm
    Today is almost over!
    I am so ready to go home. I have the feeling that I am forgeting to do something. What could it be? I am hungry, those lunch tic-tacs just didn't do it.

    My training is over finally. I was on the losing team. There were three teams in my class and the other two tied for first place. So they got prizes and we got squat.

    I just found such a good deal on We are just going to HAVE to get a satelite dish. You get two dishes, two receivers, and the upgraded antenna that allows you to receive local channels for free when you sign up for 8 months of continuous service (which is less than half of what we're paying now per month) A friend of mine at work signed up for it and told me about it.

    Toodles for today.

    Current Mood: anxious
    8:31 am
    Okay, what is up with the I-30 traffic in the morning? Every single day between Eastchase and the Ballpark, the traffic inexplicably slows down to about 20 miles an hour. There is no accident, no stalled car, no construction, not even a car pulled over getting a ticket, at which people must slow down and gawk. Nothing. My theory is that every morning at 7am, a group of raised-speed-limit-outraged retired persons wake up and drive to that spot in the highway, slow down to about 20 mph and repeats this process for about two hours.

    Current Mood: aggravated
    Current Music: the last song I heard was "I will never leave you", Sideshow
    6:22 am
    I don't want to go to work. I never want to go to work. And my husband mistook my boob for the back of my arm this morning. My arm flab feels like a D cup?? Good grief! And then he tried to make it better by saying that I'm not fat, I just have big bones. I have tiny bones! Anyone who has ever seen skinny-me can probably attest to this. The problem with my tiny little bones is that they are currently piled high with mounds of fat! And my poor little husband probably thinks that "marriage" is some sort of bizarre ritual my species must perform in order to mutate into the huge, giant monster I have become and swallow him whole!

    I know, I know, I should be exercising and dieting. I will. Starting Monday. Two rules of dieting: You always start on a monday and your diet should always be kicked off with a feast of feasts. The only person I know who is not aware of these rules is Amy. The last time I was going to start a diet, which I believe was about a week and a half ago, I explained this to her and she looked at me like I was an alien.

    But on a brighter note, Tony's parent's have re-re-considered the couch situation and we should be able to pick up the couch this weekend!

    Current Mood: pessimistic
    Tuesday, February 20th, 2001
    4:56 pm
    Well, I'm finished with my class for today. It's been fairly interesting actually but I get the feeling that it is going to make me self-concious. And apparently, everybody on my team has been incredibly busy today and two of us were in class, our supervisor is on vacation and one is out sick. So only three people were here today to do the work of 7. I think everyone is kind of pissed at me for not being here but it's not my fault, I was forced to go to this training class and apparently, it's official enough that they are even timing and diciplining for coming back from breaks late. Okay, I've got 55 minutes to be on the phones before I can go home. I hate the phones.

    Current Mood: discontent
    12:49 pm
    I am thinking about applying for a job with the company my husband just went to work for. I don't mind my job, too much, right now. But I hate phone work. I really hate answering phones all day long and helping people with their bullshit. I'm not cut out for it. I belive I have mentioned this about 27 times in previous entries. I may have to start out on the phones there, but at least there will be opportunity on the horizon. When you are a travel agent, you don't have much choice but to book reservations for people and this requires answering the phones all day.
    12:22 pm
    I'm on my lunch break from training right now but I had a couple of things to work on so I havn't eaten yet. tummy grumbly. I feel really dizzy today actually. I've felt dizzy for the last couple of days. I think I'm getting on everyone's nerves in training class. I'm all but sitting on the edge of my seat, bouncing up and down with my hand waving in the air. I've had too much caffeine. I need to settle down.

    I just talked to Tony and now his parents seem unsure about whether to give us their old couch. This totally destroys my living room plans. Why I get so upset about little things, I don't know. But I feel like little kid who just got her lolly pop stolen. I worked so hard to make the living room pretty last weekend and the only thing I need now is a couch. That's it. And now my couch prospect has disappeared and the money I had previously alotted for furniture has now been diverted into the computer fund. Poor me.

    Current Mood: hungry
    10:28 am
    I'm having a break in my training class right now. It's kind of cool. I feel like a little kid. We had to draw pictures and divide into teams and make up a mascot. What is this training about again?

    Tony took the job at Bell. He starts on March 4. He'll be starting off at what he is making now but it will be regular, full time hours and have benefits and such and more opportunity to advance. He sounds relatively excited. As excited as he gets, anyway.

    I have to go back to class now. If I'm late, my team will lose points and we won't get our graduation prize tomorrow!

    Current Mood: contemplative
    8:49 am
    I hate drivers. Almost all of them. Why are people so stupid? And I hate big, stupid, texas trucks. Ofcourse, my husband does drive one of those. Anyway, I'm going to be in customer service training all day. How exciting.

    Current Mood: aggravated
    Current Music: Well, in the car I was listening to Cocteau Twins "Lorelei"
    Monday, February 19th, 2001
    4:18 pm
    I went to Nguyen Vietnamese Noodle House for lunch. That was pretty good. And damn cheap. I think I'm going to have to go there a few more times and check out some different dishes.

    I'm ready to go home. Only about an hour and a half to go though! And our supervisor is gone for the day, which makes it easier to abuse our internet privileges. Tomorrow I'm going to be in a training class all day. I think I'm supposed to learn how to provide excellent customer service or something. Whatever.
    12:46 pm
    There is the cutest little kitten on the puppy-kitty cam today! He just can't decide what he wants to do! Now I want to go home and see my kitties!
    8:17 am
    Somebody has a case of the Mondays....
    I just got to work and I'm about 45 minutes early today. Once I get up in the morning, I just can't bring myself to sit around the house wasting time. I just go to work early and sit here and catch up or work on my journal and read emails and such.

    I got so much done this weekend! It started out kind of fruitless. I woke up saturday morning with the desire to have fun and goof off so Julie and I went out to breakfast and over to our parent's house and then met up with Amy to go to a movie. Afterwards, I went home and spent some time talking to Tony. We decided to go out and get some things for the apartment but we were sidetracked by a fight which ended with me taking a bath and going to bed and him playing "Everquest" until the wee hours of the morning. But when we woke up, we apologized and decided to go do all of the things we didn't do the day before. We went to the grocery store and Loew's and out to lunch. Afterwards, he had to go help his parents for the afternoon and I went to work hanging shelves and pictures and steam cleaning the carpet, doing dishes, cleaning the bathroom and rearranging furniture. My apartment looks so much cuter now than it did a few days ago. And I'm motivated and ready to continue.

    When Tony got home, we made dinner (grilled ribeye steaks with scalloped potatoes and chocolate fudge brownies) and watched Futurama, King of the Hill, Simpson and Malcom and went to bed pretty early.

    Today is going to be awful, I can just feel it in my bones. It's going to be start-stop all day and I'm pretty sure we're going to have a few people out sick.
    Friday, February 16th, 2001
    3:15 pm
    I'm so damned bored today, I just can't quit updating my journal. It's the only thing I have to do.

    I am so not cut out for this job. How many times have I said this? I sit here half the day with nothing to do and then when I am presented with work, it irritates beyond reason. I hate talking to people. I hate helping people. I hate listening to people. I hate hearing people's small talk on the phone. I hate pretending to be nice to people. I hate being a travel agent. Why oh why didn't I learn another skill?
    2:16 pm
    Here's what I think...
    I think that one of my friends just has the wrong idea of what to look for in a boyfriend. She goes for guys that are too popular, oppinionated and articulate. You know what the best kind of guy is? One who doesn't yet know who he is. An empty vessel just waiting for the right person to come along and fill him up. Do you have any idea what an attentive friend an empty vessel can be? It's as if he's trying to absorb every bit of character around him just so he can sort it out in his head and develop himself. Very few arguments occur with a man who has very few strong oppinions. Sure, there are some downsides as well, but they are much less intense.
    1:15 pm
    Hey, where is Caren today?
    bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored......

    You know, as long as I have friends who are as lonely or mistreated as mine, I will never long for the single life again. I've always felt like I didn't need a relationship to complete my life and I had usually been pretty happy without a boyfriend. But I really enjoy being married most of the time. I have a great husband who tries very hard to be good to me and I am very seldom lonley.

    I hate hearing about my friend's romantic misfortunes. And I believe that you CAN retain feelings of friendship even after feelings of romance are gone. But only if BOTH people feel that way. If one of the people in that transitional situation still has romantic feelings toward the other, then I feel it is the responsability of the individual who no longer has those feelings to be the bigger person and just break the ties. It just isn't fair to put someone who has feelings for you through that. And it's too hard to call it off completely when somewhere in the back of your mind you're thinking, "Maybe it will still work out. Maybe if we just stay friends, he will realize someday that he wants more also".

    I'm trying to stay out of the above situation because speaking my mind about this has gotten me in to trouble before. But this is my journal and I will say whatever I want.

    And whatever happened to Women's lib? Almost every single girlfriend I have is miserable. Why are women so dependant on men for their happiness? I'm not saying that my life was perfect when I was single or that I was never lonley but I didn't obsess over it, most of the time. And ofcourse, I am not saying that I am in any way better than my friends or anything. And I've never been nearly as optomistic about situations in my life as I was about my single status. And women hate to hear how "beautiful and smart and funny and warm and interesting" they are when they are single. It's like it makes us feel angry because if we're so great, why are we alone? And if those things aren't true, why are our friends telling us this? Sometimes I wish I could just switch bodies with my friends for a few days and straighten their lives out the way I think they need to be. I know, I'm obsessive and intrusive. But if it makes any difference, sometimes I wish some of my friends could switch bodies with me and straighten my life out the way I know they could, too.
    12:06 pm
    Six more hours......
    I don't know if I can take another day of work. The minutes are just creeping by. I finished my book yesterday and I've already given myself a manicure this morning. Not that I would prefer to be incredibly busy or anything but this is kind of ridiculous.

    I might finally get a couch for the living room this weekend! Tony's parents have one they aren't using. It's not the most beautiful couch in the world but I think I can make it work. hee hee. Mostly, I just need a place to sit. Calling the living room the "ballroom" was kind of cute for a while but now the big empty space in my apartment is just annoying.
    8:07 am
    Friday at last!
    I got to work about an hour early this morning. The news said there was flooding all over town and a lot of roads were shut down so I left early. I don't think I even drove over a puddle.

    I'm eating some yummy cherry almond bread right now. Tony made it and shaped it into a butterfly for me.

    One of my co-workers is trying to investigate where the Wheel of Fortune try-outs are going to be. Apparently, they're coming to this area. hee hee.

    I've got so much to do this weekend. I need to do some serious cleaning and decorating and rearranging. I actually feel pretty motivated right now but that's probably because I am at work where I can't actually do anything. I'm sure once I get home and can start working on these projects, I won't feel like it.
    Thursday, February 15th, 2001
    5:17 pm
    Will this day ever end? I have about 35 minutes left of work and it just couldn't be going any slower. I'm watching the girl next to me tape pictures of her dog together right now to hang up on her cubicle.

    I'm making enchiladas for dinner tonight. mmmm...

    I have so much to do this weekend. If I weren't so lazy, I would try to get some of it taken care of in the evenings but I am finding that in my old age, I cannot do anything on a work night. I have to go home, take a bath, put on pajamas, eat dinner, watch tv and go to sleep early. I save virtually every other thing in my life for the weekends. I used to go to bars after work and stay out until 3 in the morning and get up and drag my hung-over ass to work the next morning. Now I don't even drink caffeine after 6pm. Hell-if I drink anything at ALL after 6pm, I have to get up and pee 6 times in the middle of the night.
    11:57 am
    I so don't want to be at work today. It's been really slow this week. I've been trying to finish my book mostly. And I am drinking so much diet coke that I've had to pee about 7 times in the 3 hours I have been here. I am so ready for the weekend.
    9:10 am
    I passed my pee test! Thank you, triple strength tox-be-gone!! It was so horrible though. I've never had to do that before. The lady actually stood in the bathroom with me and watched me pee! And my pee was the color of "Slimer" from Ghostbusters. But now I can drink sweet, sweet diet coke again.

    And my wonderful, sweet husband made me a cake for valentines day! It's a raspberry filled chocolate cake with buttercream icing with little roses and "Betsy" in a heart! I didn't just get silly old kitchen shelves after all! So far this day is pretty damned good.
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