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i do not read planetout enough anymore [24 Feb 2002|10:50am]
this is the cutest thing I've read... EVER
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so should I feel guilty? [24 Feb 2002|10:41am]
[ mood | horny ]
[ music | I wish I was listening to you unf unf unf ]

My grandparents are becoming full members of their evil Southerner-type church thing today, and I love my Grandfather and my grandmother, and I told my Grandfather I'd love to go today... But then the cold I'm in denial about having came on really strong and got me with a sore sore throat and a running nose. Plus I'm finding people on LiveJournal who I should really flirt with or get to know otherwise, which is cool.. That's selfish as hell, I know, but it doesn't take much to keep me from going to a church... All the hissing when I accidentally touch something... I can take the burning, but the sound is HORRIBLE.

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panic: I forgot to mention this! [24 Feb 2002|09:52am]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Eddie Izzard - Glorious ]


db> show msgbuf
Well, so I should have mentioned it so far, but I've been really
unsure what to say... But I suppose I do now... For the first
time in I dunno, 2 years??... I have found someone to be
in-love with. So now, currently, I strongly love a handful of
people, a smaller superset of those people ``love'' me, as
in, have not been afraid to say that, and one person, the
one person superset of that is a person who is in love
with me, and who I am in love with as well...

And she is so close to the person I thought I was looking
for, which is so cool :)

AAAnnnnddddd she is understanding and supportive
regarding all the other dozens of things related to like
relationships or sex I've mentioned... Sooooooooo...

Dumdidum, I'm happy :)

db> x 0
Kernel page fault in supervisor mode. Attempted to read page not present.

Or something :) It's been a while since I've done that, hehe.

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im so sexy [23 Feb 2002|11:34pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Eddie Izzard - Dressed to Kill ]

What Sex Toy Are You?
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fortune cookie [23 Feb 2002|06:25pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Propaganda - Duel ]

Now is the time to go ahead

and pursue that love interest!

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bear with me here, I suck [22 Feb 2002|05:26pm]
[ mood | loving and sad ]
[ music | Bejewelled - Propaganda ]

while i plunge into thoughtfulness
no sound just silence cannot compare with this
lonliness and pain are complimentary
because they are ever growing inside of me

so i look for an outlet and i look for a friend
and i never will hurt me ever again

because it's hard to heal and it's hard to lie
and in reality i want to live i do not want to die

terrible memories i could not reverse
every year my inner pain is growing worse

now i am visibly crying and hurt
cover my scarred wrist with a long sleeve shirt

it may not be scary or painful to me
but the implications of it i can see

the problem is not the act of itself
it's the problems i've bundled and stowed on a shelf

there are people who care for me
people of love

there are people who care for me
these people i love

i want to die so that i can lay down and rest
i want to live and i want you to put your head on my breast

i need to comfort and console to open my heart
to witness pain and sadness and to see my own dark

i will never escape if i do not confront
but confrontation is hard when you're all alone
and the problems you have are bigger than you
and the problems you have are all that you've known

where to begin, where to unhide
is there a solution for the scarring inside

but should i run away
every day

or should i hide away
every day

can i cope alone, or do i need someone else
i need to find someone so i can lose myself

no i don't put my faith in other people
but pain and love are fairly equal

why is it when i love i get pain in return
my heart and head both ache as my passions burn

nothing can compare to the feelings inside
with the pain and the darkness and the hurt i hide

but i want to open up now and i want to be free
i want you to love me and to love me for me

but who are you i have to ask
i've seen you somewhere before in my past

or maybe my future is it only fate
or am i just lonely for a loving date

no it isn't, it's something more
maybe i look at you like my whore

no it isn't that it's something else
i feel like you can help me out of my shell

but there's more to that, there's love inside
that i cannot explain and i certainly can't hide

it's unconditional as all love that's true
unconditional love of every kind for you

but maybe what i need is to love myself
but i've been there, done that... i need someone else

someone to compliment me, emotionally
someone to hold and comfort me

someone that i can hold and comfort too
is that someone you, please be you

i do not know, i prolly never will
this is just rambling... nevermind

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parents are hard [22 Feb 2002|05:02pm]
[ mood | cry ]
[ music | Bejewelled - Propoaganda ]

When did it become OK for me to stop being my mother's child, so that should could treat me like a 24/7 employee?

I mean, when I can't have _any_ discussion with my mom, outside of work she needs done, or listening to her bitch about the people she works with locally, that's pretty fucking sad.

When she says "you will not lecture me" when I am just explaining and asking her to listen to concerns of mine, and proceeds to yell at me and tell me to shut up, what is the reasonable thing to do? Saying "you need to learn how to treat your family unlike fucking employees" and throwing her office keys out the window is apparently not the best idea, unfortunately.

I was only trying to tell her, calmly, for the five-thousandth time in my life, that while I may know more about computer-things than her, I need her to not blindly make promises to people of things I can do for them, because quite often... I simply can't.

Promising a good friend of hers, someone she works next to, someone who I know and get along with in that casual way, that I can magically fix his laptop LCD screen which is mysteriously died after 3 years...

Well, suffice to say that's not the best thing in the world.

I got screamed at for everything I tried to say to her, and in between her telling me to shut up, she was complaining to me about the errands she has to run tonight.

So apparently I am supposed to be her shoulder to cry on, and her person to complain to, but I can't ask her to try to break the habit of making fraudulent claims to people about what I can and can't do.

She also told her friends that I could design graphics ala ManBeef.com for them, and when I tried to explain to her that I didn't have anything to do with the content aside from ideas, I got yelled at.

That was a year ago, just the other day she asked why I couldn't do some graphics work for her, since I obviously was capable, the proof being ManBeef.

So I asked her right before she kicked me out of her car, when the last time she had talked to me was.

Her answer? "Leave me the fuck alone, I'm too busy, it's not my fault."

Shit, there are people I've never even met, people I've only ever talked to online, who I feel about a thousand times closer to, and who care at least thrice as much about my problems. Hell, the worst I've had to deal with from such people, I looked at in a sort of positive way: if they didn't have the time to talk to me, at least they obviously cared enough to want to talk to me in a meaningful way, if at all.

But my own mother? She eventually replied when the last time I talked to her was: "A few weeks ago".

Middle of January, when I came out to her... She's promised to discuss it with me at further lengths a few dozen times since then.


I wish I hadn't promised people today I'd never do what I did yesterday again, or I'd so be doing it again right now... Fuck.

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girl of 17 [22 Feb 2002|08:53am]
whole life ahead of her
slashed her wrists
bored with life
didn't try hard
and thank the lord
for blunt objects.

I can almost laugh at myself now, because that was so half-assed and typical-teenager... But it represents a much larger problem, and that is that I am always in my room or my grandparents' house or in the car with my mum...

And that is starting to depress me to a bad end.

I recognise that I need a social life... I want a social life, and I recognise that will require me to take better care of myself and spend less time on IRC and such.

I just don't know where to begin, like... Really.

Oh LiveJournal Oracle (I refuse to ask the USENET one),
Where do I begin building up a social life... What is the first step to make to enter the world of what it is I am looking for?

I look forward to any insights anyone feels like providing me.

Oh and hey, if any of you want to meet up for coffee or go dancing or something, like... I probably would too, and it would also be helpful :)

Well, off I go to IRC, apparently.
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odd [19 Feb 2002|12:55am]
isn't it odd when you wonder if something is going on with a friend of yours and you just can't sleep until you find out? I really need to know what's going on here, my intuition tells me something is up... And I want to help :/
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I'm so lucky [17 Feb 2002|03:26pm]
[ mood | grateful ]
[ music | Clan of Xymox - Consolation ]

to have friends that tolerate my mood swings and who understand what I am going through. god life would be hard if I still had to worry I was pissing them off irecoverably.

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T JULI [17 Feb 2002|11:57am]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | Depeche Mode - Blasphemous Rumours ]


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but at least [17 Feb 2002|11:51am]
I know enough or am delusional enough to not be too bothered with it... just kinda disappointed since I talked with said person and told her that "avoiding bad situations" isn't going to happen with me by just letting my messages scroll by and that just telling me she's too busy would be enough, and save her the trouble of dealing with a sad me, and save me the trouble of futzing with WHOIS all the time. *smirk* God, I am SO terrible :(
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and people wonder why I think I am being ignored [17 Feb 2002|11:44am]
[ mood | nervous ]
[ music | Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together ]

[11:20] Person has been idle 5secs, signed on Sun Feb 10 12:02:07
[11:20] -> *Person* boo! :)
[11:23] Person has been idle 4secs, signed on Sun Feb 10 12:02:07
[11:23] -> *Person* boo! :)
[11:25] Person has been idle 6secs, signed on Sun Feb 10 12:02:07
[11:25] -> *Person* boo!!!!??
[11:26] -> *Person* sheesh, messaging you when you've been idle less than 10 seconds... i'm gonna have to like, write a numeric handler for mirc or something
[11:38] Person has been idle 2mins 37secs, signed on Sun Feb 10 12:02:07
[11:28] -> *Person* sheesh, messaging you when you've been idle less than 10 seconds... i'm gonna have to like, write a numeric handler for mirc or something
[11:28] Person has been idle 3secs, signed on Sun Feb 10 12:02:07
[11:28] -> *Person* hello? :)
[11:32] Person has been idle 1sec, signed on Sun Feb 10 12:02:07
[11:32] -> *Person* You're welcome to tell me you don't have the time to converse with me if you like, you know :P
[11:36]Person has been idle 1sec, signed on Sun Feb 10 12:02:07
[11:36] -> -Person- You're welcome to tell me you don't have the time to converse with me if you like, you know :P
[11:38] Person has been idle 2secs, signed on Sun Feb 10 12:02:07
[11:38] -> -Person- You're welcome to tell me you don't have the time to converse with me if you like, you know :P

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i don't want to start any blasphemous rumours [16 Feb 2002|07:57pm]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | Depeche Mode - Blasphemous Rumours ]

So like, my mom's all digging Depeche Mode now... Wow ;)

Ooh also, is it just me, or can anyone write drop-in verses for 'Blasphemous Rumours'??? I've written a big one about me, but it sucks a bit... Maybe if I clean it up a bit and make it not suck, I'll post it some time.

I also finished up some POSIX stuff, eww. Substring substitution is SO NOT A JOB FOR xargs(1). But I did it... After rewriting a large portion of the code that builds up argument lists... Ungh.

I'm tempted to submit my substring substitution code that I use in it under something which is essentially "do whatever you want" but includes a dedication to my grandfather, the man who taught me vi(1), and who has gotten way too old, while he's way too young. It really makes me sad, cause he's such a good guy, and has guilted himself for so much of his life, and his whole family treats him badly... I just know he's going to die without ever having really been proud of me for something, and that makes me very, very sad... If I could put into words how fragile I feel today because I love him so much and am so afraid of losing him, and am so troubled to see him so weak before he's gotten to live his own life... You'd be crying like I am.

I don't want to start
Any blasphemous rumours
But I think that God's
Got a sick sense of humor
And when I die
I expect to find Him laughing

If there is a God, he so won't be laughing when I'm through with him. Gah, I'm starting to sound like my mum... But really.

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did you ever stop to think [14 Feb 2002|01:19pm]
that before your life was good, when you thought it was bad, it was really better than it is or ever will be?

it seems to me the fewer cares and worries you have the better life is because you can worry about nothing at all, or at most yourself.

once you start caring about people, if you really care about them, they occupy so much of your mind, your cares, your worries... it's so difficult to get through a day without them "without you everything just falls apart" you know... but then again "it's only when i lose myself in someone else that i find myself" or so it feels a lot of the time. in reality, "the more you suffer, the more it shows you really care", and the suffering, in time, is justified. because it isn't really suffering, it's longing... and i'd rather be longing for people, loving people, worrying about people, caring about people...

than to end up all alone without a care or worry in the world again.

oh hell yes.
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edible [13 Feb 2002|06:44pm]
[ mood | horny ]
[ music | Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here ]

not eating either sucks or rocks... I am not sure yet.

it has sure made me ditsy :/

oh well, i will actually make it under 2.99999999999999999E2 pounds this week, oh yes!

also I have nobody for VD. I am of sad.

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and i've never met anyone quite like you before [13 Feb 2002|07:49am]
[ mood | tempted ]
[ music | New Order - Temptation ]


life is like, good... a lot of the time... if you take the time to enjoy it.

okay, gonna go grab brekky... sushi... mmmm

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by the way [12 Feb 2002|08:56pm]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together ]

I am not hated, I am in fact loved.

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cookies! [12 Feb 2002|08:54pm]
[ mood | horny ]
[ music | Nine Inch Nails - The Perfect Drug ]

you can buy fudge stripe cookies online. i am fjearing.

h3r3 1z d4 w4r3xxx

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WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON [12 Feb 2002|08:28pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | Offspring - The Kids Aren't Alright ]


i am ecstatic.

isn't it odd how a day can be really bad, and then all of a sudden be the best day you've had in your life? what the hell is that?

i love it.

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