T.J. Eckman's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
T.J. Eckman

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Bleh [24 Feb 2002|09:30am]
[ mood | bored ]

Just watched "Spaceballs". Bored as fuck, drinking "Tension Tamer" Tea. Rando's coming over at 11, Bubba around 4.

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Yowch [23 Feb 2002|06:28pm]
[ mood | pained ]

Sleepin on the couch, Malitta called to verify that I was still alive... came up to get online and stepped on a fuckin' needle.

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Suckage [23 Feb 2002|05:49am]
[ mood | drunk ]

Too much aftershock. Puking at 10:30-11... passed out in front of bathroom. Woke up at 1 and puked in garbage bag several times.. passed out again, woke up went upstairs in Megan's bed. Slept til 5:30 went downstairs. Saw Dan the Jew. (He's not really jewish). Took a cab home.

My last words before I passed out. "Yo. Gotta call Napoli's.. gotta talk to Damon.. please.. tell Damon... the key is under the lawn gnome.." but Napoli's wasn't in the phone book, and 411/555-1212 didn't have a clue, I guess.

The key was gone and the front door was unlocked, so either Damon got the message, or someone unlocked the door while I ws gone. I feel like shit.

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Hmmm [22 Feb 2002|06:18pm]
[ mood | groovin' ]
[ music | The O - Goin' Down ]

Don't like any other the other shit I found by this guy on my computer.. but this song is aight.

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Fuck this. [22 Feb 2002|02:45pm]
[ mood | tired ]

I need to take a fuckin' nap. Who's with me?

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Post-a-thon [22 Feb 2002|01:18pm]
[ mood | excited ]

Who wants to join me for one day.. posting in EVERY SINGLE ENTRY on MY friends list for that day? I'm thinking next Wednesday would be a good day to do this. Anyone down?

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Yay! [22 Feb 2002|09:51am]
[ mood | relieved ]
[ music | Zug Izland - Sunny Day ]

Office is going to Phil and Cindy's today. I don't like that place.

Boss's secretary just came in and asked if I wanted to go in with her on a pizza. HELL YEAH.

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You know... [22 Feb 2002|07:06am]
[ mood | curious ]

Why does this post (this one right here) remind me of confusedchoas?


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The Jamestown Scene [21 Feb 2002|11:19pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Zug Izland - Sunny Day ]

Well, got home after work, decided to go for a walk around Jamestown. First I walked to the house shared by shmeganlynn, malitta, Nickie, Mike, and Amber, but no one was home. So from there I walked to lessthanamber and lower_class's apartment, but they weren't home either. I didn't have shit to do until 9pm, when I was meeting kraqur and niffynoo at Aldo's. So I went to the Library and hung out for 20 minutes. Then I just walked to Aldo's... getting there around 7-7:30. rando14701 (a guy I used to be in a rap group with, along with ozkilla) was there, I sat with him and we chatted a bit, then D.J. showed up and sat with us. Chatted with him, too. Then Ben (guy I didn't know) showed up and sat with us. I guess juggalogeorge and quilldriver were there, too. quilldriver gave me and D.J. some candy. I didn't really get to talk to them. juggalogeorge told me to call him later in the week.

Eventually niffynoo and kraqur showed up. I thought I had never met them before, but it turns out that I had met niffynoo a couple of years ago at one of uncareable's birthday parties. I guess she used to date milnko (also known as jellious). Eventually my roommate icecreamy showed up with Spleef, and they sat at a table. gravitykid and joellyurine showed up and said hi, too. Then anarchicky showed up and sat with icecreamy and Spleef. malitta showed up with Binky, and they sat with gravitykid and joellyurine. Then when gravitykid and joellyurine left, malitta and Binky moved to sit with D.J. and Binky. (Ben and rando14701 had left by this time.) Then anarchicky moved to sit with them, and finally noticed I was at Aldo's.

It was cool meeting kraqur and niffynoo. We gotta hang out more in the future.

So now I'm here chatting with sillygirly and missmetal (sister of anarchicky). There's a party tomorrow night.. I wonder if hughan will be there.
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Last Night [21 Feb 2002|06:57am]
[ mood | confused ]

Last night I got a wee bit drunk and got online for a while. I remember talking to my cuz and Nisey, and telling Nisey she had to clone herself so I could have a Nisey of my own, I remember Kyle telling me to get on IRC, and I remember Javachick asking me to make love to her.

That's about all I remember.

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Shitty [20 Feb 2002|08:31pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Linkin Park - Papercut ]

I feel like shit.. I just told Hughan I was going to walk over to his practice room.. shaved up, and now I don't feel like walking anywhere.

I miss my car. :/

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Dreams [20 Feb 2002|07:38am]
[ mood | amused ]

I had a dream that Shaggy 2 Dope was talking about some song, and how he really enjoyed recording it.

Also dreamed that I was watching some girl post pictures of herself to Livejournal. I dreamt about livejournal. Kill me now.

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Fucked. [19 Feb 2002|08:55pm]
[ mood | broke ]

I need to find another roommate that keeps about the same schedule as me, that can afford to throw down 300-400 a month.

Either that, or I should just pack it up and move home. :(

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What the fuck? [19 Feb 2002|08:09pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Saint N - Ultimate Bobbie f. Hellena Handbasket ]

My checking account is negative.. I think something got fucked up on the 11th. Going to call the bank tomorrow and try to get it sorted out.

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Court [19 Feb 2002|05:29pm]
[ mood | relieved ]

Fine: $90
Cost of Course: $35
Total amount incurred by 50-in-a-35: $125.

Not too bad.

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Heh [19 Feb 2002|02:06pm]
OMG.. I'm eating a Popcorn-flavored DumDum sucker.
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Heh [19 Feb 2002|09:45am]
[ mood | tired ]

Going to cost $550 to fix my car, at least. I'm gonna see if he'll let me pay in $100-a-week installments.

Alarm didn't go off this morning, but I still woke up at 6:15, showered, called a taxi, and made it to work 10 minutes early (6:50). Yay me.

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Weee [19 Feb 2002|07:54am]
[ mood | silly ]

BTW, skateboarded to and from the volleyball game last night. I'm effing ereet..


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Werd [18 Feb 2002|10:54pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Zug Izland - Sunny Day ]

My old song "Alone" has been selected to appear on some compilation called "CD of the Dungeon Girls" that's being passed around some college in Georgia.

I may also be producing a CD for some girl group called "The Fuckable 4" that's based in Georgia.

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HOLY FUCKING SHIT [18 Feb 2002|09:03pm]
[ mood | amazed ]

We won the first game, they won the second, we won the third...

I did a backflip, ran up, and spiked the ball for the final point!
They were still gaping at my backflip, and the spike bounced off one of their players and hit the ground.

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