LiveJournal for Leah.

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Thursday, February 28th, 2002

Subject:Hi every one got to go its almost lunch
Time:11:34 am.

What's Your Style? Find out @ She's Crafty
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Wednesday, February 27th, 2002

Time:7:26 am.
Mood: sleepy.
well just what has happened to time? i find that i dont come here as often and i dont update much. oh well
its that time of the year when you get to pick your classes for next year.
i'm almost a jr. 2 more years thats all just 2 years then college and then the rest of my life. i want to go into commercial or fashion photography. they sound like good options.
i really want to go back to sleep. that sounds like a good thing
my kitty got a shot last sat. yearly shot he wasnt to happy.
there are too many people here now so i'm gonna go
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Wednesday, February 20th, 2002

Time:8:03 pm.
¿Como está? Estoy bien.
How do you like that? Spanish
Okay so I'm a little bored. Theres not much to do.
so i started driving last week i like to go fast. anyways i have a hard time with a stick shift i start late and often kill the car. i promise i will get better with time
i finished my book. i read The Bone Collector. I had forgottern the ending so i got to be surprised. it took me two and a half days not bad (just goes to show you what having nothing to do can produce.
its time to choose classes so far i have english 3, us history, adv drama, ap statistics and two more. i'm thinking of yearbook but you have to pass a writing test i just want to take the pictures ("Take thhe picture, take the picture"-Funny Face)
oh I saw A Beautiful Mind last week Anthony Rapp was in it. Beth and I are pretty sure that he played Bender. the movie it had a twist and a surprise (well at least i thought so )
well i'm off
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Wednesday, February 6th, 2002

Subject:Good morning sunshine
Time:7:25 am.
Mood: tired.
it's too early to be up. it really should be illegal. any ways not much , as always, has been going on here in my boring little life. i get to take my first to hours of drivers training on wed the 13th so then my permit will be valid.
on thursday i didn't go to school i was sick. first time all year. lucky me.friday i dont remember that day. saturday i was at my dads and my stepsister and i went to see A Walk to Remember and we made my commercial for english on sunday the futon was taken out of my room and replaced with a chair. now i can get to my window
the library is starting to fill up. monday i went to the dentist and i am getting a new retainer that i have to pay for because i didnt wear my other one yesterday i watched fridays dark angel ep. and today i have to make up a lab that i missed in chemistry.
i finally decide what i'm going to do for my spanish movie.Make a cake. now it wont be funny like she suggests they be ,so they keep the classes attention, but i think that the cake batter will keep the interested
i'm tired i want to back to bed
(yo quiero dormir.) i think i better go now and stand outside in the cold i think amberlee is here by now
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Wednesday, January 30th, 2002

Time:4:05 pm.
I like this. No school on a wed. they should do it more often

well i passed all of my finals and the test for my permit ,i only missed 4. i need to enroll in driver training. well not much has been going on here
i bought a Barbie doll on sat. here name is Lea. i just thought that was cool one of Barbie's friends and i have the same name. not alot of things do
i curled my hair today and it doesnt look half bad even though the bottom hairs are still straight but thats ok

i need to get some lunch
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Time:3:40 pm.
See what Care Bear
you are.

See what Care Bear
you are.
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Time:3:33 pm.

See which
Greek Goddess you are.

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Time:3:20 pm.
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Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002

Time:10:19 pm.

Take the Which Empire Records Character are You? Quiz.

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Time:10:10 pm.

Red: 4/100 Blue: 24/100 White: 15/100 Yellow: 2/100

Take the Color Code Test
by Dano
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Sunday, January 13th, 2002

Time:8:10 pm.
I Am A Swedish Fish
Take the What Will Your Result To This Quiz Be? Quiz
by napoleonherself, if you are so inclined.
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Time:8:06 pm.
M * A * S * H

You will marry LEGOLAS from
Lord of the Rings, live in an ancient elven palace in the middle of the forest, and spend your days
walking on top of snow and rowing ivory boats and just being beautiful.

What's YOUR M * A * S * H future?

lucky me
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Time:7:57 pm.

Take the Which Wannabe-Baby Are You Test.

Good evening it's finals week
just think 5 only 5!!! more days of drivers ed then i can get my permit then 6 months later my license only i cant transport anyone under 20 or drive between midnight and 5 am then 6 months later i can transport under 20 and so on
it takes so long

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Tuesday, January 1st, 2002

Time:2:20 pm.
Happy New Year

I think i'm getting sick
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Time:1:55 pm.
[If I were an online test, I would be The Internet-Addict Test]

I'm The
Internet-Addict Test

I love in-jokes, especially if they
help highlight the marvellously geeky cultural differences between my
internet clique and the rest of the world.

Click here to find out which test you

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Sunday, December 30th, 2001

Time:7:16 pm.
You are Harold!
Oh sure, you might think you're tough, you might act tough, but you're not. I bet you 50 cents you can't eat 50 Mr. Fudgy bars.

take the what hey arnold! character are you? test

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Time:6:08 pm.

Which David
Lynch character are you most like?

Fairly Addicted
Fairly Addicted
You are fairly addicted to online tests.
While not to be taken lightly, your addiction is still manageable.

Take this test at and find out how addicted you

You are user #4515 to verify their addiction.
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Time:6:03 pm.

Take the Which Beatle Are You? Quiz.

Comments: Add Your Own.

Subject:my candle smells good
Time:5:24 pm.
Mood: tired.
Hope everyone had a happy holidaymine was good.

Tiffany and I went out to lunch on friday as a happy birthday/lets get out of our houses
yesterday i babysat not much of an interest there any ways i have to put my cat on my bed, hes getting... i dont remember the word but he was moving around a lot
now my laps cold

Sarah goes back home tomorrow and school starts on the 7th i still have some work to do i need to get my spanish binder and history book soon so i can finish everything
almost time for dinner
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Time:5:14 pm.
Mood: lazy.
It's 5;14 and I'm still in my pjs.
How lazy can i get?
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LiveJournal for Leah.

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