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sleep is good [22 Mar 2002|10:14am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | collective soul ]

Woke up 10 minutes before my 9 a.m. class again today. I hate it when I do that. I managed to get there about ten minutes late and actually remained awake throughout the class! I feel exhausted still and maybe in a few minutes I'll go back to sleep for a little while... I need all the energy I can get for tonight's Dream Theater show.

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[21 Mar 2002|01:34pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | cinema's classic romances ]

Woo hoo, my literary analysis professor is out sick today, so there's no class and no meeting about the paper later either! I skipped Brit. lit already (I am such a bad girl), so now I only have stupid science to go to, and then I'm done. I haven't been outside yet (Yes, I'm also pathetic) but Meghan says it is beautiful, so maybe we will go down to the ocean in Newport, or at least the park (which is on the bay), after science.

Thank goodness it's Thursday... one more class this week after science, and then tomorrow night is DREAM THEATER! I can't fucking wait.

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journal entry and apologies [21 Mar 2002|02:14am]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | cinema's classic romances ]

Journal entry

Sorry Nik. That was me on the phone with Aileen for an hour. We were blabbering about Friday's Dream Theater show and Kurt Cobain and Madonna and so on, and I would've gotten off the phone if I'd known you were feeling down and wanted to talk to her. I hope you're feeling better, although I know it won't be so easy.

Fuck it's late already. I guess I will try to do some more reading before I succumb to the calls of my bed.

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yuck [20 Mar 2002|07:29pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | guster, "lost and gone forever" ]

Just woke up from an unplanned half-hour nap... I was sitting on my bed with a cup of coffee trying to read Gulliver's Travels, and suddenly it was a half-hour later and my book was wedged into the gap between the wall and my bed. Luckily I only slept a half hour and not several hours or (god forbid) the whole night. I feel tired enough to do so but I can't afford to lose the rest of the evening. There is much reading to be done.

In a bit I will go for a walk/jog if it is not still sleeting/snowing/crapping out.

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poem [20 Mar 2002|11:16am]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | yanni (yes, yanni) ]

cleaning the apartment:

i sponge clean cruddy coffee table,
caress cobalt blue glass and cheap china
with soft curves of yellow sponge delicate round bubbles,
soothe dirt down deep drain, and
arrange on rack to dry.

scrub down vast valleys of stove,
metal rings scraped of yesterday's
delicious dinner and an ancient bit of macaroni and cheese,
eaten perhaps by a business major in 1984
all forgotten.

somehow it all makes me crave a roll in the mud
dirt grime bugs and grass, rubbed into my skin
our bones do not like these clean stainless flats of expanse;
they cry where are our rolling hills of trees soil lilacs?!
why this dead wood coarse angry metal and fake hardness
forced upon us!

give us dirt or give us death !

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journal entry [19 Mar 2002|11:06pm]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | dream theater, "scenes from a memory" ]

Journal entry.

The figure a poem makes. It begins in delight and ends in wisdom. - Robert Frost.
I love that bitch. He knew what he was talking about.

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[19 Mar 2002|02:44am]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | ben folds ]

Okay.. I'm actually going to go to sleep now. I got barely any work done on the paper but accomplished a decent amount of reading for Brit lit... we're doing Gulliver's Travels, which isn't so bad. It's strange because as I read I remember scenes from this animated version I had on tape when I was little. And I remember that live action version they had on TV a few years ago, with Mel Gibson peeing on the building to put the fire out. I would've never thought they actually have that in the book, but there it is. It even spends a paragraph or two discussing how embarassed Gulliver was when he needed to take a shit on the Lilliputians' (the small people) island. I can imagine that would put one in a bit of a bind...

I feel lonely tonight.. I miss my friends in NJ, and I feel starkly alone. I have to remember that this is good, that I can draw strength from my solitude. It's easy to think about but hard to practice.

I want to go to the exercise room again tomorrow. It felt so good that time I went before spring break. My stomach muscles ached for days. It makes me think though, how can I be strong mentally if I'm all weak physically? It seems that they would go hand in hand. So I will go again tomorrow.

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[18 Mar 2002|10:12pm]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | the cult, "beyond good and evil" ]

Trying to do more work on this literary analysis paper.. I have a meeting with the professor tomorrow and I am supposed to have a fresh draft for it. The writing is going slow right now unfortunately.

I have a babysitting job tomorrow... now I'll be able to make the minimum payment on my credit card bill when it comes in! Woo hoo.

I think I will make some hot chocolate. That will surely loosen up my fingers.

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journal entry [18 Mar 2002|10:45am]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | savatage, "dead winter dead" ]

Finally, a journal entry.

I hate Mondays... class from 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. sucks big balls. I have to call my friend Jess in England, I have been promising to do so forever and I feel like a big ass. And I have to fill out the rest of my paperwork for Florence. And schedule classes for there and the summer. And renew my passport. And find a place to live for the summer. And roll around in the snow naked.

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lous- I mean lovely Rhode Island [17 Mar 2002|10:06pm]
[ mood | worried ]

Back in RI. Too busy to write a real entry.. I have this stupid research paper proposal due tomorrow for critical writing, along with lots of other work which will not get done because I am busy writing said proposal. It would be a lot easier if this professor weren't one of those who doesn't take bullshit. She sees right through it and covers your paper in bright red ink, along with a lousy grade (see also my C+ for the last paper we did, composed partly of bullshit). Back to the paper.

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back to the grind [17 Mar 2002|04:12am]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | fiona apple, "when the pawn..." ]

Tomorrow I have to drive back to school and do a fuckload of work for Monday. Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up.

I shouldn't have stayed up so late but I did, and now I'm going to have to pack everything up and get driving tomorrow as early as I can without not getting enough sleep so that I'm falling asleep on the way up there. (Yay run on sentences!)

I wish I had another week off.

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[16 Mar 2002|03:48am]
[ mood | stressed, good, and others ]

I forgot how much fun I can have just going to the diner with some good people and hanging out. Tonight it was Laura C., her new boyfriend Adam, and Jonesy (my old housemate from freshman year in college). We sat there at the table with our coffees and made jokes and bullshitted and remembered old times and related gossip that I've missed since I haven't been around and threw things at each other and generally had a fucking awesome time.

I forget how I miss New Jersey, how people up at school just aren't quite the same. Or maybe I just haven't me the right people, I don't know.

Being here makes me realize how truly lonely I am up at school. Not that I didn't realize it before, but it rubs it in.

I am so stressed out about the work that is due on Monday. My school bag is in the trunk of my car, which is in the garage at the mechanics since it got lots of work done today and I wasn't able to pick it up. I am a dumbass.

I went into NYC with my dad and brother to the Natural History Museum, where they visited some new baseball exhibit and I attended a show at their new beautiful planetarium. I had about 20 minutes to wait before the show, so I stood there and admired the new building, which looks like something out of a futuristic movie. There was also a jazz band playing since they were having some kind of benefit tonight, so I got to listen to that for awhile. The planetarium show was pretty good... always a good reminder of how insignificant and tiny I am.

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running around town [15 Mar 2002|04:32am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | new Savatage ]

Whoo. Spent most of today with Laura C. Met her at the mall where she picked up her paycheck, then we went out for food at Harolds, a yummy Jewish deli which is now dismayingly owned by my former boss from the diner, a mentally-disturbed short fat Greek man. I like going there because they have a pickle bar with health salad and three different kinds of pickles and macaroni salad and onion rolls. And the food is really great; I usually get potato pancakes or stuffed derma or cheese blintzes.

Afterwards Laura and I went back to the mall and I did some frivilous, stupid shopping (two Savatage CDs, a Cult CD, The Cutting Edge on DVD, and the Dream Theater DVD). Then we went to see The Time Machine, which was ridiculously contrived and silly and mostly laughable. I thought the lead guy was hot but Laura kept on complaining that his cheek bones were really weird, which I will concede to. They look surgically altered.

Then it was off to the diner where we saw Jay, and he came and played pool with us for awhile and then Laura and I went back to her house so she could force me to watch America's Sweethearts, which she insisted was a great film. It was cute and funny, but nothing earthshattering. It was a fun day though, this is what vacation should be like.

My little brother is so big. It's been a month since I saw him last and I swear he has grown like three feet. I don't know how that happens. Tomorrow I think I am going with him and my father into NYC to some museum exhibit.

I don't even want to think about the homework that needs to be done for Monday. I think I will instead become voluntarily amnesiatic for now. I hate school.

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chardonnay, canadian men, and staggering down wet montreal streets [14 Mar 2002|12:52am]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | silence ]

Well, holy shit. Here I am back in New Jersey... the past few days seem like years to themselves.

Montreal was a mix of excellent and crappy. Going with my three friends from school.. Meghan (my roommate), Callie, and Cortney, I finally realized how very different I am from them. Three of the four nights we were in Montreal I went off by myself rather than hanging with them. They wanted to go to big crappy music dance clubs every night and hook up with guys from Massachusetts... which is something I cannot understand. We can go to such clubs and hook up with such men in fucking Providence. I didn't drive hundreds of miles and cross the border into another country to do something I could do 20 minutes from school. But anyway.

The drive up was pleasant... I love the roads in New Hampshire and Vermont, curvy and sloping, with really beautiful mountains and pine forests all around. We arrived in Montreal Saturday evening, and for some reason I was dumbfounded by how they speak French there. I mean, of course I knew they speak French. But it's so different from visiting from visiting Toronto in that respect cos you really feel like you're in another country when you're in Montreal. Everyone has an accent (if not French, Canadian) and all of the signs are in another language. Of course this seems like it should be common sense. But I am not proclaming to be a genius.

The first night I went with my friends at first... we went to a cheesy karaoke bar and within a few minutes had a bunch of guys talking to us. None of them seemed of much interest and after a little while I was drunk, and didn't want to go with them to a dance club. I wandered down Crescent Street where there are tons of bars and pubs and clubs and restaurants and teeming masses of people on Saturday nights. I stopped at the door to a pub and asked a random man standing there if it was a good pub. He said yes, so I entered and took the only empty seat at the bar.. the place was packed. I ended up next to a young-looking guy who appeared to be alone and was nursing a Guinness. It took him about 15 or 20 minutes to start talking to me, and we ended up talking for awhile and then staggering to a little Middle Eastern fast food place where I got a really delicious vegetarian plate and he, souvlaki. Suddenly it was snowing (it had been strangely warm before) and he walked me back to my hostel, where we proceeded to awkwardly make out against the wall outside. Yeah, I felt like a slut. But it was just kissing. I'm a good girl. He was just so cute, with his adorable Canadian accent as he was from Toronto. And was wearing grungy worn doc martens that looked so good on him.

The next day... ummm... we went to Notre Dame Basilica, which is really ridiculously beautiful. Since two of my friends are Catholic they wanted to stay for mass, so we did so. It was in the chapel in the back of the church, much smaller than the actual church but still fairly large. Mounted on the wall behind the dais was an enormous golden sculpture that I proceeded to stare at the entire time we were there. It was so awesome. I don't even know how to describe it. I think I may have gotten more out of the mass if it hadn't been in French, but what can you do. It was a neat experience.

Notre Dame itself was so incredibly ornate and breathtaking. I love churches, but at the same time I always think about how I feel so much more spiritual when I am in a forest or open field, or by the ocean. It makes me think of the film Stigmata. Some churches are really gorgeous but they just don't live up to nature.

That night we... ummm... yes, that night I went with my friends to a club called Living which had two floors... one with shitty boring techno music, the other with shitty boring R&B; music. I chose the latter since my friends were there and I felt more comfortable dancing by them. After a little while a not-really-attractive man started dancing with me but I figured what the hell, I was drunk and he was a decent dancer, and then I proceeded to make out with him pressed up against the wall of the club not inches from other people. And I felt like a slut, again. But it was fun and harmless and I am young and supposed to do silly irresponsible things. Soon after the club was closing so the music went off and I was actually able to talk to the guy, who was apparently from New York. Yeah. He and his friend wanted to hang out with me and my friends, and he kept saying, "But if you've got plans, you've got plans," which became a huge joke with my friends and I because he said it at least 10 times in the space of a half hour. And it was just like, okay, we get the goddamn point. He gave me his cellphone number but I didn't call cos it was just frivilous and fun and I wasn't really interested in him at all.

The next day we went shopping in the underground mall, where I saw absolutely nothing I wanted but my friends proceeded to buy lots of cheap shirts. I also had horrible Chinese food.

Which reminds me, the night before we went out to a really nice French restaurant. The food was completely orgasmic. My tastebuds have never been happier. French food is so good. I want to eat it every day. You eat such a small amount but leave the restaurant feeling very well fed yet not overstuffed. And the wine was good.

So... on the third night I went off by myself again. I went to another pub and sat and had a couple of glasses of chardonnay and a sandwich, then wandered over to Marche for dessert. I got a mixed berry crepe with chocolate sauce, and sat at the bar and had another glass of wine and talked with a woman who had short red hair and bad teeth and was on her fifth Bailey's and coffee. She didn't speak a lot of English but it didn't matter, and we chatted with the hot young bartender and this other guy who told me that I talk too much and therefore must be insecure. I explained to him that the reason I was talking too much was because I was drunk. Maybe insecure too, but the drunk part was definitely the motivating force.

The last day, yesterday, I went out and got myself some damned good Indian food, later went out to dinner at a really awesome pub with my friends and the guys from Massachusetts that they had picked up at a club the night before, and then went on a "bar tour" with a bunch of people from the hostel. I met a girl named Jae on the tour who was 17 and from Toronto and had two symmetrical piercings like fangs right below her lower lip, along with two nose piercings, long reddish brown hair, a kick ass velvet coat, and huge fucking boots. We were both, apparently, cheap drunks and were gone after the first drink, which for me was an insanely strong rye and ginger. The tour proceeded to involve three different bars during which Jae and I and others got more and more drunk and we met people from France and New Zealand and Australia and Rhode Island and had a grand old time. Jae was pretty cool except for how she couldn't go more than a half hour without mentioning how badly she wanted to buy some mescaline, a drug I have only heard of through high school health classes. She did not buy any of said drug, but we did end up at some chain Italian restaurant at 2 a.m. and proceeded to eat obscene amounts of food and make friends with two equally-trashed girls who sat down next to us and went to school in New York. As we walked back to the hostel, staggering down wet Montreal streets, she smoked a joint.

I will not be consuming any more alcohol for at least a month, for at the moment even the thought of it makes me want to retch up my entire stomach. But I must admit it was a pretty good time, I met some awesome, crazy, strange people and had some cool experiences and ate some good food. I also learned that drinking Bailey's on the rocks is quite yum.

Since this entry is already novel-length, I will conclude for now.

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montreal [08 Mar 2002|02:34pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | guster ]

We're leaving for Callie's house in Massachusetts in about an hour, and then early tomorrow morning it's off to Montreal. I am not ready to go, I still have lots of things to do, but in a minute I'll get off my ass and finish everything up and be ready to leave at the appointed hour of 3:30.

I completely slept through my 9 a.m. class this morning... Meghan says my alarm went off but I have no recollection of turning it off. Oh well. The situation was further enhanced when I passed by the professor for that class on my way back from dropping off the assignment that was due today in his mailbox. He didn't seem fazed, luckily.

All right... I must get going. I probably won't be updating til Wednesday or Thursday, but then I'll be writing a nice long account of the trip, so it's worth waiting for, no? (Don't answer that.)

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journal entry [08 Mar 2002|02:04am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | cry of love, "brother" ]

Journal entry. (Same page as the last one, so scroll down.)

One of the great things about going out dancing is that by the time I get home and showered and changed, I feel wholly and entirely exhausted. Once I climb into bed I will be fast asleep in about three seconds. Yum, sleep...

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journal entry [07 Mar 2002|07:24pm]
[ mood | energetic ]
[ music | guster ]

Journal entry.

excuse me while i kiss the sky

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i don't give a fuck [07 Mar 2002|12:37pm]
[ mood | lethargic ]
[ music | cowboy mouth, "easy" ]

Woo. I'm skipping British lit. as we speak. I was up til about 3 working on The Paper from Hell, and although I didn't have to wake up till 11, when the alarm went off I just decided to sleep more. So I did. I remembered that I'm supposed to have MacBeth Acts II and III read for literary analysis today, which is at 3:30. So I will hop in the shower in a little and then do that reading. I am going to skip science class too, which is not much of a loss. I don't give a fuck, to be honest.

Tomorrow we leave for Callie's house in Mass., and then on Saturday morning it's off to Montreal. Yay!

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journal entry [06 Mar 2002|10:10pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | ani difranco, "to the teeth" ]

Journal entry.

Not feeling so hot. I'm just gonna try my best on this paper.. and well, what else is there to do.

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[06 Mar 2002|09:38pm]
[ mood | restless ]
[ music | ani difranco, "to the teeth" ]

Went to the mall with Meghan for a few hours... bought a pretty long black crepe skirt. Now I'm back, and I don't want to do my work. Again. Where's my will power?

I have that feeling again, like I want to be out doing something crazy, having fun, whatever... anything but cooped up in the apartment writing a paper. I want to be out living, not trapped up in this darkness.

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