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alas... [18 Nov 2001|04:33pm]
I didn't stay up, I set my alarm for 4:45am. yeah, when have I ever got out of bed that early? never? Exactly, and it was no different this morning. I heard the alarm, hit snooze twice, shut it off and went to bed. I had intended to get up, get some coffee and take the dog to the park next to the apartment. Oh well, maybe next year. There is another shower in December, I do believe. It peaks on the 13th. I'll be up for that one.

My dog goes in for his "holiday makeover" tomorrow. :-) He smells really bad, and his hair is really long. I got him into Petsmart for a bath and a trim, so hopefully that's going to be cheaper than taking him to some big grooming parlor. I found an address for a "do it yourself" place, but I think it's just for baths, they don't give you clippers. Then he goes in at 3pm for his distemper booster (he was due in July) and all his vaccinations will be caught up.

Off to do homework...2 weeks of classes left.
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[18 Nov 2001|02:21am]
maybe I just shouldn't go to bed...it's only another 2 1/2 hours...
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[18 Nov 2001|02:14am]
[ mood | cheerful ]

we just got back from trying to catch some of the meteor shower. Limited success to report...we drove about 10 miles north on rt 33 to get away from the city lights. I saw one on the way, we saw 3 or 4 while parked next to the river, and I saw a big flaming ball on the way back.

The big question is...do I try to get up around 5am to see if I have any more luck...I know it probably won't happen, but it's a nice idea. :-)

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[17 Nov 2001|01:00am]
The Cost of War Weighed in Casual Conversation...from The Lantern, OSU's student newspaper.

You know, I actually heard two little old ladies talking in a parking lot the other day. They were talking about how we should just let a few nukes fly, and if this was "the old days," it would be over by now.

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[17 Nov 2001|12:45am]
there's a fog rolling in. It looks like a cloud floating by my window... It is absolutely still outside... I don't even hear the cars on the road.
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[16 Nov 2001|06:36pm]
[ mood | holiday-ish ]

ooooo....I want thisand this! I love the old Christmas classics.

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Another B-Day thank you... [12 Nov 2001|07:26pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Gaelic Storm, Madonna, and the Push Stars on shuffle ]

Thanks to Becky for the book Cane River (it's probably the only Oprah book you'll ever catch me reading), and the Willy Wonka DVD. woo!

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[12 Nov 2001|07:02pm]
An Open Letter to God
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[12 Nov 2001|04:11pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

will this influx of ladybugs ever stop? It was cute at first, but there are little beetle bodies everywhere.

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[12 Nov 2001|03:15pm]
I'm feeling much better today, thank you.

The pile of clothes around my hamper is telling me it is time to do laundry.
Off to find quarters...
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[11 Nov 2001|11:46am]
[ mood | hungover ]

Oh my God.

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[10 Nov 2001|09:14pm]
[ mood | grateful ]

Thanks to mom and dad for the DVD player... :-)

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[10 Nov 2001|02:28pm]
I was born on the day that the Edmund Fitzgerald sunk, and I turn 26 on the day that Ken Kesey dies...
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birthday alert... [09 Nov 2001|09:17am]
[ mood | chipper ]

Tomorrow is my 26th birthday. May I remind you that you can go to Target.com and Amazon.com to send me things...just check out the wishlists and use my email address to find me. :-)

Off to Stats class...

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call me crazy... [08 Nov 2001|05:53pm]
I'm registered for 25 credit hours next quarter..
MW 8-9:18am Geography 120 (finally finish my science requirements)
MW 9:30-11:18am English 398 Critical writing
MW 11:30-1:18 Econ 200
TR 7:30-9:18 English 291 US Lit 1865-Present
TR 11:30-1:18 English 504 Arthurian Legend

So, come the 2nd day of classes, I will be mapping out all the work to see if this is even feasible. If it's way to much, I'll drop one of the classes. At least Fridays are free. I had to get permission to add the last class, and she said I was crazy, and she hopes I won't be working because 15 hours is already "like a full time job."

Speaking of jobs, I'm still trying to find one. At this point, I'll take a seasonal one and try to find another one after the holidays.
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[05 Nov 2001|12:35am]
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my birthday is just over a week away... [01 Nov 2001|05:24pm]
I have wishlists set up at Target and Amazon. I'm searchable by email address. :-)
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[01 Nov 2001|02:46pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]

whew. OK...I finally got around to making appointments with counselors for next week. I meet with an Academic Advisor in the English department on Wednesday the 7th, and I meet with someone in the Business School on Monday. I'm thoroughly confused on the math requirements to get in the school. I already have credit in 148 (algebra/Trig) and I'm going to have to go backwards and take 131/132 (Math analysis for business)? OR do I just keep going into 151 (Calculus/Analytic Geometry). ugh! But, because my math was so long ago, I may need to go backwards...I really need to find out what the hell is going on. My "official" title is a pending double major in English and Marketing (once I get accepted into Fischer School of Business), but I have so many back-up courses to take (Econ, Intro to Accounting, and apparently quite a bit of math) I may jostle it down to an English major with a minor in Business, otherwise I'll be in school for another 3 years (God help me). But(and there's always a "but"), the Business minor is so broad...is it worth it? It's basically a class in each of the areas of the school (Accounting, Marketing, Finance, Operations Management(gah), and Mgt. and Human resources(heave)), plus an extra Econ class. My registration window opens on Monday at 1:30 (just my luck, I'm in class until 1:20). and the schedule I'm going for looks like:
MW 7:30-9:18 Econ 200 Principles of Microeconomics
MW 9:30-11:18 Eng 398 Critical Writing
TR 7:30-9:18 Eng 291 US Lit 1865-Present (I thought I already had credit, apparently not...)
TR 10:30-12:18 Acct 200 Intro to Accounting

If I get this schedule, that's 20 credit hours. Hmmm...I just looked at that econ class, and they dropped the 7:30 lecture. damn. Guess I'll have to figure something else out...

I have to pick an "area of focus" for the English degree. I have a few MRS lit courses, and there is a 500 level course in Arthurian legend this quarter, so I could get that out of the way...but I really wanted to do the focus in literary theory... we'll see what they say next week...

Ok...this has been long enough...I have cleaning to do, and I have lots of homework in stats due tomorrow...

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hee [29 Oct 2001|10:41pm]
This is what I witnessed last night.
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cops+drunk man+helicopter = entertainment [29 Oct 2001|12:32am]
[ mood | amused ]

What an exciting night. I was doing homework in the living room and I heard a helicopter (about 10pm). I didn't think anything of it. But, then it seemed to circle our building and it was getting quite close. It did another pass and I saw the spotlight shining down on the courtyard between the buildings. I got up, looked out the window, and saw a cruiser on the other side of the courtyard (it dead-ends) with more cruisers behind it, and more pulling in the driveway under my window. Becky came back in the apartment from the laundry room and asked what I was doing. I answered that I was popping out the screen so I could crane my head enough to see what was going on. So, the 2 of us are hanging out the window (along with most of the complex) trying to decipher what was going on. I decided that there must not be any immediate danger because the cops weren't telling the crowds to leave, so, I leashed up Bogie and we headed outside. It took about 10 minutes to find out what was going on. It turns out that some guy stole a cruiser while the cop was in a house responding to a burglary call. He made his way up RT 33 from downtown and then into our complex (we have some windy driveways and we butt up next to a park that extends for a few miles). Apparently he was hoping to lose the cops here, but he chose to pull into the one driveway that dead-ends. That's where they nabbed him. So, I hear, (I wasn't there for this part) the cops surrounded the cruiser with their weapons drawn and yanked him out of the car he was in and put him into another. Enter me. I saw them mace the guy in the back of the car because he was being such a handful. Granted, he was cuffed, and there were about 7 cops, I don't really thing mace was necessary. He had to be totally hopped up on something.

It is amazing how things like this brings neighbors together. I met quite a few funny people. Everyone was standing around, talking and joking. "how the hell did he get that car this far, that drugged up without denting it." Then the guy started yelling something that sounded like "I have a bomb!" Concerned, we all quieted down, only to realize that he had been yelling "I want my mom!" heee I'm sure she wants you too. She'd be so proud. Then he started yelling something about eating. I really hate to laugh, because you don't know what drove him to do it, or what his problem is. But there was some funny stuff going on on the sidelines.

So, I got to see what my apartment complex looks like on TV. :-)

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