Friday, March 22nd, 2002
10:58 pm - I am no longer collegeless...
I got my letter from WPI today. The envelope it came in was so funny. When you open it, the flap has been green letters that say "WOOHOO, YES. YOU GOT IN!" lol. So I guess I no longer belong to the no college club.
In other news, my mom has issues. But we won't get into that.
current mood: tired current music: Tweet~Oh My
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Sunday, March 17th, 2002
12:23 am - Today was a very weird day...
It started off horrible and ended very good so yeah. Weird!
I need to thank some people we just plain rock: Alice, thanks for talking to me this morning. You made me feel so much better. It would have ruined my day if I went to work in the frame of mind that I was in. I know that we aren't really close friends but I hope we can be. No matter what anyone else thinks or says, you are a great person. I hope you know that. John, thanks for these last couple of days. I had so much fun on friday. I never knew just sitting with you watching a movie would make me feel so content. Sorry I freaked you out this morning. I was just upset. Thank you for checking on me at work and making sure I was ok. I love ya! Jeanne, what can I say. DON'T FORGET THE COTTAGE CHEESE!. Thanks for coming over. I needed to be around a close friend. I had fun staring at Sick Boy and Jesse Bradford. And thanks for calling my work TWICE, and for getting transferred to every phone in the building. LOL. I had four different people tell me I had a phone call. And yeah, watching my crackhead dog be a shithead was amusing, too. I hope that we can keep our friendship for a really long time, but I don't think that will be a problem.
I guess I am done spilling my thoughts for the night. Oh yeah, on a side note, some people really suck. They are just so shallow and stupid. I wonder... Byebye.
current mood: happy
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Saturday, March 16th, 2002
10:20 am - : (
Friday, March 8th, 2002
11:58 am - My car tried to kill me yesterday...
I turned the heat on when I was driving to school and white smoke started to pour into my car. I pulled over and put all the windows down as I was coughing. I called Mo to come and pick me up and he drove my car home while I took my mom's truck home. So the rest of the day, I felt so sick. I had this pounding headache from whatever I had inhaled and I felt really sleepy all day no matter how much I slept. So today I took my mom's blazer to school while Mo fixes my car.
In other news, my Calculus test got moved because Mr. Russo can't do math for shit. We have a quiz and a inclass essay in English on Monday, and theology speeches are due.
And now I sit in computer science doing nothing because Mr. V is not teaching.
current mood: hungry
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Thursday, February 28th, 2002
11:48 pm - This has been the best birthday ever...
You guys all rock. Everyone was wishing me Happy Birthday today. It made me feel so special. And all my presents rock. Jeanne, you rule. That's all I have to say. Everything you got is so me. Tyler, I'm gonna watch the dvd tomorrow. And Janine got me nifty lip gloss. I am so happy. LOL. John came over after school and we watched movies and just relaxed. It was fun.
Hey Tom, I finally saw Gone in 60 Seconds. It was awesome. I must go buy it now. I still like the Fast and the Furious too, though.
So yeah, tomorrow, I'm not coming to school. I have no classes and my mom needs my help around the house anyways so have fun everybody. Hehe. Talk to you later. Byebye
P.S. I got my pictures back from Maine. They are so weird!
current mood: happy current music: Craig David
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Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
12:03 pm - My birthday is in 5 days...
Friday, February 22nd, 2002
4:19 pm - I'm home....dun dun dun
This trip has been so much fun but I am glad to be home. My own bed looks inviting and comfy. Jeanne and I learned that sking is not for us. We shall stick to driving Janine's car all over Maine. We should have went antiqueing or however you would spell it.
On Wednesday, I drove up with Gwen and Joe and let's just say we rule. We passed Louie and held the lead for the whole way up Maine in Gwen's car (I know Joe, it's a van). GO GWEN!!!! We stopped off at Janine's cottage to get her stuff and raid her parents supply. We got to the lodge only to find out they messed up our reservations so we got free rentals and a free lesson on top of the free lift tickets. Go us! That night I saw Joe fall down the stairs and Louie falling all over the place. We had a huge snow ball fight. Janine and Jeanne and I ganged up on Louie and shoved snow down his pants. He deserved it because he called me a buffalo. Then everyone went to bed at like 9:30 because we were so bored, except for everone in Jeanne's room because of the freaky sounds outside.
On Thursday Janine made us get up at 7:30 to go sking. I did not like sking but everyone else did except for Jeanne. So we went driving around many times. We went shopping and cooked pasta which was very good. Then later I cooked 5 pounds of chicken cutlets for everyone. Janine and Jeanne were cleaning and battering the chicken while Louie cooked mac and cheese. Yes people, I got Louie to cook and do dishes and I know you don't believe me but we have pictures to prove it. LOL. After we ate, Jeanne, Joe, Adam, and I went to go find alcohol. Adam, you are the man. He just walked into this store and came out with stuff. Adam is cool. Hehe. We learned that I have mad fog driving skills. The fog was so bad you could barely see the white and yellow lines, and Jeanne's ghost stories did not help! That night was cool. Adam and I stayed up till 3 in the morning just talking. It was nice. Thank you, Adam.
This morning we just packed and left. We stopped for food on the way home and Gwen dropped me off at my house. Thanks Gwen.
Things I have learned on this trip: ~Adam is not allowed to use our bathroom ~Janine does not know her left from her right ~Jeanne and I can't ski ~Louie can be moody yet funny ~Joe looks funny when he sleeps with his mouth open ~I can open and drink a juice book and park with one hand ~Jeanne and I spend a lot of money when we go shopping ~Adam really likes beef jerky ~There are too many diners and antique shops in Maine ~strawberry gatorade is very good ~Joe packs enough clothes for everyone ~Louie does not fit out the window no matter how hard Adam and I tried to make him ~Jeanne owns cool thumping music ~and many other things I don't feel like typing right now. I feel sick so I am going to go sit down and watch some TV. Byebye
current mood: sleepy current music: MOOOOOOO!!!
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Sunday, February 17th, 2002
10:10 pm - My weekend...
Do any of you guys remember Raffi? He used to sing all these kid's songs like apples and bananas and down by the bay. Well, I used to listen to him all the time when I was like three. So I go up to my dad's this weekend and my little sister rented a Raffi tape. LOL. So she had me sit and watch it with her three times. Too much. Then my brother had me playing video games all weekend long, and he is getting X-Box soon so then I'll be playing that all the time with him. I got home from my dad's at like 8:30 last night and went right to bed because I had to be at work at 6:30. It was so dead. 6 hours never took so long to go by. After work I was supposed to go food shopping with Janine but she had to go to her grandfather's so we are gonna go either Monday or Tuesday. Any last minute additions to the list? I'm heading off to bed. I have to go to the doctor's tomorrow. I think I have a sinus infection. And I'm sure you wanted to here that. Hehe. Byebye
current mood: lazy
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Monday, February 11th, 2002
4:18 pm - I hate being sick...
Saturday, February 9th, 2002
9:08 pm - My weekend...
Last night was so much fun. Jeanne, Gwen, Janine, and I went to Weezer. We stood outside for like an hour and a half. Did you know they banned necklaces from concerts? Well, they did. So I hid mine up my shirt. LOL. "Compacto-boobs" Hehe. Gwen, I agree totally. Those girls were so fucking annoying. Once we got inside and I warmed up we went down to the floor. I feared for the life of Gwen when we all got smushed but she is strong. Hehe, Go Gwen! You have mad crowd surfing skills. Oh my, Matt C. crowd surfing was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. He is so weird. He went with Annie, who HIT ME IN THE EYE! But that's ok. The two opening bands were just blah. They gave me a headache. But Weezer made up for it. I loved the blinking W. It was hypnotizing. Jeanne's dad drove us home and bought us big drinks. Tell your dad thank you again, Jeanne. Gwen feel asleep on me and I feel asleep on the window. Jeanne's dad dropped me off at Janine's and my mom got me there.
Then this morning I got up early and Janine and I went prom dress shopping. We went right when the placed opened to avoid the mad rush of girls. I must have tried on 30 dresses or more by the end of it. I almost bought this awesome pink dress. Everyone loved it. But then I found this cooler blue one. So I bought it. Its dark blue at the top and bottom and it fades to a light bluey silver in the middle. It's really pretty. Too bad it cost $320. I'm gonna have to pick up some extra shifts at work. LOL. Janine found two dresses and just has to decide which one to get. They are really pretty and look great so yay for Janine. After prom dress shopping was over (at like 12:30), we went up to my dad's because it was my sisters's birthday parties. My dad mushed my one year old sister's birthday and my three year old sister's birthday into one. We stayed for an hour and ate some food. Janine met my cousins. She said my cousin Vinny is cute. Shhh, don't tell Louie. Then, she was holding one of the babies, Nickolas, and he threw up on her. I felt so bad. I'm sorry Janine. She just laughed. Hehe. After we left, Janine drove me home where I have been all evening. I'm heading off to bed now though because I have to work in the morning. Byebye
P.S. Gwen, I'm glad my phone call made you feel special and I am so happy you are coming sking with us. Spanish video time. I can't wait.
current mood: pleased current music: Busta Rhymes~Break ya neck
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Friday, February 8th, 2002
11:55 am - Boredom
Mr. V is just sitting at his desk doing nothing. No class again. LOL. I have a new computer in this class. It is very cool. Although, with the bigger screen, he can see what I am doing. Not good. I have a sub in Spanish today so I might just go home. I dunno yet. I'm bored. Meaghan is just staring off into space. I'm gonna go bring her back to earth. Byebye
current mood: bored current music: typing
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Thursday, February 7th, 2002
9:28 am - Computer science class...
Mr. V is not here today. No class for me. Jeanne isn't here today either :( Janine and I missed you in English. I spent all of English filling out my survey thing for student of the quarter. No one read what I said. It's very stupid. Tomorrow is Weezer. Hehe. It's gonna be fun!
I need to stop staying up late and talking to Adam. He is really messing up my sleep patterns. I took a 5 hour nap yesterday. So now I feel better and well rested.
current mood: hungry current music: Discussions about Real World
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Monday, January 28th, 2002
2:02 am - Bedtime...
1:13 am - Good times
20 questions with Adam at 1 in the morning.
current mood: awake
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Sunday, January 27th, 2002
11:49 pm - I should be sleeping...
but I'm not. This weekend was good. Friday I finshed getting rid of those pennies. Key Club raised $1600.00. I am very happy. Yesterday was great. John and I spent the day together. Fire and Ice is my new favorite restaurant. Thank you Janine. It doesn't feel like it's been six months since we started going out but it is.
I bought American History X and SLC Punk on DVD. I now own six movies. LOL.
I had to work today. It was so busy before the game started but then it just died. It was so slow the rest of the day. Ok, there is this kid Adam who I work with all the time... We talk way too much. He knows a lot about me and vice versa. Very weird. He is very entertaining to talk to at midnight though. ahhh, I am disturbed. Need to go, Byebye
current mood: amused
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Friday, January 25th, 2002
8:02 am - Computer science is evil...
Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002
11:19 am - Everyone in class is racing fish!
![Drink me!](
Which drink are you?
I am in the middle of studying spanish. I don't think we are having computer science class today. I don't even know where Mr. V is right now.
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Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
10:04 pm - I rule at taking pictures...
1:57 pm - I have a puppy!!!!!
After years of begging, my mother let me get a dog. So Mo and I went out yesterday and bought one. We have a hot dog dog. We found this guy that breeds Dachshunds and we went to his work yesterday and picked out one. Mo named him Sam for Suzan, Angela, and Mo. He's so cute. He just sits in my lap and sleeps.
I'm still sick which sucks. I went to work yesterday and they sent me home so yeah, no school for me. I'll be back tomorrow though. Gotta finish sorting those pennies. BLAH! I mean I'm so happy the Penny War went well yet I am getting real sick of rolling coins. Sital and I agreed that we might bring the rest of the unrolled stuff to a coin sorting machine. It will be so much faster. Anyways, I have to go feed Sam. Byebye
current mood: happy
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Thursday, January 17th, 2002
10:00 pm - I forgot to post this on Tuesday,