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Wednesday, March 20th, 2002 | 3:12 pm |
explodey Hey does anyone know if Jordan wants to see Panic Room with us? ;) Anyhoo, I'll be bringing some excess tickets to the envelope stuffing party tomorrow (that's when I'm bringing jamie/liz's ticket) Each pass is worth two entrances so buddy up for safety. I might actually write your names on the tickets so I'll know wether or not to pick up MORE tickets at work next tuesday, so know who your buddy is. (SAMANTHA SHOULD COME WITH CHRISTIAN CUZ I MISS YOUS GUYS) Phil's ticket is being held hostage so he agrees to come pick me up, hahaha. Cynthia should come too or be eaten.
I'm kinda sad because the person I was supposed to hang out with today is too sick, but I'd rather he get better then come outside and get more sick. Stupid first day of spring not being even remotely warm. However, I now have training and a key to the brycchouse. Saturday morning after clinic is my first shift, so now there is no excuse to not get up for clinic. except being able to tarc here with ease. muwhahahaha
Monique, your keychains are at the brycchouse. | Tuesday, March 19th, 2002 | 11:08 am |
i got free tickets to see Panic Room on Wednesday March 27 at 7:30, this time at Showcase Stonybrook. Who wants to go????
Current Music: People in this computer lab should shut the hell up - AAHP | Thursday, March 14th, 2002 | 4:52 pm |
If all of us hated high school so much, why was nothing ever changed? I didn't want to use that quote so soon after the show for fear of mocking but then I decided fuck you. and no "people I met at brycc" (because you are your own individiual person) should comment on it anyway because you've probably heard the song and I think I was aiming it at people I actually went to high school with. That sounds like I'm a ver angry person, but I'm not. Keep reading.
I've come to the conclusion that not only should I never ever ever meet anyone new, I should not attempt to get any closer to current friends, casual aquaintances, and friends of friends, because there is a pretty good chance I'll have to impale myself on something sharp later. Not because all new people have the potential to suck, it's my fault. Not because I've embarassed myself, but because of all the stupidity stuck in my brain. It's fighting for contol of friends and lovers and such trivial matters as not running people over when I drive.
I get not really angry for 2 seconds and forget, it drives friends away because I'm always taking things out on them. I accidently offend people with things I never thought were offensive, (this is kinda confusing, of course an insult is offensive, but I mean like the difference between calling someone the N word and calling someone an asshole. still confusing, god dammit i wish I was smarter and knew the right words) like the word bitch, because I was raised treating it as an un gendered insult. Bastard for men, bitch for women, reversed by me while playing fighting type video games and losing.
Updates on the usual crisis: I think I'm going to postpone the wedding. 1: There's not enough time anyway 2: I'm too immature for this 3: James is too lazy and unmotivated. (doiee, so am I, but I don't think I'm as bad) 4: The same old crisis. Only this time I'm supposed to be engaged so I have no one to talk to, because most people are too involved or will think I'm a horrible person and probably a whore to boot. or both. FUCK WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? SLEEPING YOUR GOD DAMN SPRING BREAK AWAY?! AT LEAST BRING ME MY FUCKING CLOTHES!
I should just go home to my parents and never ever fucking move again. On the verge of: Going asexual (ripping lust and love from my heart with a dirty blunt spoon, if I could just stop being so god damn emo), Going vegitarian, (not vegan, I love real cheese too much, and yes I've had the veggie cheese) I thought about being straight-edge, but I feel that alcohol can be enjoyed responsibly. Drinking it to be drunk if you don't like the taste, or planning your life around your drunken escapapdes is pretty fucking sad to me. I don't smoke cigerettes anyway, and I might as well wait until I get cancer, which is bound to happen, then move somewhere where smoking marijuana is legal.
I still love you. You always seem to forget that. I can love everyone, can't I?
All current music will ususally be music played in my head
Current Music:My Life Sucks Mix: Criminal by Fiona Apple, Mother Mother by Tracy Bonham (not an attack on my own mom, she rules the school), No More Drama by Mary J. Blige (Sp?) etc etc
Current Mood: Mid-life crisis before 20 | Wednesday, March 13th, 2002 | 6:15 pm |
mmmyep. moved into my brother's place. fuckin james has gone missing. with my bag of clothes he was supposed to bring over. grrr. realsied i could invite people in through my window. saw showtime with chey-borg, ac, phil, and monique. was pretty good. not worth money, but ti was free. i like robert de niro more and more every movie i see him in. which is like 2 movies, including showtime. went driving for the first time today. didn't evern break 15 mph. sigh. | Monday, March 11th, 2002 | 4:02 pm |
i made a friends only post regarding my new contact info. log in if yas love me. | Friday, March 8th, 2002 | 1:35 pm |
Missing Zim Episode Summaries It isn't all of them I thought there was a new episode airing this weekend.
13 A/B “BATTLE OF THE PLANETS” ZIM discovers that there is no life on Mars and reasons that whatever destroyed its people will be effective in his destruction of Earth. ZIM and GIR head to the red planet to investigate, as Dib watches them from a monitor on Earth. Soon ZIM realizes that Mars has been converted into a spaceship and decides to roll it over Earth as a way of destroying it once and for all. Dib is determined to stop him and with the help of a Swollen Eyeball member, gets to Mercury, which can also be steered like a spaceship. The two then literally conduct a battle of the planets, with Dib the victor. Does Dib finally get the recognition he so surely deserves? Nah.
LOGLINE: ZIM and Dib each pilot planets in their fight for Earth.
14 A “MYSTERIOUS MYSTERIES” Desperate for ratings, the Mysterious Mysteries anchor finally uses one of Dib’s stories for a segment on the show. Dib thinks he will finally out ZIM as the alien he is by showing a video of his enemy. But most of the story is not on tape and so is told through various reenactments as interpreted by ZIM, Dib, GIR and GAZ. In the end, the MM anchor thinks they’re all crazy but stops short of declaring ZIM an alien.
LOGLINE: ZIM, Dib, GIR and Gaz appear on Dib’s favorite show, Mysterious Mysteries.
14 B “ABDUCTED” ZIM has done such an excellent job portraying an earthinoid that two other aliens insist on adding him to their collection of creatures as a perfect representation of a human being. Lucky for ZIM, these two are so incompetent that he easily escapes.
LOGLINE: Mistaken for an earthling, ZIM is captured by two moronic aliens.
15 A “HOBO 13” Annoyed with yet another request for weaponry, The Tallest tell ZIM that they will only grant his request after he attains military training on Hobo 13, a planet where they’re sure he’ll be ripped limb from limb. Once on HOBO 13, ZIM appoints himself leader of his squad and systematically gets every last one of them beamed away. Victorious, ZIM asks for his tanks but instead The Tallest send him on a collision course with the sun.
LOGLINE: The Tallest send ZIM to Hobo 13 to receive military training.
15 B “FUTURE DIB” Membrane has invented a new machine that, if it works, will eliminate the need for fuel, and if it doesn’t, will destroy all life on Earth. This of course gets ZIM’s attention and he sends a robot version of Dib to the real thing. Dib believes the robot to be a future version of himself and does whatever it tells him. Thus Dib is captured and the robot is sent to sabotage Membrane’s invention. Using his wits, Dib thwarts ZIM’s plan of evil.
LOGLINE: Dib meets the coolest guy ever; a future version of himself!
17 A “THE SAD, SAD TALE OF CHICKENFOOT” Mysterious Mysteries airs a segment on Chickenfoot, a creature that is neither man nor chicken. Dib is furious that the good name of paranormal science is being sullied by what is obviously just a guy in a Mr. Chicklylicky restaurant costume and sets out to prove Chickenfoot a fraud.
LOGLINE: Dib sets out to prove that the supposed phenomenon of Chickenfoot is nothing more than a guy in a costume.
17 B “GIR GOES CRAZY AND STUFF” Sick of his robot’s short attention span, ZIM fixes GIR so that he is always in his serious mode. The only problem is, GIR gets so serious that he tries to overtake his master.
LOGLINE: The tables are turned when ZIM makes GIR a little too smart.
18 A “WALK FOR YOUR LIVES” In an attempt to impress the Tallest, ZIM accidentally creates a very slowly expanding explosion that he must get rid of. Meanwhile, Dib, who has also been relegated to slow motion, slowly goes for help.
LOGLINE: ZIM creates a very slowly expanding explosion and must get rid of it.
18 B “LICE” When an outbreak of lice hits the Skool, an intense woman known as the Delouser arrives to rid the children of the infestation. Dib naturally suspects the woman as having ulterior motives.
LOGLINE: The Skool is hit with an infestation of lice and a visit from the Delouser!
19 A “DIB’S WONDERFUL LIFE OF DOOM” After chucking ZIM with a muffin, Dib’s life mysteriously takes a turn for the better. We follow him through old age as he lives out all of his dreams.
LOGLINE: Suddenly everything goes right for Dib.
19 B “MEGADOOMER” Due to an Irken mishap, ZIM receives a cool stealth robot with which he will ruin Dib once and for all. But ZIM doesn’t quite understand that just because the robot is invisible doesn’t mean he is.
LOGLINE: ZIM gets sent a really cool robot from Irk.
20 A/B “TAK, THE HIDEOUS NEW GIRL” ZIM thinks the new girl in school, TAK, has a crush on him. He couldn’t be more wrong. TAK is actually an Irken who has come to Earth to seek revenge for the torment ZIM caused her back home. Dib, who had befriended the new girl, must join forces with ZIM to stop TAK’s destruction of Earth.
LOGLINE: A new girl comes to skool and it’s bad news for ZIM. | 11:23 am |
sometimes, i have a mighty need to explode. the other day I was working and a comment came in. it was in response to an article by the uofl naacp chapter president, calling the man the n word. i very much so exploded. if you have ever been involved in escorting, please go to the below link and make a comment.'m figuring out what it would take to make johanna a realistic corpse, sans killing someone and leaving them in the woods for awhile. Current Music: and your bird can sing | Tuesday, March 5th, 2002 | 5:40 pm |
i've got about 12 free passes for "showtime" with robert deniro and eddie murphy. if you are up for it, the movie is on march 12, at 7:30 pm. give me a hollar yo. | Sunday, March 3rd, 2002 | 4:00 pm |
On Monday, we settle this like children Oy, so much stuff to speak of. I've had several awesome weekends in a row despite everlooming doom. I finally saw lord of the rings. It was good but frodo is cast as the main role most females get, weakass that gets beat up and knocked around a whole lot, but is constantly throwing himself in the path of, well, everlooming doom. i got a shitload of zim merchandise that ac is constantly putting in her mouth.
I wanna put the comic online. Rachel didn't seem down with it. She wants to copyscam it into zine form, which I'm down with, except that about half the comics are in spanking technocolor. I going with the title "Squishy: Highly Exagerated True Life", only spelled correctly. It has about about 3 artists (more sometimes when they are up to it) and as many writers as there are people in my/rachel/sam/anna/etc lives.
Monique and I have created this quote/response (so much so that it changes anytime we say it to others) "Don't I know you from the Brycchouse?" "No, because I was not conceived at the Brycchouse, and Jamie Miller did not give birth to my ass." Who knows how long it will actually be relevant. I want to become and facility supervisor once I move in with my brother, as getting to the brycchouse will become much easier from his place of residence.
I take lots of online quizzes and never post them. wee.
Current Music: stupid godforsaken mech game | Tuesday, February 26th, 2002 | 11:38 am |
pretty bored. take my quiz Current Music: ah my goddess | Tuesday, February 5th, 2002 | 11:57 pm |
weet so I had my first day of "work" the other day. I find I become quickly annoyed with communication students and their inabilty to keep a schedule. No offense to my communication friends, but then again, we never had to work together in the communications field. It actually wasn't that bad. They bought me my own mouse so I don't have to talk the kids up front of the lab when I need the macs, so they can't mock me when I relise I left somehting upstairs. I generally dislike macs, but only because I rarely work with them, so I'm getting over it. I do miss having 2 buttons. I also now have keys to the building. After work I halfway broke into Aaron and Jerges dorm building. They let AC in without ever having met her when she called up. I don't think they ever lock their door, and I halfway believe they don't actually have classes, because they always seem to be in. Good people. Aaron is kinda weird, with his gun/knife/doom collection, and I don't really believe the backwards farm boy things he says about killing people/animals. Jerges lets me sleep on his bed, and buys food for us, therefore he is a minor god. then we left for steak and shake. AC and I were very bum like while James and Christian were wearing their tux's from music school performance. Christian played chess with a homeless guy there.
I find I enjoy Bill's (i.e. the triplet) company a bit more then the twins. They said he was more controlling then ryan, but he seems very laid back and actually engages others in conversation of his free will ( a step above the twins I must say). Sure he left his work clothes/underwear in the bathroom on the first day, but Ryan's clothes were already there, so what kind of example did he have? He seems to have no yuppie tendencies and hinted at marijuana usage. Too bad I'm leaving in less than a month, because Bill would be my proof that I can get along with so called controlling personalities and it's really just ryan being an asshole.
I accidently deleted all the trophies from our nearly perfect smash bros melee game. i've gotten back up to about 126. cry. | Friday, February 1st, 2002 | 7:53 pm |
| Thursday, January 31st, 2002 | 5:34 pm |
i wish I knew where cynthia was on campus. james showed me the building but ehhhh. i'm hanging out with 2 of christian's friends in the male dorm of unitas tower. they are rather nice for letting me hang out here while christian and james are at caredinal singers.
Current Music: aaron playing ff8 | 1:16 pm |
sorry for so many posts but i am trapped here till 8pm
| 1:02 pm |
one plan for new job school fellow staff member ken walker on the correct way to spell brycc house. what exactly does bryyc stand for? he did give a plug for the feb 9th show tho. sigh. i'm paranoid about getting kicked off the uofl computers. i did kinda break into both my email, yahoogroups, and I'm pretty sure livejournal goes in the messageboard/chat community i'm supposed to be blocked from. At UofL they only want you to use Athena mail, which is bogus. Plus I need to be able to get into my email account because the orginal webmaster said he had to approve all letters to the editor that show up on the site. maybe i'll get an athena mail specifically for that purpose.
I saw brad twyman and jennifer wilson today.
Current Music: and the chorus swells | 12:04 pm |
maybe this wasn't supposed to happen... but after a few moments of playing with the server, I entered my new passwords and the u of l computer let me check my lycos email. screw athena mail! Current Mood: accomplishedCurrent Music: library sounds | Thursday, January 24th, 2002 | 7:07 pm |
Rediscovering my inner geek Who wants to get their geek on? Who wants to go to the Louisville Science Center on Saturday (or sunday..) who wants to eat space ice cream??
OPENING SATURDAY, JAN 26 STAR TREK: FEDERATION SCIENCE Take a trip into space with STAR TREK: FEDERATION SCIENCE. Explore physics, practical astronomy, the principles behind propulsion, medical science and life support systems. Visit areas reminiscent of locations on board the Starship Enterprise... such as the Bridge, Engineering, Sickbay, Science Stations, Life Support and Away Team. Developed by the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
star trek......wooooooot!!!!!!!! | Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002 | 3:27 pm |
good fun.....wait.... ![](
You may not seem to be the smarter of the two guys at Penny Arcade, but your happy go-lucky ways and love of Pac-man will always give you the power to win at Super Smash Bros.
Which webcartoonist Are You?
Movies I want to see that you should see with me: I Am Sam - Jan 25 Slackers - Feb 1 Queen of The Damned - Feb 22 (Anne Rice Adapation, Alliyah's last movie) E.T. - Mar 22 -20 year anniversary Death to Smoochy - Mar 29 - Kid Show Host Battle it out (destroy barney) Life or Something Like It - Apr 29 - Angelina Jolie Spider Man - May 3 - Nuff Said Prozac Nation - May 10 Star Wars 2 -May 16 - Attack of the CLone blah blah The Tuxedo - June 7 - JACKIE CHAN YAY Scooby Doo - June 14 - uhm, shaggy looks like hartman.... 24 Hour Party People - June 28 PPG the Movie, Men in Black 2 - July 7 Devine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood, 8 Mile - July 12 -hhmm, a movie about small town women's empowerment and a movie featuring eminem opening the same day... Austin Powers in GoldMember - July 26 Frida - Oct 11 - about damn time Shanghai Knights -Oct ? - JACKIE CHAN AGAIN YAYA Harry Potter 2- Nov 11 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Bond 20 - Nov 22 Tresure Planet - Nov 27 Star Trek: Nemesis - Nov/Dec 2002 (Waiting around for this franchise cry) LOTR2 - Dec 18 Pinocchio - Dec 20, with Robert Benigni Chicago, BulletProof Monk - Dec??? | Monday, January 21st, 2002 | 3:34 pm |
i have some things to divulge with you. Please read whole post. At the end of the school semester (college, jcps, etc) we are going to move out of our hellhole and into a shiney happy new place with potential aka big, cheap, utilities included and pets allowed, and we are looking for roommates who want to help plan with us now. We want it to be as cooperative as possible. Straightedges or no, vegan/vegitarian or no, everyone is welcome. Geekism (aka video games/computer/anime/etc, but we do realise there is more to life.) is a plus, couples welcome. We would like to live with a lot of people so we get to keep some of the money from the jobs we sell our souls to. Source of income is a neccesity, transportation is a plus but not neccessary, especially if you'll be attending U of L or working at UPS. We're not looking for people leaving the state for college but that doesn't mean you can't crash here. Current Prospect Roommates: James Schroeder Shalan Darragh Michael Hartman Christian Oudard AC People we are begging: Jordan (chunk) Cynthia Ailiff Samantha Deitz Cheyanne Sarah Burks Ben Powell Please, if you're looking for a place, we're down with it. Respond in my comments ALSO On June 22 of this year, James and I will be getting married. Just thought you might want to know... HAHAHAHA Anyway. you are all invited, expect to get real invitations with information in the mail (especially if you send me your mailing address very soon hint hint nudge nudge) It's open invitation to any brycc kids (i'll post relevant information later) but I won't be offended if you can't because you travelin across the country or blowing up a starbucks that day or whatever. Those of you we wish to have in our wedding party we will be contacting shortly. Don't worry, my mom will inform you of all the lovely things you're required to do. (muwhahaha haha hahaha cough) Current Mood: giddyCurrent Music: Bubble Bobble Theme | Friday, January 18th, 2002 | 10:43 am |
it never stops, and if it ever did relent, it would not be because it cared. In the house at Saratoga all the walls are white to offwhite, except in Danielle's old room where 2 walls were what we art students called straight out of the bottle blue and the other 2 were a hideous wall paper that deliberatly looked like someone had rubbed parts so much it faded. I was there reacently with AC and Ryan pulling up carpet in the basement. I noticed the bathroom down there had been painted a brilliant lime green, mixed well enough not to be obnoxius. I found this bathroom was beautiful, exsquistite (sp?) even down to the way the handtowels were rolled. Ryan noticed me looking at it. "Renee (ryan's older sister) picked that color. It's very cheerful, very happy." "Yes it is." "I hate things like that." I didn't day anything more, but I felt sadness leaking into my body. How could anyone hate something they acknowledged as happy and cheerful?
I watched the morning light penetrate the room I share with James now. The walls are white. the smallest light bounces off them at night. In the morning everything in the room are shades of grey. things i know have color, the posters, the blankets, james. then suddenly, the light changes into the golden hue you expect from the sun, and the colors return, lessoning the fear that i've gone color blind.
i was trying to explain to sam and ac why i'm never happy. it started around them time rachel first left for savanah. my dear friend, who along with ac had completely enriched the previous summer, was gone. couple that with the disappearance of kelly, cynthia, sara r, anna f, sam, elliott, etc etc etc. sarah b, someone i've always felt close, lived just down the street. we hadn't spoke since we graduated. i was slowly acknowleding the loss of lucretia and all that come with for reasons at the time i didn't understand, for reasons i barely understand now. i'd loss the most precious aspects of my life. mix that with a father who wouldn't get off my fucking back (i know it's becauses he loves me in his own stupid dad way), a mother i thought to be clinically depressed (hell, both parents are) a sister I couldn't relate to, a brother both already a father and a divorcee that never came around, a dog going blind, schools I couldn't go to, brycc art going to hell, an abused friend i promised to save, idiot boys vieing for my attention.
running away.
running into another pit of problems. a house that costs too much, twin roommates i can't relate too who don't understand why i love them so much, another filthy roommate whose exsistance makes me want to projectile vomit, the constant fear of being arrested for doing the right thing, living with my boyfriend who I can't make happy because his spirit's been broken by UPS/school/life. then sam came back. then rachel. even those crazy outoftown college kids visit when they can. Even with all the old wounds sometimes reopening, my life sparks with joy.
it never lasts. this past week I found I can't bring myself to get out of bed during the day. i get up at 11 pm sometimes, to eat, to punch the twins, and go back to bed around 4 am when james comes back from ups. i thought i was just tired, sick from not eating right, or the filth of this house that makes me cry because it never leaves no matter how much ac or i clean. i was wrong. the scariest thing to me about acknowleding I'm depressed is realising i still can't do anything about it. i make plans to get up to draw, to walk, to go to the brycc, (i even had a ride last wednesday) and I can't get up. nothing has persuaded me yet except for the random appearence of friends, and even then the time I spend vertical is fleeting. it would be different if i was watching tv because then I would be under the delusion of doing something. I lay in the dark with the covers wrapped around my head and bark at AC when she knocks on the door, howl when she jumps on the bed, apologise when she brings me food, and cry when she leaves because being served makes me feel like even more of a lazy wretch of an excuse for a human. i've only felt productive when escorting at the clinic, and even then I know I don't have half the motivation as most people there.
please don't freak out. i am not suicidal, i do not want to die, (i feel suicide to be the pussy way out, pardon my language, pussy should not be derogative)but i feel morbid. I thought about what would happen if i "fell" out the window, but not about death or pity but how long it would take to walk to walgreens with a bum leg because there are no real medical supplies in the house.
Current Mood: horizontal Current Music: brycc benefit cd |
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