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and you thought it couldn't get worse... [18 Mar 2002|12:26pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | murmur in the backround ]

well my computer went explodey this friday and i pretty much lost everything i had in there. >=P i realized what a boring life i have without a comp, haha. it's hard to explain all the toss that's killing me right now, but to sum it up; life's been shit stacked upon shit lately, with nothing good to at least offer some morsel of hope. it'd be rad if happiness was contagious, because that's what mood everyone seems to be in. sigh. ack, i sound emo, shoot me. anyways i'll be back online in a couple of days, at which point i will bore you with my chatter once again. wheeeeee.

p.s. happy late birthday david, you suck fool. =]

2 annihilations| poison the well

[12 Mar 2002|06:32pm]
Jello Rocks: ok.
Auto response from HeresYurSexPistL: Looking hot, smelling good.
Grooving like I'm from the hood.
Jello Rocks: hahahahahahahaha
Jello Rocks: oh until tomorrow, ill wear this crooked crown to balance the power telling me to dance the night away now.
Jello Rocks: come close youve never been so far away my dear.
Jello Rocks: move your hips pretty darling oh sugar c'mon.
Jello Rocks: shake your hips pretty darling, oh sugar c'mon.
Jello Rocks: until tomorrow ill wear this crooked crown under the moonlight
Jello Rocks: asking me to raise the dead, ohhhhh yea.
Jello Rocks: ill wear this crooked crown.
Jello Rocks: come close youve never been so far away my dear.
Jello Rocks: move your hips pretty darling oh sugar c'mon.
Jello Rocks: shake your hips pretty darling, oh sugar c'mon.
Jello Rocks: move your hips pretty darling oh sugar c'mon.
Jello Rocks: shake your hips pretty darling, oh sugar c'mon.
Jello Rocks: ohhhhhhhhh why you wanna go and start this war.
Jello Rocks: why you wanna go all alone?
Jello Rocks: why you wanna go and start this war.
Jello Rocks: why you wanna go all aloneeeeeeeeeeee.
Jello Rocks: why you wanna go start this war.
Jello Rocks: why you wanna go alone?
Jello Rocks: whyyou wanna go.
Jello Rocks: move your hips pretty darling.
Jello Rocks: shake your hips pretty darling. oh sugar c'mn
poison the well

[12 Mar 2002|03:25pm]
[ mood | nerdy ]
[ music | Poison the Well - Mid air love message ]

i have new brakes on my car, and i'm seeing bane with poison tonight. i'm stoked that i didn't have to see them with hatebreed. fuck i can't stand that band. life has been lamely uneventful lately, just a lotta hanging out and things of that toss. but i'll spare you the boredom so you can move on now.

2 annihilations| poison the well

holllllllllly sweet potatos. [07 Mar 2002|10:55pm]
ptw + bane this tuesday. haaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!
2 annihilations| poison the well

;laksjdflkjasfdlj. [07 Mar 2002|10:45pm]
[ mood | angry ]
[ music | cave in ]

motherfuck. no showcase for me! >_<
i go cry now. thanks for nothing broke down, brakeless undriveable car.

poison the well

and on with the ramblings. [03 Mar 2002|09:44pm]
[ mood | jubilant ]
[ music | coalesce ]

for some strange reason i'm really looking forward to skool tomorrow. maybe it's just the great little things that occured today, or the crack. i hope it's not the crack. anyways, i got some rad shiat on ebay.
haha this was one.
i also hit up borders today and got two new kurt vonnegut's and the scarlet letter, which i was supposed to get two weeks ago for ap english. fudge me, i'm terribly behind. but while i was wandering around the store these two emo gals came up to me and we chatted it up for a while. good times.
the plan was to get home and start reading to catch up and all that toss, but i saw that the godfather was on tnn. it's definitely one of my all time favorite movies so i watched it contently.
when it was done, my nazi parents kicked me out of my room again just so they can watch unbreakable. to think i was "oh, sure mom, i'd love the 60' inch flat screen tv in my room!" i should have known better, but who would even imagine a former blonde captain of the cheer squad, and a former alcoholic, could devise such a scheme. it boggles the mind so it's best not to think about it.
so now i am here, boring you with my pathetic-prattle, but oh well. >=)
i'm getting swamped with IM's so with this final farewell.....i zooooooooommmmmmm...

1 annihilation| poison the well

[02 Mar 2002|10:14pm]
you are so beautiful, that I would crawl ten miles on my hands and knees through broken glass, just to jerk off in your shadow.
1 annihilation| poison the well

yo ho ho. [01 Mar 2002|04:15pm]
so a pirate walks into a bar, only, he's got a steering wheel hanging out of his fly.

bartender says "hey man, you know you have a steering wheel hanging out of your fly?"

pirate says "ARRRR! It's driving me nuts!"
4 annihilations| poison the well

your face imprinted on angels. [28 Feb 2002|07:34pm]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | the beltsville crucible ]

2980739782372 million bajilliion octillion dollars for a hook upage of a ride to the faints tomorrow at the glasshouse. takers anyone....anyone???

poison the well

[26 Feb 2002|10:23pm]
[ mood | recumbent ]

stupid "melancholy" and "crushed" have the same expresion. gotta change things up!

poison the well

[26 Feb 2002|10:19pm]
[ mood | crushed ]

this is all you get.

poison the well

something to forget. [25 Feb 2002|10:03pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]

you're so fuckin' special.

i wish i was special.

2 annihilations| poison the well

i'll be amazed if you even read this. (in it's entirety.) [24 Feb 2002|09:40pm]
today, chad, adrian, and me decide to hit up LA for the hell of it and possibly load up on some useless mexican or chinese merch. the first spot we hit was some place called "el cayehon" errr something of that toss. it was a bunch of shops outdoor all selling the same thing as the person next to them and they were all either horrible bootlegs with the named change to avoid being sued, or stolen things. haha fun times. we wandered around the place until we ran into this knife shop about 2 hours later.

somehow chad got it in his head that he needed to get two kool lookin' knives and after haggling with indian salesman for half an hour, he got both of them for 90 bucks. meanwhile the lady that was his assistant or something kept trying to brush up against me and...well it was just awkward 'cuz she was alright looking, but somewhat whorish. (10 pounds of make up, see thru shirt, big boobs pooring out) meh. following that fun-filled adventure adrian walks into a smoke shop packed with bongs and pipes of every color, size, shape, whatever. both the crackheads keep asking the guy that worked there to show them each one, but he didn't seem to mind. good man. finally chad buys a small 7 dollar pipe and adrian buys a watch with a built in lighter, that was only 4 bucks.

so we leave the place, and head for olivera street, (historic LA street) and we grub there. yeah it's some super cultural place where you're supposed to experience everything it has to offer, but being the nerd i am i went with the hotdog and slushie. yummm. some indians started dancing around whilst some banged drums so we checked that out for a while. some other stuff happened but it's not worth typing.

around late 5ish we get to hollywood just to see what we would find there. hollywood is trashy lingerie shops, expensive tattoo and piercing parlors >=|, and the strangest combination of people ever. on one block we saw, one homless deranged man, some "jesus loves you" sing wielding lunatic, 2 gutter punks, stereo typical yuppie guy with his blonde wife (had the white sweater wrapped around him and everything.haha.)
we check out random stores and check out ripley's believe it or not museum, that was interesting.

dusk turns into a purple haze and we decide to head back to oc. i asks chad to take me to the body piercieng saloon on katella so we go... some good lookin' girls were ahead of us in line and they got their eyebrows done. mike says it'll be 15 minutes before my plugs are steralized so we chill on the couch for a while. during this time some chicks that just came from the beach and were still in their bathing suits. >=) told mike what they wanted to get pierced and then they talked to us for a while. so i get on the "dentist" chair, the roxy models offer to hold my hand but it wasn't neccessary. they just squirmed as they saw the needle go through my ear, but it didn't really hurt.

shit this is getting long, i'll cut it short. we go to chad's, play halo for a while. we drive to foothill ranch to pick up some off-roading gear chad bought of the recycler and turns out the guy was some confederate hick. adrian stayed outside because he's half italian and didn't feel comfortable...he's quite the emo pusscake. okay all is said and done, we drop off adrian, then chad drops me off, and my mom asks what i did and talks to me for a while about nothingess. it was hard to concentrate because i kept thinking she'd see my plugs under my hair, but she didn't so all is well for now. =]

okay sorry this came out so long and if you read the whole thing, i love you dearly and you lack a life. =D j/k. good night chunksters.
2 annihilations| poison the well

killer hiccups are gonna be the end of me. [23 Feb 2002|10:01pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | Earth Crisis - Drug Related Suicide ]

today seemed so aspiring in the morning, but as my fate always has it, everything fell apart. tonight's plans for seeing wester and a fall farewell at laserquest just didn't stick. i really need to find people that aren't so damn fickle with their promises of rides. >=|
adrian, joe, mike, and i were supposed to go at midnight for lockdown and play until 6am like the geeks we are. turns out mike had some thing to do but what it was, was indisclosed, joe had to stay home and "think about gas" exact quote. and adrian pretty much disappeared off the face of the planet.

oh well, i get my plugs tomorrow and then i have to catch up on the scarlet letter, woooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

i am so bummed about this shit. fook.

poison the well

and then some. [20 Feb 2002|09:47pm]
[ mood | grumpy ]
[ music | HORSE - killer bunnies ]

whoever knew kicking major asian ass could be so fun? ty convinced me to go play counterstrike at ice cafe and since i had nothing better to do i was won over pretty easily. it was only the second time i've played that thing but after i got the hang of it, i was shalacking those "CS sensais" ungumptiously (had to use that word, thanx riley.) i expect my official "nerdy trooper o' the month" award to arrive any day now. i can feel your jealousy from all the way over here, get over it chump.


2 annihilations| poison the well

you have become a young frawn of female palmidity in the early wards of spring. [19 Feb 2002|08:26pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | 7 Angels 7 Plagues - A Farewell to a Perfect Score ]

how can so many of these chicks be getting so bootylicious all of a sudden? i'm not one to complain though. the more the merrier. >=)

poison the well

i could never swallow your false ideals of a lifeless happy ending...on an empty stomach. [18 Feb 2002|06:22pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Taken - Drowning In Numbers ]

there's nothing really to write about, except that i am now pregnant with the munchies. thanx steph.

1 annihilation| poison the well

>_< [16 Feb 2002|11:17pm]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | orchid - the action index ]

smell the rose.
sweet inspiration.
does it make you want to fuck? then go fuck yourself.
you're scarred with imperfection, but aren't we all?
harder. does it feel good?
oh how we love the pain. consume.
buy yourself love. love doesn't want you.
it hurts, but i was born into this.
love hurts. makes me hate you. makes me fuck them.
corrupts minds, thoughts and feelings.
beauty, fuck it hard. harder.
fuck me. i have.
our love is dead. pain orchestrates this art.
sometimes i feel, but i can't feel.
unwanted by my virgin.
and i'll slice my throat on a thorn of the dead rose you left me with.
and on our last kiss...she leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. dead rose.

1 annihilation| poison the well

well slit my wrists and call me shirley... [14 Feb 2002|10:20pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | 18 visions ]

seems i have fallen terribly behind on this thing, but nothing worthwhile has happened so all is well. i completely forgot it was valentine's day till i reached first period and saw the room filled with stupid heart balloons of all sizes and tons of people buying them like pure crack. my skool sells balloons for birthdays or any occasion for that matter and makes tons of money off it, but the shitty part is that they're blown up in my photography class, cuz it's just such a damn big room.(for the helium tanks) anyways, while i was delivering some balloons like everyone else in the class i got to thinking that balloons are really a horrible idea. i mean a thousand other people are doing the EXACT same thing, "where's the beef?" errrr...heart in that? it's one of the most unoriginal things to do when you think about it. "enough with the bitter ramblings glen!" you squeal? fine.

::mind goes blank for 20 minutes:: haha i really can't think of anything joyful or at least comforting to say. assloads of my friends are couples and seemed immensely happy today, so i guess i feel good about that. AND without the jealous part! rockn. three day weekend coming up, mmmmmm i salivate...

lately my whole anti-relationship view has been causing a severe ambivalence. sometimes the thought of having someone to care about in THATway seems tantilizing and yet at others i totally abhorate the idea. dooo be doo be doo...
i've been writing short essays all day because my ap history packet is due tomorrow so my brain is twisted dry. i can't find the words to describe the way things are going so i won't try. you hate me enough as it is and adding fuel to the fire would be a stupid thing to do on my part. admitt it, you only want me for me brains! MEEE BRAINS!!!
guess i'll be heading to bed now, good night and i hope you had a valentine's day full of good times.


5 annihilations| poison the well

rock like it's 1999. [06 Feb 2002|07:25pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | illusion of saftey...get it chumps. ]

thrice tomorrow.....fuckin' eh.

exDiex: wheres the thrice shoe?

haha comedy. =]

3 annihilations| poison the well

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