Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
8:22 am
Friday, February 15th, 2002
10:30 pm
It's funny...I want to write something here, but I have no idea what. Most of my friends are more prolific journalists (ha!) than I am...I think I have journal envy! Drat. I thought I was above such petty concerns, too...
current mood: silly current music: Camille West - Viagra in the Water
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Thursday, February 14th, 2002
11:56 pm - Huzzah!
Monday, February 11th, 2002
2:47 pm - Double Divinity?
Saturday, February 9th, 2002
1:29 am - An Ending
The fire has always been with me, with me and within me. Anger, passion, love, ambition, hope, sparks alternately fanned to brilliant, searing life as a roaring bonfire and threatened, smothered into tiny sullen coals by the whims and vagaries of the winds of fate. It's uncomfortable, this constant burning. It wearies me. The fire is needy, hungry, always searching and insatiable. It must consume to survive, feeding on things of substance to present a show of light and warmth that is ultimately empty. Fire is a parasite.
Water also consumes. Wearing away at the earth over time, the hallmark of Water is infinite patience. Water gives back to the earth as well, creating life where there would otherwise be desolation.
I will be a mermaid. Let the Water drown my Fire, smother my anger, cool my passion. I will give myself to the soothing arms of the Mother Ocean and let myself drift until the land is nothing but a dream; let the currents carry me as they will. The billows like blue-green glass close over my head and still I sink beyond the realm of light and life into the shifting darkness where the blind fish dwell. Here among the shimmering, glowing forms of alien sea life I can be at peace. Seek out the mysteries of the sea bed, wind my way among the great sightless worms like horned dragons of the deep. There is nothing here to disturb me; I am remote and untouchable. Sometimes I might like to rise up again, through the gemlike waters where the kelp and coral grow, where the busy fish swim in swirling schools of living art. Yes. I will break the surface and pour out my sorrow for the world in liquid song before returning to my depths so cool, safe, and serene. Then there will be an end to the aching burning that so often boils free from my chest, spilling out upon friend and foe alike to leave burns that linger and scar. The Fire will be no more, no more.
Let the ocean drown my Fire.
I will be a mermaid.
current mood: contemplative current music: They Might Be Giants - Lie Still, Little Bottle
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Wednesday, February 6th, 2002
8:03 am - Heehee!
Sunday, February 3rd, 2002
9:11 pm - Ahhhh...
I'm home, and feeling ever so much better now. It's sad to say, but after a healthy dose of Retail Therapy with my bff Patricia, my mood has settled into something much more pleasant. I got the best stuff...boot cut button-fly hip-hugger jeans (which somehow manage to make me look thinner), a spiffy Amy Brown art faerie t-shirt (Tiss got one, too), a black and silver spiky choker (mom teased me about it, but oh well), and a real paper journal (with pretty Monet paintings in it) to write in when I don't want to or can't write things here. Oh, and something slightly impractical but fun for my trip to LA in March. ^_^;;
And then, since we'd started splurging on all this other stuff, we went out and had a steak dinner and frufru girl drinks at the Outback. It was fun! :D
current mood: cheerful current music: Bare Naked Ladies - Alcohol
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10:36 am - Here's to False Friends
Have you ever thought that someone was your friend, maybe forgiven a minor transgression here and there because hey, "that's what friends do"?
And then had that person turn around and try to rip apart your life under the guise of being a "good friend"?
Like maybe fabricating horrible secrets and telling them to your current boyfriend in an effort to break up the relationship which is already hard enough to maintain thanks to being a thousand miles apart?
No more. He's gone. I was deceived, but no longer. His only motive for being kind was thoroughly selfish, and he has betrayed my trust and broken the (admittedly strained, by this point) bonds of friendship.
He'll be lucky if I don't break his legs.
Eric, I apologize. You were right all along. You too, Lys. He's not worth my time, and he's not my friend.
current mood: angry current music: Eve 6 - Leech
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1:03 am - Theme for the day:
Thursday, January 31st, 2002
9:35 pm - Bad me...yet another test!
Wednesday, January 30th, 2002
7:19 pm - Argh!
What a day.
So I'm sitting at work, bored half to death (funny, we're not getting much walk-up business with four inches of snow on the ground). I start to reflect on the fact that every time I clean the lenses on my glasses now I end up having to bend the frames back into shape. This prompts me to call and make an eye appointment for Monday morning.
So far so good.
I get a phone call. Yay, something to do! As I'm helping the customer I absently reach up to push the glasses up, since they're bent again and sitting funny.
The bridge snaps.
So here I am at work, blinded. This will not do. I call the eye place back to see if I can get in to see someone today.
"I'm sorry, the doctor didn't come in today because of the snow."
Great. Just Great. So my boss--who's finding the whole thing hilarious--starts looking up other eye places within walking distance, because there's no way I'm going to be able to drive anywhere blind. So she finds one place on the corner of 30th and Colby (we're on the corner of 27th), and joy of joys, they say they should be able to just fit my lenses into new frames. She tells me to go, so I set off into the lovely snow and slush.
As I reach the corner of 30th and Colby and peer myopically at the street number on the building, I become seriously perplexed. The number--as best I can see--reads "3030". The address I'm looking for is "3032". So there I am, standing on the corner as I get out my trusty cell phone and call back to work to have them double check. Yes, that's the address in the phone book. So I get the number and call the eye place.
Their actual address?
3802 Colby.
So I start walking again. Thankfully, I hit a bit of luck when I reached 35th Street. My stepfather caught up to me (I'd called my mom and told her about the problem, apparently she called him so that he'd bring me my contacts...I love my parents!). So I got a ride the rest of the way there and back to work again, which saved me much time and trouble.
Still, not the most pleasant way to spend an hour or so of one's day, not to mention being out $130 for the new frames.
current mood: cranky current music: Marvelous 3 - You're So Yesterday
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Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
3:07 am - A Soul Set Free To Fly...
I forgot how much I love this song... *_*
*does a happy little freak-girl dance*
Yay! :D
current mood: ecstatic current music: Queensryche - Silent Lucidity
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Monday, January 28th, 2002
3:23 pm
University applications are evil.
And they charge you for the pleasure of sending them off, too.
current mood: aggravated current music: Dido - Here with Me
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Sunday, January 27th, 2002
12:21 am - Not Again!
Saturday, January 26th, 2002
9:52 pm
Okay, from the FriendTest website:
Your survey was completed by 6 people. Here are your average scores:
Humor Does this person have a good sense of humor? 7.7 Looks Does this person look attractive? 7.7 Intelligence Is this person clever? 8.3 Trust Can this person be trusted? 8.3 Temper Can this person control his/her temper? 5.2 Unfortunate but fair. ^_^;; Friendliness Is this person kind towards his/her friends? 8 Mental health Is this person sane and mentally healthy? 5.3 Oh my friends, you know me too well! *g* Courage Does this person have enough courage? 6.7
Overall score 7.1
current mood: amused current music: They Might Be Giants - Birdhouse in Your Soul
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Thursday, January 24th, 2002
9:26 pm
I got my hair cut today.
Three whole inches! o.O;
Pictures to follow, some day. Eventually.
Not that y'all really care! ^_^;
current mood: happy current music: Eve 6 - Small Town Trap
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Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002
7:22 pm - ^_^
It was really slow today at work, and I was tragically bored.
Wanna see what I did to keep myself occupied?
Click below, as I'm trying to save bandwidth for the uninterested.
( Picture )
current mood: accomplished current music: Propellerheads - History Repeating
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Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
9:45 pm - Bleh.
That's it, just...bleh.
I don't know what it is, but lately the color seems to have gone out of everything. Life is, for lack of a better word, tedious. Same old routine, day after day, like running on a treadmill. I'm not getting anywhere.
Futility sucks.
current mood: listless current music: Ben Folds Five - Evaporated
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Monday, January 21st, 2002
9:54 am - Hey, Sugah...
What Superhero are you?
Didn't see that coming...
Anyway, I'm off to pick mom up from the airport and have a girl's day out. Whee! :D
current mood: amused current music: Eve 6 - Superhero Girl
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Saturday, January 19th, 2002
3:31 pm - So, What DO You Know?