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(bite me)

Miss me? [03 Mar 2002|09:31am]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Diabolical- M.S.I ]

So, I haven't written in here a while. Lazy me. Hmmm, not much has happened, though. Or...actually it did. Hmm, let me try and sum it up. I started going out with my friend Steven, who is a great guy. We've been friends for almost 3 years. His ex. girlfriend his pregnant with his kid. She is due in about 4 weeks. Anyways, Steve and I went out for over a month. I just broke up with him yesterday because he apparantly cheated on me with his ex. He says he didn't but I'm almost possitive he did. Either way, if he did or not, I don't trust him, and what's the point in being with someone you don't trust. The only time I was happy was when I was with him. When I wasn't I was....knowing he was cheating on me. Anyways, so yeah, I broke up with him yesterday, but I didn't want to. I still really like him. He is a great guy. He always knew when I was upset and he could ALWAYS cheer me up and make me laugh, which..not many people can do. But, he is a much better friend than he is a boyfriend. But at the moment, he is mad at me. Which I find very wrong. He is the one that cheated on me. So I should be the one that is mad, not HIM. But, I'm not mad so I don't see why he should be. I dunno. I don't think I ment much to him anyways, seeing as how hours after I broke up with him he was trying to hook up with someone else. lol. I don't know. I'm over it.
I like someone else, but...I have liked him since I was in 6th grade (...I'm in 10th now...) and I STILL haven't talked to him. I don't think I'm his type so I don't see the point in trying. lol. But, maybe someday. Who knows....
Oh...look at the time!

(bite me)

Blagh [06 Dec 2001|03:25pm]
[ mood | pessimistic ]

Tina and I talked and worked things out....I think. I hope. I haven't talked to her since we did, and that was last saturday. And it's thursday. And I usually talk to her every day...sooooo...i dont know what is going on.
Ergh....I feel like such crap. Don't know why, but I do. Feel like I'm going to burst into tears and...well, it's not fun.
Anyways, where did I leave off? Monday is the last time I wrote, right? Okay, so...What happend Tuesday?
I was scared as shit (...well...for like 5 seconds, but still...) I was getting lunch and my friend comes up to me asking if I was friends with Betsi so I said "yeah, why?" and she was like "Well she is in the newspaper..." and imediately felt like my heart stopped beating. I thought she had died or something so i was all freaking out until she told me it was for her style, I guess. So I called her when I got home. I hadn't talked to her in a long time. Then me and her went to aftercare together, which we haven't done in a LONG ass time. It was rather boring though cause no one was there.
Wedsday: I stayed after school. My sign language class did that Secret Santa thing where they adopt a poor child and buy them stuff. So I stayed after to do that, and 14 of us piled into 4 different cars and went to Wal Mart to buy him stuff. We weren't allowed to talk at all, so we had to sign and people were staring and I wanted to hurt them. I hate it when people do that. It's rediculous. Anyways
And today was just plain out shitty. And I feel bad now, because like, I was walking past Robert and I was about to burst into tears, and he thought I was just tired (cause that is usually tell him and everyone else when they ask what's wrong) so he shakes me saying "wake up!" but I just smiled and kept going...then right as I left I started crying. Then Thomas comes up to me and said that Robert wanted him to ask me why I wouldn't talk to him or something. He said that every time he tries to talk to me I walk off. Which is true, I guess. I don't know. I just really really really like him, so I get shy. And besides, I didn't want him to see me crying. Ergh. I hate likeing people. Anyways, after Thomas told me that, I went back over to his locker and was going to tell him why I did that, but he was busy biting people, or being bitten. ::sigh:: Why does likeing someone have to be soo...cruddy?
Anyways...egh...yeah. I'm going now.

(bite me)

SuperKalaFradgalisticExpealidocious [02 Dec 2001|11:01am]
[ mood | amused ]

I am 59% Raver.

I may not be freaky like those Candy Kids, but I do know how to party. I am well connected in the scene, but may be getting a little tired of it.

Take the RAVER Test at Fuali.com!

Click here to find out what robot you really are

make your own punk doll

If I was a James Bond villain, I would be Dr Kananga.

I enjoy tarot readings, growing drugs, and throwing people to hungry crocodiles.

I am played by Yaphet Kotto in Live and Let Die.

Who would you be? James Bond Villain Personality Test

(bite me)

::crosses fingers:: [01 Dec 2001|05:11pm]
I don't know that this will work, but if it does, then the picture is of me! wooo hoooo!!! lol. About a year ago.

(bite me)

WARNING!!!!! [01 Dec 2001|08:34am]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | Michell Branch- Goodbye To You ]

Eddie, if you read this, I am SO serious about that note I left in your Journal. John Crabtree is NOT a good person, despite what you may think. You have to trust me on this. For one, he's a satanist. Two, he threatened to kill me and my friends. For stupid reasons. He apparantly pulled a knife on Sean Nuckols, he threatened to slit Janet's throat. And he's a sex-a-holic. When he's not being a dickhead threatening to kill someone, he's talking about sex. You should really warn your friend of this.

Anyways, I e-mailed Tina just a few minutes ago. Atleast it somewhat explained how I felt. I'm not to great at explaining my feelings. But anyways, here it is....

I wanted to say something about how you said that if I was mad about the Lizzy thing then it's not fair....well
...No, Tina, what isn't fair is how even after I told you that I was upset about the Lizzy thing, you still talk about her all the time. When ever I am around you your always talking about her. About how much fun you guys had together. When I'm there your always calling her to see if she could come over. When ever I am around you, I feel like you don't want to be there, like you would rather be somewhere else WITH someone else. At your dads wedding I felt completely left out. Then the next day after the wedding you called her like 5 times that day, because you wanted her to come over so you could see her before you left for Florida. You would never do that to me, you'd never call me if you were leaving for a while to see me before you left. Hell, you never call me, PERIOD. Yeah, you called me when you were in Florida, but you even said that you have been trying to get a hold of Lizzy all day. So that made me feel as if you only called me because you had no one else to talk to. And the day after your dads wedding, when Kayla and her mom said there was something wrong with me, but I said I was just tired. Well...I lied. I was in the bathroom crying before I went in there. The hole time I was at your house I kept wishing I could go home because I knew you would rather it have been Lizzy there instead of me. You can deny it, but I know it's true. And you say that there is no one who could take my place...I don't believe that, either. I mean, I did, when I first told you about how I felt. I believed you. Then when we went to your dad's wedding and you hardly talked to me, cause you were talking to Lizzy..... Yesterday after you got off the computer I was sitting on the floor crying for what seemed like hours....and cried when I was trying to go to sleep. So you think that its not fair for me to be mad? Ha! Now THAT'S not fair!

(bite me)

HA! [30 Nov 2001|08:13pm]

Which Evil Criminal are You?

You are 49 - 63% HO!
If you were a New York resident you'd be from Manhattan.
But that's ok! You still walk the walk and talk the talk of a real HO!

Your HO Goddess is Estelle Getty.

Take the Affliction Test Today!

(bite me)

I'm back. :-/ [30 Nov 2001|07:33pm]
[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | Billy Idol- Rebel Yell ]

What I wanted to talk about is my best friend, Tina. We've been friends since 5th grade. Lately I feel we've been drifting apart. She's been spending alot of time with one of our friends, Elizabeth, which is fine, I love her to death, but..I don't know. I feel like I'm losing Tina to her. When I'm around Tina she is always talking about Elizabeth, how much fun they have together. Her and I used to act the way her and Elizabeth do. We don't much anymore. When I'm around her, I just kinda feel like she would rather be somewhere else, with someone else. It kills me. I told her about it a few weeks ago. She said that Elizabeth is just the kind of friend that she can act stupid with (well...so? You and me used to do that all the time) and that no one could take my place, and all this other stuff. After we talked about it I felt alot better. But then a few days later, her, me and Elizabeth went to her dads wedding. I felt really left out. Like they were both ignoring me. I know they weren't, but, I don't know. And whenever I'm at her house, she's always calling Elizabeth. I just...god I don't know. I know it's stupid, but I'm just extremely upset. I can't bare the thought of losing her. AHHH!!! Like today, I was online and she IM'd me, I said something and then she replys...5 minutes later. Then she said "Sorry I was talking to Elizabeth." I mean, I'm really upset and mad at the same time. I don't know what to do. I mean, I obviously can't talk to her about it, because it didn't do any good. And this...this isn't even half of what I feel. I just don't know how to put it into words. It's killing me.

(2 bite markss | bite me)

Today Was [20 Aug 2001|03:37pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Disturbed ]

...Intresting. Yeah. I wake up to the sound of my little cousin giggeling. So I wake up and she is standing in the doorway staring at me, which being 9am in the morning scared the hell out of me. So I walked over to her and I was like "Yeah sweetie, that's nice" and I was like "Oh. Did you hear that? I think your daddy is calling you." so she runs into the other room and I shut and lock the door. I tried to go back to sleep but wasn't to sucessfull with that. I HAD to lay on my stomach or I would puke. Then later Jon and Ricky came over. Much fun. They soaked me, as usual. And Ricky gave my 3 year old cousin a pet rock named Barf, and she loved it. lol. And Jon scared the hell out of her and she ran to me crying. It was cute. And now I'm bored and need to talk to Steven. Hmmm..byes

(bite me)

~*~ Steven~*~ [19 Aug 2001|01:17pm]
[ mood | horny ]
[ music | Slipknot ]

Wow...yesterday was kool! Actually it sucked major ass! But there was one good part atleast! Yeah I was talking to my friend Donnie and he goes "Steven said HI!!!" And I was like "HI!!!!" yet thinking...who the hell is he talking about? But then I was like Wait a second! Yeah, it turns out it was my ex Steven. I haven't talked to him in like over a year. Cause he got locked up and I didn't know he was out. So he called me, and yeah, he has a g/f and she is pregnant, but he wants to cheat on her with me. He says he doesn't want to go out with her because she is being a MAJOR bitch, but he doesn't wanna be like most guys and leave her alone with a kid, which I think is really sweet. Cause most guys are like "Oh. Your pregnant? BYE!" So yeah. I have missed him so much! He is so funny! And I made him sing to me! When we were going out he would sing all the time. And I made him sing again and...*melts* I love his voice. When we were going out we were trying to start a band, then he got locked up. Now he want's to try again. So that is kool. Me and him might go downtown Friday. Damn he is sek-say!

McLarson went on to say that semi-automatic weapons might sound cool and go great with your "look", but "It's the new millenium, man! Y2K, baby!" he continued,"School and guns. It just doesn't make sense. When I was a kid, my parents used to tell me to leave my gun at home with my plow. But nowadays, kids just seem like they listen to gangsta rap, and they just don't get the joke. C'mon, kids, they're just joking! Funny? Bling Bling! Ha ha? Funny? Get it? "

(bite me)

I feel like such a bitch [18 Aug 2001|12:09pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]
[ music | Mariah Carey- Music Box ]

Anyways, I gave Betsi back her stuff, and I wrote her a letter. I do feel really bad for all this stuff that has happened. And it should have been between me and her only, in the first place. So, I would appreciate it if you guys just kinda..left it alone. Betsi and I worked things out now. Thanx to Beth. Beth thank you so much for talking to her. I love Betsi so much, all this stuff that has been happening has been killing me. I know that Betsi and I will never be the same. That would be impossible, but I would like to try again with her. I've missed her so much. :*o(

Okay and now to Janet and Rickie. Okay Janet, I'm just gonna tell you the same thing I told Betsi on the phone today. I know that you hate me, and in a way, you have a reason to. I know that you and I have gotten into our little, egh, "bitch fest" if you will, but even with that, I actually like you, even though you hate me. I mean, look at all you've done for Betsi. You let her live with you, and you stood up for her. I mean, that alone makes me just love you to death, that your standing up for her. Because that shows me that Betsi has found someone else that loves her. I love her, but I'm not to sure she wants that. So Im glad she found you, and I hope that you can forgive me for all this. I was just defending myself. And for Rickie. Okay, I'm also going to tell you what I told Betsi. All the things I said, about you being schitzo. and shit, it was from the things that Betsi has told me in the past. And I know I had no right to go and say you would kill me if given the chance, but to be honest, that night at the concert, you were the only one I was scared of. I don't know why, just the way that you were looking at me, like you wanted to kill me, that scared me to death, just because of the things that Betsi told me in the past. And also hearing that you have always hated me was kinda...news. Cause I mean, you have always been so nice to me. I don't know. Either way, even if you both hate me or not, I'm still sorry. And I do hope you guys can forgive me.

Now to John. I don't think that Beth was talking about you only wanting sex. Cause I know that is not true. And...egh..I don't even know. I have tried sssoooo hard to get you to understand why I did this. But you won't believe a word I say.And your telling people that I'm trying to make it sound like it's your fault when I'm not! I know that it is my fault. I've been hurt so many times in the past by guys that I get scared. I'm sorry. I have nothing else I can do but give up, and I'm really sorry about that. I just don't know what else I can do.

(bite me)

*yawn* [17 Aug 2001|12:27pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Good Charlotte ]

I'm sssssooooooo tired. Ergh. Yeah, so last night Betsi called me. But this time the first thing she was was she didn't want to yell. She said that she had talked to Beth and that Beth really made her think that if Betsi keeps saying she doesn't want to have anything to do with me then why is she wanting to fight me. So thank you Beth!!!! Then I woke up at 10 this morning to the sound of my dog barking. So I go to the door and Betsi was there. I forgot all about that. So I gave her her things and I told her that there was a note I wrote her and I wanted her to read it alone. So about 15-20 minutes after she left, she calls me and we start talking and in the end we were both crying. I think we got things worked out. I hope so. I love her to death, even through all this. So yeah, hopefully things will start to calm down soon.
I have a headache..Im gonna go lay down.

(bite me)

wow [16 Aug 2001|01:11pm]

(bite me)

Okay..so..yeah [16 Aug 2001|12:42pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | MushroomHead ]

So I went to the concert right? The music was great and I had fun. Minus the fact that Betsi, Janet and Rickie were there. So I was on the side of the building talking to John cause it was too loud inside. Then Betsi, Janet and Rickie come over to me and Rickie goes
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure." ~~~~ Me
"Why are you such a slut?"
"Hmmm...how am I a slut?"
"Well every time I see you your with a different guy."
"That's funny cause you never see me."
"When I see you at the mall..."
"When you see me at the mall Im with my friends who happen to be girls."
So then they walked off. That just ruined my night. And also, I realized somethings about John that I didn't like to much, so I ended it with him. Which pist Betsi off and...grrr

Well yesterday after Kevin left(he came over so we could talk about all this bullshit that is going on), I got online and me and John started fighting again. He said that I was selfish? I think not. Because, well, first of all, a few days before all this shit happend, he said he didn't want to rush me into anything I didn't want to do (such as go out with him) then a few days later when I tell him that I'm not ready for a relationship, he gets all bitchy. Now that would make HIM selfish. And the reason that I don't want a relationship right now is because I'm scared of what I might do to myself, with all this Betsi shit happening, and my family problems, other problems with friends. So because I would like to be happy for once, and not worry about cutting or really hurting myself...he thinks that I am selfish because I would like to be happy for once. Yeah, fine think what you want. But to me, it seems like your just upset cause you didn't get what you want, which would make YOU selfish.

Anyways, then later that night I was online talking to Jon Purcell (my ex)and Janet at the same time. Well I was telling Jon all the stuff that was going on, and how I wasn't scared of Betsi or Janet, it was just Rickie that I was scared of because he WOULD kill me if given the chance. And Jon was REALLY pissed about that, cause he already hates Rickie and now this. Jon got so mad that he couldn't even type so I had to call him. But before I called him, I was talking to Janet, she IM's me saying Sluty Betsi, Bitchy Betsi and Schitzo Rickie all want to say "Hi Poser Bitch April!!!" Awww...how cute. Anyways, so me and her got off on a rought start this time, but we calmed it down and came to an agreement that Her, Betsi, and Rickie were gonna come over my house Tuesday so Betsi could get her shit and I could get my money, and then we would talk. So I thought we got everything straightend out. So anyways, when I was talking to Jon on the phone he was saying all these morbid things he was gonna do to Rickie. Then when I was on the phone with him his friends Ricky (Landcaster) and Jeremy came over, both who also hate Rickie Roberson, and they know where he lives so they were talking about going over there and beating his ass. I had to get off the phone. Later that night I get a nice little call from Betsi. I could hardly hear a word that she said cause it was loud in the room and she was yelling so damn fast, but I thought I heard the words Jon so Im thinking maybe Jon and them went over there or something? And she also said that I was dumb for thinking she couldn't kick my ass. Which I could so she is the dumbass here. So yes, that pissed me off and now I have to tell them that Betsi is not getting her shit back, infact, I think I will have loads of fun taking my anger out on her clothing by burning it. And you know what? There's not a damn thing they can do about it, thanx to Betsi. See, since she threatend to kill me, and I have the proof that she did so, if any of them were to even touch me...Their asses would be locked up in a jiffy. Hehehe. Betsi is so dumb. You think that she would have learned not to threaten to kill people online (she's done it to kim) cause that just gives people the proof they need. Hehehe...you silly girl.

Yes well...I think I will be on my way now. :) Ta ta!

(1 bite marks | bite me)

Concert! [13 Aug 2001|11:43am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Slipknot ]

Yay...tonight Im going to my ex's band's concert! Three band's playing. Flatlined, Alluvion, and Ryze. Im going with my friends Tina and Cammie and meeting my "future boyfriend" John and my friend Kristina there. Yay. But I bet it will be really odd being there with John and then also seeing Kevin. Blegh. Oh well, I'll live. So yeah, if anyone who reads this lives in the Fredericksburg Spotsylvania (Va.) area then you should go! It's at 7pm on Harrison Road at the Community Center and it's FREE! So yeah! Hmmm...


...I wonder what it's like to be a slice of cheese...

(2 bite markss | bite me)

:*o( [12 Aug 2001|02:11pm]
[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | Change -- Good Charlotte ]

God today has SUCKED!!!!!! I woke up 12902734839 times thanx to my mom's one-eyed, spring in it's ass poodle! Then my mom was just...ahh all day. She is not a very good mother. Hardly ever there for me. Anytime I ask her if I can come over she gets a bitchy attitude and acts like she doesn't want me to. I mean, we usually get along, but she just doesn't know how to act like a mother. Today when she was driving me home I was already upset by the way she was acting, then when we get in her car, it's reallyyy hot in there. And when I get in small areas that are really hott I can't breathe, and when I do it hurts like hell so I asked her if I could put the window down and she said "No!" and I told her that I couldn't breath and she said too bad. My god! It hurt so bad I was actually crying cause I couldn't breath. I still put the window down a little but it wasn't enough. Then she turns the fan things on and looks at me and says "I have the fan on high so you don't need to be hanging your head out the window like a damn dog" and again I told her I couldn't breath and she was like "I sure as hell doubt that" God!!! And as soon as she dropped me off I went and layed down and started bawling. God! I love her to death but she is an awful mother!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then I get on here and find out that Betsi is telling John not to like me? What the hell is her problem!?!?!?! I REALLY like him and she is gonna try and screw it up for me. What the hell! God that royally pisses me off. I know that if she really doesn't want him to like me she will lie her ass off to him about me. God!!!

Ya know what...I haven't had an urge to cut in over 3 months, and that was the last time I cut. But god dammit! Now I have the BIGGEST urge to just slice the hell out of my arm!!! I knew it! Anytime things start to get good for me something ALWAYS fucks it up!!! What the hell is wrong with me!

(bite me)

Hello Jello [30 Jul 2001|02:22pm]
[ mood | flirty ]
[ music | Good Charlotte - I LOVE YOU BENJI!!!! ]

Hello peoples! :) How are you? Im just peachy keen. Ok so yeah. Wedsday I went and met up with Brittany, and we went to some mall, SouthPark mall I think? Anyways, yeah, there was this really hot guy there. He was wearing all black and had a spiked collar on and black spikey hair. Well of course me and Brittany stalked him and his friend. And when we stopped stalking them, then they came over and talked to me while Brittany was talking to her aunt (ya shouldn't have left Britt!!!) He was so cute, so was his friend. I got them both to sign my pants!! Woo hoo!!!! Go April. Then later Tori and her cousin went walking and their aunt came back saying that there were some guys out their our age so me and Brittany went over there. Ended up that they were only 13 I think. But we still hung out with them and we were bitching at them. Much fun. Then thursday we...I dont remember what we did thursday. Oh well. Then Friday we went to Kings Dominion. We rode the new ride, the hypersonic xlc. It was good, but not worth the wait. I guess for Brittany it was worth the wait cause she saw a WWF Wrestler up there...uhm..Man Kind I think it was. Yeah he was there with his kids. He got to go up the exit and get on. Lucky bitch. And also while we were in line I saw this really hot guy and I kept staring at him, and we were still in line when he got on, and right before the ride took off he started blowing kisses at us. Very amusing. He was sooo cute. Awww. Then I saw him later that night and I screamed "Hey you!" and he turned around and I blew kisses at him. Hehehehehe....aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww...he was so cute!!!!! :) Anyways, I had alot of fun. Then saturday, me and Alex came up here to Dale City and we went to the mall. There were sooooo many hott guys there at the Vans Skate Park. Yumm. But I forgot my camera!!!!!!!!!!! Ergh!!!! Oh well. So anyways it's Sunday morning, way to early for me, but I can't sleep. Oh well. Im done now.

This is All

(bite me)

[ mood | content ]

*yawns* Good morning all. :) I'm really tired. And Tina is still asleep. Blegh. Oh well.So yeah, Tina and I went to the mall last night! Yippie. I had alot of fun. I mainly wanted to go to see David, cause he said he would be there, but he wasn't, which turned out to be a good thing. :) So yeah, we got there and ran into Hubert and his friends. So we hung out with him the hole time. Then Ben came. Ben is awesome. Sooo funny. Hehehe. He put his hair in pigtails and was saying he was a rabbit. hehe, and we aslo met this other girl, Ashley. Awwww...she was so cute. She had the cutest personality. She kept attacking everyone and..it was so cute. Awwww. And then Donnie came. Yay! Tina took a picture of me and Donnie. Yay! Anyways, I asked Donnie if he knew if David was coming, but he said that David was spending the weekend with some girl, so as soon as he said that I automatically stopped liking him. I mean, not that there is anything wrong with that, but ya know, he is intrested in someone else, so I should leave him be, which is fine. So yeah, now I think I like Donnie. And I can actually say that I "like" him because I know him. I didn't know David. Hmmm...oh well. Hmm, then we met up with Kayla and she came back here with us and tada! Here I am :) Yay for me. Okay...
This Is All

(bite me)

Lady Speed Stick [19 Jul 2001|04:22pm]
[ mood | cynical ]

Im looking at a bottle of deodorant. It's very intresting. I have cramps. Bad cramps. And my thighs hurt. I hate having a period. Why can't guys have them instead? I mean, we have to give birth, they should atleast have periods. Guys suck. You have no idea how lucky you are. Geesh.

Anyways. Im at Tina's house. She is making us lunch right now. Lunch at 4:24pm. The first thing either of us have eaten all day. And we're going to Fun Land in like 15 minutes. And staying till 1am. Joy. Should be fun and tiring. I hope lot's of pretty people go. I hope David goes. *sigh* And tomorrow we are going to the mall. David will be there atleast. Yay.

I feel bloated. And Im complaining to much. So I will be going now. :)

(bite me)

Miss Me? [15 Jul 2001|07:20pm]
[ mood | flirty ]
[ music | Slipknot ]

Im back!!! Yippie! Actually I got back Friday morning, but whatever. :) HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY MEGAN!!!!!! Not that she will read that, but it's the thought that counts, right? Yeah I thought so too. I dont feel like writing about Richmond. I went, had fun, and came back with a tan!!! Yay for April!!! Oh yeah, I changed my sn to ILoveSpngBob :) Friday when I got back, I met up with Cammie, Tina, and Kayla at the mall. I had lots of fun. Very hyper, and Tina almost got us kicked out....TWICE!!!! I met this guy, David Walker there. He is sssoooo cute. I kept saying "HI!!!!!" everytime we passed by him. Then me,Tina,Cammie,and Kayla were sitting outside waiting for our rides and he came out and I said "HI!!!!!!!" (again) and he came over and sat down and we started talking. He is sooo cute. But it's so weird thou, because usually when I'm talking to someone I look them right in the eye, but I was to nervous to look in his, and I felt kinda, uhm, like I had butterflys in my stomach when we were talking. He is so cute and so nice. Then the next day I was talking to my cousin who is good friends with him. She said that he probably likes me, too, cause the only time he sits down and talks to people is if he is intrested or is friends with them. I dunno, I kinda think he sorta likes me by the way he was looking at me. And she also told me that the last time she was talking to him he said he wanted a serious relationship, which is amazing, cause most guys run for the hills at the word commitment I dunno...Megan said she would talk to him for me. To bad I dont have the guts to do it myself....

(bite me)

TaTa my beloved's [06 Jul 2001|04:34pm]
[ mood | flirty ]
[ music | Coal Chamber ]

Yes well, Im leaving tonight. Going to Richmond for a week. I shall return next Friday. Don't miss me too much.

Oh yeah, I changed my s/n to ILoveSpngBob.

And sorry that I dont write in here that often. I've got 3 diaries to keep up with, so it's rather hard. And besides that, I'm EXTREMELY lazy!!!!

I died my hair!!! Yeah I died it burgundy, then I went and put blood red streaks in it, so it's kinda like glowing...very spiffy!

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