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Lady Khisanth D'Ariat

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[giggles] [October 31st, 2001|06:25pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Excerpt from Magician's Gambit, Book 3 of the Belgariad:

He liked her; she liked him. Everything had been fine up to that point. Why couldn't she just leave it alone? Garion surmised that it probably had something to do with the inner workings of the female mind. As soon as a friendship passed a certain point - some obscure and secret boundary - a woman quite automatically became overwhelmed by a raging compulsion to complicate things.

Is that, or is that not, the truth? [grins]

3 thoughts|What do you think?

Wheeeee! [dances around happily] [October 31st, 2001|02:54pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | West Side Story - "I Feel Pretty" ]

I'm so thrilled! :) I put in my paperwork for my Associates Degree. I have one! Woot! :) It'll be posted on my transcripts in December, and I'll get the actual diploma in February. I immediately (well, after having 3 people check to make sure this was all correct) dropped my classes. The sense of relief is immense. Now I can concentrate on all the moving stuff I have to do without the added stress of dealing with grades and suchlike.

[does twirls and spins and jumps]

In other news... I LOOK SMASHING! :) I'm wearing my white flowing dress and dark eye-makeup with a dark lipstick. My hair is really interesting. I parted it down the middle then left the hair in front of my ears down and straight, framing my face and having a lock flowing over my chest on either side... then I parted the back into two sections and braided them seperately, crossing them over into a crown along the top of my head. There's little jewels and butterflies fastened to the braids. I wear my black and green cloak over all of it and I LOOK SO GOOD! [grin] Damn I wish I had a camera right now. I'm hoping Daddy will have some film so he can take pictures of Adri and me tonight after we get her all done up and we head off to Chris's party.

[bounces around some more] Today is a good day! :) Well, except for the fact I have to drive back up to Paso to pick Donnie up from work in half an hour. But even that has the silver lining of being able to show off to his co-workers. [grin] I feel beautiful. I love feeling beautiful. I really should have been born in a time when I could wear clothes like this every day and not get looked at funny.

What do you think?

[cries] [October 31st, 2001|07:27am]
[ mood | disappointed ]

Damnit damnit damnit! I had set my alarm for 5am so I could have plenty of time to shower, shave my legs, get my outfit together, do my makeup and find something to do with my hair. I woke up at 4:15 and turned over to go back to sleep til the alarm went off. Next thing I know it's 7am and Donnie's shaking me going "Mel, didn't you wanna get up?"

FUCK! Now there's no time for me to get ready for school. Not only that, there's no time for me to even shower before I have to take Donnie to work. (His car kindly let him get home, but then died in the driveway yesterday. He has to replace the alternator.) :( So no dressing up for school. I'll barely have time for a shower when I get home and then dart off to class. [sigh]

Well, at least I can dress up tonight and go out with Adriane. We're either going dancing or hitting a part at Chris's house. I have to have SOMEWHERE to dress up for this Halloween, damnit. I demand it. And I can stay out late, cuz I won't have school tomorrow. [grumble]

Ah well... now off to an hour and change round trip to drop Donnie off at work. [sigh]

4 thoughts|What do you think?

[October 30th, 2001|06:47pm]
[ mood | relieved ]

Well hell... LiveJournal is down. I sure hope nothing is lost. I'd hate to lose entries. [sigh]

Anyway... got most of my chores done before. All the phone calling, anyway. Including a few phone calls that weren't on the list. Now I'm trying to get the physical chores done, but it's hard finding motivation.

I'm tired. But the weather is nice. Not raining anymore, but the clouds are still there so it could. [grin]

Ok, off to find motivation.

No motivation before... had a nap, and a call with Bryan. Both were very nice. :) NOW I have motivation. So I'm going to put my mp3s on random play and do the dishes while starting dinner.

It's still cloudy, but there are a couple of parts of blue sky. Shoo! Shoo! Go away! Keep the rain here for a few more days!

I'm wishing Brad well trying to fix LJ right now... cuz I need my fix! [grin] But dinner's in the oven, dishes are done, and Donnie's home. We're gonna start a movie so it'll be done in time for us to play EQ later. :)

If you ever want to keep your sanity, don't watch "They Call Me Bruce?". Please. I'm warning you. It's just WRONG.

But on the upside, my toenails are now a beautiful shiny shade of teal. :)

Oh yeah... and Adriane is coming over in about an hour and a half for me to experiment with her hair for styles for tomorrow.

But for now, we try and see if LJ is back up yet. [crosses fingers]

HALLELUJAH! :) Now I can finally do my update!

    Things to do today:
  • Enjoy the rain!
  • Dishes
  • Call rental car company and change pickup of car to 8am
  • Back-up my precious things for a complete re-format of my hard drive later
  • Cancel my Sears card and my Lane Bryant card
  • Email Rob the Scotsman mp3
  • Make sure Kanwer sends directions to his house
  • Get ahold of someone at financial aid and chew their ears about my deferment not going through yet
  • Enjoy the rain!

Whaddya know, I did everything! :) I also changed my address on two other credit cards, cooked dinner, and managed to live through that movie. Dunno how I did that last one. hehe. Donnie says that Killer Klowns is worse. I'm gonna hide.

Now to catch up on you guys! :)
1 thought|What do you think?

[falls over laughing] [October 30th, 2001|08:18am]
[ mood | mischievous ]
[ music | Puddle of Mudd - "Control" ]

You scored 70 on the lesbianity quiz.

Lezza, whatever. If it moves, you'll consider it. You are either a greedy bisexual, or you are greedy-bisexual-curious. You want to have your cake and eat it. Of course. Why have cake and not eat it? That would be stupid. Make sure you save a piece for me (slut).

6 thoughts|What do you think?

[giggles] [October 30th, 2001|07:49am]
[ mood | giggly ]

I've left the back door cracked open just so Molly doesn't think I'm trying to keep her inside. She keeps going to it and sticking her nose around the edge and yowling at the rain... like that's going to make it stop. Then she pads over to me and looks up and yowls at me like I can turn it off. hehehehe

She's so damned cute. :)

What do you think?

HALLELUJAH! [October 30th, 2001|07:26am]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | Nickelback - "How You Remind Me" ]

It's raining! It's raining! [dances around in the utter abandon of complete ecstasy] I woke up to it this morning. How cool is that? [wiggles in joy and excitement] It's been so long I'd forgotten what it looks like! hehehehe

It's also providing no end of amusement for me. Molly had never seen rain before. Not really. Last time it rained, she wasn't allowed outside. So this morning she sat at the door and demanded out like usual and I opened it... she sat at the door, twitching, her eyes wide... looking at me then back out at the rain as if to demand an explanation, and an immediate turning off of this disgusting wet stuff. [falls over laughing] She seems rather put out.

Now, with the rain, the lingering ache in my back and head seem inconsequential... Today is definitely looking up. :)

    Things to do today:
  • Enjoy the rain!
  • Dishes
  • Call rental car company and change pickup of car to 8am
  • Back-up my precious things for a complete re-format of my hard drive later
  • Cancel my Sears card and my Lane Bryant card
  • Email Rob the Scotsman mp3
  • Make sure Kanwer sends directions to his house
  • Get ahold of someone at financial aid and chew their ears about my deferment not going through yet
  • Enjoy the rain!

I sure hope this weather lasts all day. [happy bounce] I hope you guys are in as good of a mood this morning as I am! Specially since I'm gonna make cocoa to go with the rain! Wooooooo!
7 thoughts|What do you think?

Mew! [October 29th, 2001|09:09pm]
[ mood | complacent ]
[ music | The Irish Rovers - "The Scotsman" ]

My back is feeling better... face is feeling better. Now my tummy is pissy at me. hehehe. It never ends. But at least I think I can sleep comfortably. :)

G'night world. [blows kisses]

What do you think?

Fun fun! [October 29th, 2001|06:44pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Molly meowing to be let out ]

Good stuff:
We had great food and fun conversation with the parental units.

Bad stuff:
Uncle Nels is in the hospital. Again. Turns out they found that there IS a tumor, it's not just the infected ulcer like they thought. So as soon as they do some more tests and figure out HOW to operate, they're going to operate. [sigh] Poor Uncle Nels. He's in so much pain. :(

The rest of the stuff:
Have to call the rental car company tomorrow and make arrangements to pick up the car earlier on Saturday. Must call Financial Aid office and bitch at them for not sending in my deferment. I'm sure there's something else, but I'm just not thinking of it right now. Heh.

What do you think?

Wheeee [October 29th, 2001|05:10pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

My back is feeling a bit better, but now I have a nasty sinus headache. One of these days the pain is ALL going to go away instead of playing musical chairs with various body parts. There has to be a day like that coming, or I'm just going to go insane.

Anyway... we've been invited over to the parents' house for dinner... neither of us really wanted to cook anyway, so that's a good thing. I'm hungry.

What do you think?

Hmm... [October 29th, 2001|03:30pm]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]

Napped for about an hour and a half. I feel a little better, but don't want to push it. So this is a short update and I will once again go sit on the heating pad. Bleh.

My life is NOT exciting at the moment. There oughtta be a rule or something that says I must be entertaining. Hmm... though this could be entertainment for some of you. Sick bitches. hehehehe

I love you all... come walk on my back, k?

1 thought|What do you think?

Just a quick update... [October 29th, 2001|12:33pm]
[ mood | listless ]

...because I can't sit up for very long.

I made my phone calls to the apartment buildings. Some of them have the damndest requirements for your application to be approved. One of them requires the co-signer to make 6 times the amount a month that the rent will cost. Therefore, for the apartment we wanted, the co-signer would have to make about $3500 a month. Hell, my parents and Donnie's mom don't make that COMBINED. [sigh] But we did find one apartment building that all they check is if your income is more than your debt. And considering we only have one of Donnie's school loans and my loan which isn't in repayment, we have a squeaky clean credit, criminal, and housing report. We're hopeful.

Daddy came over and picked up the application for that one and made copies for me. And I watched Armageddon (yes, I cried... again. Always do, no matter how many times I've watched the movie) and sat on the heating pad. which isn't working. Bleh. So now I'm going to take aspirin and nap and hope the pain goes away. [sigh]

Hope you're all having good days.

3 thoughts|What do you think?

Ow. Uh, ow. Yeah, definitely ow. [October 29th, 2001|08:06am]
[ mood | sore ]

Yesterday because I sat so long camping that spawn, my back is KILLING me. Spasms and everything. (Of course it didn't help that I made a Halloween costume from scratch for Adriane last night. [sigh]) So I'm eating to be able to take pain killers. [grumble]

One of these days my body parts are going to stop giving out on me. heh.

No To-Do list today except not to fuck up my back even worse. Oh, and prolly call some of the apartment complexes that have sent us information.

OH! Freaky dreams again last night. Don't ask me why, but msfledermaus and cynnerth are getting to be regulars in my dreams. This time it wasn't a treehouse we were sharing, but a whole house. We each had our own wing of the house and would gather together in a huge ballroom type place to hang out and make forts and play "Queen of the World" by having lavish tea parties for the ghosts. I can still taste the strawberries we had dipped in whipped cream.

Ok... anyway. Off to catch up on you guys and take some Ibuprofen. Bleh.

5 thoughts|What do you think?

Oh yeah... [October 28th, 2001|08:56pm]
[ mood | flirty ]

...and wibbble ... since I know you're out there cuz you just replied to my reply...


So there. :)
3 thoughts|What do you think?

Nifty! [October 28th, 2001|08:48pm]
[ mood | pleased ]

Tonight was interesting. Donnie got a bug up his butt and decided to rent two movies that are apparently really off the wall and make me watch them. " Hudson Hawk" and "They Call Me Bruce?" We had just started Hudson Hawk when Adri called and reminded me that she was coming over for us to put something together with my fairy wings to make her a goth fairy type for Halloween.

We did really well considering what we had to work with was a large scrap of emerald green satin, a long strip of black penne, and a bolt of shimmery white cheesecloth. We made her a filmy, ragged underskirt out of the white... made leaf-like strips of the emerald green into an overskirt, and fashioned a harness type top out of the black penne. With her knee-high 3-inch heel black boots and the black, green, and white wings, she looked nifty. hehehe. I'm so damned good. Now I just have to figure out how to do her hair and makeup Wednesday night.

She left, happy with her outfit, and Donnie and I went back to the movie. It just now ended. All I have to say is "What the HELL was that?" hehehehehe Funny as hell, but SO weird. But, as always, Bruce Willis is a god. Yum.

Oh yeah... and my hair turned out kick-ass. Most of it is a bright red with gold highlights, but there's spots where it's almost pure blonde. Looks nifty. :)

Ok, I'm tired. Is beddy-bye time. I know it's early, but my body is telling me it's almost 10pm. :)

9 thoughts|What do you think?

Argh [October 28th, 2001|02:57pm]
[ mood | grumpy ]

I just spent like 6 hours camping a spawn. I hate quests. That's all.

3 thoughts|What do you think?

Is it really Sunday already? [October 28th, 2001|07:51am]
[ mood | thankful ]
[ music | Tantric - "Astounded" ]

Everything seems a little off whack because of the time change. Always throws me off kilter for a while.

Woke up this morning and looked at the dishes and REALLY didn't want to do them. So I whimpered at Donnie and he's going to do them. Thank goodness. I'm so fucking tired of housework. I know it's only fair that I do it since I'm home most of the time, but ye gods does it get tedious. I'll put the laundry away today, but I didn't want to face dishes.

I have two boxes of hair dye. One a very pale blonde, the other a very red red. I'm not sure which I want dominant. I was bored and feeling adventurous when Adriane bought them for me yesterday... so should I go more blonde, or stay more red closer to my natural color? We'll see what happens.

But for now, time to catch up.

2 thoughts|What do you think?

Wheeeee! [October 27th, 2001|11:38pm]
[ mood | happy ]

Had a lovely time tonight. I'm happy. :) Tomorrow, though, I have to clean house before I have the fun of playing with my hair. Bah. I hate housework.

I had the wonderful idea that if I had enough money (like winning the lottery or knocking over a bank or something) that I could fly all my friends - EQ and LJ - out for a big party... like for the whole weekend. That would be a blast. :) I must do that someday.

Hope you're all having wonderful dreams, or will be when you go to bed. [blows kisses]

1 thought|What do you think?

[yaaaaaaaaawn] [October 27th, 2001|04:23pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Tantric - "Astounded" ]

Shopping with Adriane is always tiring. Hehe. She loves trying stuff on, and I'm sitting there going "It looks like it fits, just buy it so we can get outta here already." I don't like clothes shopping.

We did have fun, though. Did some shopping, yapped a lot, sang loudly to music. She spoiled me rotten. Got me a fuzzy fleece pillow, a 24 pack of Pepsi, a wide-toothed comb / pick combo, and hair coloring. She also took me out to lunch at A&W.; Yumm... though now Donnie's pouting at me cuz I didn't bring him some. [sigh] I can't win. :)

But now, I must hop into the game and play a bit, since I've lost HOURS of game time today. [grin]

What do you think?

[laughs] [October 27th, 2001|10:25am]
[ mood | giggly ]

Ok... um... I'm supposed to say "Give us more boobies! We want more boobies!" from my husband. Because robont hasn't posted any today. [rolls her eyes] So someone that he's listed as a friend, let him know my husband is rather put out. ;)

Anyway... Good morning world. :) I went to bed around midnight, woke up at 9am. Pretty good sleeping. :) I'm showered, on my way to get dressed to go out and shop with my silly sister. She wants ANOTHER pair of shoes. Can you imagine? Sheesh! I dunno why, she wears her cookie-monster slippers most of the time anyway.

So, off to dress and find some food. After that we'll figure out what's going on. I know we have to get Donnie's battery replaced today, and get flea stuff for the kitty cat. Either today or tomorrow. Not sure.

Hope you're all having a wonderful start to your Saturday :)

5 thoughts|What do you think?

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