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Riot Here! Riot Now!

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[10 Mar 2002|11:48pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | That Dog - long island ]

I'll bet you guys have seen this already, but...


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Another fun poem.. [10 Mar 2002|08:02pm]



I can't believe this
Iv never felt so used
I wish I did something more in my life
Then let my self be abused
It hurts me so much
Because we'll never be true
I gave my heart to another person
And that person was you

I can't believe
I have been deceived
By myself
My harsh renderings
I never knew what love was
And thanks to you
It doesn't exist in my world..

Iv never felt so dirty
Nearly raped
Used for sex
Why can't we be something else?

You hate me because I don't go out
Apparently that's my only flaw
I just wish you understood
It's not my fault

I can't believe
Iv been deceived
By myself
My harsh complications
I never knew what love was
And thanks to you
It doesn't exist in my world..

I hold my hands up to my face
Feeling like a total disgrace
Do you even know?
How many scares you gave me?
You don't even know
No you don't even know
The impact you had on my life

But now it's gone
I don't want to hold on
Why can I just have a normal relationship?
Love, happiness, all that shit
There's no prince charming for me
If there is he's my enemy

I can't believe
I have been deceived
By myself
My harsh renderings
I never knew what love was
And thanks to you
It doesn't exist in my world..

Iv been deceived
I thought you loved me
At least partially
That's how it's supposed to be
I'm tired of being hurt
By people who I find
And then leave me in the dirt
It's so hard being a doormat
It's so hard when your life's like that
It's so hard being a doormat
Its so hard when your life's..
Like that.

Copyright: CLS
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hello, hello! [10 Mar 2002|10:20am]

Hi everyone, I just joined this community... So, hello! I'm 16 and from Wisconsin, and... hm, that's all, I guess! Yeah, hi!
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Nostalgia. [10 Mar 2002|02:03am]

[ mood | Alive ]
[ music | Smashing Pumpkins,"Where Boys Fear to Tred" (Mellon Collie) ]


Watch me coil and recoil
Your hands so nostalgic
as they
grind my tempermental heart
Against the sand paper
of my discheveled mind.

Lick up the stream
of my hearts
heated red memoir
Happy, joyous eyes
Glittering with the echoes of your laughter
Watch your lips part
Ravenous words press against
your lustful tongue.

Caress one of my
dispirited hand across your face
and feel the pulse quicken
striving for communion
with a sadist God.

(please do not take without permission.)

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happy (1 day late) women's day to all! [09 Mar 2002|10:25pm]

[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | bikini kill - jigsaw youth ]

so i've never been into riot grrl music all that much, that is until lately. i've been having a pretty crappy month and the only thing that got me thru it was kathleen's voice (especially much finer). today i went out and got a bikini kill cd and self titled le tigre. bikini kill is AMAZING. i've never felt like that because of music, so great! impowered maybe? i don't know, just great! a bunch of songs reflect my weaknesses/troubles (this is me sounding corny) and they make everything sound like it is/will be ok. so right now i owe kathleen a million and 1 <3's.

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women's day. ***NOT FOR THE FAINT AT HEART!!!*** [09 Mar 2002|08:21am]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Daniel Myer remixes - Front Line Assembly- Plasticity (Zero mix by haujobb) ]

i never post in this anymore. ever. i think it's just because i've grown out of it, or have too much to say, or don't care as much. instead, i'll use this as a place to post my writing. this is an A paper i handed in for English regarding the first time I saw an abortin be performed.

Jennifer A. Paul
ENG 121-11
Dr. Roach

I had always considered myself a staunch supporter of a woman’s right to choose so, when I was approached with the opportunity to work as a counselor in an abortion clinic, I jumped at the chance. My friend volunteered for the clinic as a "bring-back." She would escort nervous, crying women from the "counseling room" to the "changing room," wait for them to change from their clothes into a blue paper gown, and then guide them into the room where the procedure was performed.
My duties as a "peer counselor" were to run pregnancy tests, counsel distressed patients, give lectures about the procedure and various birth control methods, do "bring backs", assist the head nurse, and deal with the everyday office bullshit like, answering telephones and making appointments.
There were two doctors who owned the clinic, which was opened three days a week. The female doctor, Dr. L, would perform abortions on Tuesday and Saturday. Tuesdays were always especially quiet. I suppose that most people did not want to sacrifice a day’s pay to go through such a painful procedure only to return to work the next day.
Dr. L was a very nice, middle-aged woman who was a bit less strict than Dr. M, the co-owner. One quiet Tuesday, she approached me and asked if I would like to see a procedure be performed. My feelings were rather mixed. I didn’t know if it was the best idea, but I was incredibly curious and determined. Here I was, at the very forefront of a woman’s right to choose. Not only was I fighting for these rights, I was putting them into practice! I felt so proud of myself for standing up for what I believed in. Everyday, I was confronted with being called a "murderer" by the protesters who stood on the curb between our property and the road. They would sermonize with their signs and brochures filled with false information and hand them out to patients and staff alike.
After giving it some hard thought, I took up the offer and soon found myself in the operating room with Dr. L, a technician, the anesthetist, and the patient. It was a cold, dry room with a gray vinyl table in the center. There was a cart in the corner on which there were plastic curettes, gauze, non-sterile gloves, and other assorted medical devices and accessories. I saw a machine next to the cart. It had a brown, cubic base with two cylindrical holes, each containing a glass jar. The jars had white plastic lids, which were connected by a hose. Another hose, emanating from one of the jars, led to a plastic curette which the doctor would use during surgery.
The patient was a girl in her teens. I could clearly make out the drying saline which had poured out from her eyes only moments earlier when the intravenous anesthesia had been administered. Her eyes were moving back and forth very slightly but she looked quite sedated, almost asleep. I walked around the patient to the end of the table, where the doctor was waiting to begin the abortion. The girl’s legs were in stirrups and spread widely. A bright light shone into her vagina while the doctor asked if I was ready to begin. I gave her a quiet nod. The machine was turned on which created a loud whirring sound. The doctor inserted the speculum into the girl’s body and opened it to its maximum width. The patient made a slight moan. It was at this moment that I began to feel faint. I couldn’t help putting myself in her place. She looked so helpless and exposed on that table. I wanted to stand next to her and hold her hand instead of stand my ground with a front row seat to this atrocity. Dr. L inserted the curette into the patient’s vagina and began to use the suction of the machine to remove the internal tissue and fetus. I simply could not handle anymore! The look on the girl’s face was tragic. Her moans got louder with each passing second until they became shrills. Blood ran off the table and dropped onto the floor. The heat was intense and my thoughts were relentless. I ran out of the room and crashed onto the floor. When I came to, I went into the bathroom and began to cry in a way I never had before. I had no idea that watching what the staff called "a simple surgical procedure" was such an intensely frightening and humbling experience.
To this day, I am a changed woman. I am still a devoted supporter of the pro-choice movement but I don’t believe that I could ever bring myself to have a surgical abortion. The entire experience was one that opened my eyes in a way that marching on Washington never could.

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All Sizes [09 Mar 2002|02:58am]

[ mood | irritated ]

I was wondering if there was perhaps a community out there for those that support curvy wimmin, but may not be one themselves.

Of recent I have been hearing so many negative comments about big people, as if their character were somehow damaged by their weight, and I hate that crap. I guess that is the number one reason why I'm looking to support a sort of fat acceptance community. Where can I find one?

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YES! [09 Mar 2002|12:20am]

[ mood | horny ]
[ music | Stone Temple Pilots- Sour Girl ]

Kathleen I Love You! )

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::Morning Sickness:: [08 Mar 2002|10:29pm]

I wrote this today
I don't exactly keep a calandar
But i think my period is over due..
And yeah.

(phone conversation)

Person one: I'm telling you! It's late..
Person two: Omg, are you sure?
Person one: I think so..
Person two: You're not ready..
Person one: I know..

Does he even love me..
Does he even care..
Does he just want me..
For what I bare?
These cuts on my forehead aren't healing
I'm scared again..
It wasn't meant to turn out like this
I hope it ends

Just a hopeless fling
Lovers yet not
At least I know his name
But mine, I think he forgot

Please god
Don't tell me it's my time
I can barely take care of myself
My life won't be sublime
Another person isn't what I need
Another person might be, what makes me bleed

I thought we did everything right
Iv become paranoid and filled with freight
It wasn't even that great
It wasn't even much of a date!

And I can't understand why I do this to myself
I can't understand why im filled with guilt
I cant understand why I act the way I do
I can't understand why I'm here with you
Oh no.
Don't tell me I'll be left solo.
Oh no.
You'd never know.
Oh no.
Oh no
Don't tell me I'll be left in the cold
Oh no.
A true-life drama may unfold

Please god
Don't tell me it's my time
I can barely take care of myself
My life won't be sublime
Another person isn't what I need
Another person might be, what makes me bleed..

I'm caring and loving
But so ignorant
I may bring it to this world
But wouldnt get rid of it
I'm weak and thin
Wouldn't handle the pain
You don't even have a name

Please god
Don't tell me it's my time
I can barely take care of myself
My life won't be sublime
Another person isn't what I need
Another person might be, what makes me bleed..

It makes me bleed
It makes me cry
It makes me sick
It makes me want to die
It makes me scared
It makes me smoke more
But that doesn't mean
No that doesn't mean
That I'm a whore.

(phone hanging up)
Copyright: CLS
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damn birth control (part 2!!) [08 Mar 2002|06:36pm]

[ mood | full ]

I have gone from not wanting anything but junk food at school and peanut butter on white bread at home, from actually craving vegetables (which is a first for me I believe), and not only that, veggies drenched in Italian dressing. last night I saw a bottle of the fat free kind and actually started salivating. I proceeded to shred a big bowl of lettuce and drench the suckers in the stuff. today I was spooning the remnants of the dressing and eating it plain after I wolfed down carrot sticks, celery sticks, and cherry tomatoes. holy hell these symptoms can be brutal sometimes! lol

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Coming on Too Strong. [08 Mar 2002|02:20am]

[ mood | scared ]

Umm..this is kind of freaking me out. I recently had a person add me to their friend list. At one point he responded to one of my posts (or the other way around) and it became a somewhat lengthy 'response', so he asked me if we could continue this through e-mail. sooner did I do that then he had me on MSN chat. It was okay that he added me to his chat so quickly, but then I started getting e-mails. E-mails, where he spoke to me from an emotional stance as if we were already in a relationship. Like, "have I done anything to make you upset with me" and today in more than one e-mail "I miss you". You miss me? We had only had one conversation, one, and this guy misses me. Wants to know why he saw me come online, he tried to click for a chat, and then I was offline again.

I would've written this in my journal, but he is posted as one of my 'friends'. This is kind of freaky to me. So, um, I know it should be common sense that I know block this bloke, but I'm still wondering if maybe I'm seeing things the wrong way or not. Oh, and just so I know, how do you block someone?

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FUCK my landlord! [08 Mar 2002|12:56am]

[ mood | COLD AND PISSED OFF!!! ]
[ music | Moby- Porcelain ]

We've only lived here since JANUARY and this is the THIRD fucking time our heat's been non-working. We pay the bill, we pay the rent, it's a "furnice problem" every fucking time. And it ALWAYS takes him till the next day to get here, so WE just get to spend a really fucking cold night in here.

The first time it happened, I wasn't home, but my roomate was taken to the hospital because he actually got a CHILL!!!


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[07 Mar 2002|11:19pm]

[ mood | angry ]

i was so mad today...i had this big conversation with my friend about how the word "faggot" is so offensive (oh i even hate writing it) and she totally agreed. so, later i went to dinner with my other friends and this one girl was like telling a story and she said "fag" like in the most derogatory way, it made me so furious. i don't know how people can be so offensive. it makes me ill.

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RAD class [07 Mar 2002|08:09pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | dilate- ani ]

i just took my last RAD class (self defense) where we had to get away form a simulated attacker. yay! it was so fun and exilerating! i was nervous at first, but when i did it it was great. the "attacker" is our male instructor in a padded suit, we had 2 actually, they harass us and we can't fight until they grab us. then we have to kick ass and get away. it was so empowering! everyone should take RAD class!
i will not be a victim!

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Yea o Nay? [07 Mar 2002|06:56pm]

[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Sarah Jones- Your Revolution ]

Okay, I'm thinking about setting up a "memories" section for this community.

1) being for poetry... and
2) (maybe later, maybe not) being for political stuff that we should prolly remember.

I don't know about the 2nd one, but I really want to do the first one, cuz you grrls have posted some really great poems and I think they all deserve to be catalogued...

So what do you guys think? I want to make sure you're all behind me before I spend hours and hours combing through things to do this.

Lemme know...

Community Maintainor

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a poem. [07 Mar 2002|04:01pm]

[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | "No Love" by: The Get Up Kids ]

I have
bigger lips
than most girls I know.

I have
straight teeth
but do not smile often.

I have
an IQ
higher than those that tease me.

I have
blonde hair
and I don't care if I forget to wash it.

I have
that are just waiting to be exposed.

And everything I have,
and everything that's mine--
you will never touch.

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[07 Mar 2002|11:07am]

[ mood | pleased ]


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updated my site [07 Mar 2002|12:02am]

[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | 'miss ann thrope' - my ruin ]

sooooo i finished redoing my website. the new layout features miss tairrie B from my ruin.
peep it @
sign the guestbook & fill out the survey to show me some love ;oP

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.~! New Pix Of Me!~. [06 Mar 2002|09:31pm]

[ music | :: Korn - Fagget :: ]

Well here are some new pix and this time I found a server that will actually allow me to show em instead of that pile of shit it showed before..Im sorry about that everyone!! and I wont stretch the screen this time lol!

Jus' two pix this time..

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If your feeling particularly evil... [06 Mar 2002|03:18pm]

[ mood | annoyed ]

feel free to email and bitch him out.
I dont know where this guy got my email addy from, but for about 6 months now he's been harrassing me, asking me if i want his girlfriend to pee on me. ???

I would block him, if I werent so amused by each following email.

there are some really crazy people out there.

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