poll |
[01 Feb 2002|02:37pm] |
1. Are you a writer of poetry, or principally a reader?
2. Did you ever take courses specifically in the writing or study of poetry in college or high school (as opposed to general literature surveys)?
3. Do you buy/read poetry magazines or chapbooks? Anthologies of past great poets?
4. Do you attend poetry readings, either as a reader or audience member?
I have.
5. If a writer of poetry, have you ever published your work in hard-copy, such as a magazine or chapbook? Do you publish or post your work on the web?
Chapbook. Poetry.com: Benjamin Thomas Perry, Livejournal, Some Anthology from a local press.
6. Have you ever written any articles, essays, or analyses of poetry? If so, would you be willing to present them to this community to stimulate discussion?
Yes. (we still haven't decide what poetry we like)
7. Why exactly do you like poetry? What does it do to you?
It gets me in dhicks pants. woops chicks.
8. Who are your favorite poets? If a writer, do these same poets influence your style, or are there others?
I am my favorite poet. I am reading Blake right now and poetry by Canadians written in the 19th century as selected by Margaret Atwood in the Oxford Anthology. I particularily like Charles Heavysege (right now) bill bisset is hilarious. Also I respect Purdy, Cohen, and definitely Bowering (George). As for Americans, okay all those magic bus and beatnik guys are more than fluff, but anyone doubly named William has to be good poetry. (Carlos) also Robert Bly and Gary Snyder and W.S. Merwin get my vote becasue of their coolness. I like Raqndall Jarrell, Charles Olson, was recently introduced to John Cage. Shall I go back to England? Yeats, Shakespeare, Donne (was he english) Browning. Oh Oh OH I forgot Robert Frost.
9. What "schools" or styles of poetry appeal to you most? Why?
10. What distinguishes a good poem? What must be present in a poem to make it "work" or resonate for you?
poetic leaps (see Bly on poetics)
11. There are some people who fill up notebooks with hundreds of poems, yet could not properly be called poets, and there are others who, no matter how little they write, very clearly deserve the epithet "poet." What makes a poet?
They are not judgemental about poetry you turd but instead see it as food or expression of lostness. Each poem says something about a poet. Each book filled with poem likewise and each person who has no poetry the same.
12. What sort of topics would you like to see discussed in the about_poetry community?
1. fabulous poetry 2. the poetry market 3. personal response to poetry 4. where does poetry begin and end 5. the space around(within) a poem 6. poet's lives, our lives 7. fairness in criticism 8. poetic universals 9. anthropology of poetry 10. the great themes and poetry 11. canons 12. medium and message 13. Baudrillardian/Deleuzian poetics 14. faith,knowledge,mysticism and language 15. America, culture, internationalism, language 16. English imperialism, projective linguistic analysis and dead and dying languages