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Wednesday, March 20th, 2002
11:52 pm

Which Celebrity Song Are You?

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11:48 pm

Take the "What *NSYNC Hairstyle are you?" Quiz

I luv Joey :)

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11:44 pm

Disney Princesses
Which of the Disney Princesses are you?

You are a true bookworm and dream of a life better than the simple, quiet one you lead now. Your good looks can attract the town jerks, but you manage to ignore them most of the time. Sometimes you feel like you're surrounded by idiots. So what are you waiting for? You don't need your father to be kidnapped to get out and see the world. Although you can be stubborn, you're also very compassionate and see beyond people's façades.

I always did love Beauty and the Beast... ;)

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Saturday, March 16th, 2002
9:33 pm

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

current music: Mystikal - Bumpin me against the wall

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9:26 pm

You are Fozzie!
Wokka Wokka! You love to make lame jokes. Your sense of humor might be a bit off, but you're a great friend and can always be counted on.

current music: Metallica - Nothing Else Matters

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9:23 pm

Take the What Johnny the Homicidal Maniac character are you? quiz!

current music: Cheaptrick - I Want You To Want Me

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9:21 pm

You're fun, energetic, and love to fool around. You're daring and a great sport. You're know have a great time and love to party!

current music: System of the Down - Sugar!

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Friday, March 15th, 2002
8:52 pm

Where's your corner of the Twilight Zone?

Take the Twilight Zone test!

current mood: sad
current music: BBMak - Still On Your Side

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10:43 am
Everyone likes my new hair and I am very pleased. Carrie and Joe were the first ones to notice at the bus stop. I told them that I know for a fact that a few of my friends will not notice at first. Which was true. Cheri` didn't notice at first but it did not take her long to catch on. I am glad that they all like it. If I had gotten a bad comment about it, I would have probably asked Debbie to make it darker. However, everyone thinks it looks great so I am very please and satisfied as of the moment.


current mood: calm
current music: Weezer - Butterfly (stuck in my head)

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10:18 am

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Thursday, March 14th, 2002
9:03 pm

current music: Joey Fatone - You Took You Love Away From Me

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8:52 pm

Who's Your Inner Music Industry Diva? Find out @ She's Crafty

Who's Your 80s Movie Icon Alter-Ego? Find out @ She's Crafty

current mood: bouncy
current music: *NSYNC - U drive me crazy

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7:54 pm - Tom has got some fucking problems!
Okay, first in gym class, Tom pretends to go and hit me with the volleyball...I just ignore him. The he stops in the middle of a game and comes over and starts hitting me in the leg with the freaking ball. I was getting annoyed b/c I was reading a book. I do not have to participate b/c in health right now but we were in the gym for 3 days b/c they were using our class room for HSPA make ups. Anyway, out of no where, I get hit in the head with a volleyball. Of course I look at Tom, but he says it was Phil. He swears up, down, and all around, and every which way.........that it was Phil.

Then in Ceramics, he asks me to help him with his box, but then when I asked him to hand me his box, he refused! Oxymoron or what?!

Then in English, he's talking to Manny. Manny's talking nonsense saying how he is going to be a big rapper and make bullet proof hoodie sweatshirts and shit like that. I'll tell you, Manny has great confidence in himself...that can be a good thing, but too much it real bad. So Manny is rambling on and on about bullet proof hoodies and Tom is practically yelling at him and insulting him. I turned to Tom and said, "...and you call me mean?" He's all like, "Oh, I'm not trying to be being mean, I just meant to be talking to him. Manny, Megan thinks I am being mean to you so I am sorry. Okay?" Um...answer me this is a friend...JUST a friend...nothing more...thank God...but is it me or does it seem like I have him whipped?

After that...I go to the library for lunch b/c I had work to do. Who comes in and sits next to me...Tom. He's being mean to me like usual...beating up on me and everything. Then out of no where, he ~!~SmAcKs~!~ me ~!~ReAlLy~!~ hard on my head with his notebook. I was about to flip out and beat him up, but I was in the library and had no chance. A few minutes later, Robyn walks in. Now I know I have mentioned Robyn before. She's Matt's ex; but now she has this ~!~BiG~!~ thing for Tom. She said she came in to use the computers, but they were all taken up and had to go back to lunch. When I saw Ashley the next period later, she told me that Robyn was poking her and asking, "Where's Tom? Where is he? Where is Tom!" A bit obsessed?

Now everyone knows how I am when it comes ot my friends. I am very protective of them. I am real good friends with Tom. I know I complain about him a lot, but that is only b/c he bust my chops and gets on my nerves. I know I talk about Robyn, but we are just acquaintances. I only know her b/c of Matt. And I know how she is...she's a lil' ho. She's tries touching Tom...I'll knock her out. But I don't have to b/c Tom will shot her down first.

Like I said, Tom has fucking

On a better note, I went to the salon that Debbie (my brother's girlfriend) works at. She angled, shaped, cut, and highlighted my hair. I love it. It looks great. I cannot wait to go to school tomorrow. I told everyone that I was going to get my hair done, but I never told them exactly...what was being done. The best part is she did it all for free =D So I am really excited about going to school!

current mood: bouncy
current music: Kittie - Spit

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10:15 am - No news is good news....
Sorry I haven't been arounhd in a week. It's just that nothing really important has been happening for me to update on. Just same old shit different, work, Cheri', Mike, Matt, blah, blah, blah...

Thought I would just drop in to let you all know how I am doing.

current mood: awake
current music: Beatles - Elanore Rigby (stuck in my head)

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Wednesday, March 13th, 2002
8:54 pm
18% addicted to Instant Messenger. How about you?

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8:48 pm
click to find out who you are from bsb!

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8:45 pm

Tie Dye

I'm the tie dye Doc Marten...
play me some Grateful Dead,
alter my consciousness a little
and I'm a happy camper!

Which Doc Marten are you?
(by *coffeebean*)

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8:43 pm
click to take it!

You're slick, sleek, and you waste no time when there's a mission to be taken care of. You do what you're told, even if it sometimes means risking your life. You care for others to such an extent that you'd do anything for the ones you love. Not only that, but you're stylish, original, agile, and passionate.

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8:37 pm

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8:31 pm

Which Era of Kathleen Hanna Are You?

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