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chiquita banana

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3 *s /*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

[23 Feb 2002|10:47am]
i've been up 27 hours

i'm going to bed now

goodnight, morning, day, whatever



*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

[13 Feb 2002|10:45am]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | I believe in you-LeAnn rimes ]

I can see this transportation thing coming from pankow
is going to suck until I get my car because
I guess now cathy isn't allowed to have people over her house for
lunch and I told her that we could go to my mom's house and
she says her mom expects her home for lunch everyday or something
ahh who knows

anyway, sabrina's dad got rid of his aol because
he gets it cheaper through his work
so once again i'm w.out an internet
till we find out what is going on with people pc
of till my mom gets me my own aol back

after school, I'm getting my hair cut
well trimmed because i'm growing it out
and then sabrina and I are going for apps
at coney island

some guy I just met in my web design class
is going to help me find out an email addy of someone that I really need...oh man I hope he can do it. he's really computer smart so I think he can.

Yesterday was such a bad day. I EVEN went to bed at 10:30 which is VERY early for me because I couldn't take yesterday any longer. I woke up once at 12am and then once at 4am. That is cuz i'm not used to going to bed early like that. my usual bed time is like 3am on the weekdays.

bye chicken heads

6 *s /*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

much better [12 Feb 2002|03:13pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | silence ]

YAY i'm in a much better mood now.
I was talking to my friend Diane on IM
just a few minutes ago and we've decided that
she is driving down to fan fair with me in june!
OoOoOoOoooo I'm so excited
you don't know how hard its
been trying to find someone to drive down with
seeing as how I can't count on anyone that goes to school with me...besides linzy and I didn't ask her because she doesn't like country music so yeah...
Diane is letting me know for sure tomorrow.

I'm still at mom's work.
bored as hell
talking to some kid that imed me
my whole day was screwed up
besides the fact that I got to get out of 5th and 6th hour
other than that I did want to go to my mom's right after school
do tae bo and wait for her and my bro to get home
ah hell I'll just do my workout tonight when I get home
maybe i can get mama to leave work early. that would be nice

I talked to brooke's mom, one of my other mom's for awhile online
she said she is going to try her best to come down to FL and
have her and brooke come see me when i'm in orlando! yayy

okay i'm gonna go raid the kitchen in my mom's office now

*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

Florida for sure! [11 Feb 2002|09:40pm]
[ mood | indifferent ]
[ music | myself without you-Reba ]

Welp, I'm definitely going to FL in two weeks! yeep i'm really excited. My mom booked the flight today and were leaving the 24th and coming back march 1. yay. That means, no missing school this week or next.
My sister said that if she gets her eclipse while she's down in fl this week, that she might stay a few extra days and drive from Naple's to Orlando and come see me! yyyay! she said she doesn't know yet though because orlando is a busy city and she's not sure if she'll be able to find where I'm at or whatever. I hope it works though

of the things I listed earlier, I watched that movie which was really good, then I took it back and I also finished one of the four songs I'm working on. Never got a nap, and now i'm bout to go workout and then take a shower.

I don't know why I am updating but i'm bored and who cares!

2 *s /*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

******************** [11 Feb 2002|04:20pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Dance hall dreamer- Pat Green ]

So, my mom decides that we are taking a trip to Orlando, FL the weekend of Feb 24 and were flying. whoohoo I'm excited!! This will be my first time in FL. I hate how things happen though. Brooke is leaving to go to Naple's this week and coming back home like 2 days before I leave. fuck that lol ...maybe she can fly back down and stay with us for the week. yeeep. Anyway, tomorrow Sabrina and I are going to get apps at coney island (and there will be NO EXUSES this time) and i'm def. looking into getting a web design job as well. I have to pee. okay much better.

okay time to go

work on my songs
down load some songs
watch "get over it" that I rented
and take a lovely nap

go fuck a dog in the ass x hehe x :P

2 *s /*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

[11 Feb 2002|03:26am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | shea seger ]

13hours and i'm finally finished

with this goddamn project

I better get an A!


the only thing I need to fix is making the linked pages go into the home page but I forgot the code!

ahh goodnight

2 *s /*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

peeing would be a good thang right now [07 Feb 2002|07:39pm]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]
[ music | silence ]

I'm on the hottest computer at my mom's work right now
it's one of those flat screens. I NEED to get me one of these
anyway I don't know if i'm staying the night at my mom's tonight,
but it kinda looks like it since i'm still here and it's 730pm.
usually when I go mom drops me off at my gma's work at 8

I am thinking if I don't go down to TN to see my sister on my spring break
that I might just drive straight down to TEXAS
that would be great! I could stop and get brooke on my way down too
but I think I just might do that if the money is going well for me.

Coney island by my house is hiring so I might get a hostess job there.
They open next month.

I have like 15 dollars right now and I was thinking of putting that in the bank,
but then I won't have any money for spending. oh well I guess that is what I have to do
if I want to save. I have almost 200 in the bank now and I just need to put in any money
that I can. If I had a job though it'd be alot easier to sort out my spending money from
my saving money.

okay I have to pee

good bye

*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

go hump a wall *hehe* [07 Feb 2002|03:40pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | silence of the monkeys ]

welp beth drove me home today instead of linzy
cause she got hit in the head in gym or something like that. hope your ok linz.
anyway, today was alright. were learning more dance
moves in choir. The dance for peter pan is gonna be
cool once we get it down I think. yeep
sabrina says her and brian are coming over in 5 min
I told her I'll believe it when I see it hehe.
i'm so bored right now ahhh
I just got done singing.
I want coffee but mom is out of cream! gay!
blah blah blah blah
I found this kool coffee house by where i live
called Trixies. I want to go there sometime
and see what it's all about. maybe I could sing
there sometime.
I really need to call some voice places
and get a "g" string for MY GUITAR lol.
and I would like to join a gym
to challenge my workouts
Actually if I didn't like my independent living class
I would def. drop and join weight training. I wish
I could fit it somewhere else in my schedule. oh well

4 *s /*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

OoOoOoOoOoOo [07 Feb 2002|10:45am]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Start the fire-No Doubt ]

my journal looks so purty now.
I made it all valentinesy lol...
i'm in web design right now and there is really no need to
update but who cares.
I am going with linzy to her orthadonist appt after school
because she is my ride home and she won't have time to take me
home if i don't go.
after that, i'm gonna hang out at my mom's for awhile,
sing like usual. I think for the talent show this year, i'm going to audition to sing "Take it back" by Reba. I sing that song really good. I was going to sing "fancy" but that is like 5 min long and I think there is a limit on how long you get. I know that the talent show isn't till may but I always prepare a long time in advance :D
ugh my hotmail is being gay so I think i'm going to get an email address somewhere else. I need to keep the one I have in case Jamie emails me but who knows, she might have already done that and because hotmail doesn't get my messages to me, I might have not recieved it. oh i will be highly PISSED OFF if that happens/happened. She is coming back to michigan in april up in grand rapids so I might catch that show. yay!
Tonight I'm going home and doing cardio...tae boin it ...hell yea!
Last night I went to media play looking for the "I'll be" sheet music but they didn't have it. I ended up buying the new No Doubt cd with money I should have put in the bank and $$ that I don't have lol. now i'm completely broke. damnit!
oOoOooo I can't wait till lunch...soup at cathy's. *yum*

good bye

*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

[05 Feb 2002|09:55am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | some music in the background ]

I haven't felt like updating lately but I guess I will now
I got my pics back from saturday
only 5 turned out but I don't mind because at least the
backstage ones turned out good.
The one of Jamie and I is sooo cute.
Yesterday I came home and went to sleep becuz
I was dead tired, woke up around 730pm
and ate dinner then watched 7th heaven and
patch adams with my gma. Then I got online and talked
to my favorite sister in the whole world hehe.

I was gonna spend the night at my mom's tonight
but I decided that I will tomorrow instead

today after this class is some gay round table thing that
I don't want to go to. GAY!

Tonight I'm going to attempt refilling my ink cartriges in my
printer so I can print a bunch of my resume' and start sending them to record companies. My resume' kiks ass.

yeahh thats it..goodbye

5 *s /*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

>>>>>Alan Jackson and JAMIE<<<< [03 Feb 2002|01:26am]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | I hope you dance- LeeAnn Womack ]

I will start off from the beginning...
alicia ended up not going to the concert with me because...well its a long story. I'm sorry you couldn't go alicia! Anyway, After alicia wasn't able to go, I called missy but she was grounded, LeeAnn had other plans, Jenny was with her family today, and oh it was just finally I just gave up because my mom was gonna go with me to begin with. I came back to my mom's after driving around endlessly, then my mom came home, I redid my make up and we left. When we got to the palace, my mom and I went to the merchandise table and she bought me a shirt, then there was a girl which I learned during the course of our convo that it was Jamie's sister that was advertising to join Jam's fan club for 20 and meet her tonight, I told my mom to join so she could back with me, so she did. We talked to Jamie's sister samantha for like 15 min, then went down to the left side of the stage to see which time we were going back for the meet and greet because Jamie had one for the press and radio and one for the fans, so we get down there and the security guy was a complete bastard trying to tell me that my FAN CLUB membership card was not anything to get me back stage because I didn't have a meet and greet pass sticker. GAY! so I threw a fit and went back up to the booth thing to talk to Samantha and she told me not to worry and that it was at 8:40pm and she or Jamie's tour manager would come out to get us. After that we went to the palace grill and got something to eat, then went to our seats and soon after JAMIE came on. She kicked butt as always except since 99% of the crowd was there to see Alan Jackson, noone really got into it except for a few of us. I was dancing around and stuff. Anyway, so right after Jamie's set, we went back to STAGE LEFT and the same guy that was giving me a hard time was doing it again and made me stand out side the gate which wasn't so bad because I got some really good close ups of Jamie singing. Then I blew another cork at the guy cause he kept being a jerk. Finally Jamie's tour manager came out and he remembered me from GNO and he's like that membership card is their pass. HAAAAAA bastard security gaurd. I told the security I'd get back there regardless of what they say anyway. So I went beyond the gate and we waited. I ran into a guy that I saw at both the Jessica andews and chris cagle concert back in the summer. Also at the same time, I was reliving the singers diary (the best night of my life) when I won the contest to meet my idol miss reba and sit front row..because that is where it happened. eeek. anyway, so finally Jam's tour manager takes us back and we go into this little room with a couch. We were second in line so I moved to the very back of the line so I could have a longer time with Jamie. My mom stayed second in line with this fire fighter guy and then Jamie, her sister and, her tour manager came in...then Samantha saw my mom and is like where is your daughter and my mom pointed right over there...she snuck in the back of the line and Sam laughed, looked over at me and is like "ooooh i see what's goin on" LOL. I was like yeaahh..I felt special because we were all joking around and stuff while I was waiting in line to talk to Jamie and everyone was just looking at me. So finally when I got up there to talk to "J" she is like HEY how are ya? and we talked for a few min, she signed my pic of her and I from Girls Night Out, then we took another pic, I gave her the candy and letter, then we left. I forgot to ask her if Reba got the stuff I gave her to give to Rebie in August, but Samantha had told me earlier that Jamie is really good about that stuff and that Reba probably got it so yayy. After seeing Jamie, on my way out from back stage I talked to her tour manager about being hired to Jamie's staff and he said that right now they didn't need anyone but he gave me tips on what to do as a singer to get myself in the music business as an artist!!! While we were talking, Alan Jackson's fiddler was warming up and I was just thinking GOSH this is my life, it is my destiny and I know that I was born to be a singer. just being in the environment where a tour date happens or whatever just fascinates me. I love it all and always have. IT's in my blood! Anyway, so after that, I went back to my seat and then Alan Jackson came on. He puts on a pretty good show, and when he sang "where were you when the world stopped turnin" everyone had their lighters going and stuff. it was really an intimate moment. That is about all. The next time I will see Jamie is in June at fan fair..and at her fan club party. whoohoo can't wait!! SO, tonight turned out to be really fun. My mom and I had a good time together and actually got a long really well.

well i'm done here for now ...bye bye

1 * /*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

yeehaww [02 Feb 2002|12:15pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | silence ]

I just had a whole f'n entry and the stupid computer
signed me off. GAY!
Anyway, tonight is the JAMIE O'NEAL and Alan Jackson
concert. whoohoo! Alicia is going with me so were going to have a lot of fun!!! whooohoo.
I am gonna go to harmony house and see if I can
get upgrades on our tickets
even though we don't have bad seats now.
were in section 120 row D
but I have a feeling I can get better.

Both alicia and I have to be at my mom's by 5
and I have a lot to do between now and then

-harmony house
-make sure I have
jamie's letter and candy
picture for Jam to sign
and money

I am going to ask Jamie to sign something for alicia
since she isn't able to go back with me
she could try and go back but my mom tried it at GNO
and it didn't happen lol.

okay i need to go get ready


1 * /*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

BURRRRR [01 Feb 2002|11:20am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | silence ]

Yeah, there was school but of course I didn't go.
Even though I decided that I wasn't going last night, there was absolutely no way I was getting up at 7pm when I went to bed at 5am. I checked the TV at 5 to see about school and we did today. It's freezing rain again out side. yikes...

I need to go get ready because i'm going up to gma's
work to have lunch, then i'm going over my mom's till
this evening. I am not sure if i'm spending the night
but we'll see.



-REBA @ 9pm


JENNIE- I don't think u ever saw my comments back to you in my journal on that entry that you commented on, so will you please take a look when u see this and let me know? :) thanx

*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

iceeey [01 Feb 2002|04:33am]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | I don't know-Hanson ]

Even if there is school
I'm not going,
but I doubt there will be
cause' of ICE!
It's 4:30am...yeah i'm still up lol...
I'm talking ta brookitty
and I changed my layout on the journal
I was sick of my other one.
It looks pretty hot.
whoa it's already FEB 1!!
Reba tonight
and probably spending the night at my mama's
Jamie tomorrow! yay

*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

[31 Jan 2002|11:04pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Carry On- Pat Green ]

snow day today...
the one I was hoping for
and I hope for another tomorrow
'cause I don't wanna go to school lol.
uh today I woke up at 745am,
drank a cup of coffee
and went back to sleep, then woke up again at 12pm, ate cereal and went back to sleep,
then I woke up for good at 3pm.
I got up and got on here then watched tv,got back on here, then went and worked out.

I called Jamie's Fan club today
and the meet and greet is at 7pm...
an hour before the show.
tomorrow I need to go get a copy of the pic
of her and I, so I can have her sign it on saturday
then get a little bag for her candies.

I wish stupid guitar center had the string I need
for my guitar because I'd like to play again this
century. Plus I want to start putting music to my
lyrics. ugh so frusterating not having the string
I need.

I should go work on one of the three songs
that I have in the works right now...and
I really don't have anything else to say
sooo byee

4 *s /*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

rawr [28 Jan 2002|09:49am]
[ mood | confused ]

i'm in web design right now
it's weird without linzy on one side a me and derek on the other
annoying amanda that thinks she's cool is in here still
some weird new people are in here
oh and that one annoying guy that road around in the chairs
and was stupid in the beginning of 1st semester is in this class. gay! dustin is still here though, so that is good.

I drove today because I didn't have a clue as to what was going on for getting to web design or lunch. Until I get a car i'm gonna drive with alicia to pankow and I think lunch too. Then after I get a car WHICH will be soon, Dustin and I are gonna go to subway again. yeah it's all figured out nowww

last night I took a ride over to my mom's house because my aunt and uncle were over there and I wanted to visit my baby cousin, bianca. My other aunt, Suzy dropped my brother off and I guess now she is going to the Alan Jackson and Jamie O. concert with me. I'm happy about that because she is fun to be with. 5 days till I see Jam! yippeee. I need ta get a little candy bag for jamie's candy and her letter.

uh I'm feeling a little better emotional wise than I have in the past two days but not fully

I wish brooke would call me...she never does anymore. she used to call me and wake me up in the middle of the night on school nights and then on the weekends we'd talk and we'd talk online alot... :o(
I talked to her yesterday afternoon so that was good but other than that it's like a once in a while thing anymore. :(

I just realized that I think on the 30th it will be 1yr since I've gotten a journal. dang time flies.

oh and 65 days left before i'm done with highschool forever. hell yeah!!!!!!!! we are basically DONE! uncle paul asked me if I want to telemarket at his office for him
when I get a car. I did it for him two summer's ago and told him I'd never do it again but he said that he is hiring other girls too and that it will be since I am in need of a job, that doesn't sound like to much of a bad idea.

*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

[26 Jan 2002|09:03pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

I'm in the worst mood ever right now

I went to eat at bbq pit with my mom, gma and gpa


then I came home and got online for awhile

I guess sabrina is going to call me from the party

they are going to and let me know if it's boring

or if it's cool. If somethin' is goin on...I guess

she is coming to get me.


I guess for now i'm going to make some singing wavs

and work on my site

maybe workout too

but I don't feel good so who knows. ahh

goodbye for now

*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

mongolian sticky pads...muwahahahahahaha [25 Jan 2002|09:41pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | love to love you baby-no doubt ]

today my sticky pad friends lol came over and we sat around my house trying to get on my mom's gay computer...umm i pushed linzy's head into the counter while she stole cookies....then us geniouses finally think..duh we could go to my mom's work to get the $$ for mongolian i call mom and she met us at the restaurant. we finally got to eat our good food, then before we left the parking lot we put a pad on someones winshield..yeah that is our mark now...were the STICKY PADS! haha.
I'm finally home now on MY computer that is FAST and NOT retarded.
I just got done watching Reba...the best sitcom ever! :)


*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

[25 Jan 2002|08:55pm]

Take the Which Powerpuff Girl Are You? Test.

*ReAch 4 tHe StArZ*

yay [25 Jan 2002|12:30pm]
[ mood | hyper ]



AHHH lol

HMM linzy just imed me....WE WANT MONGOLIAN BBQ!!

yes yes yes...who wants to donate to our mongolian

fund so us broke mongolian bbq freaks can go eat at

our restaurant??????

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