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Friday, June 28th, 2002
12:08 am
isabella's sleeping over! :)

they're moving tomorrow and i thought it would be easier for everyone if she was with me for the day. i'll take her to her new pad sometime in the late afternoon.

we watched the little mermaid until she passed out. she's so cute all snuggled in her dora the explorer sleeping bag

(2 plehs | go on, spit it out)

Thursday, June 27th, 2002
3:44 pm - BJORK

last nite....

the boi and i go to the mercury lounge downtown manhattan to see matthew herbert. the room he performed in was completely packed...pretty small...so we just hung in the bar up front and listened from there.

i'm sitting facing the bar, the boi is standing next to me facing me and the back room. all of a sudden he says completely nonchalantly, "hey that girl looks like bjork." i said, "cool, where?" like, who's the girl that looks like bjork. and he's like, "dude, maybe that IS bjork." i was like, yeeah right. apparently she had walked passed us to a table near the door. so i turn to look and see a very pregnant bjork in the most beautiful and flattering silver dress, sitting and holding hands across the table with her love.

still, i was unconvinced...no way was bjork sitting ten feet away from me, right? so i turn away, and then it happened. i heard her voice. loud and clear. and i swear i got chills and thought i might cry.

so i collected myself and was like, ok i HAVE to go say hello! a friend came in and met up with her and it seemed pretty social at her table with the three of them, so i felt this would be a good time. i walked over, said excuse me, and she smiled at me and said hello (yeeee) and i said, "i'm sorry, i heard your voice, and just wanted to come over and say congratulations on your baby, and i wish you all the best with motherhood." she was soooo cute, and so shy, and she smiled at me again and she said thank you very graciously. i wanted to scoop her up and hug her!

the craziest thing was that most everyone in there was COMPLETELY oblivious to her presence. it was unreal. we talked to some people sitting next to us after she had left the bar and mentioned that she was there, and they flipped. and i was like, HOW DID YOU NOT HEAR THAT AMAZING VOICE!!!

that was it, my night was totally made. i am still all dizzy from it!!!!!

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4:25 am
i met, talked to, and hung out in the same room with BJORK tonight. she is oh so pregnant and looks amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing.

will explain my blissful evening highlight later. must sleep now...stay tuned...

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Saturday, June 15th, 2002
4:44 pm - wha??
last nite in midtown manhattan a perfect stranger gave me $100 after he got money out of the atm we were waiting to use after him. i stood in shock waiting for him to come back and get it and say "just kidding" he never did. he just turned from the atm, said "here" and put it in my hand before i even knew what the hell was going on, turned and walked away around the corner.


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Thursday, June 13th, 2002
11:45 am
cori bought a house in easton penn.
it's not far....about 40 minutes.
well, i guess it's far for me when i'm used to having her across the condo complex. :/
i'm sad, but i'm really excited for her. she and her family deserve a house...and it's a new, huge, beautiful one. and isabella needs a yard....and they need more room for the new baby.
i will miss having them close terribly, though. she's moving at the end of this month.
nothing stays the same, i guess. and that's a good thing...i guess.

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Wednesday, June 12th, 2002
9:03 pm
shrimp cocktail and salad for dinner. YUM! :)

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Tuesday, June 11th, 2002
2:45 am
just watched 'welcome to the dollhouse.'
excellent movie.

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Monday, June 10th, 2002
9:02 pm
amy's wedding was soo awesome.
probably the only time i will ever be in a stretch bmw suv limo! yeah, uh huh!!
i'll have to put pics up soon.

today the boi and i went to the beach...got there kinda late, but enjoyed it. we even tried out the water a bit. i think we're gonna make it an every monday thing since that's my day off. and i have no desire to deal with the crowds on the weekends. we're taking isabella with us next monday. yay.

watching the stanley cup playoffs...if the red wings win tonight i will have a full on temper tantrum.

and that's all folks....

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Thursday, June 6th, 2002
10:38 pm

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10:27 pm
oh yay, kelly hasn't sung yet, YEEHAW!!

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10:17 pm
has kelly osbourne sung yet??
did i miss it?

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4:11 pm
glands swollen.
gettin sick.
want to sleep until tomorrow.
can't be sick.
must go to work in 30 minutes.
have a wedding on saturday.

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Wednesday, June 5th, 2002
4:46 pm
why is stacy's journal deleted????
what happened???

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Thursday, May 30th, 2002
2:38 am
work bad.
sex good.
ooga ooga.

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Wednesday, May 29th, 2002
2:57 pm
it's hotter than a horny housewife up in this mutha!

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Tuesday, May 28th, 2002
11:42 pm
back in jerse after a nice long 10 hour drive.....the last 5 hours of which were done in the rain. bleh.

i can't wait to get pics up of the trip...yeeee!!

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Monday, May 27th, 2002
1:52 pm
dreamt i was pregnant

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Sunday, May 26th, 2002
8:16 pm
is love enough?

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Thursday, May 23rd, 2002
11:53 pm
we're leaving for detroit in the morning. i'm really excited but scared about spending money. i really wish i didn't have anxiety about something that should be nothing but fun. it really makes things more difficult than they need to be.

i worked a double today for some extra cash, and the boi did all the laundry, so we just have to pack up and load the car in the morning, and off we go. thinking it will take around 10 hours. yahoo maps it at 12, and they're usually a couple hours off. they must assume that people do the speed limit or something. ;)

again, if anyone wants to be spontaneous and go...or if you're in the area already and want to hook up, let me know! we are geeks and will be taking our laptops!

gotta clean the apt a bit, and get the fishes ready to spend the weekend at aunt cori's!!

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Wednesday, May 22nd, 2002
12:37 pm
fuckin have to go buy shoes....grumble grumble....

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