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MALIA's journal

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Tuesday, March 19th, 2002
11:48 am - Energy Drink.... you are my friend...
I had way too much energy for my own good last night, but I just want to talk about this past weekend, not my unusual amount of energy. Good times. Friday... I went to Kemo Sabe... a restaurant right next door to Corvette Diner. TASTEY TO THE MAX... we celebrated my brothers b-day. my grams gave me this hella cute 40/50s jacket that she had back in the day and i took the SATs. blah to them, they make me feel dumb. i think im dumb, i think im dumb...

On saturday after the SAT i cleaned my room *half heartedly and wrote in my journal while i was supposedly cleaning my room :)* and then i took a shower and went to Bradys to chill. but right when i got there, eric-megan-and belle came over and i was like jigga what and brady took a shower. We listened to crazy black people music and i was all ghettoed out! so then we went to somewhere waaaay far away i was like jigga where? and picked up erics car, then we went back to brady's i think or something, i will not bore you with the details, but we listened to a lot o OUTKAST. then did some other things and went to go see Lord O the Rings... that movie is just out o control the second time. i was like who the what what? Yeah, i read the book and saw it once before, but damn that second time is tricky. then we went back to bradys house where we snuck in all quite cat like cause we thought his parents were there... (which they werent... they were singing LOVE SHACK BABBYYYY) blah... we hung out and eric kept hitting me to stay awake, but i was really sleepy. then we fight clubed it up in the street and i went home and slept. the weirdest thing was that in my dream land thing i saw my alarm clock hanging from the ceiling... it was really weird. hmmm... what up with that. then the next day for humors purpose, i hung up my alarm clock like i saw in my dream. yeah, im weird. but then my dad needed his extention cord back... lame dad square pants.

managed to get into some fights with people. serioulsy, when it comes to fights, i am so bad.. i always forget what im fighting about. emotions are always thrown all over the place n' i just get so confused.

i talked to my sister last night, ooh i love her. thank god for family. thank god for megan.
speaking of a megan... megan meshot that is... damn shes funny. shes 15 and shes a girl and yet shes still funny! i love it. seriously. i am going to be her friend. she makes me laugh.

i love to laugh... i love people who can make me laugh, i love people who make me feel giddy and sweet and happy and make me feel good...

the other day i got the freakin' nicest compliment, someone, who will remain nameless said and NO, i didn't say it to myself... stuart smalley...
"Malia you are so full of life and energy and just have the greatest perspective and i am so intrigued by you." I was o' good lord, people should not be allowed to say things like that to me. i seriously melted and i totally turned red. im such a girl! yeah, and i pretty much butchered what the person said, it was much more powerful and like DAMN in real life. They just made it sound so much more graceful and natural... anyway, it made me happy.

low down and dirty boy you know what im bout...

im in 4th period right now just jimma jammering... i love it... or jibber jabbering. :) hehe. i dont know why i just feel like typing. im crazy like that. ;) im in a fairly good mood considering the circumstances. people are great! im sleepy... id love to curl up and take a nap/watch blind date right now like yesterday. that was so fantastic! so fantastic! my bed=nice and comfy especially in the middle o the day. lovely! okay, im going to stop babbling.

lately my friends... full o surprises they are... :) thats what i love about you! i love how you're you and i love how you do things... everything. i love how people live. :) their choices, loves, interests, etc. i know im sounding all freakish like *but in a good way* but im just... i dont know... sleepy.

thank you!

current mood: weird
current music: but in a good way...

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11:29 am - Energy Drink.... you are my friend...
I had way too much energy for my own good last night, but I just want to talk about this past weekend, not my unusual amount of energy. Good times. Friday... I went to Kemo Sabe... a restaurant right next door to Corvette Diner. TASTEY TO THE MAX... we celebrated my brothers b-day. my grams gave me this hella cute 40/50s jacket that she had back in the day and i took the SATs. blah to them, they make me feel dumb. i think im dumb, i think im dumb...

On saturday after the SAT i cleaned my room *half heartedly and wrote in my journal while i was supposedly cleaning my room :)* and then i took a shower and went to Bradys to chill. but right when i got there, eric-megan-and belle came over and i was like jigga what and brady took a shower. We listened to crazy black people music and i was all ghettoed out! so then we went to somewhere waaaay far away i was like jigga where? and picked up erics car, then we went back to brady's i think or something, i will not bore you with the details, but we listened to a lot o OUTKAST. then did some other things and went to go see Lord O the Rings... that movie is just out o control the second time. i was like who the what what? Yeah, i read the book and saw it once before, but damn that second time is tricky. then we went back to bradys house where we snuck in all quite cat like cause we thought his parents weren't there... (which they werent... they were singing LOVE SHACK BABBYYYY) blah... we hung out and eric kept hitting me to stay awake, but i was really sleepy. then we fight clubed it up in the street and i went home and slept. the weirdest thing was that in my dream land thing i saw my alarm clock hanging from the ceiling... it was really weird. hmmm... what up with that. then the next day for humors purpose, i hung up my alarm clock like i saw in my dream. yeah, im weird. but then my dad needed his extention cord back... lame dad square pants.

managed to get into some fights with people. serioulsy, when it comes to fights, i am so bad.. i always forget what im fighting about. emotions are always thrown all over the place n' i just get so confused.

i talked to my sister last night, ooh i love her. thank god for family. thank god for megan.
speaking of a megan... megan meshot that is... damn shes funny. shes 15 and shes a girl and yet shes still funny! i love it. seriously. i am going to be her friend. she makes me laugh.

i love to laugh... i love people who can make me laugh, i love people who make me feel giddy and sweet and happy and make me feel good...

the other day i got the freakin' nicest compliment, someone, who will remain nameless said and NO, i didn't say it to myself... stuart smalley...
"Malia you are so full of life and energy and just have the greatest perspective and i am so intrigued by you." I was o' good lord, people should not be allowed to say things like that to me. i seriously melted and i totally turned red. im such a girl! yeah, and i pretty much butchered what the person said, it was much more powerful and like DAMN in real life. They just made it sound so much more graceful and natural... anyway, it made me happy.

low down and dirty boy you know what im bout...

im in 4th period right now just jimma jammering... i love it... or jibber jabbering. :) hehe. i dont know why i just feel like typing. im crazy like that. ;) im in a fairly good mood considering the circumstances. people are great! im sleepy... id love to curl up and take a nap/watch blind date right now like yesterday. that was so fantastic! so fantastic! my bed=nice and comfy especially in the middle o the day. lovely! okay, im going to stop babbling.

lately my friends... full o surprises they are... :) thats what i love about you! i love how you're you and i love how you do things... everything. i love how people live. :) their choices, loves, interests, etc. i know im sounding all freakish like *but in a good way* but im just... i dont know... sleepy.

thank you!

current mood: weird
current music: but in a good way...

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Saturday, March 9th, 2002
8:13 pm - Pour some suga on meeeeeeeh....
Yo what's up... yo what's goin' on... no one really knows what i'm talkin about yeah that's right my names Yaulk, tricki tricki tricki. I had a good night/day yester and today. hehehe! last night i talked it up like on other. i love random deep/fun conversations that are unexpected! seriously, realized some really good things last night and so i hope you all will see some positive changes. took my psat today, saw some good looking people *wink wink! goodness, sometimes it's just too much.

i love dreams!!! they make me happy... good or bad, they are a great escape...

you know what i really like? yes, besides little children... when people wink at me... and when they do it at cutesy little random times. seriously, it makes me all giddy and i laugh. it's such a rare occurance, i just love it. and im glad it doesnt happen all the time, it makes it more special when it is only once in a while. absence makes the winking grow fonder... or something like that. also, i think it's cute when old people wink at me, not in a sexual way... well, actually that's nice too, but not the point... you know? i like when old men wink and call me sweetie! too cute! too cute! it's especially arousing when they don't have any teeth and they smack their gums and stammer, "heyya sweetie! dagnamit i forgot my teeff today!"

Also, i went to track today... a "personal Lesson" with a certain hot coach! SEVERSON! i serioulsy love the guy, not in a sexual way, but he is just really good and posesses the traits i would look for in a husband later in the game... he is so funny. and today we were talking about the girls he dates and stuff, he is just too cute! too cute! good stuff. Mr. Root, you've got some catching up to do honey!

P.S. - my parents brought Brady and I chinese food tonight! go parents, go parents! and we watched Coyote Ugly with brady's parents! so cute! hot australian boy...mmmm...

Okay, I am at brady's right now, so I should probably get going... we have some dice to play with.. haha, nah! he is playin with my hair and is complaining that it's still wet. whatever! i smell stinky good! haha, good stinky as he says. what a freak! nah, im joshin! he is tryin to put my hair in a bun... he is having some troblems, but I give him an A for effort! okay we are going back to the basics, he is just strivin for a simple pony tail! I love when people do my hair! OMG! Mmmm.... HUGO.. boss that is!

current mood: dorky
current music: Bigger bigger... (not be good )

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Thursday, February 28th, 2002
11:28 am - Sentences...
I should be grading sentences at this very moment, but I am slacking and G is doing them. Good stuff. Yeah, this one person that I just started hanging out with... let's call her Lauren W. no, wait, L. Woods, there that's better- just so no one will know who I am talking about- don't want to be TOO obvious... is so much fun. Seriously, too much! Cracks me the eff up. She is sick, tight, sweet! Hahaha, I am hip with the lingo. :) And as far as boys go, PRETTY FAR, well, we had a great conversation about them last night... Brady got in on that for a while... he is going to be such a pimp by the time we are done with him :). He will be the perfect male (aside from Janet Reno and Jennifer Jasper!)... not that he isn't now, but whatever. Except- 126?? Oh well, nobody's perfect. The whole world... loves it when you don't get down. Hey Vanessa... do you want some gum? For when you make out? Hahahha! Good stuff. N-E-WAY! I don't know, things have been funny, laid back (with my mind on my money and my money on my mind) lately! It's lovely. My mom is gone, so I had to make my own lunch today... dAMMIT! I am not capable of such feetes of granduer! Seriously, moms are amazing... I Think they are magical. But it is going to be way cool to hang out with my Pops... he is so freakish, but nevertheless amusing! So, Mr. McClurg, how are you today? Let me tell you about when my wife and I got together! Okay, ummm... right.

Ooh, new paragraph, I am getting technical. I am listening to Brady's lo siento CD! Good CD. And speaking o' that Canadian. I love his hair! Seriously, punk to the max! (eventhough he don't listen to punk.. whatever) Though, I have to say it looks best (his hair) after soccer practice when it is all messy and poofy! Hells yeah. We have a "good neighbor" policy much like that one historical guy. We don't fight and he drives my truck and laughs in the face of death! Well, more like cries like a baby and wets his pants in the face o' death, but it's all good. :) Brady, you know you were scared like no otha. It's true, but I must say, I was pretty surprised that he did it! GO brady Go, Go brandy go! (like his mom says at his soccer games).

Okay, enough Journal now. Dude, LIVEJOURNAL, there is so much I have to tell you! (does that sound familiar BRADY?)

Boys have made good improvements lately... G + facial fuzz, and Brady with that whole punk thing! And BRADY, you should really wear your hat to school! That would be the best improvement ever!

Lauren woods, you took something from me (my virginity :) and am I ever going to get it back? NO? okay, fair enough. Remember Johan and his 70's jacket and pumas? TOO MUCH! TOO MUCH! I am such a girl... sometimes :)

current mood: rejuvenated
current music: Michael Jackson...(he is the 8th wonder o' the world!!)

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Thursday, February 21st, 2002
7:04 pm - Biggie Shortie
(dancing on the corner listening to head phones)...
I had a good practice today... i went to michelles before and ate her out of house n' home... as usual. GOOD STUFF. A. Putti practiced with us girls today- damn he's good! Skilled to the max. In case any o' youz was wondering and wanted to get your freak on with Vanezza, I will vouch for her kissing abilities. Definitely up to par... very nice, very nice! I must be off like Vanessa's shirt in the dark room... love you...

and hey you,uh huh... you! no, not you... yeah, you- give me a call would ya?

I have the biggest game o' my life tomorrow. VALHALLA IS MY BITCH!!

current mood: devious
current music: ROLL OUT... im sick o the song, but i keep listening to it!

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Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
9:05 pm - Bitter sweet
wha-hoo! I am writing an entree. Fabuloso! That is my pitiful yet strategic Spanish interpretation of Fabulous. Anyway, I am in a weird mooooo(like a cow)d. I am not sure what spurred it, but I am quite fond o' it now that it has happened upon me. It is a mix between thoughtfulness, questioning, passion, and good head. hahaha. good stuff. Seriously though, I can't explain it... FUNKAH! I had a rather uneventful day thus far and it is 9:07- what in the world am I doing up at this ungodly hour? Oh yes, that's right waiting for Whitman's WAR AND PEACE o' a poem to print. What a pornatious monster!

Jeepers *I haven't used that word in a great while and I think I shouldn't dust it off if you know what I mean* Now that I went on that side track I forgot what I was going to say. DAMMIT (Tim Meadows). I have been very observant o' peeps lately and have realized funky little quirks about everyone. I feel like a PEEPING TOM... "I've been watching you!" (say the quoted words in a breathy, manly voice- much the same o' Janet Reno, or Jennifer Jasper the Valhalla goalie!).

I've had a horrendous week regarding family "ISSUES" and my sister has come to my rescue (and Brady). My sister and I have had great conversations, and brady is just there for the sex. Haha, just kidding. Actually, he is just there to answer my phone when I am too lazy. Damn, it feels good to have a bitch. I am just joking Brady- you know I love you... you brought me a CD!!! Thank you! And remember to tell someone to go to my game...

They said okay bye then I said okay bye...

current mood: thoughtful
current music: OUTKAST!!! the whole word... duh duh duh duh duh

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Friday, February 15th, 2002
5:58 pm - Time for my yearly check up... turn your head and cough please!
Okay, the end!

thanks! I love you.

~biggie shortie!

P.S. happiness is having friends like you!
all o' you...

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Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
12:34 pm - Hot is Brady.
Brady is hot.

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Saturday, January 19th, 2002
8:50 pm - The Quiz... Chani forced me to make up for no apparent reason!
Question number EIN~
What was the name of the first soccer team I ever played on?
a. Hotspurs
b. Leprachauns
C. Lady Bugs
d. U.S. Nation Soccer team

Question number ZWEI~
Who do I think is the most attractive?
a. Jude Law
b. Harrison Ford
c. Cary Grant
d. Janet Reno

Question number DREI~
What is my favorite soft drink?
a. Squirt
b. Ruby Red Squirt
c. Root Beer
d. Dr. Pepper
e. Mountain Dew
f. Vanessa

Question number VIER~
a. Pineapple
b. Horse raddish
c. Warm
d. Bracelet

Question number FUNF~
How many of my brothers and sisters are married?
a. I am
b. Four
c. Three
d. Two
E. Mouse

Question number FUNF~
What is my favorite kind of food?
a. Mexican
b. Chinese
c. Thai
k. Fat
e. Italian

Question number SECH~
What is the hardest thing I've ever had to do?
a. to look you in the eye and tell you...
b. make up this test
c. Crush a brick with my pinkie
d. Save a child from a burning building

Question number SIEBEN~
What is my brother Dayne's full name?
a. Dayne Dane McClurg
b. Dayne Franklin McClurg
c. Dayne Oscar McClurg
d. Dayne William McClurg
e. Dayne Fairy McClurg

Question number ACHT~
Tell me what you think about me?
a. I buy my own diamonds and I buy my own rings
b. I am questionable
c. I am a monster
d. Frog
e. ____

Question number NEUN~
Have I ever had a crush on a Teacher?
a. No
b. Sometimes
c. Maybe
d. Possibly
e. Cheese Please!

Question number ZEHN~
Am I funny?
a. At times
b. Rarely
c. Never
d. Occasionally
e. ______
f. All of the above

thank you for taking my quiz... you can comment or email me the answers and I will let you know your score! Good luck and Godspeed!

current mood: amused
current music: cha cha boom... so besame, besame MUCHO

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Saturday, January 12th, 2002
9:30 pm - GEORDIE!!
G, will you please call me or at least make your phone unbusy!!!!!

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Sunday, January 6th, 2002
3:49 pm - Ummm Yeah... that'd be great!
What up?!?! Yea, I know I'm cool, I decided to write a random yet long awaited new LJ entry. I know you all have had Maleeah withdrawls- no need to tell me. Yea, Michelle's party was fun to the nth degree. Michelle looked good!!! As did all. But seriously, yeah... Good times. V, Brandon, and I stayed up to like 5:30am talking and then V and I snuck into Michelle's room with the stelth of an elephant. WE stepped on like 3 people and giggled the whole way. We were freezing at first in Shell's bed so we decided to make FRICTION. Hahaha, that warmed us up! Then brandon came in and scared the living B-Jesus out of us. Good lord it was scary. Thank god he was wearing a white shirt so I thought I saw him, but it was really the wall. Haha, good times. Ite, I am going now. Tomorrow is school. Hardcore suckage. Ah well, seeing a certain sexy someone (Vanessa knows who... cooking, swiming, la mesa, showers...) yea, hella cool. whoa, I sound like Brandon and his Northern Cali ways! Word. There we go! ite, catch you on the flip flop belly flop give the frog a loan.

current mood: blah
current music: Look at the stars, look how they shine for you...

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Thursday, December 6th, 2001
11:27 pm
Hey whore, I changed your user pic.

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Sunday, December 2nd, 2001
12:30 pm - Let's ride, Let's ride, Let's ride, Let's ride... Hip Hop... Hip hop...
I'm so excited, I just can't hide it... I finished my essay for english. Sure I have a million other things to do, but I'm still proud o' myself. On a more somber note, I just broke my really cool pencil DAMMIT! Ummm... yea, some o' the kids came over last night- good times- we watched the Grinch with Darian to get in the holiday spirit. I love christmas and Chani and I talked last night and I showed her my second gradetalent show= VEry personal. It is a sensitive subject and she just laughed. OUCH! haha, Im secure enough in my manhood... er... womanhood to be okay- after 7 entensive hours of therapy. A Lot happened this weekend... I got a card from Jimmy Dean that was really made by my mom, talked to Bartno, got closure from Marty, made vanessa frustrated, dated geordie, and slept, talked to susan who saw david ray who looks like jared, watched the grinch, went to sleep at like three, had girl talk with brady, watched three soccer games, made jared come to bradys soccer game too, and ate. THE END. Merry Chirstmas to all and to all a good night.

current mood: mellow
current music: Shes so hiiiiieiiigh high above me... shes so lovely

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Wednesday, November 28th, 2001
5:37 pm - What is the world coming to?
First off, Geo and I are cool, or so we play it off- mohahahaha! Nice. He bought our bids today for WF, yea, I love them old fashion ways- at times. David came over and left me a not on my door. That was cool and unexpected. Good times! Umm, Darian is in her Catholic School Uniform on and is singing, "Oops, I did it again, I played with MY heart, got lost in the game, oh baby baby... oops, you think im above, that im sent from aboooove, IM NOT THAT INNOCENT!" How ironic, and arousing! Yea, she sings some of the words wrong! Hasnt fallen far from the tree. Thats what I like to see. N-E-WAY! Now she is going poopie! sweet. Yes, Poop on Britney Spears. Hahaha! Now she s asking me questions... What is the opposite of up? down. What is your middle name? Bethany. What color is the sky? Purple. What? NO! whispers... blue! oh right, Blue. oK, enough o' our dialogue. On other Not Rocing issues, Ummm... i thought dellas hated me like no otha, but we were cool today! I mean, sure we fought like cats and dogs or like vanessa says brothers and sisters (who like eachother) INCEST IS BEST, PUT YOUR BROTHER TO THE TEST.
"Red, Red, R-E-D!"
"Orange orange, O-R-A-N-GGGGGGGG-E!"
"Gray, gray, G-R-A-Y!"
"Purple, Purple, P-U-R-P-L-E!"
"Yellow, Yellow, Y-E-L-L-OOOOOO-W!"
What a freak! It's cool though, she is practicing spelling her colors- at the top of her lungs. *clapping! she made me clap! Yikes. What a bossy the cow. I love her. I printed two rather cool pictures of her today in photo. Good work twins! Ite, and im done... I need to go work on some shit. Not literally, that would just be awkward. Okay, Run down of position with friends... yea, this is random: Hopefully in alphabetical order, but I don't know my alphabet...

Brady- He's on Varsity! That rocks like no otha! Seriously, and I'm dedicated to boys soccer this year and go to their games. Brady is a stud in the back (for soccer you sick folk)! He thought he played like crap, but he rocks. For reals. You can pass like a champ! Way to see the field! NICE.

Chani- Damn, how cool is that kid? Damn cool. I'm nervous for her for tomorrow and I hope I can go.

AHHH, Darian just splashed me with water!! GOD DAMMIT!

Anyway, back to Chani... yea, damn that girl is black and wonderful! I love her like no otha! Wez be snug like bugs in a rug and are going shopping for WF dresses this weekend. Yea, nothing like leaving things till the last minute- but I have two back up dresses, so its all cool.

A, B, C, DELLAS- Yea, I dont know why I'm writing about him, but its all cool. He's a cute kid and NO I DONT LIKE HIM ANYMORE, its more of an i like to annoy him and get under his skin... oh, that sounds oddly sentual!

A,B,C,D,E,F,Geordie- alright could you handle anymore crap from me? I dont think its possible and ive put him through hell and back! a lovely vacationing program... hahaha... awww, hes a great kid... no joke. i mean come on, who else loves singing in the rain, wearing speedos, and the fellowship of the rings? honestly

A,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,jared!- damn that mormon. cute kid like no other. yea, hes hot and hes way cool and is just like krank about everything. i love it! especially cause he laughs at my jokes. rock on! im running out of time, so onward ho!

a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,michelle- shes a whore, rocks at soccer, and is funny cause she talks about poop and flatulance! haha. good times and she has a kick ass laugh- i love it! shes just awesome, i copy her homework and eat her lunch, but thats not all shes good for... she likes it up the butt.... hahha!

a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,sUSAN- she is violent, but i love her touchy feeliness, im usually not like touchifeely, but i love it from her. she makes me happy! shes comfy and has a kick ass personality. plus, i like her new earring things! nice like sugar.

i gotta speed this up... vanessa is all thats left i hope? nope, Gorbash, ill get to you next time okay honey

Vanessa- yea we are fixing thing slowly but shirly and its lovely to have her back in my life even though she faints like a retard... plus, who cant love the rituals! honestly thats grand

one more... J.Crew boy- i wanna hump you!!

current mood: devious
current music: Britney Spears- OOps i did it again

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Monday, November 26th, 2001
7:36 pm - Cool like lemon juice
vanessa just brought it to my attention that i posted my last entry three times. yikes! i was having trouble with LJ... sure sure! you know i just thought it was so good that y'all would wanna read it three times! whoo! anyway, just a brief note. :) maybe ill post this three times!

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7:17 pm - Break me off a piece o' dat KIT KAT BAR
Ah! I am researching Serial Killers and abnormal psychology and i am upstairs and its dark and i hear noises and im home alone! needless to say, im scared out o' my wits! aside from soiling my pants a few times at the sound of a creak- im good to go. im being a good girl and starting a paper that is due on friday! true true, ive had this assignment for like a month, but need you rain on my parade? N-E-WAY! i hope i cleared things up with a certain black whore. coughCHANIcough. Not that things were every really that murky, but whatever. its damn cold in my house, but i just got a mink blanket that my brother darren sent to me when he was overseas! OMG! it is so heavy and fuzzy and warm. chani, you are going to love my bed even more- you have no idea. you'll have to spend the night some time this weekend n' find out for yourself how sentual... i mean, comfy it is. haha, just joshin. geo- i love how you are so excited (whoa, abrupt change o topic) about winter formal! you are giddy as a little girl! do you care that i cant dance? sweet. im a horrid dancer. im pretty stoked too though- we are goin to make one hot/cute couple- you know, cause im in it. haha, just joshin. you're like 12% of the cutes, im more like a 88%! (does that even add up to 100?) im just joshin, you're a cute kid. and we will be hotter than the following secretly named people: V. Cooper/J.Tidwell; C. Mooring/J. Johnson... no that is too obvious... Vanessa C./Jordan T.; Chani M./Jared J. Haha, im so just kidding, you all are gorgeous. You know you're gorgeous! what can i say? i have hot hot hot friends: Chani, Shell, Vanessa, Susan, Geo, Jared, Brady, Dellas *even though he doesnt ROC anymore...and who ever else reads this damn pointless thing. YOURE ALL BEAUTIFUL. the beautiful people, the beautiful people (crazy MM voice) ite, enough rambling. im goin now do do some o my other homework. yea, im cool... er comfy. FYI (flamingos yack incessantly):Im really glad to be back, i had the most amazing vacation- learned so much- had great experiences- loved it to death, maybe some day ill tell you all about it... but i missed you all! one, two three... uno dos tres... ein zwei drei... AWWWW!!! i know i know- so cute. okay, i didnt miss you that much. hahaha. ENOUGH. and im spent

current mood: productive
current music: MYSTERIOUS WAYS- U2 (martys favorite song!!)

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7:16 pm - Break me off a piece o' dat KIT KAT BAR
Ah! I am researching Serial Killers and abnormal psychology and i am upstairs and its dark and i hear noises and im home alone! needless to say, im scared out o' my wits! aside from soiling my pants a few times at the sound of a creak- im good to go. im being a good girl and starting a paper that is due on friday! true true, ive had this assignment for like a month, but need you rain on my parade? N-E-WAY! i hope i cleared things up with a certain black whore. coughCHANIcough. Not that things were every really that merky, but whatever. its damn cold in my house, but i just got a mink blanket that my brother darren sent to me when he was overseas! OMG! it is so heavy and fuzzy and warm. chani, you are going to love my bed even more- you have no idea. you'll have to spend the night some time this weekend n' find out for yourself how sentual... i mean, comfy it is. haha, just joshin. geo- i love how you are so excited (whoa, abrupt change o topic) about winter formal! you are giddy as a little girl! do you care that i cant dance? sweet. im a horrid dancer. im pretty stoked too though- we are goin to make one hot/cute couple- you know, cause im in it. haha, just joshin. you're like 12% of the cutes, im more like a 88%! (does that even add up to 100?) im just joshin, you're a cute kid. and we will be hotter than the following secretly named people: V. Cooper/J.Tidwell; C. Mooring/J. Johnson... no that is too obvious... Vanessa C./Jordan T.; Chani M./Jared J. Haha, im so just kidding, you all are gorgeous. You know you're gorgeous! what can i say? i have hot hot hot friends: Chani, Shell, Vanessa, Susan, Geo, Jared, Brady, Dellas *eventhough he doesnt ROC anymore...and who ever else reads this damn pointless thing. YOURE ALL BEAUTIFUL. the beautiul people, the beautiful people (crazy MM voice) ite, enough rambling. im goin now do do some o my other homework. yea, im cool... er comfy. FYI (flamingos yack incessantly):Im really glad to be back, i had the most amazing vacation- learned so much- had great experiences- loved it to death, maybe some day ill tell you all about it... but i missed you all! one, two three... uno dos tres... ein zwei drei... AWWWW!!! i know i know- so cute. okay, i didnt miss you that much. hahaha. ENOUGH. and im spent

current mood: productive
current music: MYSTERIOUS WAYS- U2 (martys favorite song!!)

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7:16 pm - Break me off a piece o' dat KIT KAT BAR
Ah! I am researching Serial Killers and abnormal psychology and i am upstairs and its dark and i hear noises and im home alone! needless to say, im scared out o' my wits! aside from soiling my pants a few times at the sound of a creak- im good to go. im being a good girl and starting a paper that is due on friday! true true, ive had this assignment for like a month, but need you rain on my parade? N-E-WAY! i hope i cleared things up with a certain black whore. coughCHANIcough. Not that things were every really that murky, but whatever. its damn cold in my house, but i just got a mink blanket that my brother darren sent to me when he was overseas! OMG! it is so heavy and fuzzy and warm. chani, you are going to love my bed even more- you have no idea. you'll have to spend the night some time this weekend n' find out for yourself how sentual... i mean, comfy it is. haha, just joshin. geo- i love how you are so excited (whoa, abrupt change o topic) about winter formal! you are giddy as a little girl! do you care that i cant dance? sweet. im a horrid dancer. im pretty stoked too though- we are goin to make one hot/cute couple- you know, cause im in it. haha, just joshin. you're like 12% of the cutes, im more like a 88%! (does that even add up to 100?) im just joshin, you're a cute kid. and we will be hotter than the following secretly named people: V. Cooper/J.Tidwell; C. Mooring/J. Johnson... no that is too obvious... Vanessa C./Jordan T.; Chani M./Jared J. Haha, im so just kidding, you all are gorgeous. You know you're gorgeous! what can i say? i have hot hot hot friends: Chani, Shell, Vanessa, Susan, Geo, Jared, Brady, Dellas *even though he doesnt ROC anymore...and who ever else reads this damn pointless thing. YOURE ALL BEAUTIFUL. the beautiful people, the beautiful people (crazy MM voice) ite, enough rambling. im goin now do do some o my other homework. yea, im cool... er comfy. FYI (flamingos yack incessantly):Im really glad to be back, i had the most amazing vacation- learned so much- had great experiences- loved it to death, maybe some day ill tell you all about it... but i missed you all! one, two three... uno dos tres... ein zwei drei... AWWWW!!! i know i know- so cute. okay, i didnt miss you that much. hahaha. ENOUGH. and im spent

current mood: productive
current music: MYSTERIOUS WAYS- U2 (martys favorite song!!)

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Monday, November 19th, 2001
7:32 pm - Live Journal is the Root (Mr.) of all evil...
I should be studying. oh well, break time! hahaha! 10 min break, 20 minute break, 2 hour nap- its all the same. talked to geordie. not going to wear my jersey to WF... i believe i can pry my body out of it for one night. Oh, kinky. seriously, i have more heart than that- dispite popular belief. umm.. today was a rather ho-hum day. nothing ventured, nothing lost. Ooh, look at that parallelism! damn, im good. anyway, about today being mediocre... not too challening school wise. Root wanted to hump me in my super cool jersey. oh yes, oh yes! who didnt? joke. anyway, umm... yea, tomorrow is going to suck. vanessa might come over... and the awkwardness would be present, but we are doing Life, MAN! homework & watching Saturday Night Live. things are unsteady. Rock the boat, dont rock the boat baby... rock the boat, dont tip the boat over... blah! chani rocks like no otha. seriously! i love her ethnicity. :)

current mood: cold
current music: I try- Macy Gray

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7:15 pm - Live Journal is the Root (Mr.) of all evil...
I should be studying. oh well, break time! hahaha! 10 min break, 20 minute break, 2 hour nap- its all the same. talked to geordie. not going to wear my jersey to WF... i believe i can pry my body out of it for one night. Oh, kinky. seriously, i have more heart than that- dispite popular belief. umm.. today was a rather ho-hum day. nothing ventured, nothing lost. Ooh, look at that parallelism! damn, im good. anyway, about today being mediocre... not too challening school wise. Root wanted to hump me in my super cool jersey. oh yes, oh yes! who didnt? joke. anyway, umm... yea, tomorrow is going to suck. vanessa might come over... and the awkwardness would be present, but we are doing Life, MAN! homework & watching Saturday Night Live. things are unsteady. Rock the boat, dont rock the boat baby... rock the boat, dont tip the boat over... blah! chani rocks like no otha. seriously! i love her ethnicity. :)

current mood: cold
current music: I try- Macy Gray

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