Last night, was THE VALENTINE DANCE. The one that me and Amy has been planning for last 3 weeks, along with Joy, Irina, Sarah, and Jessie. IT WENT AWESOME!!! I had THE BEST TIME at the dinner, which was AT THE APARTMENT. Here's the deal:
Me and Amy came up with this plan to surprise the guys by cooking them dinner. Where were we gonna do this at? the apartment!!! We knew that they'd be so happy and thrilled the moment they walk in the room (which they were.. more than surprised!). SO. Us girls told the guys that we wanna "get ready" at the apartment, since it's a girl thing and girls always like to do that. At first, we had difficulties getting teddy and aaron to agree to get out of the apartment at 5:00, after some time of negotiation, the wish was granted. We told the guys to chill at AJ's or Chad's until we call them and tell them that we were "ready". The guys thought that we were gonna go to Olive Garden for dinner since that's what we told them, and they totally bought it!!! So while they were gone, Me and Amy cleaned the place and moved the computer desk. I know it sounds really easy, but if YOU've seen their apartment before... yeah, IT'S NOT. The place was a MESS, and it took us A WHILE to clean taht place up and move things around. Our original plan was : 4:45 Teddy come pick Amy and shizuka up 5:00 Guys are outta house. 5:15 Joy/Irina get to teh apartment with tables, chairs, and food Jessie get there with the baloons and the rest of the chairs.
BUT, Teddy's car randamly broke, so when Aaron got his mom's car and came to pick us up, it was already 5:00. SO, we had to call EVERYBODY including the other guys, and tell them what's going on, told the rest of the girls that our plan was gonna be delayed for now, so stay put. We get there, kick the guys outta house, and start calling the girls, and told them to GET TO THE APARTMENT ASAP. We were on the tight schedule already, and now we were behind more. PLUS, on the way to the apartment, Joy's mom got lost so the table didn't get there till little later, and when it did, it was too small so we borrowed one from Joy's sister. Jessie's sister dropped Jessie off at a great timing, so we just had her go get the tables along w/Jessie and Joy. So, Irina's cooking, me and amy's settin the table. We realize we need salt, corkscrew, and somethin else... (i forgot). So we call jessie's cell. had them bring that over from joy's sister's house. NOW, FINALLY, we have everything we need. BUT... I didn't see the cat anywhere (they have a cat named Luna). I told the girls, and we looked for the cat EVERYWHERE but couldn't find her. We thought we were in a DEEP SHIT until i saw her by the window. I could've killed her!!! Now the tables were set, half the food was done, so all the girls had to do was to get ready! So we were. Then we hear people banging on the door. THE GUYS. They thought the reservation was at 7:30. It's 7:15, and they wanna know what the hell's taking us long. They're kinda mad, bored, etc etc. We tell them to come back in half an hour. We get ready QUICKLY. Irina's still cooking, not ready. So, we send Irina up to get ready, while shizuka stirs the pasta, not knowing what to do. 20 min. later, the guys again, start bangin on the door. We weren't quite ready, but we were like what the hell, they can wait 2 more min. and we'll be done. So we were. Everything was good, the candles, dress, everything. THe guys come thru the kicthcn door, and tries to yell at us, but looks at the table, how the room is cleaned, and THEY'RE SPEECHLESS. They're mouth were wiiide open, along with their eyes, and they didn't know what the hell happened for a second. We told them the dinner was at the apartment, THEY WERE SURPRISED!! THEY HAD NO CLUE!! All the trouble that all of us went thru for the last 3 weeks were all worth it, as soon as I saw the guys' faces =) SO, the past three weeks, if I've been really bitchy and tense to anyone, I apologize. I wanted this to work so bad, but nothing was goin right, including the fact that we couldn't find tables until week before the dance, and randam people, adding randam people to our guest list, to all these SHIT HAPPENING EVERYTIME I TRY TO SOLVE ONE PROBLEM. So, that's it. This is why. But now it's over, so hopefully, I'll be more calm, and... UNbitchy now =)
All that matters now, is the fact that WE made it work, even though it was literally IMPOSSIBLE, we thought, to finish this. We almost gave up couple of times, but we stuck to it, and WE made it work. WE did it. I HAD A GREAT WEEKEND =)