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Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in A y c a's LiveJournal:

    Sunday, May 20th, 2001
    12:34 am
    Monday, April 23rd, 2001
    3:47 pm
    dancing cows
    hmm...the space man is looking at me with imploring eyes...what a martians really exist?...if so...i want to date one...

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: i dont get it
    Sunday, April 22nd, 2001
    8:10 am
    madness swells in the own mind
    people look at things as possessions. this is mine that's mine. nothing is anybodys. we're all going to die and nothing will be anybodys. i want to sail away in a yellow space ship. the miserable life i lead will never account to anything. society can send me off to space. i'll go live with the red mountains and galactic fever seas. im bored as hell and have nothing else to do with my time...
    5:21 am
    chicken in basket staring at me
    i dont like yellow chickens staring at me. they scare the living wholesome life out of me. there was this chicken staring at me. drilling holes in my pathetic head with it's beady eyes. my little cousin is next to me. she needs psychological help. weirdo...
    Thursday, April 19th, 2001
    3:42 am
    scornful hate
    it's 3:43. I hate this guy on my bus. I want to choke him, cut him up, and leave his behinds for scornful starving dogs to eat. On the bus he sits across from my occupied seat. He streches his hairy legs out and puts one of his 2 feet on my fucking seat. Then he starts whistling and he stares at me. I hate people who dont get the coming and keep staring at you. Damn pigs...i have to go running...
    Tuesday, April 17th, 2001
    5:17 am
    sleep the plenty---great
    School is such a dull endurance to express a person's creativity. School yanks the feeling at of me and tells me "Work Work Work. You wont make it in life. You'll crash and burn and become a bum for all your miserable uneducated life."
    Did I tell you? I threw a desk at one of my dreaded teachers once. I got expelled and had to leave the undesirable premises for a while.
    I ate an apple and slept all day yesterday. I have nothing to say... I need to get a life...
    Saturday, April 14th, 2001
    1:49 pm
    life in this sadist rotating globe
    Dreaming, fantasizing, whatever this world and it's lucious vocabulary and vast halls of dreary dictionaries call it, is what i do with most of my free malleable time. I'll admit it, I'm not worth looking through with adoring eyes. Im a cynical sarcastic bitch who hallucinates with most of her time.
    I love looking around me and wondering what the hell I'm doing here. I see traces fo people i couldnt imagine was there. The only reason i listen to music is because i get lost in my own fanatical reveries. Music is a line of hope to overlook the day i come to reality.
    I'll give out a secret. I'm a dubious soul. I dont fit in with much of present day society and the boundless infinite population. I dream all day and i don't make much action.
    I don't think anyone really feels they fit into any various group of mankind.
    We all feel we're individuals. Now that's one thing about me. I'm the similarity.
    This world is a spinning circle. I'm not that great or very interested in astronomy but i know that we're glued on this grassy surface like bugs stuck and dying on a sticky poison sheet. We can't get off this undesirable land of unity. We're spinning and spinning and dont know what or why we are here.
    So we claim we're individuals! Individuals who aren't stuck to the sticky poison sheet.
    I should be a philosopher. I dont think anyone would want to buy a copy of "Hell on Earth" by Ayca ______. Nor any of those marshy hopeless stands of love stories by brokenhearted psychotics who live on unknown islands in cabins hiding from the terrroristic world and selling copies of their "Sensual Trojan Horse" on shoprite stands.
    Har Har. I'd do better. Way better. I'd sell my copies to the unknown Barnes and Nobleof social workers, coffee mixers, and scholars all aoming to pile upon stacks and stacks of international books to the planetary needs of society!
    One of them, best selling copy, "HELL ON EARTH."
    Ooo yeah. It gives me the tingles just thinking about it. I should be more friendly to people at this rate.