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What a nice day [16 Mar 2002|09:51pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Darude - "Sandstorm" ]

Today has been one wonderful day!

My aunt that lives near by called and asked me if I wanted to go out together with her!!! Her husband (well, technically her boyfriend, but he's practically a husband) drove. He's so nice!!!! Nice man. hehe, at times, my aunt even said that he's so better than her ex husband. hehehe. I can't write details because I'm pushing for time! But, here's what we did:

Went to Asian grocery store, went to eat dinner at nice Chinese restaurant (delicious food!), went to 99 grocery store. We went to Rowland High, and I've actually been there before!! When I was visiting UCR last year, afterwards my brother drove there! Then we stopped by my aunt's shop. Then to see her house. Then I gave her a little tour of my dorm hall. I loooooooooove my relatives! *sniff* they're so kind!

Okay, I think I'm ready to attack studying for finals now. Grrh, still haven't done laundry, but not to worry! Got plenty of clothes and girlie pants to suffocate myself with!

Soooo, I don't think I'll be updating much for the next few days because of finals. Need to keep my hands off the keyboard. hehe. Unless though, there's some major event that will happen in my life...I'll update then! :p Wish me luck! eeek!

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Who would have knew letters related to personalities [14 Mar 2002|03:37pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Savage Garden - "Insatiation" ]

So which letter of the alphabet matches YOUR personality, huh?

How interesting.

I just came back from the gym. Did a whole buncha sit ups. I'm so proud of myself! hehee. Bleh, I didn't even finish chapter 11 of physics. :( Bad me. Cindy asked me to help her on her CS program. I planned to use my night for some physics, but after helping Cindy, I didn't feel like it anymore.

I slept close to 10 hours last night!!! Hehe. I had several dreams, and my roommate woke me up like twice. Then my dad called since I emailed him about my stolen bike. He suggested to get a new bike!!! ^_^ I'd be willing to pay for it, but now I feel like buying a damn used bike. OR, I can visit the other dorms and check out their bikes to see if my bike is there. If it is, then I'm getting my damn freaken bike back. I kinda woke my roommate up when my dad called. hehe. Oh well, she woke me up twice. I guess she was REAL loud, but that's because she woke up pretty late.

So I had a dream that I kissed this stranger that supposedly lived at my dorms. Yet the dorms looked totally different than what it is in real life. Ooh, it was a nice long kiss. No tongue. hehehe. Tongue is okay, but I prefer the soft kiss type. Jimmy says people have told him that he's a good kisser, a soft kisser. heheheheheeh. *giggling* Yup, and I had a dream about going shopping. This short girl that I don't like in my dorm hall was following me and my friends around the shopping mall nagging us or something. I minded my own business at first but then I think I yelled at her. hehe. Then somehow I guess I got home and saw my best friend. Only home was differet; seemed like a different city. My best friend was upset at me because I guess I didn't give her my necklace or something. Blah, then we got all excited because we agreed upon going shopping together at the state line! wee! hehe.

Good news: Jimmy is 90% sure about visiting me next Thursday. Since my roommate is leaving the dorms on Friday, I suggested he stay over on Friday night and take me home on Saturday morning. He has class early Thursday morning, and his group decided to stay after that class to work on a project. Sooo...that means he might have to stay at school longer than he thought. However, he says he's going to try to get out of the meeting by working by himself on part of the project. If it doesn't work out, maybe I can ask my parents to pick me up. I can tell them that my last final exam is on Friday, and my roommate had to go home early on that day. hehe. I hope it works out! I'm already excited about seeing Jimmybear!

Okay, my microwaved food has been done in the microwave for about 15 minutes already. I got caught up in this thing. hehe.

One more thing, I haven't mentioned Yung for a long time, so it feels like. His relationship isn't going well. What a surprise. He was so happy. Bleh.
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Wee! [12 Mar 2002|09:18pm]
[ mood | busy ]

Wee! Okie...

So much work to do! For the rest of tonight I've got an essay to write. I'm still thinking about attending physics lecture tomorrow. I think I will because I doubt that I'll finish my English essay tonight. I better be awake tomorrow to finish up my essay. Okay, I need to like plan my schedule out(I sure hope I go with this schedule!):

Now: Work on essay.
2 a.m.: Bed time.

9a.m.-1p.m.: Finish essay
2 p.m.: Finish chapter 11 physics and start on chapter 12

Morning: gym
Afternoon & Evening: Finish ch. 12 physics. Study for physics final.

Friday & Saturday: Study physics final/ start on Calculus studies.

Morning: gym
Afternoon & Evening: Study physics final/ start on Calculus studies.
11 p.m.: BED TIME!

After physics final: Calculus studies/SLEEP!

Morning: Gym
Afternoon/Evening: Study Calculus

Wednesday: Calculus studies
Afternoon: Take calc final
Night: get ready for Jimmy's arrival/Sleep

Thursday & Friday: SEE JIMMY! yay! Party my ass off!!

Go home on Friday? Saturday? Spring Break hell yah!!

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My bike was stolen!!!!!! [12 Mar 2002|04:04pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]

SOME DAMN FUCKER STOLE MY BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arrrrrrggggggggh! I'm so pissed! OH MY GOD!! They cut my lock and it's still there dangling on the bike rack!!!!! *sigh*

You know, I'm wondering if I'll ever see the person who'll be riding that bike. I feel so pissed that I think I might yank that person off his bike. Hmm, I can get sued for that. Grrrrrh! But whatever, I'm going to stop that person and get my fucken bike back. If my bike is locked in place, I'm going to wait there until that asshole comes back, and I'm going to confront them. My dad engraved his name underneath one of the metal plates on that bike. So I'll be sure to screw the damn person over. May he go burn in the deepest pit of bloody hell.

Sigh, I'm gonnna have to walk!!! Not that I'm that lazy, but my dad paid like $150 for that bike!! I have to email him and tell him. :(

>:( I hope that person gets fucked by a car on my bike.

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[11 Mar 2002|09:40pm]
[ mood | Bloated ]

I dozed off for half an hour with my stuffed bunny I named after Cindy. I feel reluctant to do physics homework. I have about 3 more problems along with several more sections to read.

And food seems to be digesting awefully slow in my tummy. I hate 1.5 hours ago, and I still feel full. Maybe those sit ups are actually working after all.

Cindy suggest that I have Jimmy stay at the dorm, either in my room or in the lounge where I get to sleep with him. I would let him sleep with me on my bed, but I think it would be awkward since this will be our first time seeing each other. I think I'll ask him again.

My roommate asked what I was going to do this spring break. I said, shopping with Jimmy, shopping with my best friend, shopping with my mommy, and out with my close friends as a get-together. My roommate said she wants to get out somewhere and have a road trip over spring break. I, being nice, asked her if she wants me to go with her. All of a sudden, she has invited herself to my group of close friends. I wish she knew that she's not a part of our group/circle. She's just an acquaintance. I sometimes feel sorry for her because she doesn't seem to make close connections with people. I mean, I don't feel close to her even when I'm getting along with her. However, she assumes that she's a close friend when she's not. She's like the opposite of Joey. Joey has VERY close friendships if I assume correctly. I mean, my relationship with my best friend is entirely deep compared to my relationship with my roommate. Is it just me?

Okay, enough blabblings. Jimmybear isn't online. :( hehe. I'm still excited to see him! 1.4286 weeks until I see him. hehe!

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[11 Mar 2002|02:08pm]
[ mood | tired ]

I feel so tired, so out of energy. It's like some energy sucking bug sucked it all out of me. My sleep wasn't that peaceful last night. I had to wake up at 8 a.m. to register for my classes and after an hour, I finished. Then I went to bed. 10 a.m. my roommate comes in and woke me up. The next thing I know, it's 12:15 p.m., and I need to wake up. Now, I'm feeling so tired. Could it be the food I ate? Or is it that I slept only 6 hours yesterday and also woke up several times this morning in my sleep.

I had like two dreams of Jimmy! Yah, first dream, I dreamt of him finally visiting. I wanted to wash my top bed blanket since he was coming. I like things to look clean and fresh when I have visitors, espcially one who's going to drive 8 hours to see me. Well, I deamt that he was waiting for me in some library on campus that I didn't know of. Somehow though, we got to meet, and he wasn't Asian! Hehe, Jimmy turned into some other guy. This guy was shorter than I, and he was Hispanic. Kind of muscular and had wavy hair. Sheesh. And when I went online and logged onto AIM, Jimmy said hi. hehe. Weird dream.

The second dream was probably 30 seconds long. I dreamt that Jimmy was being silly and cute. I don't remember how, but I just smiled at him. Then my alarm clock went off, and I thought, "ALREADY?!!" I hate sleep, I hate it with passion because I need it so much, and the fact that I can't over come it even by cutting a few hours short.

Bleh. Well, I'm thinking about ideas about how to spend time with Jimmy when he gets here. Maybe we'll just spend time together and relax on Thursday since he'll be out of it after his 8 hour drive. Then on Friday, we can like go shopping and have some fun outside. Yup. So we're thinking about rented movies. Hehe.

I'm so tired. My tummy is feeling uneasy. I think a tummy ache is coming. :\

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[10 Mar 2002|10:56pm]
[ mood | full ]
[ music | "Message" - Mary J. B. ]

Still gotta choose which classes I want to register for.

Been wasting time modifying my journal. I was going for something blue but became satisfied with red instead. Looks nice. I was sick of the pink/mauve color.

Still gotta do some physics homework. I should stop procrastinating and making up excuses.

I think maybe I'll go to sleep at a decent time tonight and wake up to a productive day.

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[10 Mar 2002|07:49pm]
[ mood | angry ]

*sigh* Am I getting some moody mood swings or something? I'm serious. I feel angry inside. And when I do get so angry, I start crying. It started with Mike. I don't know, sometimes I feel like he doesn't see me as...beautiful. It just reminds me of how my ex made me felt. To kind of think of it, some Asian guys are bastards. I don't know why I prefer them over other races. I was simply chatting to Mike. I was going to tell him about how Jimmy is going to visit me. But I suddenly lost my appetite to tell him. I told him that I was full since I just came back from dinner. Sigh, then he told me not to lay down or sit, blah blah. Fuck that. He thinks I'm fat. I see how it is. All my life, when I was a little girl, relatives say I should donate meat. Some people can be so insensitive at times and full of dog shit. Some should just shove it up all their damn bitchy asses.

Or is it just me? Is it all in my little world? Sometimes I just break down, yet I think I'm perfectly healthy. But I'm really not. I can't wait until freshman year is over. And I don't think I want Mike visiting even if he says he can't be visiting me anytime soon. I think maybe I'll just think less of him. And eventually, he'll be out from my little social world. I don't think I want someone like him to be a friend of mine anymore. Sure, he's funny and nice. But sometimes, friendship goes a lot deeper than that, and he's just not cut out for it. He's just the typical guy. Nothing really special about him.

I wait for the day when a man can make me forget and make me feel like a queen. That person will capture my heart and I hope I can capture his heart too.

I'm actually okay I guess. Maybe I've got a lot of frustration inside and once a week I have this mood swing. I sure am a sensitive person. How would Mike know that he was upsetting me? However, I've read those same words that made me feel so insecure before. I'm sorry but a friend doesn't make me feel down like this. *sigh...

And as for Lia, it seems like she doesn't really care. I'll write to her about what's going on in my life, and when she writes back, it's all about her this and her that. Am I just selfish or something? Or is she actually trying to avoid all that I tell her? I don't get it. I read the first three paragraphs she emailed me. Then I just read the first sentence of each paragraph after that. It was all about "me" this and "me" that. It's not all about telling your friends what's going on. Letters are suppose to give feedback to what the other person wrote too. I wouldn't give a shit about what's going on in your life if you seem like you don't even acknowlege mine. Or is it that she just has too much to write and doesn't really want to give feedback.

Well, at least she didn't send the same email to 2 other of our friends.

All this meeting friends online is getting old. I knew that my good online friends were going to go away after we meet sometime. Mike's starting to be a pain in the ass. Joseph is too busy. I can understand it, but I guess I need attention from him since I give so much attention to him. They are all drifting off and away. Well, can I blame? I guess not. They live more than an hour away. I shouldn't expect so much from people I guess. Though, I wasn't expecting Mike and Joseph to stay long. I give too much attention to Joey. I shouldn't do that. And I guess I'm expecting too much from Mike because somehow as you can see, I was dissatisfied with him. I guess I thought he was a good guy, someone who knows common sense. Someone who's not shallow. I guess all people can be shallow. I'm even shallow myself I guess. Human beings are disgusting.

I think I'll take a break for now. And my next entry will be much more positive. It's kind of pathetic though. My only friend is a journal. My best friend is 45 mins away and I have no car or phone. I bascially have no one to talk to except this journal. I guess writing can help vent out frustrations. Though, there's a much greater difference when writing in a journal compared to talking to a best friend.

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bleh [10 Mar 2002|02:46pm]
[ mood | hesitant ]

Gonna go to the gym, but feel so lazy! It's almost 3 and I feel like it's too late to go. I woke up around 1:30 for sake, how'd I end up at 3?! Well, I was helping my roommate with her math....yeah, that was it. Damn math! I wish people could understand it from the book like me and get over it. hehe. =P

Blahblahblah, I wish Jimmy was online. ^_^ I'm sooo excited! Can't wait to see him. My Jimmybear! hehe. *sigh* everyone wants to fall in love. Okay, let's go to the gym before I think too much again...

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Feelings for him? [09 Mar 2002|02:25am]
[ mood | contemplative ]

Jimmybear has another nick name: Pookie bear. hehe.

I think I'm falling for Jimmy. He kinda intrigued me today. It's set that we are going to meet on the Thursday before spring break. He's going to see me from Thursday afternoon to either Friday sometime or Saturday morning. Things are getting more realistic...

But I'll talk about this another time. Gotta go get ready for bed.

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Cindy left her cute cow when she went home [09 Mar 2002|02:22am]
[ mood | hehe! ]

JhoneysweetB: do you leave your cute cow in the dorm too?
JhoneysweetB: shame on you!
JhoneysweetB: hehe
JhoneysweetB: lemme here, I babysit. hehe
AtHeNa3818: hahaha
JhoneysweetB: heheh
AtHeNa3818: no you spoil toys too much
AtHeNa3818: hahahaha
JhoneysweetB: hehehehe but but but, love is good.
AtHeNa3818: i want it to remember...THAT I'M THE OWNER
AtHeNa3818: hahahaha
JhoneysweetB: hahaaha
AtHeNa3818: hey!
JhoneysweetB: it's going to miss aunt Judy

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hehe, cute moment [08 Mar 2002|06:33pm]
[ mood | giggly ]

JiminyXX signed on at 6:15:00 PM.
JiminyXX: hey :-)

Auto response from JhoneysweetB: :-P

JiminyXX: come back sweetie
JiminyXX: hehe
JiminyXX: I just got back
JhoneysweetB: hehe
JiminyXX: there you are :-)
JiminyXX: guess what?
JhoneysweetB: hehee
JiminyXX: I missed you :-D
JhoneysweetB: hehehe
JiminyXX: :-)
JiminyXX: I need to go take a shower so
JiminyXX: I'll be back soon
JhoneysweetB: hehe okie
JhoneysweetB: I might be at dinner soon
JiminyXX: ahh ok
JhoneysweetB: okie
JiminyXX: I'll talk to you later then *hugs* bye :-)
JhoneysweetB: bye bye pookie bear
JiminyXX: awww
JiminyXX: hehe
JiminyXX: so cute
JiminyXX: bye sweetie
JhoneysweetB: hehe

Hehe, how cute. hehe. *sigh*
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2 Times [06 Mar 2002|11:35pm]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | "2 Times" - Ann Lee ]


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Rubber ducky you make bath time lots of fun [06 Mar 2002|02:50pm]
Stolen from ngothewitch, hehe

Very cute, very pink, and very feminine. That's you.

Find your inner rubber ducky.

I'm sending this to Joey! hehe, I bet he would be a the cute little hungry ducky with a grumbly tummy! hehe
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A rainbow sent along with love from above [05 Mar 2002|12:59am]
[ mood | peaceful ]

Well, as you can see, I was a bit emotional this evening. But I'm doing pretty swell at the moment.

After I had a pretty good cry, my roommate and her boyfriend walked in. I think things between me and my roommate are actually going good. The other day, she wrote some post it notes to me and stuck them on the door. She wrote that she was going to be away, that she might not make it to dinner, that to call her on her cell if I need to, and that the beeping from the hallway is now occuring during the day time too. There was beeping for the past couple of nights in our hall. I thought it was just from someone's room. My roommate got all freaked out about it; she said it's a camera. Well, I found out that the beeping was from the fire escape door from the end of the hall. Whenever we hear a beep, a red light on the door flashed. My roommate swore that she only heard it during the day. hehe.

After a while when my roommate and her boyfriend left, my ex called me. I was calm and feeling relieved from the cry I had. We talked for maybe half an hour? I have no idea; I wasn't paying attention. He asked how I was doing, blah blah. Then he asked how much he owed me and if I wanted cash or check or money order. I said either cash or check. blah blah. He asked if I have any free time so that he can take me out to dinner. I said, "I don't know," "I'm not sure," and, "Maybe." I asked him why he wanted to take me out. He said he just wanted to spend time with talk and such. I don't really want to spend time with him or go to dinner with him. However, I don't really want to reject him either. He said that he will stay three feet away from me and that he won't touch me or anything. hehe. Blah blah, he talked more about stuff, such as his singing and dancing. He said that he moved. He moved with his family to some condo...I think he said that. He said it was something similar to my parents' house, which isn't no condo. He told me that he missed me and told me not to respond to just accept it. Somewhere in the conversation, he mumbled that he thinks that I missed him. In response, I asked him what he said, and he said nothing, nevermind. So then we hung up.

And I told Mike online right after about my conversation with my ex. Mike said that it would be my ex's problem if my ex thought that I was leading him on...that I missed him or loved him still. Mike said that it's not my fault that my ex loves me. blah blah. I liked Mike's comfort. hehe. Then we talked about hugging, which was the previous entry.

Then Jimmy came online. Had a fun chat. Hehe, he's pretty cute himself.

Then my dad called me. He asked me how to burn an audio CD with the songs that I've downloaded into Napster. Hehe. At that point, I was doing my physics homework and had limited time. But it was okay. After that, my dad put my mom on the phone. She asked if I needed anything and when I can go home. Blah blah, then I asked for my dad because I had to ask him what a transit routing number was since I had to pay for my health insurance. I think it was a pretty nice phone call.

When the physics homework was due, I didn't do as well as I liked to. However, I pretty much kind of understood the problems. I just didn't know why I didn't get the right answers.

I feel pretty good right now. And to think near 8 p.m. this evening, I was feeling so weak and down. It's weird how at times when I'm crying and feeling so melancholy inside, nice things start to occur. Not that my conversation with my ex was something wonderful, but my online conversations with Mike and Jimmy were really pleasant. I even talked to Ronnie. I told him about how my ex called me. He told me about how his ex tried to make him jealous, and how he just blew her off nicely. hehe. And the phone call from my parents was nice. And it was around 11:30 p.m. when my dad called too. It's a Monday night; he hardly calls on a Monday night. Add to this some peace and cheerfulness between myself and my roommate.

Could it be that after the rain of tears, the rainbow? Or is it that some One up there in Heaven loves me. Or there might be some angel looking after me. Life is actualy sweet. I hope I don't breakdown so easily and instead realize how blessed and wonderful my life is. =)

p.s. And then seraphim_muso leaves a comment to my sad entry to comfort me! That was really sweet. And I thought the call from my parents was going to be the last wonderful thing that happens before bedtime.

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Lubbable Huggable Mike [05 Mar 2002|12:41am]
[ mood | calm ]

Mike was being kinda protective and supportive when my ex called today, which I will explain in my next entry.

JhoneysweetB: I like the way Mike thinks.
JhoneysweetB: eeeeeeeeee *I'd give you a hug if I could*
JONwaa: hehe..
JONwaa: i'll take it if i'm there..
JONwaa: hehe.
JhoneysweetB: :-) my wonderful Mike. hehe
JhoneysweetB: you're skinny you know that?
JhoneysweetB: hehehehehee
JONwaa: am not
JhoneysweetB: when I hug you, I squeeze you tight because, yah know, Judy loves her mike. and you were like really squeezed up. you skinny thing. hehe.
JhoneysweetB: I try not to squeeze too hard next time, hehe.
JONwaa: hehe..
JONwaa: no i'm not
JhoneysweetB: hehehee
JhoneysweetB: :-Dlubbable skinny mike
JhoneysweetB: though, you do have a lot of muscle for your skinny size. hehe
JONwaa: sure..
JONwaa: whatever girl..
JhoneysweetB: if you're bones were bigger, you'd be a pretty big guy.
JhoneysweetB: hehe yah. I mean, if you didn't have any wouldn't be able to breath when I hug you.
JONwaa: haha..
JONwaa: u didn't hug that hard
JhoneysweetB: hehehehe
JhoneysweetB: I like hugs O:-)
JhoneysweetB: I know a special hug when I get one
JONwaa: really?
JhoneysweetB: yup, it's the feeling.
JhoneysweetB: feel all special and happy after the hug. that's a special hug.
JhoneysweetB: fake hugs....they bring no emotion. they have no feeling.
JONwaa: yeah?
JhoneysweetB: yup!!
JhoneysweetB: last hug I got from Mike was a special one. hehe, special special.
JONwaa: how was my hug last time?
JhoneysweetB: well, I think your hug was good. but then at the end, I squeezed you too much and you, being your skinny self, stopped hugging. hehehehee.
JhoneysweetB: but it was a special hug.
JhoneysweetB: I would have hugged you longer, but I think you were losing some air. hehe.
JONwaa: hehe..
JhoneysweetB: hehehe
JhoneysweetB: it's not the same as hugging a stuffed animal. See, they don't breath I squeeze them as tight as I please.
JhoneysweetB: but Mike isn't a stuffed puppy.

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Playful little Jimmy Bear [05 Mar 2002|12:19am]
[ mood | giggly ]

JiminyXX: *hugs*
JhoneysweetB: :-P
JiminyXX: hehe
JiminyXX: *cuddles with you*
JiminyXX: guess what?
JhoneysweetB: what?
JiminyXX: I missed you!
JhoneysweetB: hehee
JhoneysweetB: silly bear
JiminyXX: *hugs you really tight until your face turns all different colors*
JiminyXX: hehehehe
JhoneysweetB: nahuh, I'm not a teddy bear, let me breathe.
JhoneysweetB: hehehee
JiminyXX: hehehehehe
JiminyXX: :-)
JhoneysweetB: :-P
JiminyXX: *lets you go*
JiminyXX: better?
JhoneysweetB: hahaha
JhoneysweetB: yes
JiminyXX: :-)
JhoneysweetB: :-P
JiminyXX: so ...
JhoneysweetB: yes?
JiminyXX: hi hi :-)
JhoneysweetB: hehee silly
JiminyXX: *plays with your hair*
JhoneysweetB: hahaha
JhoneysweetB: you're a playful little bear aren't yah
JhoneysweetB: hehehe
JiminyXX: uh huh
JiminyXX: always
JhoneysweetB: hahahaa
JiminyXX: *braids your hair*
JiminyXX: hehe
JhoneysweetB: hahahaa
JiminyXX: I've never actually done that before
JhoneysweetB: hahahaha my braided hair must not look so good then.
JiminyXX: it doesn't?
JhoneysweetB: you've never done it before.
JiminyXX: nope
JhoneysweetB: hehehehe
JiminyXX: but you can teach me
JhoneysweetB: okay, that will be on our to do list when you see me
JhoneysweetB: hahaha
JhoneysweetB: 1.teach jimmybear how to braid hair.
JhoneysweetB: 2. introduce jimmybear to my stuffed animals.
JiminyXX: hehehe
JhoneysweetB: 3. slap his hand. keep your paws to yourself jimmybear!
JiminyXX: LOL
JhoneysweetB: hehehehe
JiminyXX: :-)
JhoneysweetB: :-P
JiminyXX: I'm not like that


JiminyXX: I think I'd probably just wanna hold your hands and stuffs
JiminyXX: I love holding hands
JiminyXX: hehe
JhoneysweetB: hehe and stuffs.
JhoneysweetB: hehehe
JiminyXX: yeah stuffs like kissing and cuddling and hugging and tickling and laughing and having a good time
JhoneysweetB: hehe
JhoneysweetB: but you're shy.
JhoneysweetB: are you quiet too?
JiminyXX: hmm
JiminyXX: yeah I am
JiminyXX: yeah
JiminyXX: :-\
JiminyXX: I'll try not to be so shy and quiet with you though
JhoneysweetB: it might be two quiet people hanging out together. hehe.
JhoneysweetB: or it could be talkative me and quiet you.
JhoneysweetB: but by the end of the day, it might be talkative you and me.
JhoneysweetB: I'm quiet at times too. sometimes I can be really quiet. but most of the time when I'm quiet, I'm just feeling comfortable.
JiminyXX: awww
JiminyXX: well
JhoneysweetB: but if I don't like you and I'm quiet, it means I hate you. hehehehehe.
JiminyXX: how about we both try not to be so shy and stuffs hehe
JhoneysweetB: hehe okie. and stuffs. hehe.
JiminyXX: awwww
JhoneysweetB: hmm?
JiminyXX: how would I know if you don't like me if you're all quiet?
JhoneysweetB: hehehe, if I smile, then you're good. hehe.
JhoneysweetB: you would be able to tell if I hated you. but I don't hate jimmybear, don't worry.
JhoneysweetB: when I dislike people, I ignore them and don't say a word to them. they know it when I don't like them.
JhoneysweetB: it takes a lot for me to hate someone I guess
JiminyXX: awww
JiminyXX: what if I uhmm
JiminyXX: uhmm
JiminyXX: *thinks*
JhoneysweetB: hehehee
JiminyXX: take your Panda bear
JiminyXX: and uhmm
JhoneysweetB: I'll just start clawing at you
JiminyXX: uhmm
JhoneysweetB: hehehehhe
JiminyXX: LOL
JiminyXX: and I kiss him
JiminyXX: hehehehe
JhoneysweetB: :-( MY panda bear! ME gets to be the one who kisses him.
JhoneysweetB: Judybear jealous, that's not good.
JhoneysweetB: so that's why you better stay away from panda bear.
JiminyXX: awww
JiminyXX: hehe
JhoneysweetB: hehee
JiminyXX: how about I kiss you instead? ;-)
JhoneysweetB: panda bear might get jealous
JhoneysweetB: panda bear is sad when he gets jealous. I don't want my pandie to be sad. :-( Panda bear loved.
JhoneysweetB: hehehehe
JiminyXX: *sigh*
JiminyXX: always someone that will get jealous
JhoneysweetB: hehehehee
JiminyXX: how about you kiss me and you kiss panda bear too?
JhoneysweetB: hahahahaa
JhoneysweetB: panda bear greedy for ALL of the kisses
JiminyXX: hehehe
JhoneysweetB: :-P
JiminyXX: :-)
JhoneysweetB: :-P


JiminyXX: :-P
JhoneysweetB: hey....
JhoneysweetB: put that tongue back in your little mouth
JhoneysweetB: and keep it there
JiminyXX: hehehe
JhoneysweetB: hehee
JiminyXX: you've french kissed before right?
JhoneysweetB: yes
JiminyXX: hehe ok
JhoneysweetB: haha
JiminyXX: you like kissing right?
JhoneysweetB: hahahahaha
JhoneysweetB: depends on my kissing opponent
JiminyXX: hehe
JhoneysweetB: :-P
JiminyXX: hehe
JiminyXX: well you sure got the tongue going ...
JhoneysweetB: hahaha
JhoneysweetB: hehehheee
JiminyXX: :-)
JhoneysweetB: :-P
JiminyXX: hehe
JiminyXX: there it goes again
JhoneysweetB: hehehehe
JhoneysweetB: what?
JiminyXX: your tongue is out of control!
JhoneysweetB: hahahaha
JhoneysweetB: because it's cute.
JiminyXX: :-)
JhoneysweetB: :-Pseeeeeee?
JiminyXX: yes yes
JhoneysweetB: hehehe
JiminyXX: very cute indeed
JhoneysweetB: hehehee
JiminyXX: just like you
JiminyXX: you cute pie you
JhoneysweetB: O:-)who? me?
JiminyXX: I could just hug you and kiss you and love you forever!
JhoneysweetB: hehehehe
JiminyXX: :-)
JhoneysweetB: :-P
JiminyXX: :-P
JhoneysweetB: now didn't I tell you to keep that thing to yourself?
JiminyXX: heheh
JiminyXX: I didn't hear ya
JhoneysweetB: you suppose to listen to me!
JiminyXX: hehe ya ya I know
JhoneysweetB: I think you don't have enough fur on your body but too much in your ears.
JiminyXX: LOL!
JhoneysweetB: hehee
JiminyXX: furry ears?
JiminyXX: hehe
JhoneysweetB: yes
JhoneysweetB: hehehehe
JiminyXX: :-)
JiminyXX: just like a bear

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This longing... [04 Mar 2002|07:51pm]
[ mood | sad ]

Feeling a little down. *sigh* I want love. I'm jealous of what Yung has with his new girl. I'm guessing he lives four hours away from her? He drove to a wedding to be at a wedding with her. So maybe it's that far.

I wish I wasn't a hopeless romantic. And since I'm just that shy girl over there all alone, there's less chance that I'll meet a love. So I spend all this time of boredom dreaming and yearning of this perfect love.

I just hope that this lust isn't so bad that when I do find love, I won't be another total blind fool. Though, what kind of fool isn't blind.

Sure there's Jimmy. But he's too far away, he's 25...I say to myself. He never said to me, "I want to be the one there to hold you, to hug you, comfort you when you are crying." I want to feel safe, secure, loved no matter what. I want him to look at me and make me feel like all these uncertainties aren't flaws.

Who said that to me? Yung. Since then, I've been searching for another Yung. It's been quite a time since I've cried.

I'm jealous.

...and stressed. Damn physics.

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So I had this dream... [02 Mar 2002|07:31pm]
[ mood | good ]

Had this dream last night where I watered down my dorm room with a hose. My roommate's mom visited and when my roommate went out of the room, we started watering the room down. I guess my roommate's mom also brought over a turtle. It was pretty big and really strange. I didn't like it; I guess I was scared of it. So I tried to keep it away from me. The first time, something...I guess some kind of facial shell, yes it had a facial shell that I didn't even know about it. Anyways, the facial shell came off. So I helped the turtle and he put it back on. Then I flipped it over or something and it's eyes came off. Something like that. My roommate's mom asked me to flip it back over, but I was to scared to touch it. Weird dream. Her mom and I took turns watering the room. We were cleaning with the water hose.

So I looked up water, and it said something like happiness and good fortune. I played with water too and it said that I'll get some strange happiness and love. Then I looked up turtle and it said something to the same effect.

A good thought: When I was a little girl, my dad used to come in my room late at night to check on me and cover me with my blanket. My English class read this essay that contrasted American mothers and Chinese mothers. One thing was how Asian parents show their love differently. And it's true, my dad used to come into my room and tuck me in when he thought I was asleep. I would wake up sometimes when he came in to cover me up. I think that's just really sweet. No matter how much you think you're Asian parents don't love you, they actually do. And it's nice to know.

I guess growing up in America, I wondered why I didn't get all these hugs and kisses from my parents. hehe.

I need to go do some laundry!

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[01 Mar 2002|11:56pm]
[ mood | Comtemplative and bored ]
[ music | "19 2000" - Gorillaz ]

There is one song that always reminds me of Yung. "Puddle of Mud" by Blurry. It was during the month of October after we last spoke to each other and he wrote this entry, "Can you take it all away? Can you take it all away? Can you take it all away? When you shoved it in my face..." And it made me think a little; if I took away anything from him. Then one day, I heard this song that had the same words and realized that his entry was a song. The first time I heard it, I was pretty peaceful. I dunno, maybe I'm feeling a bit down again. It's weird how feelings can creep up so quietly. Especially when I'm bored.

I talked to Ronnie for the first time today on the phone. His voice reminds me of Roberts, kinda loud and rough. The way he talks reminds me of Roland's accent and Roland himself. He's a nice guy really. It's so weird when he makes high pitched noises. He says he has a cuddly type of personality. It's kind of weird because I never really thought of him that way. He talked for most of the time, and it kind of sounded as if he was nervous abouy talking to me.

And I wonder where that Jimmy is. I wonder if he's still napping. hehe. I dunno about Jimmy. He likes me; he's attracted to me. I'm a bit weird about things because I'm not sure about getting involved in another long distance relationship and with someone who's 25. Not that 25 is a bad age for me, but it's just, I'm not sure. He wants to see me so soon. He's so flirting online, and now, I'm beginning to realize that he might just be serious.

Anyways, I dozed off a while when I was laying on my bed. Maybe I procrastinate so much and have no motivation because I'm so deprived of a social life. I miss my close friends from back home. I miss going to the mall and shopping. Sure going out with Mike one night is wonderful, but after a while, I crave for more. In high school, I wasn't this bad. Or maybe I didn't have a challenging senior year. Thus, I'm still lazy? It can't be. I know I can push myself because I have before. Maybe my self esteem is lowering. I'm at a UC where everyone can be just as smart. Not to mention all the other pretty girls. I mean, when I was in Victorville, ...I'm talking Victorville here.... people are not really that pretty over there. I really hope that my best friend moves to Pomona next year. Then I'll get to see her more often. She makes me feel good.

See, after you meet someone online, it gets a little boring. I mean, Mike and I hardly have a good conversation online. Though, on phone conversations, we're pretty talkative. And talk about Joseph. I know he's really busy with school, but at times, I feel like it's just all old; and this is the reason we hardly have a decent conversation online. We used to be closer. I should just keep on telling myself that he's just busy.

I've dealt with busy people too much. Well, that's one thing I don't want in my next relationship alright. I don't want a busy guy, which could mean that he's not that committed to school. But I don't care. Brains or no brains, as long as he has good common sense and knows how to treat a lady.

Oh shit! A piece of a spider's web just landed on top of my keyboard. I thought it was some giant winged bug. It scared me. But ewwwh! There's a spider web in here! This dorm is ultimately disgusting.

Anyways, yah, I want a boy who can have some free time to pay attention to me. I want a boy that's nearby who can visit me whenever he pleases. I want somebody close. Sigh...

It's so weird. My roommate's boyfriend haven't been here for a while. And whenever he does come over, I get all surprised when they start getting touchy feely with each other. I wasn't this stunned in the beginning of the year. Now I am. It's just I've gotten used to the idea that my roommate is evil. To see that somebody wants to love her was surprising to my eyes. I guess there's somebody for everybody.

And my roommate is pretty oblivious. She talks like she knows a lot about psychology. What is empathy? I need someone to explain it to me. I looked it up and it seems like that my roommate doesn't have the capacity for empathy. I don't like people like that. Yet she talks like she does. I was pretty surprised when she told me once how she knows a lot about psychology and how other's feel. It's all bull, she has no idea that I was pissed until I exploded. She had no idea that I was furious. My best friend, however, was told the story from my roommate. My best friend didn't want to tell her that I was furious, so she told her that I was mad. My roommate objected to that; another example about how she's the kind of person who always has to be right. And when she's wrong, she feels bad and quiets down. See, I don't like people like that. If she knew how other's feel, she would have a lot more manners towards the way she treats me.

And another example would be about her ex. Her ex wanted to break up with her a long time already. My roommate tells me how she had no idea that he was talking behind her he practically hated her guts. Look at me, see how I talk about her? Is it that I hide it so well or is it she doesn't really pay much attenion? Or is it she just doesn't know what others feel? We are not mind readers, but at least I can sense and tell when others are not their usual self.

That guy from my English class, his name is Josh. I heard my professor say his name to him.

That guy from physics lab...he's still cute. When he was getting his notebook from the pile on the TA's desk, I happened to go get mine too. He sense that I was there, and I think he felt a little tiny bit uneasy. Then I think he looked at me while the TA was teaching at the board. Looked directly at me. But for only a second. That last physics lab was blah! That stupid yet smart guy took his sweet time measuring the stupid gliders. He was concerned about how the gliders were like .1 cm off for sake!! And he does this because he said that if it wasn't accurate, we were going to get points marked off. I was like, oh gosh, just approximate the damn thing already! So we ended up being the last to get out of the lab and having the nice TA stay an extra 10 minutes after the actual time lab was suppose to end.

See, there are stupid and smart people in this world. However out of these smart people, there are the stupid smart and the real smart. Stupid would be the lazy guy in my lab group. Stupid smart would be that guy mentioned above in my lab. Stupid smart is paying precise attention to the wrong kind of information and material. What the TA is looking for when he's grading is the pattern of data collected from the lab. Not the precise measurements of the gliders because both of the gliders are suppose to have the same damn length already!! Idiot! Hehe, Judy calm down. Another example of stupid smart, my roommate is decently smart. I mean, I admit that she's at least a bit smart. haha. She graduated number 9 in her class. I graduated number 5 in the same class. However, the school was ..well, stupid. Haha. Wasn't a good school. We stunk. Anyways, my roommate once vacuumed the hall saying that it's her job because she's a hall representative. I thought that was stupid. And yesterday, we had to fill out surveys and she said that she was the only hispanic in the hall. Because of that, our RA would find out who filled out her form. I told her to simply not fill that part out, but she kept on saying that she HAS to. It's unecessary to get all worked up about unimportant little things. It bugs me. Some smart people are really stupid too.

The real smart people usually get done with what is needed and move on to the next thing. They study the right material instead of being stubborn and study what they feel like.

Then there are the dumbass smart. For example, my ex. He's smart. He's got a really good GPA and such. But he's such an asshole as a boyfriend. He's a dumbass. So there.

Me? I'm lazy smart...with a bit of that real smart. I'm capable of achieving a lot, yet I'm a huge procrastinator. Sue me. I need that bit of real smartness because it's good to have when you waisted all your time on procrastination. However, I think the majority of people are capable of achieving a lot if they just work hard and not give up so easily.

One thing that I laugh about when I think of it is that my roommate, who's, by the way, still hispanic as in the above, wants to work at the Boba Shop at the University Village at my college. I didn't want to tell her that only Asians work there and that she wouldn't really have a chance to work there. I just secretly laughed my head off at her. I didn't want to tell her because she's self centered and I didn't want to bother to correct her. It's not like there's racism, but think about common sense. Ain't nobody gonna hire a short hispanic girl to a boba shop.

Alright, I write too much. Somebody might yell at me for this so I better stop now.

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