in loving memory of my face.'s LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
in loving memory of my face.

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happy birthday pappy. [21 Apr 2002|01:22pm]
its my pappy's birthday, i love that guy.

i think i'm having a mental break down, i'm not quite sure what i'm going through. my brain hurts almost all the time, perhaps its stress. and its like i'm having a flood of all these new and weird ideas, buts its exciting even though i feel i'm losing a part of reality. sometimes i feel like i'm not really here, almost like i'm in my body but not really; like i'm transparent and multi phasular. maybe i'm occupying the wrong person and i'm neither here nor there, i could sing sonnets over this perpetual sub-comprehension of my state.

yours always

? [21 Apr 2002|03:52am]
my new thing is collecting defense devices and getting asked out by one of my friends two years too late.

[18 Apr 2002|09:47pm]
i'm so getting some brass knuckles, can you feel the toughness?

mace in your face, haha sucka.

[18 Apr 2002|02:45pm]
i made tim a birthday card and stuff, i'll give it to him tomorrow. doubt he'll care though. whatever.......................

some radom hate mob should lynch me. [18 Apr 2002|02:18pm]
i've had it, all this petty high school shit is all fucked up. no more for me, i never wanted to get in the middle in the first place yet here i am in the fing middle. so i guess she is mad at me because "the blonde" said a lot of lies so that it would up set her and she actually believed it, i could see how she would be up set, i mean a lot of things have been going on in her life lately. but she actually believes the lies so fine believe them be mad at me and not tell me why. i didn't even know she was mad untill someone told me, thats lame. i thought friends talked to each other, i suppose not. i can't defend a person and make so much effort if they don't even care. i don't know anymore, i'm tired i have a lot on my shoulders and now a pissed off person too. the reason: because some bitter person told her lies so her would be up set, and it worked. i saw her walking behind her and christina watching how she was up set and enjoying it and i was thinking how sick that was. but hey it doesn't matter i'm still the asshole in this eqaution and rightfully might i add. i'm the dumb bastard that tries to help. i hope everyone hates me and wants to slit my throat, cause listen up guys; i'm not worth your time. trust me.
8slits| throats

hahaha. [16 Apr 2002|04:13pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | aphex twin. ]


[15 Apr 2002|08:26pm]
3slits| throats

heres a cup, why don't you fill it up with your tears. [13 Apr 2002|01:28am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | dead kennedys ]

an ode to the professed prime pinnacle of human evolution.

i must confess my exulted pleasure at the fact that your hypocritical persona has been scratched, and the fact that someone of your supposed caliber of enlightenment could "lower" yourself to petty jests. well frankly m'dear, it only engorges my already expanding ego. thanks graciously for the amused distraction.

yours always


discust-0-bot picture. [11 Apr 2002|08:02pm]
what the hell kind of picture is that? i need a new one and fast.

single white female the sequel. [10 Apr 2002|08:54pm]
[ mood | creeped out and rather grumpy ]
[ music | aphex twin (thanks to danny) ]

i see right through this conceptual interface with my identity, its nice meeting you being me, though i think i play the role towards applause. nay villainous nave you may not assimilate my individuality like some fleeting action. i will unravel this plot of breaking my awareness and inspire regret in your avert conspiracy. oh what a hullabaloo you produced over such insignificant actions.
its lamentable at least and an irritation at best, though i'm finding the matter at hand not to my liking.
is this all a phantom delusion or it their credibility to my cause? candid i will not be any longer with you, my sympathies over your lack of logic.

their cryptic linguistic conundrums spellbinds the senses and steers the course towards lunacy.


**********************~~ [10 Apr 2002|08:53pm]
simplistically in hues of blue.

[09 Apr 2002|03:33pm]
NoddingFolk: leah is an asshole
NoddingFolk: i am enjoying deleting her name from my phone number list
faranjait451: why?
faranjait451: what happened?
NoddingFolk: shes a liar
faranjait451: what?
NoddingFolk: her crushiness annoys me
NoddingFolk: haevily
faranjait451: what lies did she say to you?
NoddingFolk: she lied about still liking me
NoddingFolk: she lies!
NoddingFolk: all lies!
faranjait451: she said that she didn't like you anymore?
faranjait451: i'm highly confused.
NoddingFolk: yes she did
NoddingFolk: right before she told you she still liked me
faranjait451: i'm finding it rather difficult to be friends with her and still be riends with my friends.
faranjait451: diana's parents are leaving for the weekend and they said that me and leah can stay over, but diana doesn't want her staying with us,because jodi, DJ, and lindsy won't come and hang with us if she is there.
NoddingFolk: haha
faranjait451: haha?
NoddingFolk: sorry
NoddingFolk: i feel the same way
NoddingFolk: i'm sure other people find redeeming qualities in her, but i honestly dont see any personally
NoddingFolk: especially since she wont get over me
faranjait451: are you saying you don't want to be friends with me if i'm friends with her?
NoddingFolk: oh shut up with that talk
NoddingFolk: i certainly dont want to be around her
NoddingFolk: but that doesnt mean i dont want to be around you
faranjait451: i'm just so tired of being damage control between her and my other friends.
faranjait451: its all absurd.
faranjait451: i'm sorry that she was all over you on friday.
faranjait451: but then again i shouldn't say sorry, cuase i wasn't the one doing it.
faranjait451: she should do it.
faranjait451: she siad she isn't ready to be around you either, thta she took the break up too hard.
NoddingFolk: i am looking at it simplistically. this person makes me feel uncomfortable when i am around her, therefore i will not spend time with that person
faranjait451: but i was like "you two never went out."
NoddingFolk: she's older than me and still isnt mature enough to get over a couple make out sessions
faranjait451: hse's evry child like in many ways.
faranjait451: and its funny when ever she says she can tell my friends are in high school, becasue they act imature.
NoddingFolk: she acts just like a highschooler if not worse
faranjait451: i know.
faranjait451: i'm sorry thta it was so horrible on friday.
NoddingFolk: it wasnt
faranjait451: you came down to see me and you were attacked by her.
NoddingFolk: i just know that i hope i never see leah again
NoddingFolk: no hard feelings
faranjait451: next time you come down it will be just you and me baby.
NoddingFolk: :-*
faranjait451: i didn't even know she was coming to joffrey's.
faranjait451: i swear.
NoddingFolk: she smelled my afro
faranjait451: i was sitting outside with this kid and she walked up.
faranjait451: and i was about to say something to her, and she was like "not now i have to say hi to ziggy".
faranjait451: she wants your man flesh.
NoddingFolk: it is impaled on spiky short girl hair
faranjait451: hahah.

speaking in tongues. [09 Apr 2002|03:18pm]
NoddingFolk: annettey, der Sie der allerletzt slut whore sind
NoddingFolk: Sie wissen wie wirklich, mit dem peepees zu sprechen
faranjait451: puke-0 dear manbot frat foo pie peepee fag qar queen toad.
NoddingFolk: ZAP!!!

i love being a pompous wind-bag. [08 Apr 2002|02:16pm]
please excuse the angst ridden entry before this one, i was in a crimson tangent; and please excuse any grammatical and or punctuation errors or lack of punctuation there of.

reading some immanual kant, his three critiques. the critique of pure reason, the critique of practical reason, and the critique of pure judgment. books check em out, it will change your drab existence.
2slits| throats

matricide becoming A okay in everyones book in a land called i wish. [07 Apr 2002|02:18pm]
i hate you you fat fuck i hope you die.
your worthless and do nothing but get fatter.
i ask you nicely to go me a favor and you get this fing smug look on your face and tell me i'm selfish and i'm a bitch, and for what asking you to please do me a little favor you fuck piece of shit.
i hate you hope for your fucking death.if you did actually died you would probably die of choking on a goddamn bon-bon.
if i ever thought in any way that i was becoming like you or getting as lard ass as you i would take up bulimia and anorexia like some people take up smoking.
i wish i could spit in your fucking face, i'm nice to you and try to get along but all that courses through you is bitterness and maladjustment.
you always have to have some biting comment to make when in the previous minute we were getting along.
i ask you because it is in our nature to sometimes ask and wonder, even if we know it to be lame we still inquire. i ask if i have made you at all proud and all that escapes your dismail lips are words doused in venom.
i hate you but i love all the same its a vicious cycle that never ends.
1slit| throats

[04 Apr 2002|06:37pm]
and we were children, in actions and in innocence.
old gold and barely blue, lets crusade on shall we.
6slits| throats

[04 Apr 2002|01:03am]
shot down in squares ville.
oh how lamentuos a state of affairs this will be.
a task such as this can not be placed in the hands of any amateur.

may they sing symphonies of sorrow for they're chilly condition. [04 Apr 2002|12:35am]
[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | me going insane from tetris games in my mind. ]

well its tough to have a crush when the boy doesn't feel the same way you do.
well its tough to have a crush when your best friend breaks the news.
perhaps you find me feeling better in a day or two, but its tough to have a crush on you.
well its tough to have a crush, who ever knew such hullabaloo.
well its tough to have a crush, when it only leaves you blue.
perhaps they'll find you in the river in a month or two.
well its tough, so tough to crush on you.
yeah its tough, so tough to crush on you.


sailing the high seas. [02 Apr 2002|05:54pm]
the violin is my weapon of choice. *plays my swan song*

how do you do this with eyes poised on a glowing future, only to be lowered to the earth come this summer. stop this playful word war, and mock innocent demeanor. it spins circles of false realization in my mind, lets get it all out.

[02 Apr 2002|04:02pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | poopoo varmit ]

NoddingFolk: boobies! happy boobies!
faranjait451: hey baby.
NoddingFolk: ooobah
NoddingFolk: bahbee!
faranjait451: i want someone to slit my throat.
NoddingFolk: 8-)
NoddingFolk: i am listening to an exercise record
faranjait451: faggy McFagerson.
NoddingFolk: it has pictures of 50s people in spandex
faranjait451: *lick*
NoddingFolk: and some lady instructing exercise to the rhythm of 50s orchestral music
faranjait451: hahaha.
NoddingFolk: my favorite so far is "ok now get down on your knees and move your head"
faranjait451: haha.
NoddingFolk: hahahaha "in out in out roll over"
faranjait451: you so want one of those tight lipped conservative chics to give you a blow.
NoddingFolk: so do you
faranjait451: oh man like whoa!
NoddingFolk: i want to do cocaine with ronald reagan
faranjait451: i want to do some lines with jessie jackson.
NoddingFolk: i wa nt bjork
NoddingFolk: satan aint got no beef with me
faranjait451: you want my sweet spanish girl ass is what you want.
NoddingFolk: yessum
NoddingFolk: *smack*
faranjait451: rawr.
NoddingFolk: why is the girl butt so magical?
faranjait451: because its mine silly.
NoddingFolk: oh so you get off on me drooling over your hineyt
faranjait451: why certainly.
NoddingFolk: i'm not as addicted to sex as i used to be
NoddingFolk: i've learned to cope without it
faranjait451: if i made out with your neck would you laugh at my lips?
NoddingFolk: no, i would probably go into shock
faranjait451: oh.
faranjait451: nevermind then.
NoddingFolk: ?
NoddingFolk: i might laugh at your lips
NoddingFolk: if you told me jokes with them
faranjait451: but what if i bit your ear.
faranjait451: i'm sorry if i'm being weird, i'm just so fing horny and i am without a man.
faranjait451: sigh.
faranjait451: no guy to release my perversions.
faranjait451: on.
NoddingFolk: i would laugh at your lips still, but if you breathed in my ear while doing that, i would cream my pants
faranjait451: hahaha.
faranjait451: yowzers in my trowzers.
NoddingFolk: it is very sexy
NoddingFolk: so is biting the nexk
NoddingFolk: and licking the nipples
faranjait451: oh man am i a fan of biting thing and of biting the neck in particular.
faranjait451: joe couldn't handle my lick of lightly biting his nipples.
faranjait451: wimp.
NoddingFolk: we should make out
faranjait451: you would hate me like all the guys that touch my lips.
faranjait451: they find my distastful after a while.
faranjait451: i don't understand why.
NoddingFolk: but i'm not some guy youve known for a month
NoddingFolk: i am ZIGG
NoddingFolk: friend through the worst and best of times
faranjait451: true.
faranjait451: its funny, jodi and dj havesex when ever they are drunk togeter and they don't act like they ever have. they act like regular friends.
NoddingFolk: yeah
faranjait451: do you know them?
faranjait451: so when are you coming down?
NoddingFolk: the THREEEEEEEEEE enemies of the people are HEGEMENY, MONOGAMY, and MONOTONY!!
NoddingFolk: this weekend
faranjait451: yay!
faranjait451: i want to take you to the globe.
faranjait451: we can girl hunt there.
NoddingFolk: 6 cats on a dead mans chest
faranjait451: three in between my boobs.
NoddingFolk: it better not be smoky there
faranjait451: not inside.


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