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orangekat (there's ron harper!!)

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[ calendar | livejournal calendar ] [13 Oct 2001|12:21am]
[ music | Delta Sun Bottleneck Stomp (Ch - Mercury Rev - This is Chill Out ]

stuff )

today at school [28 Sep 2001|12:01pm]
[ mood | shallow ]

guess what i get to do on my day off! i get to read the canterbury tales. if i didn't have class at 8 am, i'd still be asleep right now.

so i boarded one of the shuttles (whilst heather was stepping off of it, incidentally) and to my bemusement and surprise they'd installed this tiny TV that plays a tape on loop on the shuttle. it was the first time i've seen it. it's awesome. it plays this corny video tape telling us all about the ucla shuttles, with these little educational segments narrated by this guy with a cheerful disneyland tour guide voice. it includes segments on where to go for lost&found;, the new fueling system, wheelchair access and other such matters. and instead of the disneyland toons, we get joe bruin our mascot. they show this giant stuffed bear boarding the bus *ggl* ("you can even give you-know-who a ride to the big game!"). at the end of the video, they even say goodbye to you like they do on the disneyland rides. like, erm, "well i hope you enjoyed the ride, see you next time!" the whole time playing in the background was this--again--cartoonish disneyland-esque music. like the kind you'd hear playing on main street, or on the disneyland train. the whole thing was so cheesy but it made me smile because it was so cheerful. i think it has the effect of lightening up all the stressed out students *g*

oh, i ran into donna on the shuttle again and she filled me in on the nbc premieres. i can't believe i missed e.r. :-/ shows how out of it i am ...

then in my own car i continued to listen to lazy sunday afternoon music (a la louis armstrong) and i feel very relaxed now. i plan on studying a lot so i can go buy a printer, go out with friends, and look for an apartment this weekend.

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thoroughly traumatized. [27 Sep 2001|11:57pm]
[ mood | speechless ]

i never thought i'd see marat safin and coco lee standing together. and i know that's supposed to be a chung-shan shirt but it looks more like a bizarre raincoat.

this is what happens when tennis players visit "strange foreign countries" i see.

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um, rant about academic journals [27 Sep 2001|01:41am]
[ mood | tired-as-hell ]

if i were on the academic senate or something, i'd push for all future publications in academic journals to be published in hardcopy as well as on the internet. do any of these people know how annoying it is for a student to look for, say, an article on shakespeare's usage of the word "honest" in othello and how it relates to the elizabethan political climate -- in a school where there are thousands and thousands of these journals to look through? pages 115-130, volume 4, no. 3, 1975 ... blah blah blah. why can't the full texts be made available online? why do we have to spend money (and waste paper!) xeroxing hundreds of pages? why are the academics so afraid of the internet? everyday i hear my professors scoff at internet sources, saying they aren't as legitimate. you're right, there's a lot of crap on the internet. if you make all the journals available on the internet, then guess what! we now have our legitimate sources, in the least painful way possible! and the concern with plagiarizing and copyright infringement? do you think that students can't plagiarize now when your journals are in the library? and the solution couldn't be simpler: make students and professors and researchers login before they get access to the material. it would take people a lot less time to do research if only the next necessary/inevitable step would be taken. don't be afraid of the internet.

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[27 Sep 2001|12:54am]

i can't tell you how much my life sucks right now.

i'm going to buy garbage's new album the day it comes out. maybe that'll make me feel better.

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[26 Sep 2001|12:42am]
[ mood | crushed ]

let's see ... what went right for me today?



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keripes! [24 Sep 2001|11:29pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

The College of Letters and Science has taken the unprecedented step of creating a new seminar series in Fall 2001, "Perspectives on September 11." Topics of the one-unit seminars (P/NP grading) range from national security in the 21st century to trauma and its aftermath.

talk about a fast response. 25 of 'em. among the instructors? chancellor carnesdale. i'd take the class just to find out what he looks like. disadvantages of going to a huge school T_T i'm going to resist the temptation. i know i'm going to go crazy in one of those classes. besides we'll talk about it in all the other classes, i'm sure.

school starts tomorrow, and my schedule's still in rough draft status -_-
i will post it when it is finalized.

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my day [23 Sep 2001|11:59pm]

my aunt dragged me up at the ungodly hour or 11:30 am to go eat brunch. we were gonna eat at outback steakhouse but it was closed, so we went to irvine and had italian buffet. it was good food, but strange stuff to have first thing in the "morning." i'm talking marinated salmon and chocolate-coated strawberries. at least i got to have 2 large glasses of orange juice. mmmmm oj. i missed oj. they don't have any good oj in taiwan. after lunch we went to ikea and i had to resist the impulse to buy cheap yet pleasing swedish furniture before i even have a place to live :P how i love the $3200 complete kitchen set!

ummm and i was unbearably sleepy in the afternoon (i'm still jetlagged i guess; staying up till 5:30 am doesn't help either) so i attempted to sleep while my cousins came and baked. but i couldn't, even though i was really tired. eventually i got up to have honey cake, some vanilla-flavored type dropped cookies, and hazelnut biscuits. yum. also copied some recipes from julie's 1001 cookies book. i'm still trying to figure out the difference b/w cranberry orange bars and orange cranberry bars @_@

i'm really touched by all the offers i've had from friends to provide temporary living space. problem is i know that they all have roommates too and their living space is crowded enough, i really don't want to impose; besides, i'm cursed with the inability to sleep well in other people's homes :P

and, woohoo, ucla football is #10 ... let's hope it stays there. i aint even gonna think about the top 5, oh no.

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star wars twin [23 Sep 2001|11:10pm]

this is very strange ... find your star wars twin:


High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.

You: high (84 percentile)
Yoda -- This wise, philosophical, and
thoughtful Jedi master challenges the
establishment, encouraging his pupils to
unlearn what they have learned and see the
world in novel, creative ways.


High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.

You: neither high nor low (52 percentile)
Grand Moff Tarkin -- Is in the middle of
conscientiousness because although he is
usually a highly organized leader with a keen
eye for detail, he occasionally misses a small
but crucial detail (e.g., vulnerable exhaust ports
on death stars).


High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.

You: very low (9 percentile)
Wampas -- reclusive creatures of the ice
planet Hoth. They are rarely seen &
generally shy, leading a solitary existence.


High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.

You: very low (6 percentile)
Emperor Palpatine -- An evil, power hungry
tyrant, he is manipulative, evil, and ruthless.


High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.

You: high (76 percentile)
C-3P0 -- This fussy droid is generally
anxious and nervous with a constitution
that often seems unsuitable for the danger
in which it finds itself.

:D i love c3po!

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rofl [23 Sep 2001|08:04pm]

so i'm reading my apartment-search correspondences ... and this lady who's renting a room writes to me: "It is very dry in the valley." i was pondering why on earth she told me that out of the blue when i realized i had typo'ed in my original message: "I would prefer a place close to wet LA."

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moving in ... [23 Sep 2001|12:18am]

i keep forgetting that it's move-in weekend ... i'm talking to people and i'm like "so what're you doing tomorrow" and they say they're moving in ... and i'm still here, far (well, relatively) behind ... this time last year and two years ago i was moving in too, meeting new people, being really excited, getting together with old friends ... blah ... it sucks not living in/near westwood. i could write a list of 100 things that i miss about westwood and west LA. hopefully (grammatically incorrect yeah yeah) i'll be moving there soon. you just don't feel a part of the school. if i'm still here next year i'm gonna be an RA, i've decided :P yeah yeah, nostalgia never helped anybody.

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more kittens! [22 Sep 2001|06:34pm]

awww ... there is another litter of kittens in our backyard! this time all black! and they're mean too, hehe. they hissed at me when i tried to grab one, unlike the last ones that were all cuddly and stuff.

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[22 Sep 2001|01:47am]
[ mood | annoying ]

do you realize that if lleyton hewitt and jennifer capriati had a daughter she'd be named jennifer love hewitt? i mean c'mon think about it, they wouldn't call her jennifer advantage hewitt.

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futility and symbols [22 Sep 2001|01:32am]

today can be summed up in a few words: a complete waste of time.

went apartment searching. the first place i visited was a disappointment. er, you pay for what you get, i guess. it's too bad, 'cause the manager is really nice. too bad she's really incompetent as well. it was like walking into 70's Small Town USA. dirty carpets, old-fashioned mailboxes, rusty gates ... and really friendly people. eh. i don't plan on living there, 'sides it's too far from school. and the rest of the places i stopped by to look at turned out to be different from what was advertised ... like this place would say on a phone message that they have a vacancy, but they actually don't. wtf. that reminds me, my voicemail message still says that i'm out of town T_T must change it. maybe to richina's mooing cow poetry recital, heh heh. but i think that might confuse some people *G* anyway, yeah, so i decided to call this place before i wasted more gas, and they finally picked up, and not only did the person tell me that they had no vacancies, contrary to what was indicated on voicemail, the prices were also much higher. i started to say: "but your phone message says ... " and she rudely cut me off: "the phone message says that, yes, but it's not true." then change your goddamn phone message why dontcha? god, some people ... anyway, that was my unproductive&frustrating; afternoon. i should have looked up more listings tonight, but i got wrapped up watching that telethon thing and i'm too tired from being jetlagged. that was quite possibly the only time that i liked mariah carey (as a person). what a beautiful rendition of "hero."

then on my way home from my last stop in culver city or wherever for some reason i couldn't get back on the 405 ... there were only signs for 405N; so i said fuck it and got on 405N, then got off at the next exit so i could get back on 405S, but there was no 405S ramp there either! decided to just take local to avoid traffic, which was kinda stupid cause it took me twice as long to get home -_- ||| should've known, huh? i did get to pass by pv etc etc (hi jody :p) and i really missed redondo beach and the route we used to take when we pretended to go jogging. saw so many flags on the way. this is the first time i've drived so much since i got back, so the flags kind of had an impact on me, seeing so many at the same time ... the last time that happened was in june w/ the lakers flags ... but that was a different time, no? then they started playing that damn song all over the radio at 5 ... gah.


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um, is it basketball season yet [22 Sep 2001|12:51am]
[ mood | selfish ]

"I said I wouldn't accept this unless the greatest player in the world gave it to me." -- Shaquille O'Neal, on receiving the Most Valuable Athlete of the Year Award from Kobe Bryant



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[22 Sep 2001|12:35am]
[ mood | naggy ]

oh btw ... read the sept 24th issue of time (the special issue) ... some pretty amazing stories in there.

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all right!! my very own rock star boyfriend! [22 Sep 2001|12:29am]

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tests and results (simpsons, celtic, acrophonology) [20 Sep 2001|03:39am]
[ mood | apologetic ]

which simpsons character are you most like?

#1 Smithers (eek! :p)
#2 Troy McClure
#3 Krusty the Klown
#4 Lionel Hutz
#5 Lisa

etc etc (i don't even know which characters #2 and #4 are)

celtic animal birthsigns (or something) :P

Date of Birth: July 8 %-0 August 4
Animal: Cat (woo! *g*)
Gaelic Name: Kati (Approximate pronunciation: ka-Chi.)
Ruling Planet: Earth
Key Words: Creative, Sensual, Nobility
Gift Quality or Ability:%-* Cat people have a strong sense of personal
integrity and a firm set of values.%-* Loyal and trustworthy.%-* Deep devotion
to family.%-* Affectionate.%-* Protection, shape shifting and sensitivity to the
other world.
Birth Stone: Red Carnelian
Compatibility:%-* Harmonious relations with the signs of owl and bear.%-* Will
also%-* relate well to the signs of the crane, bee, and swan.%-* Difficulties
may be expected in relation to all other signs.

sounds generally accurate -- but shapeshifting? :P


You have an aptitude for dealing with the public. You would do well in entertainment and politics. You feel secure in group endeavors. You have a great deal of loyalty to those you love. You have much inner strength. You can handle details well. You have a methodical mind. Your privacy is important to you. You have a rich inner life. You have much enthusiasm with a driving attitude toward achievement in life. You are relatively demonstrative in your affections. You enjoy being stroked verbally and physically. You must learn to give 'wise' service and not be a martyr. You can be quite inventive and quite curious. You are fair-minded sometimes to the point of being opinionated. You have a strong need to be loved and appreciated. You need to learn to give and receive love for love's sake. You have a need to be assured of affection. You need to learn to be expressive. You are a person who cannot tolerate being misunderstood.

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my rollercoaster trans-pacific journey [20 Sep 2001|02:33am]
[ mood | eh ]

so i got to the airport at around 4pm taiwan time to see if i could get on the malaysia air flight that night, 'cause they called us and said a lot of people canceled because their streets were flooded, and they couldn't get out of their homes. they put my name on the waiting list, but the guy said i was pretty much guaranteed a flight since at least 10 people had canceled (i was #8).

long, long, loooooooong )

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[19 Sep 2001|10:53pm]
[ mood | eh ]

just bought nba courtside 2 for n64 for $14 :D went to on a whim -- usually the best price they had for this game was sth around $25 :D

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