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[15 Nov 2002|06:03pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Alistair playing trumpet ]

Ngh. I need to work/write/do something other than idly sit . . .

It's so easy to just get caught up in doing nothing at all; makes me feel . . . invisible. I like that. But I also feel completely useless.

Maybe I'll go draw . . . just, I'll be holding a pen, and while it's not something I need to do, I'll be doing SOMETHING and maybe I'll feel less useless.

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[24 Feb 2002|02:17pm]
[ mood | waking up ]
[ music | Alistair playing Diablo II ]

Slept for four hours. Still do not want to work, but feeling much better.

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[24 Feb 2002|09:56am]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | "Yes, Cthulhu loathes me, H.P. Lovecraft told me so." ]

Blar. *yawn*

Do not want to work . . .

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[23 Feb 2002|11:42pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Tee hee.

random d&d; test )

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[23 Feb 2002|11:22pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Alistair talking ]

Today was fun, as I ended up going to the B&D; Emporium [also known as 'the place from which Safti will be getting her grad dress from'] and deciding I needed to update my wardrobe and jewellery - ie: more corsets, fishnet, and things made of vinyl or leather. I have a new leather cuff!

And I am tired. And very nearly broke. [Although, $2.35 Canadian is closer to broke than most currencies in first-world countries.]

But anyways. I will be making omlettes, doing homework and writing/editing tomorrow.

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Note to Self: [23 Feb 2002|12:01pm]
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward - HP Lovecraft
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[22 Feb 2002|10:58pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | nothing ]

Article = done. *dances around*

Going to bed now.

To those at the chat-in: I'm sorry I'm missing it, have a lovely time, *lick*!

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[22 Feb 2002|09:47pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Plunkett and Macleane OST, "Robbery" ]

What Sam said.

*grin* Working on article.

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[22 Feb 2002|04:23pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | Meredith. She's cute. ^_^ ]

Right. I have to a) work on my university application [bangs head on desk] - I don't want to but there is NO WAY they will accept me if I don't even apply;
b) beef up my article, which with a bit of sugar and an open mind will take maybe half an hour;
c) beta.

*bites lip* I want a backrub.

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[22 Feb 2002|12:33pm]
[ mood | grah. ]
[ music | I think I'll go home, now . . . or, my temporary home . . . ]

*banging head againt desk* FuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK.

Jade, would you please resend me the pieces you asked that I beta? I am SO sorry.

Also, happy [belated . . . ] birthday, Liz. *hugs* I hope it was a good one.

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[22 Feb 2002|11:26am]
[ mood | random ]
[ music | Meredith typing ]

Am conscious. May be going out. Wearing green beaded barrettes. Huzzah!

Have work to do, but *shrug*.

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[21 Feb 2002|10:27pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Meredith clicking away on the other computer ]

*sigh* Strike=over. Going to school [theoretically, at least] tomorrow. Suck. And no Vancouver - or at least not right yet.

I'm spending the next few days at Meredith's, mostly because my mother and I had a large fight and I'm not quite sure I can deal with her right now. *sigh*

At any rate, I'm okay. And I'm going to bed, I'm tired. *hugs everyone goodnight* Missed you.

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[19 Feb 2002|04:53pm]
Update: I'm alive, Shele's alive, strike is . . . on, but wierd, and I'll hopefully be able to update again soon. Computer is still down.

Also, Rob bought me a plush Cthulu!
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[17 Feb 2002|04:38pm]
Computer is at father's house. Seeing Fellowship of the Ring again tonight.
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[15 Feb 2002|12:46pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | i am on Meredith's imac! ]

My sister went about RANDOMLY DELETING FILES IN THE C DRIVE and now Windows is inacessable. So I won't be around much over the next few days - basically, until this is fixed.

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[14 Feb 2002|01:50pm]
[ mood | eh. ]
[ music | Medieval Babes, "Isabella" ]

I like chocolate soy milk. Yum. ^_^

My godmother's in from Ontario. I [hart] her!

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[14 Feb 2002|01:48pm]
[ mood | eh. ]
[ music | Medieval Babes, "Isabella" ]

I hate Valentine's Day. Nothing in particular spawned this - nothing more so than usual, at any rate. Just, I hate it.

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[13 Feb 2002|11:59pm]
[ mood | pleased ]
[ music | Bif Naked, "Only the Girl" ]

I can sit, and write, and interact, and with no worries. I [hart] teacher's convention.

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[13 Feb 2002|09:56am]
[ mood | vaguely annoyed ]

Of course, I cannot access comments features, and I discovered this the day before the strike, but, hey . . .

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*blink* *blink* [13 Feb 2002|09:54am]
[ mood | surprised ]
[ music | "Nemisis" by someone i'm not sure of. ]

. . . I can acess lj from my school computers. From my supposedly restricted school computers. . . . COOL!

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