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whole lotta Tolkien goin' on

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[24 Jun 2002|01:34pm]

16. Telperion = The Silver _____

Tolkien crossword puzzle
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[20 Jun 2002|12:35pm]

My pal Brandon has a wonderful website that converts Shire-time to here-and-now-time. He's also got chronologies, maps and calendars.

Today's email was:
As I write this we are less than two hours from Midyear's Day, when the King Elessar and Arwen Undomiel wedded in Minas Tirith.

Sign up for this wonderful service!
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(see below.) [20 Jun 2002|05:09pm]

J.R.R. Tolkien )
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[20 Jun 2002|10:22am]

I know many communities hate this sort of thing, so I thought I would ask before I post anything silly. I have been fascinated by Tolkien for a while now, firstly through his "Letters from Father Christmas" as a child, and later through my great-aunt's stories. I am giving a five-minute talk on him as part of my English GCSE tomorrow, and I was wondering if I could post a draft of this talk to check that I haven't made any horrible mistakes?

Could you please tell me if this would be appropriate, or not. Thank you. :)
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Hi everyone! I'm new [12 Jun 2002|08:40pm]

I wanted to join this community because it seems there are really interesting discussions going on here. I love Tolkien's work since 8th grade- I just woke up one morning and thought "I have to read Lord of the Rings", not knowing what it was about or who had written it. Weird. So, I read LotR first and The Hobbit later. Quite confusing, if you ask me.
I'm interested mostly in the books (not just LotR, all of them) and Tolkien's life. The fact that he was C.S. Lewis's friends has always seemed cute to me, since I love the Narnia books too.
Well, see you later!
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[10 Jun 2002|10:50pm]

To begin with, I absolutely adored Peter Jackson's adaptation of the Fellowship of the Ring. I have recently started reading Tolkien's books, starting with The Hobbit last week.
I am most intrigued by Tolkien's use of mostly simple language to spread out a wide and wondrous world before a reader. I also like the themes and values that are expressed in his writings.
I hope to learn a great deal from you all.
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New [09 Jun 2002|02:45pm]

My first Tolkien encounter was roughly three years ago when I read the Lord of the Rings. I am interested primarily in TLOR, The Hobbit, and The Silmarillion. As of yet, I have not seen the movie.

I am amazed by Tolkien's mind. His world creating (ie..language, species, geography, etc..) and understanding of life itself (shown in his ability to parallel the world to ours) is astounding. I am interested in his relationship with C.S. Lewis and the similarties/differences of their writings.

I also enjoy the escapism of his fantasy. :)

Hi all!
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[06 Jun 2002|11:18pm]

peter jackson's movie won the MTV movie award for best picture tonight.
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[04 Jun 2002|03:19pm]

Lord of the Rings has long been classified as Fantasy, but is there a case to classify it as Science Fiction instead?

I know this might seem off the wall, but while chatting with a friend today, I realized that most of the Sci Fi books that I've read seem more similar to Lord of the Rings than quite a bit of the Fantasy that I've read.

The points that I am pondering are:

  • Sci Fi authors seem to fixate upon world and universe invention, much like Tolkien did, to a greater extent than Fantasy authors. Sci Fi authors not only invent the world, but most of the natural laws behind it, and the way in which the world interacts with the greater universe. (Dune is a fair example, or ... heck anything. The Ender's Game series...) I think this is because...
  • Fantasy does not spend time trying to make world invention realistic, while Sci Fi does, and Tolkien did. And by realistic, I think I mean: explained in a way that makes sense without resorting to unexplained unrealistic powers. Tolkien had very little actual 'magic'; even Galadriel's Vial was simply 'caught starlight'. ('Unrealistic' fantasy: the Belgariad, where magic is big and showy.)

Anyone have any thoughts ?


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[04 Jun 2002|02:28pm]

I really Apologize for the crossposting, but I have to get these thigns sold, and they are SO CHEAP !

Lord of the Rings Trading Cards ! Check Out my list, I have them all sorted so you can pick out which ones YOU want ! All cards are 50 cents a piece !
Trust me, the Legolas ones go the fastest ! =)
This beats going to the store, buying a pack for $4 and getting NO cards that you wanted !
Check out my list !
All cards listed are 50 cents a piece !

List of LOTR Trading Cards

Please note, these cards are allextras I have accumulated in my collection. I do have cards that are not listed, simply because I dont have extras of them. If there is a specific card or character that you want,contact me, and I will let you know if I have it. The prices of those cards will be higher, simply because I do not have a replacement for them.
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Tolkien Con/LotR 50th in 2005 [01 Jun 2002|03:54pm]

anyone here truly hardcore; Tolkien Society member planning on attending the 50th anniversary convention in 2005?

just curious. ^_^
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[25 May 2002|02:04am]

Lord of the Rings Script found if any one happens to be interested.
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[24 May 2002|04:37pm]

I was just wondering if anyone knows the intentions of PJ or Newline Cinema on what they will be doing about the appearance of Gandalf in 'The Two Towers'. Anyone who has read the book will know that he doesn't actually "die" as such, but those who haven't will not be expecting to see Gandalf on promotional posters etc. Does anyone know what's gonna happen with this? The thing is, Sir Ian McKellen is a great actor, & to not feature his name anywhere will be a) almost a crime (lol) & b) extremely hard for ever single reviewer to do. Anyway, was just wondering
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I WANTSSSSS IT! :o) [23 May 2002|01:19am]

hey all, i'm new to this community - you look great so far. i'm desperately looking for a downloadable copy of The Two Towers trailer that was released in theatres awhile back. lemme know if you can help? thanks you guys! :o)
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[22 May 2002|12:38am]

I joined because I have been a fan of Tolkien's works since my childhood, when 'The Hobbit' was read to me.
Since those years, I have read many of his books, 'The Silmarillion' and 'Lord of the Rings' being my favorites.
I joined this community because there isn't as much hype about the films themselves, but also the mastermind behind the legacy, and the detailed literature.
I endeavor to share artwork, info, and so forth.
That is all.
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[04 May 2002|07:36pm]

After seeing the petition for the renaming of the theatrical version of The Two Towers, I was furious.

So I made this petition against the renaming of it.

If you feel that it should not be renamed, please help out by signing this petition.
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[02 May 2002|05:53pm]

Heya ppl.. Could someone plz tell me where i could find the script the the lort movie? thanks heaps for any help =)
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[30 Apr 2002|07:41pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

College stages mock trial to prosecute Peter Jackson for "Crimes to the Book"

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2nd movie [15 Apr 2002|08:57am]

Someone told me a rumor that Shelob is being left out of the next movie, and I really can't verify this claim.

Someone should tell me that it isn't true.
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Tolkien 101 [12 Apr 2002|11:33am]

Tolkien 101:

Help make a reading list!

For newcomers to Tolkien, what are the best introductory books that they could read:
a) By Tolkien
b) About Tolkien
c) Literary crit of Tolkien
d) Other recommendations?


What Tolkien websites do you habitually browse, or would recommend?
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