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[14 Nov 2001|09:21pm]
sometimes i wonder. then i remind myself that wondering leads to my mind going places it really shouldn't, and try to force the thoughts back, back, away-
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i love him. [14 Nov 2001|09:13pm]
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extremely odd website... [10 Nov 2001|11:20pm]
Check it out here. It runs a bit too long, but its...odd, all the same...odd...
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love it [10 Nov 2001|09:34pm]

courtesy of BUSTdotcom
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[10 Nov 2001|09:20pm]
green tea w/honey, whole almonds, and a dark chocolate bar is palatable bliss.
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| | jealousy tests | | [10 Nov 2001|08:42pm]
[ mood | restless ]

i should know better, but i took some jealousy tests(i admit that i have jealousy issues; seeing a test tell me how bad they were freaked me some at first). however, i'm surprised by (some) of the results
The Jealousy Test by results:
Your Score: 50 (dead medium)
While you're certainly not immune to the occasional twinge of jealousy, you are generally able to balance envious feelings with a calm and logical attitude. When you feel an attack of the green-eyed monster coming on, you try to calm down and take an honest look at your feelings. If it's a small thing, like your girlfriend/boyfriend innocently chatting to an attractive stranger at a party, you are generally able to let it go - or at least restrain from blowing it out of proportion. If you decide you have legitimate reasons to be envious, you would likely express it; this is where things can go wrong if not handled with the utmost finesse. Do you verbally attack the "guilty party" or make harsh accusations before knowing the whole story? Jealousy is a natural emotion, but can become poison in any relationship. As long as you try to keep your slightly jealous nature in check, it shouldn't do any damage.

keep in mind that above test is regarding jealousy on a whole.

This relationship jealousy test, on the other hand...
General Index Score=48
Most people who are involved in an important relationship carry a certain amount of fear and feel threatened by the possibility of being displaced and losing a partner to someone else. After all, these things happen, and when they do, it is usually very painful. Very few people display a blatant lack of jealousy. That is certainly not your case. You appear to be a person in whom jealousy can be evoked very easily and who tends to live in a permanent state of fear of losing the loved one, conscious or subconscious. You seem to perceive the possibility of losing your partner to someone else as very threatening. This might put a strain on your relationship, especially if your partner is not willing to play along. Some work on your self-esteem, social and communication skills could help you to feel stronger, more secure, and more independent. In turn, this would help you realize that if you ever lost your mate to someone else, you would (or could) survive with your self-esteem intact, with your head up and with dignity. You would find out that even though you might love your partner very much, s/he is not the only compatible creature on earth, and that you would eventually find happiness with someone else. Such feelings would give you a sense of security and the strength to trust, and would allow you to be more comfortable in the relationship. That, in turn, would boost the chances of a lasting and fulfilling relationship. See the sub-scores below for a more detailed analysis.
Jealousy and Your Emotions/Thinking Patterns Score=64
You appear to be suffering somewhat at both an emotional and cognitive level. According to your test score, you are generally pessimistic when it comes to trusting your partner. in fact, you generally mistrust him/her and feel threatened when s/he interacts with anybody who might even remotely qualify as a potential mate. You are especially jealous, of course, when s/he interacts with someone s/he might find attractive. You get worked up over minor things and, as a consequence, you get easily hurt.
Building up your level of trust would enable you to feel more secure and in control. You could avoid feeling anxious, hurt and betrayed because of things that do not warrant such strong emotions. This would result in a much stronger, healthier relationship both for you and your partner.

Jealous Behavior Score=27
You sometimes do the right thing in situations that provoke your jealousy, but often you do not. You are quite jealous and it shows. It is true that sometimes a little bit of jealousy can put a spark into a relationship. However, it is a dangerous weapon that might easily be used against you. As such, you had better keep it under control.
From the viewpoint of a partner, jealousy is generally very unbecoming. More often than not, it can spoil the relationship to the point of a breakup. Ironically, jealousy, which originates in the fear of losing your mate, might result in exactly that.
It is certainly hard to behave as a perfect gentleman/lady when you are burning inside. However, the pain will eventually subside if you decide to work on it. You can learn to control jealous behavior through detecting the first signs and making a conscious decision not to take the shortcut to your regular pattern. With some training, you will be able to recognize and block the behavior before it starts. However, that alone will not do it. You need to address the underlying insecurity, which most likely comes from a low self-esteem. When you stop feeling and behaving as if your mate was doing you a favor by being with you, you will grow - in your own eyes, and your partner's probably too. If your mate thrives on your jealousy, then it is a pretty safe guess that s/he has a problem that needs to be addressed and that your relationship has an unhealthy element.

Irrational Jealousy Score=48
You get very upset in relatively innocent circumstances, and many harmless situations have an unnecessarily disturbing effect on you. Try to be more rational. If you have troubles distinguishing innocence from potential betrayal, try to imagine yourself in the shoes of your friend. Many situations won't appear as threatening when you are not the one involved. Then, try to keep that perspective when you reassess the situation. If it does not help, consider getting help from a qualified psychologist. You can get rid of these feelings, and I can assure you that it will pay off in terms of the improvement of your love life.
Dependency Issues Score=69
You appear to have some serious dependence problems, and if you do not already struggle with them, you should. You would feel better if you saw yourself as an individual separate from your partner and if you did not depend solely on her/him for gratification of all your needs. I would recommend that you work on it intensively and possibly consider getting some professional help.
Self-Esteem Issues Score=73
You definitely have very poor self-esteem. If you are jealous, then chances are that low self-esteem plays a major role in it. If your jealous behavior score is low, it might be that you do not consider yourself worthy of your mate's love and you secretly suffer in your little corner. Either way, it is not good for your emotional health and well-being. Do something about it! You ARE worth it!
Control Issues Statements=4
You appear to display controlling behavior to some degree. You might be controlling in different ways: by limiting your partner from a position of strength (physical or psychological) or from a position of weakness in a passive aggressive way. In your case, the problem is not extremely serious, but it can be resented by your partner anyway. You should take a critical look at yourself and do something about it.

FUNFUNFUN. i'll only give validity to what i want to give validity to. ;p

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:|:||bored||:|: [10 Nov 2001|08:28pm]
Enneagram Type Indicator placed my results as such:
Type 1: The Reformer. The rational, idealistic type. 4
Type 2: The Helper. The caring, nurturing type. 4
Type 3: The Motivator. The adaptable, success-oriented type. 2
Type 4: The Artist. The intuitive, reserved type. 5
Type 5: The Thinker. The perceptive, cerebral type. 5
Type 6: The Skeptic. The committed, security-oriented type. 1
Type 7: The Generalist. The enthusiastic, productive type. 5
Type 8: The Leader. The powerful, aggressive type. 7
Type 9: The Peacemaker. The easygoing, accommodating type. 3

The Enneagram Personality Type Indicator Results...
Type 1: The Reformer. The rational, idealistic type. -2(haha!)
Type 2: The Helper. The caring, nurturing type. 1
Type 3: The Motivator. The adaptable, success-oriented type. -2
Type 4: The Artist. The intuitive, reserved type. 5
Type 5: The Thinker. The perceptive, cerebral type. 1
Type 6: The Skeptic. The committed, security-oriented type. -4
Type 7: The Generalist. The enthusiastic, productive type. 3
Type 8: The Leader. The powerful, aggressive type. 2
Type 9: The Peacemaker. The easygoing, accommodating type. -3

;> i love the negatives...
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shutting ov.... [10 Nov 2001|02:14am]
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colorgenics says.... [10 Nov 2001|01:25am]
Much of the time you are preoccupied with things of an intensely exciting nature. You need stimulation and variation with all matters pertaining to your life... You want to be regarded as an exciting and interesting personality being able to charm and influence others. You use powerful strategies with predictable outcomes so as to avoid endangering your chances of success or undermining other peoples confidence in you.

Being a somewhat gentle, emotional and sensitive person, you are, at this time experiencing a considerable amount of tension. What you really need is someone who can be close to you and to listen to what you have to say...

Everyone has to compromise at times.. and circumstances are such, that at this time you are feeling the need to do just that. Put all of your hopes on the back burner and let matters flow...for a time...forgo some of the things you want. The good times are around the corner.

You are pretending that the situation around you doesn't matter, but the effort of trying to conceal your emotions and anxieties is resulting in untold stress. The existing situation is disagreeable. You feel unwanted and lonely and you would really like to associate with someone whose ideals are as high as your own. You want to be above the standard of mediocrity... and this need to be needed and that need to need has almost become an obsession. You are trying to magnify the need into a compelling urge. You would really like to tell the world how great you are.. but no.. you are holding back because you feel that your peers may treat you with contempt. This is a great pity because you have in fact a unique quality of character but the continual restraint that you impose on yourself make you suppress this need for others and you pretend you don't really care. You treat those who criticise you with contempt. However, to be honest ... beneath this assumption of indifference you really long for the approval and esteem of others.

You really like doing what you do and more than that, you like yourself. Your attitude to work and to life is that "If its not fun - then don't do it" You want to be liked and respected, not for who you are but , for what you are.. and it seems to be working..

colorgenics can eat shit. i don't like that sort of analyzation-its creepy.
birth charts are one thing, but all of this "we can reveal your innermost workings via simple test" makes me ill! i REFUSE to beleive that humans are that easy to figure out. but i'm not in the mood to bitch-SURPRISINGLY-so i'll come back to this(or not) later.
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i'm... [10 Nov 2001|01:09am]
blue. that works...
You're blue — the most soothing shade of the spectrum. The color of a clear summer sky or a deep, reflective ocean, blue has traditionally symbolized trust, solitude, and loyalty. Most likely a thoughtful person who values spending some time on your own, you'd rather connect deeply with a few people than have a bunch of slight acquaintances. Luckily, making close friends isn't that hard, since people are naturally attracted to you — they're soothed by your calming presence. Cool and collected, you rarely overreact. Instead, you think things through before coming to a decision. That level-headed, thoughtful approach to life is patently blue — and patently you!
emode /REALLY/ needs new tests.
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and a lovely end. [10 Nov 2001|12:53am]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | silly comments and typing ]

le.colter and i decided to drive around today; no particular destination, just drive. we went north, instead of into dallas, towarsd mckinney(a hideous little savannah-esque town), then took 380 towards denton. we pulled onto a dusty, bumpy little farm road and went to zion cemetary, a quaint little cemetary set on a perfectly rolling hill. its beautiful on clear nights-not far from the city, but the stars cluster the sky in milkyway madness. its the spot i plan to head to for the meteor shower. anyway, we smoked a bit, and were cute and cuddly alot-unfortunately, my overactive bladder demanded we go(ergggh), so....
then home. he has to get up early for le.job. funfunfun. my lids are weary anyway.
i looked up the zion cemetary i adore on the net-it actually has a link, though its nothing spectacular. at all. a list of families buried there, really. if you want, check it out.
i'm bored, and my love is having netventures (he's relatively new to the net. its cute!). i think i'll go look up some quizzes, or post some surveys from newsgroups, or something to amuse myself...

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mmmmm...... [09 Nov 2001|07:18pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

today has been slow and relaxing. the weather is crisp, and very cool; i have been praying for that. too muggy, too long...i adore the heat, and find summers amazing, but winter is always a refreshing break. i hope the temp stays low, at least through 18.11? 17.11? for the Leonid Meteor Shower. wee morning hours, cold air, cemetary, blankets, joints, and a telescope...i cannae wait! i've never really noticed a meteor shower-or a falling star, even-through the dense smog in the metropolis; and when driving through the country i notice the stars-the amazing skyfull of stars!-but have never been lucky enough to witness one fall. it will be lovely~*~*~*
i'm writing to kill time before le.colter arrives from work. he is so beautiful. i feel blessed and so in love with him...i'm trying to work on my issues, keep them buried while he's around and deal with them when he's not, as he tries to save me from their emotionally hellish hold on me, and he can't. no one can, but myself. and i just need to GET OVER IT. really, thats all...
i just signed up with ebay. i have much in the way of clothes, records, and assorted nonsense that i will post soon; i hope that helps some. so long as i can escape corporate drudgery, i'll be a happy girl. i'm also thinking of posting some of my work-collage, paintings, digital manipulations-so i need to look into having prints done, the cost, etc. there are two other sites that i may post on as well-gothic auctions and disturbing acutions. lol, on disturbing auctions anything seems to sell-i'm amazed at what some people will buy. truly amused and amazed.
le.colter has arrived, and i want to cuddle.

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Most Suitable Profession... [09 Nov 2001|05:56pm]
according to
i KNEW it!----># 1 Movie Star ----># 2 Rock Star
fuck yea! and the rest...
# 3 Artist
# 4 Park Ranger
# 5 Astronaut
# 6 Chef
# 7 Inventor
# 8 Politician
# 9 Professional Sports Player
# 10 Teacher
# 11 Author
# 12 Graphic Designer
# 13 Police Officer
# 14 Reporter
# 15 Salesperson
# 16 Web Designer
# 17 Chemist
# 18 Doctor
# 19 Engineer
# 20 FBI Agent
# 21 Geneticist
# 22 Lawyer
# 23 Mathemetician
# 24 Researcher
# 25 Computer Game Programmer
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update time [09 Nov 2001|04:08pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | nick cave and the bad seeds::o'malleys bar ]

though i've put it off for awhile. i did edit my entries and delete the mopey-woe-is-me posts a few days ago; they irritated me. thats all anyone needs to know. things are better all around-i'm in love~*~* and a visit to the doctor tuesday for a check-up; i may be able to find out what le.creature is going to be. dammit, i want a little girl! i want to dress her up in black and white striped tights, and cute black dresses with red bloomers and bonnets! hollie pointed out that i could die her hair-so, shocking pink the ends will be, as soon as possible. hehe, like the cah-uute punk rock baby in sid and nancy! more later, have to jet now...

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freak out!!! [03 Nov 2001|03:23pm]
fucking right.
my computer just seriously flipped on me.
pages-scrolling erratically-pulling themselves up and down and sideways and eek! i dinnae like that! psycho-fuckwad has been pulling creepy shit lately; if this is was caused by him, well-the karma will come back quickly. i'm over just tolerating. i've felt quite ruthless lately.
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[31 Oct 2001|05:51pm]
i hate my over emotional, dramatic tendencies.
i wish i could go a day without whining, bitching, and getting caught up in melodramatic issues better suited for soap stars.
i try to tell myself its a phase. lol, its hormones.
i just hope it stops soon.
i'm very weary.
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no wonder people are robots... [27 Oct 2001|04:39pm]
it's much easier.
just turn off. let the limits of society shape one to their will. squash ones dreams and passions into dust. society hasn't been shaped to conform to ones desires and natural drives-humans have shaped it to control them. i'm disgusted by it.
web design isn't working out. none of my projects are at the moment, which normally wouldn't be hard to deal with, but i'm with child now. certain things i relied on before are not possible now, and certain others not possible again, ever i'm afraid. i'm partially angry with myself, and very angry with humankind, for breeding this kind of self-destructive nonsense. ha! or breeding in general, lol.
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state of affairs [27 Sep 2001|05:26pm]
i'm still having trouble believing manhattan has fallen. i would like to write more, but a gabbing thirteen year old ("like, omigaw, didja know what so-and-so said about so-and-so and so-and-so, and she's like trying to break them up, and like gawd no! he's like so, like today wasn't a good day to wear that, ya know?!??!!")is making my mind numb itself, so as not to be affected by the brainlessness...
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9mm fancies... [20 Sep 2001|12:49pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | billy idol-don't need a gun ]

i'd like to be the one who fires the bullet that kills bin laden.
i'd like to go back in time, so i can see my favorite part of the nyc skyline before this incident...
i'd like to reach inside america and take the pain away.
i'd like to beat the shit out of the "afro-ameri-cans" in florida who failed to perform their duties as firemen because our nation's flag was hanging from the truck, and doncha know its oppressive?
i'd like to kick a shitload of sense into the entire world...

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uggggh. [04 Sep 2001|02:51am]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | tchaikovsky::swan lake ]

my wisdom teeth are coming in, slowly but surely, and with their cutting comes an annoying sea of pain; its hard to eat, swallow, even open my mouth! its never hurt quite this bad; in the past, its been more of a dull pain, that came and went quickly, never this cutting, this piercing, this penetrating and ebbing...even my temples are beginning to throb from the's a fuckover. off to search for Baylor Student Dentistry information regarding their discounted dental services. i want these fuckers pulled out, NOW. give me some pliers, nownownow!

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