D.B.'s LiveJournal
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in D.B.'s LiveJournal:

    Thursday, March 1st, 2001
    3:32 pm
    Still at work
    Mind going blank.

    Current Mood: drained
    Current Music: Jeff Buckley: Mystery White Boy
    2:28 pm
    Work sucks the soul out of everyone, if they
    even have one to begin with. Here I am doing
    completely meaningless crap to fuel this loveless
    system, to make money to spend money to keep
    everyone else in the money. It's sick. It keeps me too
    tired to spend time on the things that actually give my
    life meaning. I get home, feed the cats and collapse.
    No second wind for me. once im down, thats it. I work
    weekends to pay back the student loans that got me
    this soul sucking meaningless job..........when will the madness
    Somehow i do find the time to ocassionally get published
    and learn enough about my bass to sound acceptable, but I
    imagine a world where I could work 20 hrs a week, pay my
    bills and spend the rest of my time writing, reading, and playing
    GRRRRR...........i'm getting paid 12.25 and hour to sit in front of
    a computer and surf the net. So boring.
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