Date: | 2003-01-25 14:17 |
Subject: | UGH, I tell ya! |
Security: | Public |
I'm still here, just taking another leave of absence I guess. Richard isn't working... again. I'm on this program through the state where they're going to pay for me to get my GED and get some more schooling and stuff, the only drawback with that is that I can't work. So I have an excuse. :0Þ On top of that, my computer CRASHED. I'm at the local library right now. I miss my puter. It's been dead for like a month now. RIP Lisa's Computer Anyway I gotta hurry, got places to go, things to see and people to do, (hahaha), but I'll write again as soon as I'm able to. I'm not ignoring anyone, and I miss all you guys!! Big hugs! Kelli, I haven't forgotten about ya, *thank you* for the card, one will be in the mail headed your way shortly!! Talk to y'all soon...
Date: | 2002-11-27 13:23 |
Subject: | help! |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | desperate |
I'm on a free account. Doug re-did my layout when it was paid. Now, because I'm a free account, I can't get into the "edit style" to fix anything and I don't know crap. I'm trying to update my layout myself for winter, and I think I've got it pretty cute so far. Not changing the actual layout, but just the background and how it looks. Now here's where I need help. Look at my journal. Can someone tell me (or be a peach and do it for me... although not necessary) how to change what the title, etc. says, and change the color of the font? It totally clashes. Can someone pleeeeeeez help me??
Date: | 2002-11-21 12:05 |
Subject: | dammit! |
Security: | Public |
The sparklies aren't showing up in my Happy Birthday message! Maybe I typed it wrong. Anyone know what I'm talking about and how to do it?
Date: | 2002-11-21 12:01 |
Subject: | |
Security: | Public |
Music: | Happy Birthday |
Happy Birthday Hannah Banana!!
Date: | 2002-11-12 12:25 |
Subject: | |
Security: | Public |
I can see it now. Holy shit is that bright. Ummmm, ok, I don't know shit, I'm having someone else do it after all.... *yikes* *swallows pride*
Date: | 2002-11-12 12:25 |
Subject: | |
Security: | Public |
I can see it now. Holy shit is that bright. Ummmm, ok, I don't know shit, I'm having someone else do it after all.... *yikes* *swallows pride*
Date: | 2002-11-12 12:25 |
Subject: | |
Security: | Public |
I can see it now. Holy shit is that bright. Ummmm, ok, I don't know shit, I'm having someone else do it after all.... *yikes* *swallows pride*
Date: | 2002-11-12 12:22 |
Subject: | This is pissing me off. |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | frustrated |
I have no idea what my lj looks like right now. In the middle of trying to fix it (rather than having someone else do it) it fucking froze up on me. I hate the free server. >:( RAWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Date: | 2002-11-12 12:22 |
Subject: | This is pissing me off. |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | frustrated |
I have no idea what my lj looks like right now. In the middle of trying to fix it (rather than having someone else do it) it fucking froze up on me. I hate the free server. >:( RAWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Date: | 2002-11-07 13:00 |
Subject: | This is going to make me cry. |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | depressed |
![cuddle%20and%20a%20kiss]( What Sign of Affection Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I'm married and I don't get this. I need a hug. :(
Date: | 2002-11-07 12:48 |
Subject: | I'm Courtney Love. YEAH. |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | I wanna get drunk | Music: | something destructive.... lemme look... |
![Courtney%20Love]( What sexy girl are you brought to you by Quizilla
Date: | 2002-11-05 12:33 |
Subject: | Found a picture of Mini-Me... |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | proud |
This is from August '01. :D
Think she could model? I look through so many magazines and ads, and think she's so much cuter than the kids I see in them...
Date: | 2002-10-31 14:33 |
Subject: | One more thing... |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | creative | Music: | Why Should I Care - Diana Krall |
I found this on a random website once. I've looked everywhere for pictures like this. Have any of you ever seen this, know who painted/created it, where I can find pictures like it, etc? I'd be much obliged!!!!!
Pretty, isn't it?
Date: | 2002-10-21 22:02 |
Subject: | testing... |
Security: | Public |
Date: | 2002-09-24 14:34 |
Subject: | |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | irritated | Music: | Bayleigh's cartoons |
Blonde moment. What's that program you use to make/edit icons and pictures and stuff (not photoshop, the other one)?? I used to use it, but it's been so long I forgot what it's called. Help!
Date: | 2002-09-12 17:56 |
Subject: | |
Security: | Public |
OH for the love o'Pete. I've talked to a few of you already, and if you're wondering why I haven't gotten back to ya, it's because my non-credit-card-or-checking-account havin' ass is on the free server now, which I might ass SUCKS MY ASS!!!! This is the 3rd time I've tried (unsuccessfully) to post about it too!!!! ::grumble::
Date: | 2002-09-12 17:26 |
Subject: | I'm still here |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | confused | Music: | Black Black Heart - David Usher |
Hi y'all, or those of you who actually give a damn:
I'm still here. I still linger. I still think of you. All of you. I can't write very often, because DICK is still a DICK. And he won't leave. I know what I need to do about this, and have done it. I'm at my wits end with that, and thanks, but I don't need any more advice on that subject to make me feel any worse. I just wanted to let you guys know that I still keep up every now and then, and DICK just got a job (finally) so I should have some time to write during the days. You'll see more of me. To those who had faith and kept me on their friends lists, thank you. You've proved to be the "true" ones, and that means more to me than you know. To those that didn't, I understand. I know that I was taking up 10 letter-sized spaces that you couldn't afford to give up. I had kind of a revelation, or whatever, and I finally feel able to write again. I'll probably make those of you who stuck around quite sick of me very soon. You've been warned. :) :::Hugs to all:::
Date: | 2002-04-19 14:14 |
Subject: | |
Security: | Public |
This was way too cool to pass up. :)
![Lifeform Intended for Sabotage and Assassination](
Date: | 2002-03-07 08:28 |
Subject: | |
Security: | Public |
can't take what you dish out??
unlock your comments, you fucking coward.
Date: | 2002-03-06 16:39 |
Subject: | posting here until I can find a way to comment... |
Security: | Public |
I'm sorry aren't you 30? That's considered statutory, no? I believe it is. Maybe if they had actually done something, I could see some substance in your claim. You'd think that with all the little details and definitions you've posted, you'd catch the most obvious detail. And if I'm not mistaken, aren't you older than he is too?
How could very much go on with anyone so fixated (at 30 years old mind you) on Live Journal, and on the internet. You know, if you were 30 years old, with a respectable, stable husband that makes good money, you might sit there and do whatever the fuck you want (which she does) too. Why do you care if her choice so happens to be the internet? Are you that desperate to find something to bitch about?? I'm sorry, did I not hear from someone that you had a child? You're setting a wonderful example for her, aren't you? Yes because, um, let's see here: I'm really sure that every night while tucking her daughter in, K tells her all about the problems she has with daddy. I'm sure she's sure to include how she's HUMAN and developed a little, short-lived crush. Oh, don't forget the psycho little skank that can't let go and move on. Nighty night, sweetie.
Masses? *Looks at your friend's list* Hm, dear one, masses might refer to you, I believe. I don't keep anyone on my friend's list that I don't read, nor do I sit there posting about why I'm cutting this person and that. Actually, she does talk to almost everyone that is on her friends list. We all adore her. Nevermind the meds. Nevermind the crush, or whatever. We ALL love her for who she is. As for the cutting: I've been cut from friends lists before. I'll admit it. If someone clashes with you, why keep them, right? Well, there was one time I was cut and they didn't explain why. I would've appreciated an explanation. And when I've cut people, I explain to them. It's just a courteous and respectful thing to do. But you wouldn't know a thing about either of those, would you?
I suppose two jobs and a full college course load aren't "living"? Oh wait. A job. Have you heard of one? I believe I'll quote you on this one: "I believe I've repeated myself about this situation? See above explanation." Like I said, she doesn't need one. Her husband takes care of her just fine. Why work if she doesn't need to? She'd like to be a mother to her child, rather than just dumping her off at daycare everyday. Sounds to me (among others), that's exactly what you'd be like. It's sad. Please "do the world a favor" and don't breed. Especially with *that* fuck.
Could I sit on LJ all day, amassing friends, commenting people up the ass, talking shit to people over a DECADE younger than I? She doesn't comment to anyone who doesn't comment back. Or comment first, for that matter. Are you talking shit about all of us now? I've never seen someone so obsessed with age. Is it better to talk shit to someone "over a DECADE" older than yourself? And thinking that you're getting anywhere by doing so?? Hmmmmm?
Just how is it that you think you know what I have and have not heard? I'm curious. Still stalking, I assume? Oh puh-lease, don't flatter yourself. How can you be so sure that she didn't find out about your post through someone else, the same way you claim you found out about hers?? Oh by the way: ..because 17 year old boys can only come up with so much. *wink*
Into thinking you're sane? You know damn well what she was talking about. If not, read what she said right before that. Theeerrrre ya go. Little hint for ya: with age comes wisdom, and she's got a good 10 years on ya babe. Don't fuck with that, little girl- you WILL lose.
Hmm..I'll have to refute *every* definition of the word, since I can't be sure which one you're utilizing. 1 : having no real value I'm just curious as to whether or not you have a God complex, along with a penchant for underage men?Men?! Where? Did you meet a new one? You can't be talking about *him*... :vomit: 2 : marked by futility or ineffectualness Rather like yourself..a waste of skin, and anti-depressant cocktails that would be better used on people with a CHANCEShe's got more of a chance than you'll ever have. I think you need to do a little bit of FUCKING OFF. CONCEITED -Heh..You can think as you wish. However, I've nearly no self-imageI wouldn't either if I were you, so this is plain and simply incorrectnope.
Coming from you, being the pestilence and bottom-dwelling miscreant that you are, well, that's a compliment. So. Thank you. -Kisses- Quoting a little remark from you back in January: Oh, THAT'S original. By the way, she's not the only one who thinks so. I don't know how many "pestilence and bottom-dwelling miscreants" there can be out there. :) Please check yourself and sit down.
I'm sorry when was I in it? I already told you that I wasn't talking about your dumb ass. Sure, yeah. The fact that you already clarified that in your reply is going to change what she said? Um, ok! :thumbs up: "dumb ass"... Again, check yourself.
You know, funny you should mention the trolling. I baited and you bit. I posted a link to the It Pays to Learn website, and FUNNY THING one of my referrals is one (insert your name here). Who's trolling? Why bait? Why can't you just move on? Of course if you say anything even remotely pertaining to her, you can expect to hear something from her about it. Just like you and your replies. Don't talk shit when you do the same thing.
Right. Only to sign up for that website, right? -Laughs- Thought so. :sigh: So what you're saying is, she has to watch where she goes online because you might be there? :shakes head:
Printed IM's. Don't you mean copied and pasted, love? (would you prefer ToTo? It suits you better.) Whether you copy/paste or not, it gets printed out. What difference does it make *how* you do it? Or, are you just making another pathetic attempt (and failing miserably) to find something to bitch about? And what's with this "Toto"?? Like I said, don't talk shit when you do the same thing. Trolling, eh? GOD.
aww easy there, girl. Lithium and alcohol don't mix too well...although, I guess you've figured that out by now..What was the plan? A little liquid courage to post a reply? It takes a truly sad human being to poke fun at someone's illness. Oh, and us grown-ups like to drink a little alcohol sometimes. Would you rather her write one when she's completely sober? I don't think you'd want that. I know one thing, you're pretty lucky you're halfway across the country from most of us. Threat? Nope. I didn't say shit about doing any harm, or anything else. *wink*
I believe I've repeated myself twice about this situation? See above explanation. Oops! Did we slip again? OH, I forgot. Just because you said that before, means that what she already posted is supposed to just magically disappear. Poof!
If it makes me anything like you are, I'd have already done the world a favor and shot myself. Oh you wanna go that low. Well, do us all a favor and GO JOIN YOUR PUSSY-ASS FRIEND. You know what I'm talking about. -kisses-
Aww..too chicken to use my real name. Ahem, I think you did the same thing??? To refresh your memory: one of my referrals is one (insert your name here).Nuff said.
I think YOU are the one who might need to be doing that.. You're doing a REAL NICE job of proving her point. Thanks!
I'm pretty sure you'd be embarrassed...especially since you are MARRIED and getting 'crushes'.She's fucking MARRIED you moron. She's not dead. Maybe when you get older you'll be able to understand. :) You know. I've learned a LOT from you and your actions, about what I definitely DON'T want a relationship, OR a marriage to be like. Thanks, for that. Truly. Well, you might wanna ditch the crumbs (my nickname for him- isn't it cute?) then. Just some friendly advice.
*smooches* You take care now, ok? Oh by the way.. you might want a little more variety in your little bitch-outs~~ you say the same things over and over again and it's really making us yawn. (kisses from one skank to a better one!!) *wink Note: none of this was directed toward me. I am simply sticking up for a friend. *mwah!**
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