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One more... [27 Jun 2003|06:34pm]
Holy mother of Christ, LJ is addictive today.

So didja hear the one about the kid who killed his parents because...
{4 human truths -- damn the lie}

Today [27 Jun 2003|06:16pm]
[ mood | almost not bad ]
[ music | more Cocteau Twins ]

is a rare day:

I actually like LiveJournal.

Quite a bit.

Thanks for not sucking today, LJ.

{damn the lie}

[27 Jun 2003|06:10pm]
userinfodeleri_uhm and userinfodrippingwound have both been reminding me of saints lately, so I felt like posting St. Francis of Assisi's beautiful and rightfully famous Canticle of Brother Sun and Sister Moon:

* )
{2 human truths -- damn the lie}

[ mood | manky ]
[ music | TMBG clock radio... ]

I'm taking some time off from angsting over my sketchbook to say,


and there has to be SOMEONE out there who wants to come too (or better yet, drive :)...'s FREE!!!!!

(thanks to userinfodrippingwound for the heads up)

{8 human truths -- damn the lie}

I don't know how I missed this one... [30 May 2003|03:34pm]
I have to read behind userinfofireceremony's cut-tags more often. Sheesh.

this is so fucking seksi )

Not to be too obvious, but why do I always get the most fourish response in, like, every quiz?

I AM überfour ?!
{5 human truths -- damn the lie}

[07 May 2003|04:44pm]
[ mood | annoying you with memes ]
[ music | Faith No More - "We Care A Lot" ]

I'll be a little copycat too! Yeah!!

If I were a stone, I would be: moonstone
If I were a tree, I would be: weeping willow
If I were a bird, I would be: partial albino hawk
If I were a machine, I would be: a Rube Goldberg contraption
If I were a tool, I would be: an old-fashioned egg beater
If I were a flower/plant, I would be: an iris
If I were a kind of weather, I would be: the anticipation of summer in the air
If I were a mythical creature, I would be: some kind of nymph
If I were a musical instrument, I would be: piano or harpsichord
If I were an animal, I would be: (see bird)
If I were a color, I would be: violet
If I were an emotion, I would be: smiling melancholia
If I were a vegetable, I would be: scallions
If I were a sound, I would be: chirping.
If I were an element, I would be: water. especially fog or mist.
If I were a car, I would be: one of those gas-electric hybrids, or an old studebaker
If I were a song, I would be: (right now) "Frankly, Mr. Shankly" by the Smiths
If I were to trade places with another person, it would be: Kate Bush.
If I were a movie, I would be: Gothic.
If I were a food, I would be: really fucking good pasta.
If I were a place, I would be: Santa Cruz, California.
If I were a material, I would be: velvet.
If I were a taste, I would be: seaweed, apparently.
If I were a scent, I would be: vanilla (ogre stole mine)
If I were a religion, I would be: Hellenism or shamanism
If I were a word, I would be: clarity
If I were an object, I would be: a really cool pencil.
If I were a body part I would be: shoulders
If I were a facial expression I would be: wistful
If I were a subject in school I would be: creative writing
If I were a cartoon character I would be: Kenji Miyazawa in Spring and Chaos
If I were a shape I would be: trapezoid
If I were a number I would be: ^_^
If I were a month I would be: March or September
If I were a day of the week I would be: Tuesday or Sunday
If I were a time of day I would be: twilight
If I were a planet I would be: Neptune
If I were a sea animal I would be: starfish
If I were a direction I would be: southwest
If I were a piece of furniture I would be: a strange old antique wardrobe
If I were a sin I would be: envy, of course
If I were a historical figure I would be: Theda Bara or Yukio Mishima
If I were a liquid I would be: stream water.

{1 human truth -- damn the lie}

hi. [04 May 2003|06:06pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Dean Martin. ]

there's someone out there.


{9 human truths -- damn the lie}

Silly. [01 May 2003|12:40pm]
[ mood | oy ]
[ music | Primal Scream - "Higher Than the Sun" ]

Two Japanese-inspired links for those of you who like that sort of thing.

The first one some of you are aware of. It's a classic, really. Home English Home.

The second piece of inspired lunacy is courtesy of my friend Jess - this is very Jess, which means it is very wrong. But it is Mega-Happy.

{2 human truths -- damn the lie}

Well goddamnit. [10 Apr 2003|12:43pm]
[ mood | annoyed at famous fours ]
[ music | most certainly not M.L. Gore ]

Martin El Gore is only playing one, that's right, ONE tour date in the entire U.S. And naturally, it's in L.A. Not even a single tour date in NYC.

I hate Rawk Stars (tm).

Here's to better luck with Mr. "I'm a human puppydog" Gahan, at any rate. At least he lives in the City.

{5 human truths -- damn the lie}

Last post of the day. [04 Apr 2003|03:30pm]
And it's a lyrics post, so feel free to hate me.

And I'm not doing lj-cut, no.


"Waters of March"
by Antonio Carlos Jobim (who was some 4...8...9...thing)
(English version)

A stick, a stone, it's the end of the road
It's the rest of a stump, it's a little alone
It's a sliver of glass, it is life, it's the sun
It is night, it is death, it's a trap, it's a gun
The oak when it blooms, a fox in the brush
A knot in the wood, the song of a thrush
The wood of the wind, a cliff, a fall
A scratch, a lump, it is nothing at all
It's the wind blowing free, it's the end of the slope
It's a beam it's a void, it's a hunch, it's a hope
And the river bank talks of the waters of March
It's the end of the strain
The joy in your heart
The foot, the ground, the flesh and the bone
The beat of the road, a slingshot's stone
A fish, a flash, a silvery glow
A fight, a bet the fange of a bow
The bed of the well, the end of the line
The dismay in the face, it's a loss, it's a find
A spear, a spike, a point, a nail
A drip, a drop, the end of the tale
A truckload of bricks in the soft morning light
The sound of a shot in the dead of the night
A mile, a must, a thrust, a bump,
It's a girl, it's a rhyme, it's a cold, it's the mumps
The plan of the house, the body in bed
And the car that got stuck, it's the mud, it's the mud
A float, a drift, a flight, a wing
A hawk, a quail, the promise of spring
And the river bank talks of the waters of March
It's the promise of life, it's the joy in your heart
A stick, a stone, it's the end of the road
It's the rest of a stump, it's a little alone
A snake, a stick, it is John, it is Joe
It's a thorn in your hand and a cut in your toe
A point, a grain, a bee, a bite
A blink, a buzzard, a sudden stroke of night
A pin, a needle, a sting a pain
A snail, a riddle, a wasp, a stain
A pass in the mountains, a horse and a mule
In the distance the shelves rode three shadows of blue
And the river talks of the waters of March
It's the promise of life in your heart
A stick, a stone, the end of the road
The rest of a stump, a lonesome road
A sliver of glass, a life, the sun
A knife, a death, the end of the run
And the river bank talks of the waters of March
It's the end of all strain, it's the joy in your heart
{1 human truth -- damn the lie}

Stupidity! More pop culture stupidity! Hurrah! [28 Mar 2003|04:56pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | unnamed eighties pop toonz ]

FUN FACT: The wallpaper on my computer is of Haysi Fantayzee. Does anyone remember them...? They were absurd. Completely and utterly.

And....this is the coolest thing ever. Thanks userinfost_theodora...

Which Silver Screen Siren are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

{3 human truths -- damn the lie}

TURBO-NUTTER-BASTARD [10 Feb 2003|03:56am]
Are any of you wondering why I added "breadheads" to my LJ interests list...?

From the inimitable Alan Wilder's own mouth (hands?), courtesy of the Recoil q + a site:

From: Melvin Llum

I was wondering how long it took to make your hair "just perfect" for the videos 'Master and Servant' and 'Everything Counts'? By the way, I love these 2 videos very much! How old were you then?

{Alan's answer}

HOT HAIR (circa 1983/4)

You will need:

1 STUPID PRATT (preferably aged - about 22 should do it)
1 LARGE MIRROR (doctored to look as flattering as possible)
1 HEAD OF STRAGGLY, UNKEMPT HAIR (do NOT wash thoroughly)
HOVIS BREAD (1 loaf)

Take stupid pratt and stand for half an hour in front of a large mirror. Start by coating straggly hair thoroughly with both tubes of full hold hair gel, being careful to ensure sideburns are not missed. Using comb, scoop upwards to resemble loaf of bread and immediately cover LIBERALLY with hair spray (remembering to save some for the garnish). DO NOT MOVE UNTIL SET. Next, ignore the fact that everyone's saying "Look at that stupid pratt who looks like he's got a loaf of bread on his head" and place firmly in an equally badly dressed and follically-disasterous 80's pop band. Finally, add one more spray of Elnette and serve immediately to gaggle of teenage girls who'll tell him he looks great......
{1 human truth -- damn the lie}

I want my... [06 Feb 2003|01:52am]
I'm pathetic, but I actually logged back on to post this:

I would give anything to watch some pre-1993 MTV just about now.

To tell you the truth, around 1990 would be perfect for me. That's when I watched it the most - I was eleven years old.

Previous to that, I have very clear memories of watching some extremely obscure new wave band called the Nu Shooz (I believe that's how they spelled it) on what was probably 120 Minutes. This must have been around 1988 or so, but I still remember these guys. If anyone can dig up info on them I'd be eternally grateful.

Although I did like MTV in the early '90s (you know, when there were actually a lot of good full-length shows on, like Liquid Television), I remember even then not understanding how they could possibly turn the decadent and fabulously '80s Club MTV - hosted by Downtown Julie Brown - into the annoying and Soul Train-esque The Grind. I mean, ugh. (I do have the names right, don't I? Isn't Club MTV what they called the dance program in the late '80s?)

What I wouldn't do to have about three solid hours of watching old skool MTV right now. Man. That's prolly a sure sign I should be in bed, or reread Less Than Zero.
{5 human truths -- damn the lie}

This is very important. [02 Feb 2003|03:02am]
Website of the evening: Alan Wilder's zany fivish sense of humour.

Alan Wilder pickup line of the evening: "I play keyboards you know...want to see my organ?"
{5 human truths -- damn the lie}

So... [28 Jan 2003|02:12pm]
[ music | Voltaire - "#1 Fan" ]

Considering that I feel shitty almost all the time, I think it's about time I got off my stupid thyroid medicine. I've heard that traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) can be very effective in treating what I have in particular, Hashimoto's disease.

Does anyone in the NJ/NYC/Philly area know of a good TCM practitioner? Or where I could look for one, or who to ask? (userinfolittle_licks?)I'm willing to give it a try. No doubt my intense mood swings and general physical awfulness are related.

I liked this article as well. Not like it isn't something I don't already know.

I'm really very bad at taking control of my own health (probably the worst managed area of my life)...but I really want to.

{9 human truths -- damn the lie}

pitiful rudderful [28 Jan 2003|01:47am]
[ music | go away go away go away ]

For anyone who cares (hah!), I'm going to be at the DJ Ronan/Nocturne event in Philly this Wednesday, along with userinfochikwithscourge, userinfogojiraeight, and userinfodraven3....who are all more or less rivethead types.

I don't have a precise clue what I'll be wearing, but I'm a short girl with hollowed eyes and long auburnish hair who will probably look somewhat more '80s than the other people there. '80s-ish black hat, possibly my black blazer, and so forth. I plan to mope a lot, and drink red wine.

{5 human truths -- damn the lie}

Oh yeah. [27 Jan 2003|04:44pm]
[ music | Indochine - "Paradize" (these guys are GREAT!) ]

Two things.

a.) I'd love to get an LJ code from some nice person who has one to spare...

b.) Can any of you mu*ers suggest a nice, dark place for me to play a mortal on? Doesn't have to be WoD but it absolutely has to be set in the present time, and in America. Even better, find me one set in Providence, Rhode Island and I'll become your favourite consciousness, your favourite slave.

{5 human truths -- damn the lie}

So fresh! So cool! So '80s! [25 Jan 2003|11:08am]
[ mood | o_o ]
[ music | DM - "Everything Counts (Live)" ]

Has anyone seen Edge of Seventeen? It's a great little coming of age/coming out story about a gay teenager in Ohio in 1984 that I saw a few years ago, and desperately want to see again.

Strangely, reviewers on the IMDB site for the film either love it or hate it. But it's really wonderful and precious and innocent. ::hugs the movie::

Despite not being gay (I wouldn't say I'm straight either, or bi for that matter), I've seen a strange amount of queer cinema. Oh, that's right...because I'm really a gay boi in disguise.

God, it sucks sometimes.

{5 human truths -- damn the lie}

The Willygram [23 Jan 2003|08:28pm]
Written by Tiggy, a 4w3 on the 9types message board, on October 31st, 1999:

1s - a perfect specimen, but a bit sharp and pointy for my liking.
2s - Squidgy and a bit soft, but usually available.
3s - Always ready for action, versatile.
4s - Prone to deflation, but can hold out a long time if really interested.
5s - seeks a place to hide.
6s - Reliable, should do the job, but unexciting.
7s - Pumping with life.
8s - A veritable weapon!
9s - limp, and not fussy where it goes.
{1 human truth -- damn the lie}

The Enneagram of Industrial Music. [05 Jan 2003|10:52pm]
Well. You know it had to happen.

I use the term "industrial" loosely, of course, to catagorize everything from old skool banging-on-shit-and-looping-weird-noises to futurepop and EBM. Maybe even synthpop! Maybe even some goth. So, alright, it's more like "The Enneagram of Industrial/Electro/Goth/All the other stuff that now gets lumped under one umbrella."

So come inside, it's bound to be a wild, wild ride. )
{11 human truths -- damn the lie}

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